anti-Semitism Dunning–Kruger effect elliot rodger empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture rape is good actually

Tall men “make short roasties’ holes quiver with the thought of eradicating short men” and other insights from Twitter’s Daily Blackpill

Shaq and then-girlfriend Nicole Alexander genociding short men

By David Futrelle

The fellow who runs the Daily Blackpill account on Twitter is the very model of a modern incel — bitter, angry, hopelessly confused, and probably a few inches short of 6 feet tall. He hates Jews, “roasties,” Chad, and men taller than him.

And he’s not just mad at tall men for scoring with the women he’d like to be scoring with. No, he’s convinced that tall men are not-so-secretly working with, er, roasties of all sizes to eliminate short men from the gene pool.

See, because when “tallfags” mate with short “roasties,” their children will all be tall, I guess? At least in his version of genetics.

Daily Redpill is sort of obsessed with “breeding,” though his opinions on the subject, while strong, are helplessly muddled and self-contradictory. He’s mad at Teh Jews — or, as he puts it, (((They))) — for supposedly pushing population reduction, but he also thinks it’s ludicrous for any man to father children in this allegedly gynocentric times.

He complains that short and ugly men — or at least men who think they’re short and ugly — can’t find women who want to date them, much less have children together. But he’s outraged when he sees “low value” men in relationships with women he sees as out of their league.

And he’s also outraged that women he considers ugly are having children.

He thinks that “short jokes” justify mass murder.

Here he seems to come dangerously close to justifying violent rape for “scientific” reasons:

Adding to the long list of qualities that would make him an exceptionally un-fun date, he also thinks women are “repulsive” for wanting oral sex.

He thinks “white knights” go around killing other men who disrespect women, concluding that “[e]mpathy towards females has caused murders too numerous to count.”

Some of his takes are rather original; he thinks the government should supply girlfriends to incels to … protect them from dying in traffic accidents due to their own reckless stupidity..

A consummate incel, he celebrated last Christmas by Tweeting out a picture of incel spree killer Elliot Rodger.

So hard to figure out why no woman wants to date him.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Makes you think about how sexual selection needs male aggression.

It’s usually men who think the worst of men. I’ve seen women think the worst of men, but not on the same scale as men who do it. Men who believe other men are just rapists waiting to happen because biotroofs are looking for excuses for their rapey beliefs/rapey behavior, and projecting onto others. They want to think all men are biologically programmed to be as terrible as they are themselves, and give themselves/their imagined fellow rapists an easy pass. It’s infuriating, because only men can fix men.

4 years ago

Not to get too personal, but I kind of prefer shorter men and I probably am not alone in that assessment. I’m a bit above average height for women (I’m about 5’6” or 167cm), so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Is this guy in any way connected to The Daily Stormer or do they just have similar names and similar hate?

He thinks “white knights” go around killing other men who disrespect women

Sir, you left the projector running again.

Another great reason for men to get government assigned girlfriends. It saves lives

Why do I get the feeling that if a woman told him to buckle his seatbelt he’d flip out?

4 years ago

Gross creep starts off

When women are in control well….

I’m smarter than gross creep so I’ll finish

…well, this woman, has better sex.

I’m petite and dance ballet and yes I only accept tall guys over 6 feet and romantic and sexual partners.

Incels if you read that and it makes you mad then tough shit.

Notice nowhere do *I* say anything about wanting to hurt or kill anyone. Oh but wait just me having my desires is a “crime” in itself, right? I know it’s not just that a woman like me openly has the desires that I do. What I know makes them mad is how clear I make it that I have the power to mostly get what I want in that department and I do. Not that they’d ever in a million years get that my guys are attracted to me too because of my creativity.

4 years ago

Is this the same person as the “Government Gets Girlfriends” guy from a few years back?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think rather than government sponsored mass rape, a better solution to that seat belt thing would be that men work on their fragile masculinity and start deciding themselves to wear seat belts (or nowadays, masks) instead of expecting women to nag them into taking basic safety measures.
4 years ago

guys will stand 5’8” from you and call it 6 feet

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

Another great reason for men to get government assigned girlfriends. It saves lives.

Wait, aren’t you the blackpill guy, the kind of guy who figures suicide is the solution to the problem of shopping alone?

I just saw a 3/10 Filipino with 5/10 white roastie; then I saw 6’4″ Chad w/ 5/10 noodle; and then a poor currycel all alone and me poor JBW shopping alone again.. It’s over. Time to rope.

And you want to save lives?

PS: Use three ellipses in the middle of a sentence. Use a period followed by three ellipses at the end of a grammatically complete sentence. Don’t use two ellipses ever. Or twelve. You’ll give yourself away as a manospherian.

4 years ago


I think rather than government sponsored mass rape, a better solution to that seat belt thing would be that men work on their fragile masculinity and start deciding themselves to wear seat belts (or nowadays, masks) instead of expecting women to nag them into taking basic safety measures.

Or even just prohibit male passengers driving with male drivers. Getting rid of the male passengers would provide a greater boost, percentage-point-wise, to the probability of male drivers wearing seatbelts than supplying them with female passengers would.

But it’s “cute” that these men’s reaction to the realization that men drive more safely with female passengers is “Hey, the government should assign me a girlfriend to ride in my car”, rather than “Hey, the government should assign me to act as a free chauffeur for women in my neighborhood, at least until I learn to make my own responsible safety decisions like a grown-up”.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
4 years ago

I just saw a 3/10 Filipino with 5/10 white roastie; then I saw 6’4″ Chad w/ 5/10 noodle; and then a poor currycel all alone and me poor JBW shopping alone again.. It’s over. Time to rope.

I don’t suppose any of you can translate this for me? For one thing, I’m genuinely confused, and for another, I don’t speak fluent idiot.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
4 years ago

I just saw a 3/10 Filipino with 5/10 white roastie; then I saw 6’4″ Chad w/ 5/10 noodle; and then a poor currycel all alone and me poor JBW shopping alone again.. It’s over. Time to rope.

I’m having so much trouble in this passage distinguishing between heights and hotness scores, and I assumed that a ‘noodle’ was a skinny girl, but he means Asian, doesn’t he? God, this is like its own hateful little language?

I read somewhere that during the Depression, in California, a lot of white women began to go out with Filipino guys, because they had jobs, and could take a girl out. The general consensus was that they were short, but handsome and dashing, and gainfully employed.

I’m sure the streets of San Francisco were full of irate white guys who wouldn’t have worked as a bellhop themselves, but were thoroughly pissed off that the ‘white roasties’ of 1935 were dating these dudes.

4 years ago

As someone who is married to a 5″6 man and I’m 5″1 myself. No I love my short husband and prefer shorter man. And yes this is coming from someone who dated and had sex with the 6″3 football jock star and all that. I prefer sex with my husband over the 6″3 jock any day of the week. Not just because I love my husband but, my body didn’t match up well with 6″3 chad. being tall is not all it’s cracked up to be. There was a lot of things we couldn’t do and a lot of things that were awkward because of our sides different. He also like fetishized my small size that made me really uncomfortable.

4 years ago

@Podkayne Lives

I’m having so much trouble in this passage distinguishing between heights and hotness scores, and I assumed that a ‘noodle’ was a skinny girl, but he means Asian, doesn’t he? God, this is like its own hateful little language?

Each and every piece of alt-right lexicon harkens to the musings of Tolken: of how Orcs and Trolls spoke as they would, without love of words or things, where such language was actually more degraded and filthy than even that spoken in the Lord of the Ring’s itself. A glossary of communication dreary and repetitive with hatred and contempt, too long removed from good to retain even verbal vigor, save in the ears of those to whom only the squalid sounds strong

Wither MRA, Incel, MGTOW, Nazi, Fascist, Tankey, Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, anti-Semite, TERF, SWERF, and all other alt-right ilk to the last; are the embodiment of the orc-minded.

Which is to say; those whom laud the rejection of humanity in others and themselves for the sake of cruelty, spite and malice and a contempt for beauty, kindness, empathy, compassion and decency for self aggrandizing veneration of pain, suffering, torment and worse for all those around them.

4 years ago

I guess a ‘currycel’ is a male South Asian who happens to be shopping alone at the time so the author assumes he is an incel? Unlike, say, being someone who has a wife and three kids at home who stopped to pick something up at the store?

“…guys will stand 5’8” from you and call it 6 feet.”
I figured this was a joke on the order of “Why women are bad at math: they’ve been told all their life that six inches is a foot” but I didn’t reaiize it was about social distancing. Apparently the incel guy didn’t even get that far.

4 years ago

Is there a reason why all these goobers who keep talking about how they want to rope never make good on their promises to actually do it? Besides the cowardice I mean, that’s a given.

4 years ago


I think a big part of it is performative. They often accuse others of virtue-signalling, or being crisis actors, or false flags, not to mention that threatening suicide or other acts of violence (to self or others) is a common tactic of abusers to manipulate their victims (the old “look what you made me do”).

4 years ago

“Hey, the government should assign me to act as a free chauffeur for women in my neighborhood, at least until I learn to make my own responsible safety decisions like a grown-up”

That’s the kind of conclusion a non-incel man would come to perhaps, but I would never set foot inside the car of anyone like Mr Blackpill. Judging by his words he is this ? close to raping someone out of pure rage.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Can we please not encourage suicide, even as a joke, and even of incels?
It’s bad enough that they throw it around willy nilly. Yeah, it’s performative and memetic; just one small facet of their general assholery. But to counter that with essentially “then why don’t you just do it, you coward” is pretty terrible in its own right.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

@ Robert Haynie:

I don’t suppose any of you can translate this for me?

“I saw a variety of people, some in couples, and instead of thinking ‘huh, guess people really do like different things,’ it enraged me.”

4 years ago

I always assumed the government-supplied girlfriends would have things pretty bad, but apparently this guy thinks his “girlfriend” would accompany him everywhere, so that he’d never have to ride in a car alone. That seems a bit over the top when dude could just buckle his seat belt on his own, but I guess thinking that he could solve a problem in his life by knowingly altering his behaviour is blasphemous or something.

Also, seconding Penny Psmith on the suicide matter.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

I am lost with all those abbreviations. What JFL or JBW stand for ?
And “tallfags” ? If the “fags” part means what the slur usually means, i doubt they are interested in women, eradicating nothing except this ludicrous argument.
And if he find women repulsive, why do he want the government to match him with one ?

Anyway, stay safe and have a good day.

4 years ago

@occasional reader : I would be even more litteral and say they think of that kind of tallfag :

comment image

And, indeed, they can extinguish smaller people. As well as tall people and anyone willing to overuse thoses.

4 years ago

Back when I still dated folks, the guys I dated were all shorter than me. But then I’m a childfree asexual, so I can only assume that I’d still be considered to be contributing to the “genocide” of short men by not having any kids with my partners.

Now I’ve decided to avoid dating entirely, so presumably I will now be only guilty of contributing to white “genocide” by not passing down my pasty white genes. ?

On another note, the title of the post made me think of a stand-up bit I saw a while back, of a woman comedian with dwarfism. She was talking about how her husband was ~6 feet tall and he’s great because he’s “nuts over her” ?

Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

What Penny said.

4 years ago

Height does matter to a lot of people. As a 5 2″ guy I’ve been turned down for dates by women who thought I was too short. And I’ve had tall female friends who get frustrated with guys taller than them who pick really, really short girlfriends. But neither my friends nor I saw any sort of horrible conspiracies or demanded redistribution of height-appropriate partners.
Policy of Madness, bingo! Male supremacists despise men the way they claim feminists do — I read far more conservative denunciations of men as automatic rapists than I do from women. Of course the point is to control women’s behavior: men will never change, so it’s the woman’s responsibility to adapt to them.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I am lost with all those abbreviations. What JFL or JBW stand for ?
And “tallfags” ? If the “fags” part means what the slur usually means, i doubt they are interested in women, eradicating nothing except this ludicrous argument.

I don’t know about JFL or JBW, but “fag” as a synonym for “person” (presumed to be a male person because women don’t exist on the internet) is 4chan slang. “Tallfags” just means “tall men.”

I’m also disappointed by Anonymous. Wishing suicide on someone is unkind and uncalled-for.

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