By David Futrelle
Canadian authorities have charged a 17-year-old who allegedly went on a stabbing rampage in a Toronto massage parlor with terrorism, saying that the suspect “was inspired by the Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) movement commonly known as INCEL”
Globalnews.ca reports:
Charges against the suspect accused of carrying out the Feb. 24 stabbing attack, which killed a woman and injured another, were updated in court on Tuesday to “murder — terrorist activity.” …
In a joint statement, the RCMP and Toronto Police Service said their investigation had determined the attack “was inspired by the Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) movement commonly known as INCEL.”
“As a result, federal and provincial Attorney Generals have consented to commence terrorism proceedings, alleging that the murder was terrorist activity … and the attempted murder was terrorist activity.”
Experts said it was the first time a terrorism charge had been laid over violence tied to incels … .
It’s good to see authorities treating incel-motivated violence for what it is — terrorism — though it still boggles the mind that the alleged perpetrator of the 2018 Toronto van attacks, which killed ten, was never charged with terrorism.
The police didn’t reveal specifically what evidence there is linking the alleged massage parlor murderer with the incel “movement,” but a source told the Toronto Sun that he was carrying a note in his pocket that made his motivation clear.
Over on Incels..co. the most active online forum for incels, the regulars are reacting much as they do any time an incel “goes ER” and murders someone, or a whole bunch of someones: Some are cheering it on, while others are complaining that their movement, which they deny is a movement, is being linked to a crime that it does indeed seem to be linked to — and wondering why they’re not being treated as the real victims in all this.
“[L]ife fuel tbh,” wrote one commenter in a thread on the subject. “Good news,” added another. “[Toronto van attacker Alek] Minassian got out I see,” still another commenter joked.
One self-described “Anarcho nihilist” wondered about the slain woman’s looks:
What did the victim look like, is there any photos of her, I’m assuming she may be a stacy since she works in a spa
Others agreed that because the victim was a sex worker “nothing of value was lost.”
A commenter called ChinaCurry wondered why no one was focusing on the real victims — them.
[W]e are the only group of massively socially disadvantaged people (in first world countries) yet we are fucking victimised and treated as the criminals, rather than the victims!
That’s kind of what happens when you murder people, or cheer on others like you who murder.
We are the one group of disadvantaged, disenfranchised, unfortunate people, who are not deemed worthy of any help. Instead social engineering is designed to turn people MORE against us! Why is no one asking about the perpetrators life? What he had to endure, and compare that to the lives of the massage girls? They would have had the most amazing lives, being desired and validated and paid by cucks all day to jerk them off, and then gone to fuck chad on the side.
I’m sure it was a very glamorous job, and that this justifies her murder.
Whereas the kid, if he was an incel, which they haven’t even proven, spent his life being lied to by bluepill society and parents, and this is the shit u get.
Society literally abandons us from the age of 5 to fend for ourselves, and then is weirded out when we do fend for ourselves??¿
Going on a stabbing rampage is the strangest example of “fending for oneself” I’ve ever seen..
An incel called koruga worried about the future:
It is only a matter of time before a large-scale false flag attack is carried out and the persecution of ugly men becomes something real and normalized.
There’s no need for “false flags.” Incels’ own words and actions condemn them. The incel ideology inspires terrorism, and incels by and large seem fine with that. It’s good that Canada is taking this terrorism seriously — and straight-up calling it what it is. I hope authorities elsewhere will do the same.
H/T — everyone who linked me to this story on Twitter
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I’m reasonably sure that he did not have to endure being stabbed to death.
I just saw this news and was about to post it in a comment.
Unlike many, many mass murders, this time the suspect did not commit suicide and instead was arrested. I found the following of particular interest:
Same old, same old that abusers always say:
Not true, of course it’s not true, but if it is true I have a bullshit excuse.
I’m glad that incel terrorism is being taken seriously, although it is a bit late seeing as this is definitely not the first such attack.
That’s new. I thought they were always talking about it as a movement.
I think this is their way of threatening indirectly some sort of attack. We all know that whenever a right wing group accuses anyone of anything they are telling on themselves.
I must not quote Margaret Atwood.
Well, as you noted, there would be no need for a false flag. It would be like framing Ted Bundy. It’s not like he was going to stop.
But why would anyone want to stage a false flag operation in the first place? Is there a Vast Conspiracy against incels?
All the time these skidmarks wail about how hideous they are, and I can’t help but think of the one line in Phantom of the Opera where Christine cringes away from the Phantom:
“That tortured face holds no horror for me now/ It’s in your soul that the true/ distortion lies…”
It’s not in your canthal tilt, boys.
Jesus Christ that guy is the same age as my son
Well, isn’t that what we do here at the Feminist Conspiracy HQ? /s
What? How can you possibly tell if a 5 year old is going to grow up to be a chad or an incel? Mostly 5 year olds are pretty cute.
It changes depending on the needs of the moment. Just like the “core beliefs” of any right-wing group, facts can be adopted and discarded depending on what supports the argument of the moment, which can also be adopted and discarded depending on what argument, at the moment, supports the right-wing position, which always, always comes down to “Hurt Others.”
They retroactively decide they were persecuted. All to feel the more persecuted.
This is just sickening. They deserve to be treated as terrorists because that is what they are. I’m supposed to feel sorry for violent creeps like it’s my fault? Nothing excuses that violence ever.
It’s been a while since I saw you around here. Welcome back!
Thank you so very much! I was mad about the creep that David’s last post was about talking about women on pedestals because the creep doesn’t know the irony that for some of us they’re literal and of our choice and making. That made me reply to that one but then there was this horrible news. These awful creeps seem to get worse and worse.
My salon has been closed now for two months and it was really difficult at first. It’s still hard but my boss found ways for me to keep busy and help her and so she was still able to pay me. Right before the pandemic got bad I had just been working on some really exciting new projects in my personal life that my job had inspired but now are mostly on hold.
I hope you and everyone are safe and well.
Well, not to death, anyway:
From https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/machete-attack-victim-returns-to-murder-scene-bloodied-and-angry
Do you think his fans will turn on him when they find out he got bested by a foid?
Hey Stacey! Nice to see you back. Sorry to hear how the lockdown is affecting your performances; but glad you’re able to keep earning.
Get what you mean about projects. The lockdown has been great for me in terms of planning, and plotting; but now really keen to actually action* all our plans.
(*apologies to people who don’t like action as a verb; working late again so mind gone a bit ‘metal, dig, food’)
I think the woman in that quote is awesome. Thank you for that link!
How do I unpack this suitcase full of shit?
They – the massage girls – had the most amazing lives? WTF? This delusional A hole thinks being a sex worker in a ‘rub n tug’ is amazing? I don’t know what the prostitution laws are in Canada, but this sort of thing (even though illegal) is quite easy to find here in the crazy land I live in – Florida.
Down here it’s always an Asian Massage or Chinese Massage so you can guarantee that the ladies who work there get a healthy dose of racist fetishism along with the happy endings they have to provide their clients.
Also, I have zero idea if any of the women that work in those establishments are being trafficked by the business owners, but I bet quite a few of them are. So what kind of Hell are their lives, really?
They are not desired, their service is desired.
They are NOT validated, they are very often used, abused and degraded. I don’t look down on the women that do this for money, they obviously have life circumstances that have led them there and they must do what they must to survive. But I do know that no little girl wakes up one day and says, “Gee, when I grow up I want to touch a dozen different strange men everyday who pay me to sexually gratify them.”
And to be a woman working in the Canadian sex industry, dealing with all the crap they have to deal with, to one day have some internet indoctrinated misogynist 17 year old kid come in and STAB you to death? Just – NO! No, incels are not the victims in this scenario.
Violence committed in the name of misogyny is a hate crime/terrorism and I hope it starts to be treated the same way in the States in the near future.
I heard a snippet of the TV news from the other room and it mentioned incels; my first thought was that something violent had just happened.
To respond to a bit of the rhetoric:
Disingenuous. I doubt that’ll be most people’s takeaway. They might be more suspicious of self-proclaimed incels, and for good reason. Don’t try to drag so-called “ugly” men down with you; I’m sure most of them don’t want to go there. And good looks are subjective anyway.
Thank you, that is so nice! Yes, we had to get ingenious. A lot of salons are not going to survive. My boss kept paying our stylists but without the tips some were stretched. Some got ingenious doing personally guided home care sessions on Zoom with clients. It’s not the same for what I do. Being on Zoom isn’t the same as when I’m there but I did a how-to session on wearing full latex. My friend came over to help me get into it and we narrated the whole thing. She wasn’t really supposed to come over to my apartment but it was just that one day and I needed to do it. It was hard work as always but fun although it hurt my heart to know that I was in it loving how I looked yet couldn’t go out the door even. On top of the amount we charged I got a lot in tips. It wasn’t the same as being in person but people did see how much really goes into it and how much work it takes. My BDSM social club can’t get together of course and I miss my guy but like I said I can still plan!
Action can be a verb because you just made it one. Language is flexible! What are your projects?
I hope you are safe and healthy. The awfulness of this latest attack sickens me and I want to send positive energy out into the universe.
They’ll say she was past the wall, so this is all on her, not on him.
@Alan, Stacy
Can relate, I’ve fallen behind on my plans that I originally had. Still hoping to record some music soon because I can do that at home, but we’ll see what I get around to. I’ve written parts of some songs but still need to finish them up and record.
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
That seems like a fitting punishment. Most of those scum seem to have a death wish, so it is only fair that they are forced to live and face the consequences of their actions. Perhaps now he will appreciate the fact that their are far worse things in life than not getting laid.
@ stacey & naglfar
I’m very well thank you. Hope you are too.
When Isaac Newton was in lockdown he used the time to invent calculus. I’ve done a bunch of rubbish videos for my website.
There is a lot happening for me at the moment. Got some interesting animal rights campaigns brewing; including a nice multi-national one. Really enjoying that. We’re having to work to US time though; hence still being up at 4:00am.
That’s so exciting that you are writing! Creativity is sacred and so sustaining. May I ask what genre of music you write and perform?
I had been reading up on modern goddess worship and working on a big project about syncretizing the idea of being a living goddess with modern life and making plans to live that out. It involved some real estate, construction and rental property stuff that I can do but is new to me but all that’s on hold now until we’re not on lockdown.