By David Futrelle
Canadian authorities have charged a 17-year-old who allegedly went on a stabbing rampage in a Toronto massage parlor with terrorism, saying that the suspect “was inspired by the Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) movement commonly known as INCEL”
Globalnews.ca reports:
Charges against the suspect accused of carrying out the Feb. 24 stabbing attack, which killed a woman and injured another, were updated in court on Tuesday to “murder — terrorist activity.” …
In a joint statement, the RCMP and Toronto Police Service said their investigation had determined the attack “was inspired by the Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) movement commonly known as INCEL.”
“As a result, federal and provincial Attorney Generals have consented to commence terrorism proceedings, alleging that the murder was terrorist activity … and the attempted murder was terrorist activity.”
Experts said it was the first time a terrorism charge had been laid over violence tied to incels … .
It’s good to see authorities treating incel-motivated violence for what it is — terrorism — though it still boggles the mind that the alleged perpetrator of the 2018 Toronto van attacks, which killed ten, was never charged with terrorism.
The police didn’t reveal specifically what evidence there is linking the alleged massage parlor murderer with the incel “movement,” but a source told the Toronto Sun that he was carrying a note in his pocket that made his motivation clear.
Over on Incels..co. the most active online forum for incels, the regulars are reacting much as they do any time an incel “goes ER” and murders someone, or a whole bunch of someones: Some are cheering it on, while others are complaining that their movement, which they deny is a movement, is being linked to a crime that it does indeed seem to be linked to — and wondering why they’re not being treated as the real victims in all this.
“[L]ife fuel tbh,” wrote one commenter in a thread on the subject. “Good news,” added another. “[Toronto van attacker Alek] Minassian got out I see,” still another commenter joked.
One self-described “Anarcho nihilist” wondered about the slain woman’s looks:
What did the victim look like, is there any photos of her, I’m assuming she may be a stacy since she works in a spa
Others agreed that because the victim was a sex worker “nothing of value was lost.”
A commenter called ChinaCurry wondered why no one was focusing on the real victims — them.
[W]e are the only group of massively socially disadvantaged people (in first world countries) yet we are fucking victimised and treated as the criminals, rather than the victims!
That’s kind of what happens when you murder people, or cheer on others like you who murder.
We are the one group of disadvantaged, disenfranchised, unfortunate people, who are not deemed worthy of any help. Instead social engineering is designed to turn people MORE against us! Why is no one asking about the perpetrators life? What he had to endure, and compare that to the lives of the massage girls? They would have had the most amazing lives, being desired and validated and paid by cucks all day to jerk them off, and then gone to fuck chad on the side.
I’m sure it was a very glamorous job, and that this justifies her murder.
Whereas the kid, if he was an incel, which they haven’t even proven, spent his life being lied to by bluepill society and parents, and this is the shit u get.
Society literally abandons us from the age of 5 to fend for ourselves, and then is weirded out when we do fend for ourselves??¿
Going on a stabbing rampage is the strangest example of “fending for oneself” I’ve ever seen..
An incel called koruga worried about the future:
It is only a matter of time before a large-scale false flag attack is carried out and the persecution of ugly men becomes something real and normalized.
There’s no need for “false flags.” Incels’ own words and actions condemn them. The incel ideology inspires terrorism, and incels by and large seem fine with that. It’s good that Canada is taking this terrorism seriously — and straight-up calling it what it is. I hope authorities elsewhere will do the same.
H/T — everyone who linked me to this story on Twitter
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On-topic: I keep trying to form a response to this given this happened in Toronto. I guess I could point to the many bus ads that ran a while ago warning about fines for “buying sex”. I could point to the fact that people still believe in the myth of sex work being mostly sex trafficking, and the “Nordic model” style policies that result from that despite their opposition from pretty much every sex worker. And then I realize that the guy’s 17 and probably doesn’t even remember that the NDP’s rivals repeatedly tried to smear Jack Layton every election with a rumour that he visited a massage parlour.
MV-related: Every time he waves that “study” around I find it so ironic how MRA types in the last decade would dismiss the 1985 Ms. Magazine study about campus rape out of hand because it relied on “self-reporting”, despite the study meeting rigorous standards.
Given what he’s said about reaction images and snark on the internet, it seems very likely that he’s one of those older types who knows little to nothing about internet culture/history at large. The most appropriate reaction I can come up with is :psyduck:
How about never? Although I appreciate your pledge to not always respond, will you now promise to never comment here again? Thanking you in advance.
Thank you so much!
Yes, I did start a blog. I post on it more sparingly than my followers would like though. For my comfort level and safety right now it’s on our social group’s private site where you need a login. That lets me use photos and describe individual people in a way I would be risking a lot and probably my life even if just anyone in the world could read it even if the other people are ok with being talked about. Like here I’m careful not to even say what region I live in. I know from reading about gross creepy incel losers that if they knew the reality of my life how it would set them off. My safety is first but I do kind of like knowing I am the worst nightmare of entitled misogynist creeps. It just enrages me to know that someone thinks I should die just for wanting to live my own dream. Like me being happy and fulfilled hurts them that much. Scum.
Back to discussion about incels.co
While server location is one thing, having your CCTLD be *.co grants Colombia some level of ability to regulate your website.
I don’t know the law in this area, but if you can’t find the servers, the next place to go is to the country under whose authority the domain was registered.
Hey MansVoice, if it makes you feel any better, I’m not attracted to Stacey’s type of man, or any other type of man, because as it happens, I’m a lesbian.
@Mabret the Virile Maiden
I do wonder how his pseudorational “looksmatching” nonsense factors that detail?
That said; it’s self agonizingly pathetic and craven that MensVoice has been trying to hijack a thread about the victims of incel terrorism to make everything about him.
Incels never do make sense. This time at least one more of them blathers about ‘persecuting ugly men’ whilst ignoring that by most standards their primary idol was no Elephant Man. (Headdesk.)
Most of the time I love the act of writing itself, although any long project involves some less fun bits.
The guide book is for the big, local astronomical observatory here, aimed at “normal” people. I ran each chapter past a singer-songwriter and a retired primarcy school teacher – people who aren’t stupid by any means but they don’t have a science background. I’m a tour guide at the observatory (or I was, pre COVID) and I have very fond memories of the woman who got back on the bus almost jumping up and down with delight. “I understand light years! I understand light years! I was so stupid in science class at school and now I UNDERSTAND LIGHT YEARS!” That’s what I’m trying to give people. To be honest, writing the first edition was more fun even though I had no idea if anyone would buy it. Writing the 3rd edition felt a bit like chewing used gum in places, but there are 8 new telescopes and loads of new discoveries so it was definitely time for s new edition.
The whodunnit’s set in the same observatory. There are such fun ways to kill people in a professional telescope! My protagonist is a female engineer who sees her career as the best way to beat misogyny, then finds herself a murder suspect. I wrote most of it ages ago but shelved it because I was so busy. Now that I’m unemployed I’m determined to finish.
I would definitely snog Rowan Atkinson, given the chance. I have absolutely no desire to snog Mr Bean.
Anthony Hopkins? Yes please. Hannible Lecture? Hard no.
I conclude that there’s something more than looks involved.
Well, if they had to acknowledge that they aren’t ugly, they’d have to realize it’s their repulsive personalities and that is something they can change, but would need to actually put effort into.
@Sheila Crosby, sounds like something that would be a huge pleasure to read! (both opera, in different ways :-).
@ sheila
Have you read Earthight by Arthur C Clarke? I think you might find aspects of it enjoyable.
That is so interesting! People probably carry away your guidebook and it’s probably important to them for good memories as well as a way to learn about something important. What you wrote not only spread knowledge and helped people learn but made them comfortable and feel alive when they did. That’s really beautiful. It’s so cool when somebody makes science readable but no less science because it lets all of us understand the universe. What you do sound beautiful but also fascinating.
And then that you’re able to use that as an inspiration for fiction is even more cool. I love it so much that your protagonist is a woman engineer. Please keep writing and know I’m sending you positive energy and good wishes!
I still want to know if I, an asexual white woman of average appearance and slightly below average height, am going up or down in my relationship with a South East Asian man who looks like a movie star but is also slightly below average in height.
Come on, troll, am I looksmatching or not?
Another question about looksmatching: Since it is based on an attractiveness scale that our new friend insists is objective, how do freckles affect one’s attractiveness score? What effect do position, number, and density have? Does it vary between men and women, or based on the person’s coloring?
I need scientific data, and since this is so objective and all, that should be easy for you to provide.
What about moles and other birthmarks? I’m debating having a mole removed once the lockdown ends and I want to know how it affects my looksmatching score.
Also, what about people who aren’t men or women? How are their looksmatch scores determined?
I’m with you on the hot rip guy thing. Just not talk for me. Been with the hot tall jocks many a time and our bodies don’t match up to great which makes things awkward. It’s the hot shorter guys for me.
Absolutely! I definitely love that ripped, muscled male body.
Even though I personally am really turned on by my partners’ height I still kind of get what you are saying about awkward bodies. It’s hard to dance with a guy that is way taller than me. The bodies just make us mismatched for ballet partnering. We can, I mean…a good partner adapts and commincuates. It’s just not as natural. Although when a tall and strong partner lifts you it’s *awesome*. I’m not an advanced dancer and only do simple lifts but I love flying like a goddess.
Like I was saying for me if there’s anything sexual they do have to be tall. I’m kind of like one of the commenters in the other thread in that even though I’m little I love the feel of that giant male being next to me or (way better) beneath me. I think for me it’s like a beautiful gentle giant thing. I’m really taken with that, especially when I’m in control and he’s doing my bidding.
So it’s never felt awkward for me but has actually been a huge turn-on. So this whole thing shows how we are all individual humans who like what we like, because humans are complicated and varied like WWTH said which is what incels creeps don’t get because they can’t accept that we are people who are allowed to want what we want.
I love your posts by the way.
This might be a little off base but have you ever heard of the term Marcophilia, it sounds very close to what you are describing.
No it’s not off-base to ask that.
I’m open. When I think about it yeah there might be a touch of macrophilia in what gets me going. I know you said marcophilia and not macrophilia but I thought maybe you meant macrophilia. But maybe it’s a little different with me because usually when I read about macrophilia I think of it as more associated with cishet guy desiring a woman who is physically larger and dominant. (No judgment at all of course for people who like that.) I’m dominant but the size direction goes in the other direction of the desire for me. I’m 5’3″ and the ideal height for a guy is 6’3″ – 6’6″ so that’s a lot taller but not out of the question and it turns me on, especially if I’m the dominant one and he is doing what I tell him and I’m enjoying his body and dedication to me.
I remember that a former partner fetishized you in a way you didn’t consent to about your size and I apologize if this is sensitive. Whenever I read your posts about being a survivor of everything you survived I so admire your strength.
I’m so glad you are with your loving husband. The way you talk about your relationship is beautiful and inspiring to me.
And what about people whose freckles fade in winter? Does their looksmatch score change depending on the season? Do they have to break up with their partners every equinox, or have separate partners for each season? If the latter, wouldn’t that make them frecklewhores (if I may coin a term)? Or do freckled people all have to move to the equator to avoid the possibility of seasonal frecklewhoredom? (I’m assuming the whole issue only affects women, of course.)
Silly Naglfar, we all know such people don’t actually exist… /s
Looksmatching is an interesting concept for me. My husband and I (been together since 1985) recently moved, and we found a trove of old photos from before we became adoptive parents. Seeing what I looked like and what he looked like, I commented that I must have had one hell of a personality.
He conceded the point, but added that one of the things he had found most appealing was that I wasn’t looking for someone to complete or fix my life. I was happy with my life, and wanted to share it with him.