anti-Semitism Dunning–Kruger effect elliot rodger empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually

Tall men “make short roasties’ holes quiver with the thought of eradicating short men” and other insights from Twitter’s Daily Blackpill

Shaq and then-girlfriend Nicole Alexander genociding short men

By David Futrelle

The fellow who runs the Daily Blackpill account on Twitter is the very model of a modern incel — bitter, angry, hopelessly confused, and probably a few inches short of 6 feet tall. He hates Jews, “roasties,” Chad, and men taller than him.

And he’s not just mad at tall men for scoring with the women he’d like to be scoring with. No, he’s convinced that tall men are not-so-secretly working with, er, roasties of all sizes to eliminate short men from the gene pool.

See, because when “tallfags” mate with short “roasties,” their children will all be tall, I guess? At least in his version of genetics.

Daily Redpill is sort of obsessed with “breeding,” though his opinions on the subject, while strong, are helplessly muddled and self-contradictory. He’s mad at Teh Jews — or, as he puts it, (((They))) — for supposedly pushing population reduction, but he also thinks it’s ludicrous for any man to father children in this allegedly gynocentric times.

He complains that short and ugly men — or at least men who think they’re short and ugly — can’t find women who want to date them, much less have children together. But he’s outraged when he sees “low value” men in relationships with women he sees as out of their league.

And he’s also outraged that women he considers ugly are having children.

He thinks that “short jokes” justify mass murder.

Here he seems to come dangerously close to justifying violent rape for “scientific” reasons:

Adding to the long list of qualities that would make him an exceptionally un-fun date, he also thinks women are “repulsive” for wanting oral sex.

He thinks “white knights” go around killing other men who disrespect women, concluding that “[e]mpathy towards females has caused murders too numerous to count.”

Some of his takes are rather original; he thinks the government should supply girlfriends to incels to … protect them from dying in traffic accidents due to their own reckless stupidity..

A consummate incel, he celebrated last Christmas by Tweeting out a picture of incel spree killer Elliot Rodger.

So hard to figure out why no woman wants to date him.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ dormousing_it

Just how hard is it to fasten your seatbelt, anyway?

Bit of movie trivia which you probably all know anyway.

Remember in Jurassic Park when they’re on the helicopter and Malcolm can’t fasten his seatbelt because he’s got the two female ends of the straps. So he just mates them by tying them together thus finding a way.

Nice bit of foreshadowing I think for later with that “the dinosaurs can’t breed they’re all female” bit.

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
4 years ago

For those wondering:

JFL = usually Just For Laughs, though in his usage, probably Just Finished Laughing (at)

JBW = Just Being White

noodle = many, many defs, but here I’m sure he means an Asian woman (it’s not a sex specific slur though). The Chad stole the noodle which rightfully belonged with either the currycel or his JBW self, so he feels hopeless.

Everyone knows GTFO, right?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


But ya see, back in the good old days, every man got a wife so it wasn’t all Chads breeding. Then feminism came and now non-Chads can’t get a wife.
/SARCASM (But that’s an explanation I’ve seen them give before, even though it’s total BS)

Firstly, “feminism” as they mean it happened around the 1960s, which is literally 50 – 60 years ago. Incels are generally teenagers and early-twenties. So they are definitely the product of Chads if their worldview were to be accurate.

Secondly, if the “alpha fucks, beta bucks” model were to be correct, then women would be out fucking “alphas” regardless of their marriage vows. All of human history would be a cavalcade of Chads fucking women married to beta providers, who then raise the Chad-offspring as their own.

So their explanation is, yes, BS. I prefer a world of Chad as far as the eye can see, right?

4 years ago

Re: Chad

I saw this very wholesome take on the “Chad and Virgin” memes, you may have already seen it but I thought it was worth sharing:
comment image

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
4 years ago

As I’ve mentioned in a couple of threads now, both my Someone and I are shorter than average (although he might be average for his ethnicity? Not sure, I know he’s the tallest of his family that I’ve met.)

I’ve also dated men over a foot taller than me. I prefer my Someone. We fit together well. He’s just right to snuggle my face into his shoulder. Best of all, height related, when we hug his back doesn’t hurt, leading to the “absently straightening up, hooking my chin and half strangling me” situation.

Perhaps my opinions extra don’t count to these people, though, because I’m Ace. I love my Someone very much, and I am happy to fulfill his desires, but I get exactly the same amount of “tinglies” from him as from every other person ever born. None.

4 years ago

Emerging from my hole in the wall to ask if anyone knows why ‘(((this)))’ is code for ‘teh Jews’ now? I’ve seen it on this blog a lot. Is there some ‘deeper’ meaning?

4 years ago

Apparently it was first conceived of by the white nationalist blog The White Stuff to symbolize how the actions of Jews “echo[ed] throughout history”.

In one of those moments of irony, doxing by rival Neo-nazis revealed that the founder of said blog had a Jewish wife. Inconsistent and bigoted, what an amazing combo.

4 years ago

@freneticferret, Anonymous
It also is because on the site’s associated podcast whenever the names of Jews were mentioned there would be an echo effect. The parentheses are supposed to represent that.

4 years ago

@Anonymous, Naglfar
Ah, weird. Thanks!

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago

Wasn’t there also an advantage of it being difficult to find people using them using search tools because the parentheses would typically be ignored? I think they used some wacky font at some point for that same reason.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Well, this Mr. Blackpill is a nice character. Saying that a woman shouldn’t “breed” because she…has a couple of teeth that stick out? Huh?

But perhaps this reflects how the incels magnify their own perceived flaws. Maybe they just do that with everybody.

As for the height issue: I’m a bit shorter than average (5’3”) and my boyfriend a bit taller (about 6′). I’d prefer it if he were closer to my height – the only other man I really dated was my height exactly – but it’s not that important. (Relatively Short Guy and I broke up, mutually, because we didn’t communicate well. I didn’t dump him in search of someone taller.)

I’m sure the likes of Mr. Blackpill would say that’s just a foid’s hamster brain running (am I getting the lingo right?) but joke’s on them because I have a fully grown capybara up there. Size does matter when we’re talking imaginary brain rodents!

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Not to be “that guy” (oh, who am I kidding, this is entirely to be “that guy”), but it’s in fact Dr. Grant in that scene with the faulty seat belt. Just as it is Dr. Grant who finds the shards of a fresh dinosaur egg some time later. :O

4 years ago

@Policy of Madness
At least in the mothers’ day post* one incel explained the existence of incels with “low-quality” women breeding with chads, passing on their own inferior genes. I don’t think that’s a popular theory, though, since a lot of these people seem to think that boys always take after their fathers or that a father has a bigger impact on the “quality” of children.


occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

> Ohlmann, Policy of Madness and Prith kDar
Thank you for the informations. Damn, it seems there is a lot of meaning for the “fag” term, then. Maybe it is another way to defend yourself when you are called out for a slur “No, i was meaning [insert here less insulting variant of the word]” ?

Anyway, all this stuff about short men seems to remind me of a song about them, but i can not put my finger on it. Oh well, no important.

Have a nice day.

4 years ago


Size does matter when we’re talking imaginary brain rodents!

Forget capybaras, I’ve got an ROUS up there.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ monzach

it’s in fact Dr. Grant

Ah thank you. I need to watch that film again. I loved it when it came out. And I miss Bob Peck.

@occasional reader

Anyway, all this stuff about short men seems to remind me of a song about them

Might it have been this one perchance?

Bit of music nerdery; this is the record company friendly version. The original version was explicitly called Short Dick Man and the lyric was a bit less subtle.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago


I’ve seen a quite a few Tumblr posts like that in which someone turns an unpleasant but common meme on its head and depicts “Becky” and “Stacey” as best friends or a couple, or the “not like other girls” getting along just fine with the “other girls” even if they have different tastes.

Also people posting videos of young men doing goofy but harmless stuff, like forming human pyramids, with the note “this is the kind of thing people *should* mean when they say ‘boys will be boys’” (mind you I suppose there’s no reason for women or NB people not to participate in those kind of shenanigans as well).


And I miss Bob Peck.

Me too – apparently he did a radio play in which he voiced Inspector Lohmann, from some of Fritz Lang’s pre-war crime films, coming into conflict with the Nazis? I’ve tried to find that for a year or so. And just this morning I learned he was one of the leads in a 1980s SF movie called Slipstream, which apparently flopped so badly in its initial release they never even tried to show it in North America, but it sounds worth seeing for the cast alone.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

> Alan Robertshaw
Ah, indeed, that is the one i was thinking about ! Do not know about the original version you are speaking about, but according to what you say, that would have maybe please Walter. Oh well, all tastes are in the nature.

Nice week-end everyone !

4 years ago

@Moon Custafer
One I liked was this one that shows the cis and trans* characters of a popular TERF meme as a couple:
comment image

4 years ago

@Moon Custafer and @Naglfar

When I first became aware of Stacey cartoons I decided I would use the fact that my name actually is Stacey and that I look outwardly what misogynists, especially incels, think a woman “should” look like (as if they have any fucking right to think that) to mess with them because by acting like jerks that way they deserve that. I love being a Stacey. I love it that they can’t stand that I am. Like when a troll asks what I bring to the table by demanding a guy be hot if he wants to be more than friends like I don’t have same right as any of human being to have my desires but the awesome irony is that the troll only sees what I write here in one post but even the little bits I’ve shared with kind people here since I’ve been part of this awesome group would show that I have a life way beyond what they can even imagine. So I just take pride in thinking “Haha incel jerk” but because they are jerks not because of what they look like.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

my name actually is Stacey

Please tell your surname is actually smartypants…etc. But that in the real world it’s hyphenated.

4 years ago


You’re funny 🙂 but you know there really of course is no way considering my life that I would say what my last name is here! I have a common last name but the reality is dangerous as you know.

I am a smartypants but only metaphorically though proud of that. I never wear pants in my regular life anymore. I’m in a bodysuit and tights all the time, outfits are always built around that, no skirt or pants. I always dreamed of being in a place in life where I could go out like that all the time and now because of friends and donors supporting my projects I will be able to once we are free of the pandemic. Only time anything is over that is if I’m cold going to and from wherever 🙂

One exception literally was to the bodysuit part of that I guess is that I have outfits where the base of the outfit is a bikini bottom (workout wear quality so it’s sturdier material since for me it more outerwear than most) and sports bra. On some occasions I want a look that’s kind of reminiscently athletic, like if I’m picking from a group of guys who want to be with me and I need to see how their bodies look moving and so on, so I’ll design an outfit like that with glossy tights that is like a modern version of a retro 80s base but with more up to date accessories and definitely not 80s hair for me! I put my hair in a ballet bun and do stage makeup for a date like that. 🙂 I do like the look of a belt with that outfit because I’ll be using my bullwhip and I like how I look carrying it with an outfit on that theme. But there are definitely no pants involved! 🙂 though I am still a smartypants 🙂

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago


I have a common last name but the reality is dangerous as you know.

Conversely, I’m fairly sure I’m the only bearer of my combination of first and last name in the US…but I share it with someone with a track record of posting anti-immigrant vitriol on British political message boards: two reasons that I allow my real name and likeness nowhere near my social media.

Are you familiar with a PBS children’s show called Between the Lions? The following look isn’t exactly glamorous dommewear, but might amuse you:

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

I loved that show when I came across it a few times. There’s an episode about the Sicilian puppet theatre in NYC that’s been staging serialized shows of Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso since the 1920s.

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
I think there’s at least a dozen people with my deadname + last name in the US because I checked once, but I don’t know how many people have my new first name and last name.