
Young Red Piller thinks he’s found the girl of his dreams … until he discovers that she once used a vibrator

Note: If your vibrator moves like this, it’s probably broken

By David Futrelle

It‘s amazing what the so-called “Red Pill” can do to some guys’ brains. Consider the case of one myrenaissance, an aspiring pickup artist who recently came to the Red Pill subreddit with his tale of woe: he had found what he thought was his ideal woman, his perfect “unicorn” — until he uncovered her secret flaw.

Myrenaissance — an earnest and impressionable young lad of 21 — told the tale of his sad journey. He began with a confession:

I’ve taken a three year haitus on the Pill since I first discovered this subreddit in 2017. I am turning 21 this coming June, and it has taken another unfortunate, but liberating realization that the Red Pill is the only mindset to keep.

Oh dear. In the intervening years, he reported,

I guess I went on monk mode, or I was being a little bitch. I’m going to be a senior in college now and I haven’t been smashing anywhere near the amount of broads as I want to. Probably a couple.

I love that “probably a couple.” The chance he doesn’t know the exact number of “broads” he “smashed” is zero, which coincidentally is probably also the number of the aforementioned smashed “broads.”

Anyway, his luck had recently changed — or so he thought.

Recently I swiped and matched with this chick on Tinder and we hit it off. We Facetimed nearly every day for weeks and I can’t believe I’ve told her that I think I love her and I may want to marry her, even though deep down I don’t want to, but I don’t mind either. Her face is completely my type and her personality is 100/100.


She started catching feelings too and I couldn’t stop imagining/fantasizing all the great vacations and experiences we were going to make in the future…until five minutes ago when a conversation topic took me at a complete stop.

As David Byrne once (allegedly) said while being dragged into the bushes by muggers, uh oh!

It felt like a semi-truck of liberation and genuine sadness that this girl is not the one. Or any girl for that matter.

Jesus Christ. Is she a mass murderer? Does she light puppies on fire for fun? What could this revelation have been?

We were talking and the conversation led to the use the “Hitachi Wand.” For some of you who don’t know what that is, look it up. Its basically a vibrator on steroids that makes a girl clit explode. I asked her how she was so familiar with it and I literally had to dig up information from her past using semantics and found out that a hook up partner of hers used it on her. The moment she told me that, I literally lost the sight of her “being the one” and saw a complete whore instead. 

She used a Hitachi Magic Wand once during sex and this makes her a “whore?”

I was sad, but I was glad that it hit me.

It comes to show that no matter how innocent or lovely you think a girl is, everyone has a past.

That is “a past?”

To tell yourself that she could be the mother of your kids or even a partner to truly love, is complete bullshit.

Because she once used a back massager to massage something other than her back? This is the worst case of Madonna/Whore syndrome I think I’ve ever seen.

This post is mostly a rant/realization that the one’s you thought you loved, aren’t real. This is a self-reflection post for me to remember this moment. Stick to the Red Pill and focus for the best for yourself.

After inviting his Red Pill colleagues to offer “completely honest roasts and feedback” on his sad tale, he ended with an open letter to his Madonna-turned-whore:

For my girl Jenn: I thought you were the one, but you are another girl riding the CC. I still want to date you for a little bit, but just cause you have big tits and a fun personality.

Yeah, that’s not going to be happening if she sees this, bro.

I can’t believe I almost fell on your unicorn horn. You almost made me forget that the genuine feeling of personal satisfaction is created by myself, my achievements, and my improvements.

Well, bullet dodged, for “Jenn” anyway.

Ironically, for all of myrenaissance’s professed fealty to Red Pill ideology, the Red Piller’s were not kind in their responses to his “field report.” They basically told him he was an idiot and that dismissing a possible girlfriend because she once used a Magic Wand was ridiculous.

[O]h no not a hitachi!” wrote one commenter sarcastically. 

What an absolute whore! How dare she have some other partner before you that was interested in her sexual pleasure! Get you a proper lady who doesn’t know where her own clit is. /s

“[A]re you really expecting to find an experienced virgin innocent hot girl that has a 100/100 personality waiting only for you?” asked another commenter.

And even if in some magical world that existed, I would never marry a virgin, it’s better that she has taken a few dicks or sex toys in your case, than to go nuts in later years of LTR/marriage.

Myrenaissance replied:

Thanks bro, I needed to hear this. Yes, I do have many insecurities to work on and I’m so excited to overcome them. I died laughing when you said “virgin innocent hot girl that has a 100/100 personality waiting only for you.” One line hits home cause the truth hurts and I love it.

I agree that I have a lot of growing up to do. I see it in myself and I get upset over things that I look back on and realize how stupid I was. She did dodge a bullet, but shes catching feelings for me. I’m gonna fuck her silly when I see her.

Not if she ever sees this Reddit post, my dude.

Reddit’s Red Pillers may mock this young Padawan but the fact is he’s the logical end point of their fetishization of youth and purity — and their not-so-well-hidden fear that any women with non-zero experience will compare them unfavorably with their previous boyfriends and/or hookups. I hope myrenaissance’s next discovery is that the Red Pill philosophy itself is a giant pile of shit.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

maybe Semantics is a brand name of a tool company?

“Semantics tools for all household, industrial and social construction purposes”

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

I literally had to dig up information from her past using semantics

What does that even mean?

I think it means that she didn’t really want to engage in a dissection of her past love life, but he kept pushing, so she gave minimal answers, leaving him to have to fill in the blanks with his imagination.

Chances are this conversation already put her on alert that there’s something very wrong. Go with your gut feeling, Jenn. It’s right.

4 years ago

@Prith Kdar

I admit, I kinda want to know how that conversation went down…

Especially given that manospherians are possibly the least subtle people in the world, I too would love to have overheard that.

Or a hypnosis technique?


It seems Hitachi prefers to be known for, er, industrial grade power tools.

Also best not to mix the two, as illustrated by this XKCD comic:
comment image

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

I wonder if the Semantics Shovel Company uses the Feelings Big Rig to distribute their product:

a semi-truck of liberation and genuine sadness

Love how at the end, he pretends that he’s grown into an adult and learned from the experience, but then he concludes “I’m going to fuck her silly”, rather than “I’m going to have an honest conversation with her because I care about her feelings and want to work this out”. He’s decided to use the semantic shovel to bury all those disturbing thoughts of decency towards women and continue his lifestyle of probably smashing broads.

Run, Jenn. Run.

4 years ago


He’s decided to use the semantic shovel to bury all those disturbing thoughts of decency towards women and continue his lifestyle of probably smashing broads.

Or, more likely, his lifestyle of not “smashing broads,” because I highly doubt he was doing any of that.

4 years ago

I’m a bit disturbed by that expression “catching feelings”. He writes about love and affection as if they’re some kind of viral disease. If he feels that way, he should definitely practise social distancing.

4 years ago

It’s especially disturbing considering that he admits to having lied about how affectionate his feelings for her were, so the person she conceivably could be “catching” these feelings from doesn’t even have them.

4 years ago


It’s especially disturbing considering that he admits to having lied about how affectionate his feelings for her were, so the person she conceivably could be “catching” these feelings from doesn’t even have them.

If you’re too macho to wear a mask, don’t be surprised when you catch feelings and COVID.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Naglfar: The word “probably” is certainly doing a lot of work in that sentence.

@Moggie: Wishing Jenn a speedy, and full, recovery. And lifelong immunity against RedPill men.

You almost made me forget that the genuine feeling of personal satisfaction is created by myself, my achievements, and my improvements.

Well, thank goodness he came to his senses and realized that happiness comes from being self-absorbed and closed off to others.

4 years ago

@Buttercup, is there a vaccine?

4 years ago


Well, thank goodness he came to his senses and realized that happiness comes from being self-absorbed and closed off to others.

Mysteriously, he still seems rather unhappy. Must be the fault of all those smashed broads.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago

The expression “catching feelings” is hardly common to the manosphere. I mostly see it in the context of someone having no-stings-attached sex unexpectedly having a desire for something more. From a quick search, there seem to be several songs titled “Catching Feelings”, including one by Justin Bieber from 2012, so maybe he had something to do with originating the phrase. It’s also the title of a South African film from 2017.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Moggie – I don’t know, but we desperately need one. Critical thinking skills? Feminism?

OT: I live between two churches, both of which just started offering Sunday morning drive thru services over a loudspeaker. Right now they’re going full blast with dueling liturgies. On one side of me: 90 decibel Mass from the balcony. On the other, a soundstage with a 2-chord rock band backing up the minister. It’s going to be a loooong summer.

4 years ago


I live between two churches, both of which just started offering Sunday morning drive thru services over a loudspeaker. Right now they’re going full blast with dueling liturgies. On one side of me: 90 decibel Mass from the balcony. On the other, a soundstage with a 2-chord rock band backing up the minister. It’s going to be a loooong summer.

Is there some local noise ordinance you can use against them? I don’t know the laws where you live, but it’s worth checking.

Or, alternatively start the Church of Skullpants which requires blasting white noise for 6 hours twice a day.

4 years ago

It’d be a shame if someone hacked those loudspeaker feeds, and blasted out alternative audio.

4 years ago

Indeed, would be awful if someone started playing some black metal…

Note: I did not record this, my ‘nym is after the band, which I am not affiliated with.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

That really would be a shame if their feed got interrupted. Didn’t Jesus tell everyone to pray in a closet?

Now might be a good time to take up nude sunbathing.

I’m really curious to see how the Catholic church is going to handle drive-thru communion. And confession. That could get awkward for the teenagers in the car with their parents.

4 years ago

@An Impish Pepper
That’s interesting.

I’m still wondering why Myrenaissance said Jenn was catching feelings “too”, when he makes it pretty obvious he’s played up his feelings for her. So did he catch feelings and then only lie about wanting to marry her. And why would he do that if he had caught feelings?

4 years ago

I suspect he actually does have feelings for this girl, and the “frame” he was trying to hold was for his fellow bro’s. Can’t let the bro’s know he actually cares about a girl, gotta make a big deal about how you only want her for sex (sex apparently so unmemorable he won’t even be sure he had it afterward, no wonder he’s so threatened by some other guy actually making an effort to see she had a good time) He’s lying to everyone here, and himself.

4 years ago

I’m really curious to see how the Catholic church is going to handle drive-thru communion. And confession. That could get awkward for the teenagers in the car with their parents.

Many diocese are doing both Mass and communion on-line, and confession by phone. Which is kinda odd, and means you’ve got to scout around for a bit of privacy at home, but it’s nice that it’s there.

4 years ago

Does transubstantiation work over Zoom?

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
4 years ago

@ Buttercup Q. Skullpants,

I’d suggest going to both of those churches first, and telling them how their respective outdoor services are disturbing your peace while at your house. It’s possible they might not be aware that they’re being THAT loud in their outdoor services. And definitely look into your local noise ordinances to see if there’s anything there that might be applicable to this situation. Like, a weekly outdoor rock concert in a space not built for that purpose has to be violating some rules right there.

And hopefully you aren’t caught between two churches who think that the current ‘Freedom or Death’ movement is a requirement for being good in God’s sight. >.<

As for how the Catholic Church is handling certain of its sacraments and obligations for their members, I looked up how my church is doing things (all I have time to research at the moment). From what I can tell from their website, they are going to enforce social distancing/masking in the main sanctuary and overflow space, so a limited number of people will be allowed inside the building for Mass.

Those who want to attend Mass in their cars may watch it on their personal devices, and if they want communion too, form a line by the main doors to receive it.

And as funny as the carbound public confessional sounds, it seems like (at least at my church) those will still be done privately in person. Just with the masks and gloves and things included. Or if the church building in question is old enough, a revival of using the old pre-Vatican II partitioned confession booths.

Just what I could find in my area; ymmv in your own area(s) on these points.

ETA: and Shadowplay kinda-sorta beat me to the (Hawaiian 😀 ) punch there.

4 years ago

Does transubstantiation work over Zoom?

Eh, it works when the priest is on the ground and the communicant is in orbit, so why not? 🙂

4 years ago

I thought sacraments in orbit required the Space Pope.comment image

Sort of relevant to the OP: This happened earlier:comment image

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

Statistically, all men are assholes. The current crisis has brought out the inner 5-year-old-brat in so many of us that the math now rounds off to 100%
