By David Futrelle
Incels are truly dedicated to plumbing the depths of misogyny. Here’s an impressive rant from an incel who thinks it’s wrong to treat women as objects — because, in his mind, they’re worse than objects.
“[W]omen are less than objects,” wrote GameDevCel in a post on Incels.co last year.
“[A]n object can hurt nobody, a object is neutral,” he explained.
a foids is not, a foid is a natural traitor, they will betray their country and race without thinking twice about it, they will literally fuck the men who killed her father and brothers, foids have no loyalty and their brains are literally geared to gather pleasure only, they do not feel guilty or empathy towards a non chad male.
He’s off to a running start here.
just look at normie foids, they will get enrage by what we say around here, meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.
Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.
they think it’s normal children being raised by single muns dependent on welfare, [despite] children of single muns being much more likely to commit crimes, uses drugs and be fat,
Being fat is somehow a crime against men?
and foids would kill their own unborn children because they don’t want to be 9 months without chad cocks, and normies will support all this crap.
Er, dude, it’s possible to have sex with someone who’s pregnant. And I’m pretty sure women who get abortions aren’t doing it for sex but because they know they’re not ready for a child (or another child) in their life. Thus avoiding that whole single mother thing you were yelling about not two minutes ago.
if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates, and the first is being over by immigrants, population aging, THEY ARE DYING, ALL BECAUSE ROASTIES DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
Amping up the racism, I see.
they keep voting democrat, despise their poliecies not being sustainable, and wasting money we don’t have, they only want man’s money NOW, don’t care about long term consequences that the future generations will be debt slaves.
Er, the Republicans are the ones giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who don’t need them.
foids want complete freedom from all their societal obligations of having and taking care of children, meanwhile men are going to be arrested for not paying alimony/child support/taxes, that all goes to foids, men are literally slaves while foids have unlimited freedom.
Women aren’t obligated to have children. And supporting your children is not slavery.
the only reason this near useless shits are still around is because men have hormones in their head, that force them to love these despicable creatures, despise their heinous nature,
Those devious but oh-so-sexy monsters!
aside of giving birth 99% of them are useless, as soon you say that they will start citing a list of female inventors or some bullshit, but in the moment you start saying male inventors you will hear “oh, you are just a loser inkel, you can’t take credit for what other men invented”, the hypocrisy is staggering they know it, but they don’t care.
It must be such a joy to have discussions with this fascinating fellow.
a object, children or animal isn’t capable of any of these, they are mostly neutral, but foids seems to choose the path that will cause most damage to their country just for the sake of a dopamine rush.
To be fair, some animals seem to get a dopamine rush from doing damage. Cats, for example.
i feel like we are a bunch of people on the titanic screaming about a gigantic iceberg, meanwhile all normies don’t care and just want to drink and party all night, all this societal self destruction is scary.
Nah. What’s scary is a subculture of young men cultivating their own bitterness and hatred towards women and society at large and sometimes actually going out and shooting a bunch of people, like one of you fuckers did just last week.
An Incel.co regular called FrameCell responded to GaveDevCel’s rant with a hearty “AMEN.” And then added some shit about dogs, and demons.
They’d rather fuck dogs than to talk to us, date us, or get to know us.
It’s just so weird that this has become a consensus belief amongst incels
I’m convinced demon entities have control over all foids.
I mean COME ON, if these entities existed.. they’d go for the weakest link in the human race aka dumb “foids”.
They’ve been weaponized against us to make us feel depressed, anxiety, lifeless, worthless, valueless, suicidal, left out, uglier than we really are… and the list goes on.
FOIDS are literally the SOURCE of 90% of why depression ensues..
Other incels are literally the SOURCE of why you believe crap like this. Women are lower than objects? They fuck dogs and are possessed by demons? This is kind of thinking you get in a cult, or a folie a deux.
The only way to stop this kind of thinking is to get out of the poisonous ideological circlejerk that is the incel community online — and to start taking in input from the real world once again. Until then, you’re the ones who will look to the rest of us like men possessed — not by demons, but by delusions.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Someone has clearly never stood on Lego.
I’d love to introduce them to that experience.
So, are women meant to be abstract concepts or spirit beings? Because that’s the only way I can think of them as being “not objects”. And if objects are inherently neutral, then I note that the idea of not-objects being good was not specifically excluded.
Said like someone unaware of guns, bombs, arsenic, and knives. Oh, and protons are not neutral either.
“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to have sex”?
Well, it isn’t the left that rolled back all the environmental regulations, or fought a war out of social security, or refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy.
Wait, do you or don’t you want women to have children? A moment ago you were railing against single mothers.
Nah, it’s more like we’re on the Titanic right after hitting the iceberg and the incels are cheering on the iceberg to own the libs.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Japan a very patriarchal society still? Of course, I don’t think that makes a difference to incels.
Tell that to my mother and I. I have a huge issue with guilt over minor things (it seems to run in the family as my mother has the same problem). I still feel bad about mistakes I made years ago and that the people affected have probably forgotten about.
Will they? I’ve literally never heard of this happening. I know incels aren’t known for basing their opinions on facts, but is there even a slight basis for this assertion?
Ah, yes. All those European and Japanese women voting for the Democrats. I mean, I know there’s political parties in other countries with the word “Democrat” but he’s clearly talking about the US political party here,
Well, fertility rates in both Europe and Japan have been increasing over time. Even off-setting for pollutants etc. women are living longer thanks to better health care, health & safety etc. So fertility rates goes up.
Now birth rates are another matter; but he’s the one who chose his words.
Commenting from Japan.
Re: if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates
Ah yes the famously gender equal japan has a low birthdate because of too much feminism. Definitely not because of a complete failure to accommodate working mothers and the expectation that women give up their careers if they want to have children. /sarcasm
Obviously they should be having children with this charming fellow and staying with him regardless of what a vile creature he is.
To be fair, spending time with dogs would seem vastly preferable to spending time with incels. Or cats. Or bunnies. Or pretty much anything.
Oh yeah, this happens…if by “fuck” you mean “get raped by for the rest of her life.” Conquering armies have been known to murder the men of the conquered people and kidnap the women as sex slaves. Of course incels assign all the agency/blame in the scenario to the women.
Maybe we should shorten and generalize. How about “This is the kind of thinking you get in a folie a plusieurs” …
Okay. So all those female nurses, doctors, cleaners, PCA’s, educators, carers, etc you can just go home and stay there. According to this incel, none of their services are needed. ?
Your totally credible statistic is 90 percent? Based on your completely objective essay, I would have guessed 1,000 percent.
First thing I take from his rant is that objects project the worldview of their makers. Urinals are made thinking to men ; a badly designed bridge reflect the ignorance or incompetency of his builder ; etc etc.
The second thing is that the fertility rate in Europa is pretty decent, or even good in some countries. It’s rather obvious he don’t reality check his claims.
I’m so surprised he’s an incel… Only joking, I’m not. Women don’t want to date men who treat them like less than objects.
I would really love to have an incel (or any manospherian, really, since this gripe is common from all corners of that particular cesspool) let me know where kids are supposed to get the money that allows them to meet their basic needs. It’s definitely not from their fathers, since the idea of paying child support is so offensive to them. It’s not from the state, because welfare is also evil. My best guess would be that it’s all supposed to come from the mothers, which would help to explain how they conceive of child support as money going to their ex-wives instead of to their children, except, woops,
The moms are supposed to be doing all the childcare all the time, which would make it hard and in some cases impossible to work. How could women even hold down jobs, anyway, given that
For someone who is so very concerned about the next generation, GameDevCel doesn’t seem to care about their quality of life as they grow up.
The only acceptable arrangement seems to be the one that AJ Canberra points out: Men can support their children financially if and only if the mothers of those children stay with the men, regardless of how they are treated. Women should be threatened with taking on the full financial burden of providing for their kids if they leave, because fear for their kids and themselves might force some of them to stay. Hey, just a thought, maybe anyone who would happily let children suffer just to put pressure on the kids’ moms maybe shouldn’t talk about the inherently duplicitous nature of women.
Well, now we know why children need assault weapons – to provide a bodyguard for their fathers.
…Couldn’t read much further past that point, it was just too vile.
Yes, Japan is still a very patriarchal society, and incels would still hate it: when they say the household is the wife’s sphere, they mean it. The wife is traditionally the one responsible for the household budget and the one who makes the major purchasing decisions. Husbands get a small allowance to spend on things they want, but the wife holds the purse strings.
I’d like to say things are gradually improving, but on the whole, Japanese society is still intensely conservative and traditional.
The fact that they’re so risibly opposed to paying money to help their children, and instead see it as “financial slavery”, does not give me hope about their attitude towards their kids. Since they often refer to custody in the same breath I assume we’re talking about children that were brought into the world with mutual agreement, and have been nurtured and cared for for years (mostly by the mother, probably). But they’re kids that the father is familiar with, at least.
Aren’t these dudes supposed be concerned about their children’s lives? Maybe even love them? Shouldn’t they be willing to do what’s necessary for them? Whyyyyyy do they view making sure their kids have a good life as a horrendous abuse of human rights? The only explanation is that they view them with the same possessive mindset that they view “their women.” That they exist just to boost his ego. If so, then no shit Sherlock of course she’s gonna get custody after the split.
@KindaSortaHarmless : similarly, one of the thing a lot of people don’t realize is that, for example, mangas are much more of a shameful taste in Japan than in the US/Europa. And the whole workaholic stereotype is because traditional expectations are seen very seriously.
Japan is a country that is lovely to visit, but I would not move here permanently.
> Japan
In addition to what other commenters had said (especially that Japan is still very patriarcal), let us remember that since the end of the former century, Japan has seen the development of the so-called “herbivores”, which are close – on the principle – to MGTOW, in this meaning that they have decided to remain in celibacy (but they do not mind mingling and befriending women). The main difference being that – except for some, as every group has its bad seeds – they do not blame women for that. Their argument is quite simple : as the society expects them to be the major income in the family, as the cost of life has drastically increased since the end of the economic bubble, and as it is pretty hard to earn a living because salaries are not that good, well, they just can not do that while living in couple.
So, as it is far from incel or mgtow ideologies, of course those ones are gonna blame japan (even if they are often anime fans).
This seems to be generally the case for the right wing. They seem to care very much about babies being born, but don’t give a fuck about quality of life after birth or about health and safety for children and adults.
That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. I am aware that in most of the world it has typically been the opposite (i.e. men manage all money and give an allowance to their wives), so I find this interesting.
@ crip dyke
This is so me. (I love swimming in the sea; but I absolutely won’t put my feet down)
The first thing I thought of when I read “an object can hurt nobody” was Samuel Johnson’s response to Bishop Berkeley: “I refute it thus” (kicks large stone, hard). This was 200 years BLE (before LEGO era).
This guy is a game dev? I hope he’s a lowly coder, unable to set direction for a project. Or he’s just one guy dabbling with Unity. Imagine working with this chud.