By David Futrelle
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating women — or at least that small portion of women who are willing to date Men’s Rights activists.
“Men in r/mensrights love women and many of us are in a happy relationship with a woman,” declared an MRA called zogins in a post that’s gotten more than 800 upvotes. He went on to rhapsodize about his girlfriend, whom he described as “like no one I have ever met before.” And she’s not the only good one in his book:
[T]here are lots of women out there who are nothing like the radical feminist bitches who taint the reputation of other women.
It’s a safe guess that when he refers to “radical feminist bitches” he is not talking about actual RadFems but rather every women who’s ever expressed even the mildest feminist sentiment in his general vicinity.
My girl even knows that I post on this sub but we do not go into what I write. I would have no problem if she ever asked to see what I post. But the best thing is that we respect each other’s space and we don’t do that sort of thing – prying into each other’s business.
Her deliberate ignorance of the shit he posts on r/MensRights is probably one of the main things thing keeping the relationship going, I would guess.
After all this, for some reason, zogins threw in a brief review of the 1991 film Thelma and Louise. Needless to say, he is not a fan.
A couple of nights ago we watched ‘ Thelma and Louise’. It is considered the ultimate feminist, man hating movie. My partner was the one to tell me that every man in the movie is a caricature of manhood. She told me that the film portrays Thelma and Louise as the heroes but they are the ultimate villains.
He finished up with a stirring call to action, if posting on the internet can be considered action.
It would be great to hear from other men here who have positive experiences with women – let’s destroy those man hating radical feminists by sharing happy stories!
A few Men’s Rights Redditors dutifully posted vague hosannas to their own girlfriends and wives, but there was one non-girlfriend-related reply that stood out to me — and to a lot of the subreddit regulars, who gave it nearly a hundred upvotes. It came from a fellow called vlo1:
yeah, we’re not incels, despite what 3rd [wave] femtards believe.
He later, er, clarified his remarks after it was pointed out to him that some MRAs are indeed incels:
EDIT: For clarification, I didn’t mean none of us are incels, ofc I understand some are, but not all.
But I”m more struck by the lovely term “femtards,” presumably meaning feminists.
Maybe this is just me, but I somehow find it difficult to believe that anyone who unironically refers to feminists (or women in general) as “femtards” probably is not the world’s number one respecter of women.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Sounds like you’re mad that I won’t entertain any of your “arguments” as if they’re being made in good faith. Why should I waste my time?
I’m not the smartest person here, I’m sure, but I’m not “dumb” either. I just don’t take your claims seriously. I consider it a compliment that I upset you trolls so much.
It’s not quite “freedom to live as I please” but more “others need to get back to work to give me the services I want to enjoy.” They are similar but not quite identical.
You can see this easily in the argument that if you want to continue to observe the lockdown, you certainly can, while I will exercise my right to get a meal at Texas Roadhouse and have a professional haircut. The idea that service workers are also human beings who may prefer to stay safe on unemployment for the time being is not mentioned – they are part of the scenery, not really people.
Well, at least I don’t believe in Roko’s Basilisk.
Since he’s semi-flirting with me at this point, I’m curious how I can know my looksmatch score. Is it higher than his? If so, he’s just being hypergamous.
Wouldn’t a more reasonable solution to people who refuse to stop rocking the boat be to push them off of the boat?
Wait, is that why I’m asexual? I’m objectively hotter than literally everyone else?
I think the Dirtbag Left response would be “something something class solidarity something something IDpol.”
You’d think so, but the boat is society and you can’t just push people out of society unless you’re in a cult that practices shunning. You instead have to deal with the unreasonable person’s meltdown. It’s much easier on a bystander to pressure a reasonable person into silence. There’s a lot less work involved.
I’m sure you’ve seen how loudly racists squawk when called out on their racism. A reasonable person saying, in a reasonable tone of voice, “Hey, this racism hurt me,” is much less of a disruption than a called-out racist screaming at the top of their lungs about how unfair it is that you called them the r-word. The same goes for other boat-rocking types. You can’t just murder them, or ship them off to Australia. You can either deal with their nonsense (hard work) or pressure their victims into silence (much easier, and even easier the more reasonable the victim is).
Policy of Madness:
I was actually thinking about this point when I briefly noted about “privileged people”. Obviously, people who want return to “normal business” must feel their own job isn’t endangering them too much, and don’t care about other (esp. poor non-white) people. Very possibly they don’t understand or consider how dangerous it is in customer service jobs and crowded public transport. Very possibly they don’t understand or consider the level of risks they are personally planning to take, whether as a worker or consumer of services.
In most cases, the anti-lockdown protesters are not saying they want to return to work. They want others to return to work to serve them. I did see a couple of complaints prior to the CARES act about how people wanted to work because they needed money, but the pandemic unemployment supplement mostly took care of that. Now they have money. The protesters were either were never unemployed in the first place, or are now getting the extra cash from unemployment. “We want to work” is no longer the complaint. It’s “we need haircuts.”
This is exactly right, and you are right to say it.
OK, that’s good to know. Still, people might want to pick and choose some personal safety measures between getting their haircuts, and while consistently ignoring their hairdresser’s safety concerns.
How hard is it to cut one’s own hair? Maybe some people could cut their own hair themselves if they’re really desperate.
Pretty hard if you want it to look good.
Ah. Maybe they could grow their hair long temporarily and get it cut when it’s safe?
Oh, right, conservatives don’t understand delayed gratification.
It’s funny to me how MV keeps trying to appeal to the One Study That Proves Him Right. Individual studies have been notoriously far less reliable than most people like to admit, especially opinion polls. There’s so much room for bias in the questions themselves, with people commonly giving different answers to the same question worded differently.
I love that people keep bringing up the looksmatching thing when MV shows up because it’s the same problem. People will profess belief in all sorts of things; the only thing all those polls about how many conservatives support gun control, universal healthcare, basic income, etc. really shows is that people don’t naturally fall in line into two party categories. Ultimately, however, their actions matter, and they voted for Donald Trump and most of them will probably vote for him again, despite their professed beliefs. That’s why we say the “true believers” are emblematic of American conservatism.
@An Impish Pepper
I’m bringing it up because I’m genuinely curious what he believes about it, and I’m curious how deep he goes.
And he doesn’t answer, because he’s about as deep as a puddle.
@an Impish Pepper:
I remember having to read an article in high school about the results of a big world-wide opinion poll on various topics, and one of the claimed revelations was that Japan was “the most atheist nation,” which really didn’t square with what I’d seen on my visit to the place a few years prior. I think I later came across a book on the intertwined histories of Buddhism and Shinto that offered an explanation: the actual question on the poll had been “which religion do you belong to?” with a list of religions and also “no religion” as possible answers, but no option for people who follow *more* than one.
I’m not the smartest person here, I’m sure, but I’m not “dumb” either. I just don’t take your claims seriously. I consider it a compliment that I upset you trolls so much.
The reason you don’t take my claims seriously is because you don’t even have the ability to comprehend what they are. Your characterization of my comments have up until this point been pretty much entirely imaginary.
I should note that that this doesn’t necessarily make you stupid, although you might be. Rather, it’s some mix of extreme partisanship (ie, being mindkilled) and genuine low intelligence. Exactly what the mix is, I wouldn’t presume to guess, though online it’s usually more the former, since most people that participate in these sorts of spaces are at least average intelligence.
I assume you believe that all the rest of us are also unable to comprehend your claims?
Well, that’s one way to dodge ever having to answer Policy Of Madness’ questions. It’s not a good way by any stretch of the imagination, claiming that people just can’t understand your genius is a laughable tactic, but it sure is a choice you’re making.
I’m not sure if this was clear, but when I mentioned the looksmatching thing I was referring more to the One Study (which wasn’t even a real study, but still) that he attempted to put out with that topic.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would very much like to comprehend MansVoice’s claims as well as I possibly can, which is why I have laid out my understanding of what he’s already said, which he is welcome to correct if I am mistaken; requested confirmation of what I consider to be a logical conclusion stemming from his stated positions; and asked further questions to understand him better.
MansVoice just wants to be understood, you know, so I’m sure he will be back to clear up any misconceptions and answer my questions very soon. Any second now.
You just keep telling yourself that, sweetums.
Given that you are almost certainly a returning troll sockpuppeting under a new name, I think you know that you aren’t bringing anything we haven’t all heard a million times.
There’s nothing new about misogyny.
Very possibly they’re the sort of people who consider ‘public transport’ something that only those other people use. (Said with a disgusted tone of voice.)
Me, public transport is one of the reasons I’m working from home now. I don’t own a car. (I live in Toronto, so I can get away with that. Twenty years ago, I could afford a house or a car but not both. Today, the house is paid off and I never bothered owning a car.)
Oh, and you’re also weirdly paranoid; I think this is the third or fourth time you’ve suggested I’ve been here (?) under a different name before. This is a telltale sign of a conspiracist mindset, which is ironically something that liberals regularly impute to the Right.
(I’m vaguely curious, by the way: who am I, and why do you think I am this person? The answers may be illuminating.)
If this information would be illuminating to you, then you are definitely a returning troll, because a brand-new one with no knowledge about prior trolls would find no meaning in anything WWTH has to say about your identity.
You just gave yourself up, troll.