
The Wit and Wisdom of DangZagnut: MGTOW poet, philosopher, dingus

By David Futrelle

My favorite MGTOW Redditor has to be the prolific and pungent fellow who calls himself DangZagnut. I’ve quoted him many times in posts over the years, on subjects ranging from burning down your ex’s house (he was in favor of this) to Millennial men’s alleged love of, er, “licking the chunks out” of “used pussy.” He also once suggested, with his typical bluntness, that the average woman was basically “a fleshlight that complains a lot.”

It’s no wonder I once named him “MGTOW of the Day” here at WHTM, celebrating a post of his arguing that women really don’t have much of a sex drive. (Maybe when it comes to you they don’t, dude.)

On Reddit, he’s a rather absurdly prolific poster to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, though he posts as well in the less-popular and allegedly more serious MGTOW2 subreddit, where he’s a moderator, and in the rather pointless Blue vs Red Pill debate sub PurplePillDebates. His comments don’t always inspire tons of upvotes from his MGTOW colleagues, but he’s prolific enough that he’s still managed to rack up some 619,302 comment karma points.

And so, after running across one of his comments in a MGTOW subreddit thread today, I thought that maybe it was time for a little roundup of some of the wit and wisdom he treats his fellow MGTOWs to on a daily basis.

I decided to search through some of his recent posts in an attempt to gather together some of his bonnest of bon mots. I made it through 600 of his latest posts before I got all bleary eyed and started to develop a migraine; amazingly, that’s only a little more than a week’s worth of his output. (Did I mention that he posts a lot?)

On Women and Soy Boys and Online Attention:

[W]omen go online and spread their baby maker for likes and hearts and money. Because that’s the only way to get that externally supplied self-esteem. Self-esteem, unless self-generated, never, ever, gets that hole filled, and it won’t be supplied forever. No wonder everything is about retweets, favorites, upvotes, and sexual validation. It must be constant, and men face the same problems. You can tell the type, they were wearing soy milk from their eyes when Hilary lost.

Soft and fruity and emotional like their female counterparts.


This from a guy who posts literally dozens of comments on Reddit every day and has, as I mentioned, 619,302 comment karma. You don’t get that much Reddit karma without wanting it.

On Relationships:

Oh well, to each their own. If a person with a moist hole you masturbate in is somehow a life’s goal, max that shit out.


Such a romantic!

On Rape:

Well considering rape is just using a vagina for its intended purpose, what’s the big deal? It’s not like women care about virginity, so that’s not an issue right?

This is why you really can’t believe women talking about rape. It’s like an Uber driver complaining they didn’t get a good enough tip.


In addition to being just an all-around horrendous opinion, that “Uber” bit is simply the worst metaphor for rape I’ve ever seen from a purely logical point of view.

On Rape (Again):

A vagina doesn’t know it was raped, only a brain. There is no sex act that equals rape, just a mental one. We call it “consent” but consent doesn’t really exist, it’s just a pre-opinion of a sex event. Rape is when that pre-opinion didn’t get its conditions met. It can range from straying from the original “opinion” to retroactively withdrawing it because he didn’t call the next day.

And the opinion is subject to change without notice. That’s all rape is now, an opinion a person has about a completely legal act before the opinion is given.


Punching a dude in the face is a totally legal act, if you’re boxing. Sticking a knife in someone’s belly is a legal act, if the person doing it is a doctor taking out your appendix. But somehow I suspect DangZagnut doesn’t want either of these things done to him when he’s just, you know, walking down the street. Consent, dude. It’s called consent. That’s what makes sex a legal act.

On Shopping:

Women are the bane of grocery shopping. They pay no attention to anyone, they go the wrong way down aisles, they fondle every meat package like it’s a stress doll before wandering away, they really do screw up my experience.


Poor baby. And some people say that men have no real problems and just make up shit to get mad about

On the Female Orgasm:

[W]omen just aren’t that into sex in the first place.

When did it become my job to fix your broken vagina? If it doesn’t orgasm, which is unnecessary to procreation and serves zero purpose anyway, why don’t you do or say something to make it better for you? Too much energy to contribute when you’re busy burning calories star fishing?

Sheesh, do some work. Skin in the game ladies. Stop being so passive. I don’t expect you to do anything but exist, but you require equipment and special moves. You want that? Pay me.


Massive self-own. Why do these guys like to broadcast how bad they are at sex?

On Religion:

All religions worship women, they’re magical creatures. Whether it’s Catholics worshipping a Jewish minx named Mary that cucked her husband, or Muslims worshipping women by “controlling” them, don’t make me laugh. Or the guilt tripping Jewish mother, or the women doing Gods know what to the Hindus, all religions pretend to “control” women, but in reality it’s putting them on the pedestal.


It’s a little amusing that he knows so little about Hinduism that he has to sort of punt when it comes to giving an example of alleged Hindu “pussy worship.”

On Women’s Issues:

Men have been listening to women flap their loud cunts endlessly about their bullshit problems while intentionally ignoring men and putting them down.

The pendulum has swung. Fuck you and your pedestal.

The pendulum swinging back is a wrecking ball.


Tell us again about how oppressed you are by women shopping.

On Simps:

Women do love simps. They’re like adorable little ATMs that you spray with Raid when you’re done with them.


Are people out there routinely spraying ATMs with Raid or is Mr Zagnut just getting jiggy with the metaphors again?

On the Proper Treatment of Women:

[T]rust me, girls need abuse. Deserve is a better word.



On Misogyny:

I have nothing against women, I just feel they are unsuitable for committed relationships and don’t allow them any ability to harm me financially through a relationship.


But of course, how can he possibly be a misogynist? He sometimes takes a break from posting vile crap about women for several hours at a time. I think that’s when he sleeps.

Tepid and grudging applause, folks, for DangZagnut, MGTOW poet, philosopher, and all around huge dingus.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

@Some Chick in Texas

how does he not know how any part of reality works?

This seems to be a recurring theme among MGTOWs.

Re: fondling meat (as in beef and poultry, not in the other context)
I’ve never seen anyone do this in a store, but I did read a cookbook that described how different cuts and kinds meat should feel before cooking to know if it’s good quality. As a vegetarian I don’t cook with meat, and I can understand how texture can be important, but I doubt people are testing it in the store much.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

@Some Chick In Texas:

Somehow most of these guys don’t understand how reality works.

4 years ago

Women are the bane of grocery shopping. They pay no attention to anyone, they go the wrong way down aisles, they fondle every meat package like it’s a stress doll before wandering away, they really do screw up my experience.

I can’t help but imagine this dude’s grocery shopping described by an impartial narrator, where we’d find that he is the bane of grocery shopping by constantly watching what all the women are doing, being just reasonable enough to keep his distance so that he can’t actually tell what they’re doing, but he bets it’s super bad.

Then he rams his cart into someone (since he’s keeping an eye on all the women instead of looking where he’s going) and starts shouting at them for going down the aisle the wrong way.

Also, for some reason he thinks grocery shopping would somehow be great if it weren’t for all the women? I may be alone on this, but isn’t grocery shopping kind of a drag? (Or at least was before the whole Covid situation when every outing became an adventure.) It’s just something you have to do.

4 years ago

Bad erotic fanfiction: “He fondled his meat package.”

C.A. Collins
C.A. Collins
4 years ago

Bags of mustard and ketchup go in those pump dispensers at fast food places.

4 years ago


Men have been listening to women flap their loud cunts endlessly about their bullshit problems while intentionally ignoring men and putting them down.

Women have been ignoring men? Oh, this must be too much to bear, even for the manliest of men. And putting men down? Now they’ve gone too far. How about sarcasm? Are women ever sarcastic with men? Because that would be the worst.

To be fairer to the dipshit than he perhaps deserves, I read his complaint as MEN ignoring other men and putting them down, while listening to women.

Which is a deeper look into his meatspace life than I really wanted to get.

4 years ago

It’s a little amusing that he knows so little about Hinduism that he has to sort of punt when it comes to giving an example of alleged Hindu “pussy worship.”

Not very convincing on other religions either. The Catholic worship of Mary seems like rather desperate cherrypicking, while trying to handwave away the very existence of all other (esp. Protestant) Christianity. The Jewish mother thing is just a weird non sequitur, it hardly even qualifies as cherrypicking on Judaism.

The Muslim reference smacks of “I only know that Islam is said to be very patriarchal, but I have this vague idea that traditional patriarchy usually involves protecting, supporting and respecting women in certain ways, generally defeating the purpose of having women under control. That must suffice, since I can’t name any specific example of religious reverence of women in Islam.”

And THEN he remembered there are major religions outside of Abrahamic tradition. I can only imagine how, at this point, he felt his intuitive understanding of “all religions” was stretching thin.

4 years ago


The Jewish mother thing is just a weird non sequitur, it hardly even qualifies as cherrypicking on Judaism.

As someone who has a Jewish mother, I just laughed when I read that part. There are a lot of Jewish jokes about Jewish mothers, so it was a bit funny to me to see this weird misinterpretation (though I do see the antisemitism and don’t like that aspect). It reads as if he’s desperately trying to combine stereotypes he overheard with his batshit theories on religion. This isn’t the first time the manosphere has tried theology, and it never seems to make sense.

4 years ago

One shudders to imagine just what stance a religion would have to take re: women to satisfy him that it wasn’t unduly elevating them, if even traditional Islam (or rather, the common Western understanding thereof) doesn’t cut it.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
4 years ago

I wonder if he means “goddesses”=”women worship”. *rolls eyes*

4 years ago

Racism, sexism and all that stuff is bad but I can’t get over the fact that he didn’t know enough to get mad that many Hindus straight up worship goddesses. Like, you’d think that would be the home dunk of easy anti-theist, anti-woman rhetoric.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

@Moon Custafer:

I was going to post the same thing.

For those who don’t know, this is a case of an incel who murdered a sex worker at an “erotic spa” (I assume this means “erotic massage” of some kind was performed here) then stabbed the manager, who got hold of the knife and stabbed him back so he couldn’t hurt anyone else while waiting for the police to arrive.

Evidence from what he said in the presence of the surviving woman and collected at his home shows that he wanted to teach women a lesson and get revenge for women’s rejections of him and generally make women afraid to say “no” to a man ever again.

The case isn’t getting as much attention as it might because the murderous incel is a minor and his name and identifying information isn’t being published. But the decision to charge this as “Murder in the course of terrorism activities” under Ontario law is a really, really big deal. It’s finally taking seriously what incels themselves say is their purpose in committing these murders.

4 years ago

Gross creep talks about pedestals too ignorant to realize there might be a woman somewhere who stands on a pedestal *literally* of her own making, by her own choosing, on her own terms for her own enjoyment. Haha, I bet this idiot is the type that would drool if he could see but haha he won’t.

4 years ago

This is by far one of the most amusing posts I’ve read here (and I’ve read a lot) the collection of hard thought diatribe by an inane and selfless, self promoting mtgow prat. I don’t recall how I came upon your blog but I love seeing a new entry in my inbox (no pun) and it makes me laugh how you show these sad saps up for the very qualities they themselves shout that they despise in the female of the species.

Has being classed as incel, either by own choice or by society, been included in DSM yet?

Love you work, take care

4 years ago


Has being classed as incel, either by own choice or by society, been included in DSM yet?

I don’t think it would be added because being an incel isn’t a mental illness, it’s an ideology that they follow. While some may have mental illnesses like depression, being a self identified incel is not in and of itself a mental condition.

4 years ago

At least where I live traffic in supermarket aisles goes both ways. Is it different elsewhere?

Many supermarkets have responded to the covid crisis by making aisles one-way to reduce traffic. The “meat fondling” comment may be related and, to be fair, there’s always one shopper who has to touch every package in the cooler and I find it annoying too. It’s not only women, though. That’s just his bias showing.

That said, I have my doubts about the relative overlap between MGTOW and people who are practicing social distancing out of a concern for public health.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

When I handle a package at the grocery store, without adding it to my basket, it was almost always to check the freshness date. And if I handle very many of the same item, it’s because a lot of what they have isn’t very fresh, so it took me several tries to find one that would not go off before I’d be finished using it. (As a single, I don’t go through a complete package nearly as fast as, say, a family of four would, so I need a fresher package than they would.)

I never handled things there just gratuitously, even before COVID was a thing.

4 years ago

I’m actually impressed with “the pendulum swinging back is a wrecking ball”, though obviously not in that context. May use it in the context of our coming election.