By David Futrelle
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating women — or at least that small portion of women who are willing to date Men’s Rights activists.
“Men in r/mensrights love women and many of us are in a happy relationship with a woman,” declared an MRA called zogins in a post that’s gotten more than 800 upvotes. He went on to rhapsodize about his girlfriend, whom he described as “like no one I have ever met before.” And she’s not the only good one in his book:
[T]here are lots of women out there who are nothing like the radical feminist bitches who taint the reputation of other women.
It’s a safe guess that when he refers to “radical feminist bitches” he is not talking about actual RadFems but rather every women who’s ever expressed even the mildest feminist sentiment in his general vicinity.
My girl even knows that I post on this sub but we do not go into what I write. I would have no problem if she ever asked to see what I post. But the best thing is that we respect each other’s space and we don’t do that sort of thing – prying into each other’s business.
Her deliberate ignorance of the shit he posts on r/MensRights is probably one of the main things thing keeping the relationship going, I would guess.
After all this, for some reason, zogins threw in a brief review of the 1991 film Thelma and Louise. Needless to say, he is not a fan.
A couple of nights ago we watched ‘ Thelma and Louise’. It is considered the ultimate feminist, man hating movie. My partner was the one to tell me that every man in the movie is a caricature of manhood. She told me that the film portrays Thelma and Louise as the heroes but they are the ultimate villains.
He finished up with a stirring call to action, if posting on the internet can be considered action.
It would be great to hear from other men here who have positive experiences with women – let’s destroy those man hating radical feminists by sharing happy stories!
A few Men’s Rights Redditors dutifully posted vague hosannas to their own girlfriends and wives, but there was one non-girlfriend-related reply that stood out to me — and to a lot of the subreddit regulars, who gave it nearly a hundred upvotes. It came from a fellow called vlo1:
yeah, we’re not incels, despite what 3rd [wave] femtards believe.
He later, er, clarified his remarks after it was pointed out to him that some MRAs are indeed incels:
EDIT: For clarification, I didn’t mean none of us are incels, ofc I understand some are, but not all.
But I”m more struck by the lovely term “femtards,” presumably meaning feminists.
Maybe this is just me, but I somehow find it difficult to believe that anyone who unironically refers to feminists (or women in general) as “femtards” probably is not the world’s number one respecter of women.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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[quote]Is she including the Harvey Keitel character, the tough, experienced police detective who also has a heart? That’s too bad.[/quote]
I was going to mention that too. The guy who chases their car on foot to try to stop them because he thinks women are human and redeemable is a caricature of manhood, OK.
@Not Edward
I don’t know for sure how incels pronounce it, but the custom when mocking them seems to be to use a long e as in “female.” I don’t know where this started, but I do know that that is the way ContraPoints (yes, I know) said it in her video about incels. She probably didn’t originate that pronunciation, but that’s one place I’ve heard it that would seem to validate its use.
I’ve also heard it compared to the Ferengi pronunciation of “feeemales.”
Bets the OP thought that character was a “simp”?
Oh, I’m sure! I’m guessing his TOTALLY REAL girlfriend feels the same way.
Speaking of man-hating media, ‘member a few years ago when the manchildren flipped their kids over the She-Ra Reboot?
It was misandrist because, among other things, the teenage lead in a show aimed at kids did not have boner-inducing boobs.
This was, of course, proof that the franchise had been taken over by SJWs, in a complete 180 from the original, that the upset Men were definitely True Fans of and was not at all a series of morality plays about love, kindness, and standing up against unjust power structures.
Well the show just concluded, and Hoo Boy their meltdowns are a sight to behold.
@Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner: To be fair the best movies about men don’t exactly show them as perfect, so I’d say it’s more that they consider any movie where a woman might be equal to or superior to a man (whether in competence, morality and ethics -barring her being both submissive and far to the “madonna” side of the madonna-whore continuum they all seem to judge women by- , rank, or whatever else) to be “man-hating”. Bonus points for showing women as three-dimensional characters instead of just plot devices. They must hate that too.
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile: Also, IIRC (again; like I said haven’t seen it in decades) Louise’s husband played by Michael Madsen was also a pretty decent dude, trying his best to help her overcome her past trauma, and then to convince her that it’s not too late and that she has to stop before pushing things to their logical conclusion (don’t know if that came out right…).
@Talonknife: LOL, that’s actually one of the exceedingly rare non-Johnny Cash country/western songs I like precisely because of this.
@Naglfar: Almost anything that ends up angering Andy Boy must have some redeeming qualitites at least; wouldn’t be surprised that just aiming for objectivity would earn his ire as that would likely clash with where he places his mother on the aforementionned right-wing madonna-whore continuum. And for what it’s worth I loved The Shape of Water, but then I’m a huge Del Toro fan and love weird fiction in general; maybe considering it as a sort of subversion of Lovecraft’s themes, especially The Shadow over Innsmouth and Horror at Red Hook would help? Or maybe not. Gotta admit though, Michael Shannon is great at playing the jingoistic, racist, patriarchal asshole.
Wow, it’s been a minute since I heard a stupid man get huffy about Thelma & Louise. That movie came out the year before I graduated high school! Truly, some idiotic misinterpretations (I assume he was in the bathroom during every single one of Harvey Keitel’s scenes) of pop culture are evergreen.
Apparently that complaint about Thelma and Louise was a common one at the time of its release. I also note that most people voicing said complaint did so in conservative-aligned publications, to the surprise of nobody.
Well, the Conservapedia article about it is unambiguous in how he feels, as is the Eagle Forum’s response page. I don’t know if Andrew created the latter, but I would guess he made the former in defense of his mother. I’m guessing she’s one of the only women he doesn’t hate.
It’s wierd how these chuds are aware of new media, but unless they’re specifically complaining about a new movie they never bring up any pop culture less than a quarter-century old.
O/T: Once again, the online left is flaming out in transphobia. Peter Coffin is declaring that we shouldn’t fire people for transphobic behavior, while this other youtuber called Kelly is spewing transphobic opinions left and right while others defend them.
I don’t know much about this Kelly person, but I would recommend unfollowing/unsubscribing if you are subscribed.
It’s very frustrating to me that the online left is so transphobic. The vast majority of trans* people hold left wing views, yet apparently it’s more important for many cishet white leftists to make Nazis and TERFs feel comfortable rather than protecting marginalized groups.
Slightly O/T; but I seem to recall people were talking about how the lockdown has affected their dreams. So this might be of interest to people.
I wish these people would just leave trans people ALONE. They’re just like everybody else, with a bonus set of difficulties and no corresponding benefits to go with them, I don’t get what the big deal even is. People are so WEIRD about gender and enforcing it in weird, creepy ways.
I’m sorry cis people are being so crappy to you AGAIN, trans folks. I hope this gets better and I’ll keep trying to be a good ally.
And for what it’s worth, I don’t know what the hell their problem is either.
I’m fascinated by the guy who thinks “incel” is a feminist-originated slur against noble upright man-people.
Agreed. So many left wing YouTubers have waxed poetic about what great allies they are because a small number of trans* people are fans of them, yet continue to disrespect trans* people as a whole while using those people as a shield. I’d prefer if they just stayed out of this rather than trying to insert themselves like that.
Thank you.
Probably that they want to both call themselves progressives and still be bigots, and trans* people are an easy target.
Well, the word was originated by a woman, but it wasn’t an insult when she created it. The misogynistic incel movement came afterwards and took the name.
Regarding the former government’s inability to fix the trans law* here in Finland, I heard someone say it doesn’t even make sense to not fix a human rights issue like that, since it affects so few people it should be easy. I kind of assumed that, for a lot of politicians, the PR benefit from helping a “small” group of people is outweighed by the bigger group of people you might anger while doing so.
*IIRC the main issue discussed at the time was the mandatory sterilization if you wanted your legal sex changed. The current government said it would fix the law, but now we have this pandemic and stuff is hard.
I can’t believe last summer I was actually contemplating whether I should retire the “trans rights now!” pin from my bag if we get a better law. So much can happen in a year.
The real disappointment has been all the backsliding. In Hungary all legal recognition has been removed, and in the UK Equalities Minister Liz Truss is doing her best to make transition, especially for minors, much harder. And there’s more, too.
MGTOW ideology in French!
The article is a fairly standard introduction to the manosphere and the Francophone segment of it especially.
It also mentions the ‘just so stories’ science, but with the twist of ‘but that science is shitty, because we French do proper science’! (Nuclear physics presumably??)
Why is this not believable? Even if you don’t agree, this is a pretty common interpretation. At the very least, T&L clearly a film that locates the source of the female protagonists’ woes in the various male characters, who are with a few exceptions caricatures of what fembots today refer to as “toxic masculinity.”
I’ve watched the film a few times, and it is actually somewhat interesting from a Rationalist/Yudkowskyan perspective.
I loved Hester Street. There are so many individual moments that are really great. The husband is SUCH an asshole. But if I remember correctly, there’s another male character whom Men’s Rights types would probably sneer at as a beta male and a “cuck.”
I once had such low self-esteem that I would put up with nearly anything just to HAVE a boyfriend. I know I’m not alone in this. I think I remember Bette Davis said she was a “failure” because she hadn’t had a successful marriage and had never had children. Our culture reinforces it. It’s sad,
You mean these things?
![comment image](https://imgix.bustle.com/2017/4/30/f63ea3e3-558f-4bd0-8f8b-8e1d020f7063.jpg)
That is a pretty common interpretation, I believe.
@ Anyone Familiar With This Artist
While this article is clearly reporting some more lurid rumors in which I have no interest, is there truth in that she was connected to the incel movement? I am unfamiliar with Tiny Chat and to what extent it may be like Gab or some other poison.
@Nobody Knows the Rubble I’ve Seen
Oh, I never denied that there are misogynistic women in the world or women who voted for Trump. What I and others said was that the account described sounded fishy and unrealistic. Maybe it happened, but it sounds odd.
@Fenny : not sure to what you refer about science. The only point close to that is the reminder that evolutionary psychology isn’t a science.
Oh, I’m sure there are women out there who have perfectly idyllic relationships with dudes like this, so long as the woman remains “one of the good ones”. You know, the one who “isn’t like other girls”, who is happily ready to throw other women under the bus, who shares or at very least verbally agrees with all the beliefs and expectations the MRA holds. So long as she doesn’t step out of line, I’m sure everything is perfectly copacetic between them. And I’m sure that there are women out there who are quite happy to immerse themselves in MRA ideology. I wish them all the best of luck in finding the MRA of their dreams. The more of those that can pair off, the less the rest of us have to deal with.
I have no idea why you would think that we are unaware of women who have opposing ideology to ours. On the MRA side of things, this blog alone has had plenty of articles about Christina Hoff Summers, Cassie Jay, Candace Owens, Bettina Arndt, Judgybitch (though we haven’t heard from her in a long while), the Honey Badgers, etc. Not to mention the various TERFs and other assorted assholes who decide they’d like to attack the rights of other women. We’re well aware that women aren’t one perfectly progressive hivemind. (Not until I complete my work on The Device, at least).
But thanks for sharing! Please come with slightly more entertaining points next time if you decide you’d like to try to troll us again.