By David Futrelle
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating women — or at least that small portion of women who are willing to date Men’s Rights activists.
“Men in r/mensrights love women and many of us are in a happy relationship with a woman,” declared an MRA called zogins in a post that’s gotten more than 800 upvotes. He went on to rhapsodize about his girlfriend, whom he described as “like no one I have ever met before.” And she’s not the only good one in his book:
[T]here are lots of women out there who are nothing like the radical feminist bitches who taint the reputation of other women.
It’s a safe guess that when he refers to “radical feminist bitches” he is not talking about actual RadFems but rather every women who’s ever expressed even the mildest feminist sentiment in his general vicinity.
My girl even knows that I post on this sub but we do not go into what I write. I would have no problem if she ever asked to see what I post. But the best thing is that we respect each other’s space and we don’t do that sort of thing – prying into each other’s business.
Her deliberate ignorance of the shit he posts on r/MensRights is probably one of the main things thing keeping the relationship going, I would guess.
After all this, for some reason, zogins threw in a brief review of the 1991 film Thelma and Louise. Needless to say, he is not a fan.
A couple of nights ago we watched ‘ Thelma and Louise’. It is considered the ultimate feminist, man hating movie. My partner was the one to tell me that every man in the movie is a caricature of manhood. She told me that the film portrays Thelma and Louise as the heroes but they are the ultimate villains.
He finished up with a stirring call to action, if posting on the internet can be considered action.
It would be great to hear from other men here who have positive experiences with women – let’s destroy those man hating radical feminists by sharing happy stories!
A few Men’s Rights Redditors dutifully posted vague hosannas to their own girlfriends and wives, but there was one non-girlfriend-related reply that stood out to me — and to a lot of the subreddit regulars, who gave it nearly a hundred upvotes. It came from a fellow called vlo1:
yeah, we’re not incels, despite what 3rd [wave] femtards believe.
He later, er, clarified his remarks after it was pointed out to him that some MRAs are indeed incels:
EDIT: For clarification, I didn’t mean none of us are incels, ofc I understand some are, but not all.
But I”m more struck by the lovely term “femtards,” presumably meaning feminists.
Maybe this is just me, but I somehow find it difficult to believe that anyone who unironically refers to feminists (or women in general) as “femtards” probably is not the world’s number one respecter of women.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Does The Device work on men too? I feel like that would also be useful.
Yes, the men and the non-binary folks will be assimilated as well. It is important to be inclusive when engaging in mad science.
@ catalpa
I feel now I have to post this:
Trump in a tizzy because Twitter is now fact checking his tweets.
My favorite part is that he claims that this non-governmental company is infringing on his First Amendment rights, and therefore the government should restrict their speech.
@ allandrel
I like that he’s saying that this is why they stopped advertising on Twitter. Even though (a) that was months ago, (b) it wasn’t their decision, Twitter actually banned political ads, and (c) they whinged about that being a breach of free speech too.
I suggest not bothering with Yudkowsky. The man isn’t a genius- he’s a crank with good publicity. Why else would his so-called Machine Intelligence Research Institute have generated nothing but press releases over the entire history of its operation? (And let’s not forget the exercise in inanity that is Roko’s Basilisk.)
Nah, we’re not practicing erasing women, we’re practicing erasing “men’s cocksure declarations of what women’s feelings are because they think they share a hivemind”. (Try it, it’s fun!) I didn’t see any actual women’s opinions in the OP, but maybe I just missed them.
Hasn’t it though? Come on ‘love, kindness, and standing up against unjust power structures‘? These concepts only exist when they’re benefiting the troofans! (Or toymakers. Although toymakers are usually men like them). And there’s fat, sparkly women in it!!!!!GAHHHHH!!!!!! SAD BONERS!
Also that ending.
? Why are you bringing my cousin into this?
Correct. That’s why there are battered women’s shelters.
You’re the first person I’ve encountered who’s also seen that film. Yes, it is wonderful.
Absolutely, you remember correctly. That’s the guy who boards with the couple, the religious scholar who always has his nose in a book. An obvious cuck!!!
Congratulations for moving on from that mindset!
@ Ohlmann
Evidently my French isn’t as good as I thought! Thanks for the correction (and I’ll keep on practising…)
@Dalillama, Moogue != Moggie
I have now watched That Scene about one hundred times.
Ah crap, missed the trolls. And IIRC the original 1980’s She-Ra cartoon was nothing to write home about anyways – basically Masters of the Universe with a reversed gender imbalance, a Big Bad even more ridiculously incompetent than OG Skeletor (which rankled my child self quite a bit, because Hordak was seen in one He-Man -fuck, even back then the name gave me the giggles it’s so ridiculous- episode where he was so badass He-Man and Skeletor had to team up to beat him), and was IMO a weirdly clumsy attempt to bridge the gap between Mattel’s two biggest toy lines (the other one being Barbie), and I don’t think the Venn diagram of fans of those franchises had much overlap. And I have no idea whether or not there was any involvement by women in it, nor to which degree. Then again this was over 30 years ago. Most 80s cartoons were glorified toy commercials and haven’t held up very well.
Been wanting to scope out the remake for a bit now, but despite confinement I still have a huge backlog of stuff to watch anyways (I can still count the number of eps of the Voltron remake I’ve seen on one hand IIRC).
And as a native French-speaker, that French MGTOW article is …just WHY. Why do they even exist. Fuck. It’s like everything in a man-woman relationship’s about transactional sex and/or procreation to them.
What the Cinnamon Toast Fuck am I reading.
I can’t wait until Catalpa finishes their machine.
I can’t read French, but the idea of married MGTOWs has been around for a while, I recall Dean Esmay formerly of A Voice For Men has this to say about it. Not sure what they think they’re going their own way from when they are literally admitting to being married, but internal consistency was never their strong point anyway.
Sorry, was late at night for me.
Oh man, MansVoice has jumped threads again, so that he can continue to avoid admitting that he doesn’t know science from his own left foot.
Big childhood fan of both MOTU and She-Ra here, and there was quite a bit of audience overlap in my experience. The surprising number of girls viewing HMATMOTU was actually what inspired the creation of She-Ra – Filmation’s heads pitched the idea of a He-Man-like hero that little girls could identify with to Mattel, and Mattel went for it.
There were indeed some of the issues that you would expect given how many men were in lead positions with the toyline and cartoon, thoygh there were more women prominently involved than was usual for the time. The initial toyline’s story presented Catra as the main villain (the Horde being part of the MOTU toyline), and the minicomic stories were typically “Catra is jealous of She-Ra and tries to ruin her day.”
It was Filmation head Lou Scheimer who wanted a big story where She-Ra fought systemic injustice, and suggested making the Horde the villains. Mattel liked this partly because, with the HMATMOTU no longer in production, the Horde toys had not gotten any cartoon-based promotion. But it was Filmation that changed Hordak from a failed invader to a successful overlord, giving the show a different feel from HMATMOTU that had nothing to do with the lead’s gender.
And like HMATMOTU, while She-Ra certainly had issues, it was VERY “SJW” in its themes and messages. Both shows featured heavy-handed messages about standing up for the vulnerable, doing the right thing even when it cost you personally, being tolerant of others’ difference and supportive of their identities, all that stuff that right-wingers hate.
AFAICT the main reason for the alt right meltdowns also has a lot to do with the way the characters changed appearance so now they can’t jerk off to a kid’s show. They never watched it anyway, they’re just looking for outrage fuel.
Personally, I haven’t watched either iteration of the show but looking at some pictures of new and old characters, I prefer the new ones. They look less oversexualized and better drawn in general. Plus the setting looks a lot nicer.
So, there’s actually been a (scientific!) survey done that puts this sort of hysteria to bed. Only 14% of Republicans say that wearing a mask is a sign of “weakness,” and 58% say it is “respectful” to wear a mask around others. (And this was a vaguely worded question with a “Not sure” option and a lot of room for interpretation about what “respectful” means).
There’s a little bit of mask suspicion in GOP circles, I would guess mostly due to the natural tendency of people to imitate their leaders. (In this case, the Republican President.) But for the most part, the callous, non-mask-wearing conservative is simply not a thing. It is, like so many other conservative archetypes, primarily a figment of the online liberal imagination.
Hey, MansVoice. When are you going to go back to one of the previous threads and address your stupidity in them? Never? Thought so.
Since you’re so fond of lecturing us on science, why don;t you get around to explaining those “objective” standards of attractiveness that you’ve gone on about? Since they are objective facts, it should be straightforward for you to present them to us.
“There are only millions of them! It’s no big deal!”
MansVoice on Republicans who refuse to wear masks
I suppose about 13 million (very roughly speaking), if you extrapolate from the data. And since ~7% of Democrats also say wearing masks is a sign of weakness, that’s about 7 million of them. And of course, there are various confounding factors, like the fact that Republicans tend to live in more rural areas where masks really are much less important, and that online liberals have decided to make the mask a partisan symbol. No one forced them to do that.
Anyway, I’m seeing the stark distinction between Good and Evil that you are. But then, you’re mindkilled.