By David Futrelle
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating women — or at least that small portion of women who are willing to date Men’s Rights activists.
“Men in r/mensrights love women and many of us are in a happy relationship with a woman,” declared an MRA called zogins in a post that’s gotten more than 800 upvotes. He went on to rhapsodize about his girlfriend, whom he described as “like no one I have ever met before.” And she’s not the only good one in his book:
[T]here are lots of women out there who are nothing like the radical feminist bitches who taint the reputation of other women.
It’s a safe guess that when he refers to “radical feminist bitches” he is not talking about actual RadFems but rather every women who’s ever expressed even the mildest feminist sentiment in his general vicinity.
My girl even knows that I post on this sub but we do not go into what I write. I would have no problem if she ever asked to see what I post. But the best thing is that we respect each other’s space and we don’t do that sort of thing – prying into each other’s business.
Her deliberate ignorance of the shit he posts on r/MensRights is probably one of the main things thing keeping the relationship going, I would guess.
After all this, for some reason, zogins threw in a brief review of the 1991 film Thelma and Louise. Needless to say, he is not a fan.
A couple of nights ago we watched ‘ Thelma and Louise’. It is considered the ultimate feminist, man hating movie. My partner was the one to tell me that every man in the movie is a caricature of manhood. She told me that the film portrays Thelma and Louise as the heroes but they are the ultimate villains.
He finished up with a stirring call to action, if posting on the internet can be considered action.
It would be great to hear from other men here who have positive experiences with women – let’s destroy those man hating radical feminists by sharing happy stories!
A few Men’s Rights Redditors dutifully posted vague hosannas to their own girlfriends and wives, but there was one non-girlfriend-related reply that stood out to me — and to a lot of the subreddit regulars, who gave it nearly a hundred upvotes. It came from a fellow called vlo1:
yeah, we’re not incels, despite what 3rd [wave] femtards believe.
He later, er, clarified his remarks after it was pointed out to him that some MRAs are indeed incels:
EDIT: For clarification, I didn’t mean none of us are incels, ofc I understand some are, but not all.
But I”m more struck by the lovely term “femtards,” presumably meaning feminists.
Maybe this is just me, but I somehow find it difficult to believe that anyone who unironically refers to feminists (or women in general) as “femtards” probably is not the world’s number one respecter of women.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@Policy of Madness:
Actually, I can think of many ways it might have meaning without such knowledge. For example, she (like many of you) may be laboring under the delusion that some viewpoint I’ve expressed is unusual or idiosyncratic, when in fact it’s held by a great many people.
So, you’ve made another stupid, thoughtless post. Nothing to see here.
Cute attempt at a save, but you’ve already revealed yourself and it’s too late to backtrack now. Just as everyone knows that you’re too much of a chickenshit to address your lack of knowledge about how sampling works, you can’t unring this bell.
You really need to work on your negs, like, serious business work on them hard.
@Policy of Madness:
A “neg” is a backhanded compliment. That was just an insult. But this is a teachable moment: when engaging in conversation, it’s advisable to actually read (or listen) for comprehension, rather than simply rushing ahead with some canned response that may not have anything to do with what was actually said.
Policy of Madness, I could address your contention that I’ve “revealed myself,” but as I said: I don’t see any need to respond to things that are self-evidently stupid.
Eh, we’ve been responding to you.
For a student of Heartiste, you certainly are ignorant. No wonder your negs suck. Oh, wait … maybe that’s because your vaunted teacher is also a walking Dunning-Kruger warning sign.
Are you referring to Heartiste or Eliezer Yudkowsky? That would be rather true of both.
I thought politics was the mindkiller? Our boy seems awfully invested in conservative politics for that to be the case.
Man’s Whine,
Which troll do you think I think you are? Since you know me so well, you should have some ideas.
If only my response had been that good.