anti-Semitism Dunning–Kruger effect elliot rodger empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually

Tall men “make short roasties’ holes quiver with the thought of eradicating short men” and other insights from Twitter’s Daily Blackpill

Shaq and then-girlfriend Nicole Alexander genociding short men

By David Futrelle

The fellow who runs the Daily Blackpill account on Twitter is the very model of a modern incel — bitter, angry, hopelessly confused, and probably a few inches short of 6 feet tall. He hates Jews, “roasties,” Chad, and men taller than him.

And he’s not just mad at tall men for scoring with the women he’d like to be scoring with. No, he’s convinced that tall men are not-so-secretly working with, er, roasties of all sizes to eliminate short men from the gene pool.

See, because when “tallfags” mate with short “roasties,” their children will all be tall, I guess? At least in his version of genetics.

Daily Redpill is sort of obsessed with “breeding,” though his opinions on the subject, while strong, are helplessly muddled and self-contradictory. He’s mad at Teh Jews — or, as he puts it, (((They))) — for supposedly pushing population reduction, but he also thinks it’s ludicrous for any man to father children in this allegedly gynocentric times.

He complains that short and ugly men — or at least men who think they’re short and ugly — can’t find women who want to date them, much less have children together. But he’s outraged when he sees “low value” men in relationships with women he sees as out of their league.

And he’s also outraged that women he considers ugly are having children.

He thinks that “short jokes” justify mass murder.

Here he seems to come dangerously close to justifying violent rape for “scientific” reasons:

Adding to the long list of qualities that would make him an exceptionally un-fun date, he also thinks women are “repulsive” for wanting oral sex.

He thinks “white knights” go around killing other men who disrespect women, concluding that “[e]mpathy towards females has caused murders too numerous to count.”

Some of his takes are rather original; he thinks the government should supply girlfriends to incels to … protect them from dying in traffic accidents due to their own reckless stupidity..

A consummate incel, he celebrated last Christmas by Tweeting out a picture of incel spree killer Elliot Rodger.

So hard to figure out why no woman wants to date him.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I’m horrified by those seat belt figures. I wondered whether Belgians are particularly bad at this, but WHO figures suggest not. I hope this is one of those studies where all the test subjects are local students, so the figures are influenced by the recklessness of youth.

4 years ago


You’ll give yourself away as a manospherian.

Somehow I feel like he gives himself away as one even without the two dot ellipsis.

6’4″ Chad w/ 5/10 noodle;

I at first thought that the “noodle” part was referring to Chad’s penis because of the slang usage of the term, I was then wondering why Chad was naked and what rating system was used.


Male supremacists despise men the way they claim feminists do — I read far more conservative denunciations of men as automatic rapists than I do from women. Of course the point is to control women’s behavior: men will never change, so it’s the woman’s responsibility to adapt to them.

As always, when conservatives accuse their enemies (feminists or even women in general) of something, they are telling on themselves.

I recall that years ago when I was in driver’s ed they repeated and emphasized the need to wear seatbelts. I had always worn my seatbelt for as long as I could remember, so I was a bit surprised that enough people were not wearing them that it warranted all the reminders. It only takes a second and could save your life.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

How about we cut out the middlewoman, and give these men government assigned seatbelts?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Just to be nerdy (I know; you’re shocked) but we sort have have this guy to thank for promoting seat belts; and innovating the design to improve the shoulder strap bit. (It always amazes me that we need those in cars but on a jet capable of doing 600mph a belt strap is fine).

But he worked for the US Air Force and he observed they lost more pilots through car crashes than combat. Hence the seatbelt stuff.

He also did some amazing work on deceleration effects; by taking hundreds of rides on a rocket sled himself.

4 years ago


Not to get too personal, but I kind of prefer shorter men and I probably am not alone in that assessment. I’m a bit above average height for women (I’m about 5’6” or 167cm), so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Oh hey same. For dating guys I prefer short, pretty, gentle, empathic, emotionally open, good at communicating, and like… not overtly physically threatening. I can appreciate very large and strong men on aesthetic level, but wouldn’t feel comfortable dating one.

And like I do understand that small pretty guys can still be brutally abusive (including physically), and aren’t necessarily any less misogynist. But my preferences are what they are.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


It’s too bad that most R&D on seat belts has taken place using a “standard man” crash test dummy, leaving women, the elderly, and men who don’t meet that standard in dangerous situations. I can attest that, although I religiously use my seat belt, it doesn’t fit me very well and I feel like it would hurt me seriously if I were in a car accident that required it.

4 years ago

I just saw a 3/10 Filipino with 5/10 white roastie

Shouldn’t this be a good thing in incel ideology since they always complain about women dating up?

4 years ago


(It always amazes me that we need those in cars but on a jet capable of doing 600mph a belt strap is fine).

Well, if you run into something at 600 mph, a seat belt isn’t gonna make a whole lot of difference.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

It always amazes me that we need those in cars but on a jet capable of doing 600mph a belt strap is fine

This is probably because the main function of the plane seatbelt is to keep you in your seat during takeoff/landing and turbulence in flight, while the car one is to keep you from being thrown through the windshield in a crash. If a plane crashes at that speed there are much bigger issues than the windshield.

ETA: ninja’ed by Dalillama

4 years ago

Echoing other commenters, I also prefer smaller men. Not just short, but smaller-framed. I round off my height to 5’3″ . Every quarter inch helps!

I do get a kick out of the slang, especially “roastie”. It’s so ridiculous to me, so redolent of sour grapes, that all I can do is laugh.

Currycel. Jesus. So bigoted.

The seatbelt thing…awhile ago, my dad got a $25 ticket for failure to wear a seatbelt. Just how hard is it to fasten your seatbelt, anyway?

4 years ago

Anecdotal, but I am tall enough to be asked if I play basketball and at 40 years old my record of sexual partners is exactly zero. Also, someone should tell these guys about the dreaded enemies of tall people (and their foreheads!): the mischievous low branch, and the despicable low lintel. Ouch!

4 years ago

@Policy of Madness and everyone else

Point taken. Won’t bring up the subject again.

Some Chick in Texas
Some Chick in Texas
4 years ago

A randomly and forcefully assigned “girlfriend” is not a girlfriend, that’s a slave. I really wish they’d own this one. They want a slave.
Also, I’m short, 5′, yeah, that’s it. Just 5′. I don’t think height alone has ever made anything on me quiver. (Admittedly, I don’t think anything has made me quiver. ) I think the tallest guy I ever dated was like 5’10”. My husband is 5’8″. Again, reality not working like these guys’ rich imaginations.

Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Mr. Parasol is 6 ft 5 inches, and I gotta admit that’s something I find very attractive, especially when he wraps those ape arms (his term) around me at night. But being married to him all these years hasn’t made me want to eradicate short men. It has taught me a lot about what it means to be taller than average, like how car shopping is about “trying on the car” before we start worrying about other features and price.

4 years ago

@Some Chick in Texas

I really wish they’d own this one. They want a slave.

Some of them do seem to own this to a degree, as some manospherians openly call for sex slaves. The real issue is that they don’t see anything wrong with that wish.

4 years ago

It’s too bad that most R&D on seat belts has taken place using a “standard man” crash test dummy, leaving women, the elderly, and men who don’t meet that standard in dangerous situations. I can attest that, although I religiously use my seat belt, it doesn’t fit me very well and I feel like it would hurt me seriously if I were in a car accident that required it.

I wonder – Would it help to have a human version of the dog seat belt harness?

4 years ago

As for the dog seat belts, some of those look vaguely reminiscent of other kinds of safety harnesses for people.

I have harnesses that are made for people (but designed for male physiques) that I use in my performance art and that are actually important in the emotional and psychological parts of the relationship with my partners, especially enhancing my ability to be director of the scene. So they are both aesthetic and functional, although not all of them are rated as safety harnesses. Even the ones that aren’t though still are good for giving a physical dimension to my guidance and direction of a partner and collaborater though and enhances his ability to perceive how I relate to him and how I expect him to relate to me.

As for regular car seat belts, if you need to be told why they’re necessary you probably aren’t adult enough to drive. Then again we are dealing with the incel mind here.

Some Chick in Texas
Some Chick in Texas
4 years ago

Some of them do seem to own this to a degree, as some manospherians openly call for sex slaves. The real issue is that they don’t see anything wrong with that wish.

Ok, more like this. They just need to admit they think they’re entitled to whole other people. Just for transparency’s sake.

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
4 years ago

I find the language used by ‘DailyBlackpill’ degrading. It degrades the people it refers to, the reader and even the writer. The terms are horrible and make me feel awful just reading them. How can anyone have such sour, twisted minds to use such sour, twisted (and faintly ridiculous) words?

4 years ago

If all women want to eliminate short men and all it takes to accomplish that is to not have babies with existing short men, why are there still so many short men?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


If every baby is conceived by a Chad, I don’t understand why we don’t live in a world of uninterrupted Chads.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


using a “standard man” crash test dummy,

Yeah; they do actually have different crash test dummies here; but some people actually aged to generate a controversy from that.

They calibrate the dummies to humans by using donated bodies. There’s a big ‘drop tower’ here where, as the name suggests they just drop the bodies to simulate crashes. Some people got all fainting couch when they mentioned they used children and babies’ bodies. There were calls for prosecution. For what? Trying to make cars safer for kids!!!

@ Dali & Naglfar

if you run into something at 600 mph, a seat belt isn’t gonna make a whole lot of difference.

As a pilot on YouTube explained, bird strikes are an occupational hazard but mountain goat strikes really ruin your day.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

a world of uninterrupted Chads.

That’s going to be name of my new indie pop album

4 years ago

“world of uninterrupted Chads.”

That’s going to be name of my new indie pop album

I am SO totally up for that.

The album and the reality both.

4 years ago


If every baby is conceived by a Chad, I don’t understand why we don’t live in a world of uninterrupted Chads.

But ya see, back in the good old days, every man got a wife so it wasn’t all Chads breeding. Then feminism came and now non-Chads can’t get a wife.
/SARCASM (But that’s an explanation I’ve seen them give before, even though it’s total BS)

I’m imagining something with sort of a Beach Boys feel to it, maybe a bit like Pet Sounds. Either that or maybe a bit more like Vampire Weekend.