By David Futrelle
Donald Trump isn’t the only man who refuses to wear a protective face mask because he thinks it’ll make him look like a wuss. A new study from researchers at Middlesex University and Berkeley reports that men are less likely than women to wear masks because, for too many of them, masks are for sissies.
“Men more than women agree that wearing a face covering is shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness and a stigma,” the researchers write, “and these gender differences also mediate gender differences intentions to wear a face covering.” Men are also less worried than women that they’ll catch the coronavirus themselves — a bit ironic because in fact men have been hit harder than women by the pandemic and they are far more likely than women to die from it.
One man who won’t be wearing a mask any time soon is a Redditor called shmederalreserve333, a conspiracy-minded fellow who thinks that those of the male persuasion are right not to worry about the pandemic. As he sees it, women are too worried about coronavirus, mostly because they’re a bunch of irrational babies desperately in need of a real man to come along and put them in their place.
“To me it seems like mostly women are very afraid,” he writes in a recent post to the Conspiracy subreddit.
Men are generally not concerned but will play along to avoid conflict with the GF. Single dudes like me, are really not concerned and many are not even wearing masks.
So why are women so scared? Good old-fashioned female irrationality, magnified by evil NWO food and the fact that they work outside the home.
I think this unnatural fear of germs comes from being hyper feminized and not being able to think rationally. The extra estrogen in our diet and the other hormone influencing foods. Combined with the fact that historically women have only had a few responsibilities, take care of the kids, cook food, etc. except for the past about 50 years women have slowly gained more and more responsibilities. It’s not insane to think maybe women aren’t ready to have all these responsibilities and are getting overwhelmed.
His proof? The lack of female billionaires.
think about how many women are independently wealthy? not many big names come to mind. Sure actresses and politicians. But thats about it. What about fortune 500 companies founded by women? Any companies at all founded by women that made millions? not many at all.
This goes to show that women just can’t handle jobs.
It’s clear men are more fit for providing for a family, so why are women still trying? Men we need to come together and regain our position as the leaders of the free world. If all men where just Real with women instead of being cuckolds and following whatever the woman does. Thats why I’m single I don’t want to be a follower, and all the women want to be leaders.
I’m not sure that’s why you’re single, dude.
To all my Married dudes out there, try disagreeing with your wife about anything. It’s not going to end well.
It’s just another way the nwo is creating Order out of Chaos.
tl;dr women are already overwhelmed with modern society and for most women understanding germ concepts is too difficult.
Oh, I think most women understand germs a lot better than you do, dude. That’s why they’re wearing masks to protect themselves and others while you’re out there being a potential disease vector.
You are, dude. You’re the vector. And also kind of an idiot.
Indeed, shmederalreserve333’s theory here was so ludicrous that even the regular inhabitants of r/Conspiracy thought it was a bit much — with nealy 70 percent of those voting on it giving it a thumb’s down. Oof. When your conspiracy theory is too far out for even the conspiracy, er, enthusiasts in the conspiracy subreddit, you know you’ve fucked up big time.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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“Women are irrational because they’re taking a pandemic seriously, which just proves why us manly maskless men should be in charge.”
…I just can’t think of anything funny to say about this.
Hello everyone, by the way. Don’t think I’ve actually properly said hi before.
This is completely and utterly false, but I’m getting stuck on the idea that child care and housekeeping are easy. If child care is so easy, why do these men demand that women do it for them?
If these men were only hurting themselves by not following safety precautions, I’d say for them to go ahead, but they’re also infecting all sorts of other people who aren’t being complete assholes, so I don’t want them to go ahead.
If men are so superior to women, why are they seemingly so incapable of winning an argument with their wives?
Yeah that redditor, caring about your own life makes you a “coward.” If anything Americans, ( women, and indeed men as well ) aren’t worried enough about the virus.
I live in America and I see this each day. Already my state is talking about reopening all kinds of things and yet cases are still rising. This is a horrible idea, but few are openly objecting.
I do love how crackpots like this dude have to invent ever-increasingly crackpot reasons to justify their single status. It’s a cry for help screamed into a wind tunnel.
Most of the hardcore Reopen and anti-mask people I know are women, for what it’s worth.
Yeah, there’s a certain kind of idiot which illustrates why we shouldn’t just let Darwinism take its course.
[Idiot fires gun in the air]
Someone: “Please don’t do that.”
Idiot: “F*** you, I can do what I want! Freedom!”
Someone: “Bullets come back down eventually. Occasionally they hit people. It’s dangerous.”
Idiot: “Bah! It’s not a big deal, and I have every right to take risks!”
[Idiot continues firing gun in the air. Bullet falls down and kills a baby]
Police: “Gonna have to arrest you, looks like.”
Idiot: “That was not my fault! You can’t arrest me! Second Amendment!”
Police: “You took the risk that you were going to kill someone, and you killed someone. Killing people means jail. Do you get it?”
Idiot: “No!”
And that’s assuming it’s not the even worse case where they refuse to believe you, because bullets dematerialize if you’re not aiming them. Either way, it’s that general mentality which doesn’t care about the consequences of rapid viral spread.
Shmederalreserve333 also says this:
Shmederalreserve333, you are an idiot.
Are you familiar with female nurses? Female nurse assistants? Female nurse practitioners? How about female doctors? Female 911 phone operators? Female Suicide Prevention volunteers? Female morticians? Female police officers, paramedics, or firefighters? Female soldiers? Maybe female crime scene cleaners?
My mother, a neonatal nurse back in the day, dealt with premature babies and sick babies and babies with birth defects dying while she took care of them. These deaths were traumatic. They made her very sad. And then she returned to work the next day because being a neonatal nurse was her job.
@Lizard People Operative
Welcome! I need to point out that your nym kinda blows your cover. Also, it’s a very funny nym.
Because it’s easy, naturally. Only kind of work wimminz is good for, dontcha know. That way the men are free to go and do all the important, difficult, manly, real work.
Oh, and because women are naturally good at it, because gestating babies and evopsych.
What is NWO? I couldn’t find it on Rational Wiki.
I see we have another MGTOW who thinks the dynamic between married couples is accurately portrayed by 90s era sitcoms.
NWO simply stands for “New World Order”, which is a classic bugbear of conspiracy theorists.
Entering *NWO* into the search field on the RationalWiki front page redirects here.
Who cares why this asshat is single? I’m just glad he is. It’s a gift to women everywhere.
Thank you for the explanation and link. I must have made a typo ☹️
Indeed, it is not. It is neither demencia. It is not a mental disease, and you are not ill. You are just an asshole unable to put two and two together to make a four, so full ingrained in conspullshit that you are not able to make sense even for your fellows.
Anyway, he would be sad here, as masks are mandatory in public transportations now. Clearly a conspiracy.
Well, it is soon the week-end. Everybody, keep safe !
Thank you. In my defense, the briefing was just a piece of cardboard with “blend in” written on it. We’re a bit of a low-budget conspiracy – but still probably better funded and prepared than the OP.
Also, your nym is very good as well.
Of course, all this guff about “weakness” ignores the fact that the #1 reason to wear a mask is to protect other people. You could be infected without even knowing it yet, and shedding droplets carrying viral particles. I don’t think it’s weak to not want to infect people at random.
As far as protecting yourself, though, is there any better example of toxic masculinity hurting men than men literally dying because they thought mask-wearing was for sissies?
It’s great that this guy knows all about providing for a family even though he’s single. It’s completely impossible that he doesn’t know how something outside of his experience works. I’m sure there was a line about unmarried marriage counselors or something in Peanuts.
Just because all of your conversations with women end catastrophically for you doesn’t mean that happens to everyone.
Everything’s easy if you’ve never done it. That’s why the Finnish saying “easy as haymaking” was coined by people who have never done agricultural work.
Dipshit quoted in OP says:
This is especially funny because I’m currently reading If Walls Could Talk: An Intimate History of the Home by Lucy Worsley, which gives a lot of details about how labor-intensive it used to be to keep house. It also goes over how women’s responsibilities changed constantly throughout history. And that’s just for England.
@ A Noyd
I’m a big fan of Doctor Lucy. The Beeb did a four part series to accompany the book. Did you get to see it?
Wasn’t Finnish agricultural work traditionally done by women, while men went hunting and trapping? That would explain where the saying got started…
Speaking of COVID; this may be of interest to any New York mammotheers.
It’s a bill to lock down the state’s 80+ wildlife (‘wet’) markets and establish a task force to decide when they might be safe to reopen.
Not sure how that will work against Trump’s executive order under the Defence Purchase Act. Be interesting to see what the “States’ Rights!” crowd make of this.
Waaaay back in my adolescence, part of the image of a Real Man© was that he would protect the vulnerable. Of course there are a lot of problems with this, but it does beat the newer version of a Real Man© who apparently exists to bully everyone else (or at least try.)