By David Futrelle
Donald Trump isn’t the only man who refuses to wear a protective face mask because he thinks it’ll make him look like a wuss. A new study from researchers at Middlesex University and Berkeley reports that men are less likely than women to wear masks because, for too many of them, masks are for sissies.
“Men more than women agree that wearing a face covering is shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness and a stigma,” the researchers write, “and these gender differences also mediate gender differences intentions to wear a face covering.” Men are also less worried than women that they’ll catch the coronavirus themselves — a bit ironic because in fact men have been hit harder than women by the pandemic and they are far more likely than women to die from it.
One man who won’t be wearing a mask any time soon is a Redditor called shmederalreserve333, a conspiracy-minded fellow who thinks that those of the male persuasion are right not to worry about the pandemic. As he sees it, women are too worried about coronavirus, mostly because they’re a bunch of irrational babies desperately in need of a real man to come along and put them in their place.
“To me it seems like mostly women are very afraid,” he writes in a recent post to the Conspiracy subreddit.
Men are generally not concerned but will play along to avoid conflict with the GF. Single dudes like me, are really not concerned and many are not even wearing masks.
So why are women so scared? Good old-fashioned female irrationality, magnified by evil NWO food and the fact that they work outside the home.
I think this unnatural fear of germs comes from being hyper feminized and not being able to think rationally. The extra estrogen in our diet and the other hormone influencing foods. Combined with the fact that historically women have only had a few responsibilities, take care of the kids, cook food, etc. except for the past about 50 years women have slowly gained more and more responsibilities. It’s not insane to think maybe women aren’t ready to have all these responsibilities and are getting overwhelmed.
His proof? The lack of female billionaires.
think about how many women are independently wealthy? not many big names come to mind. Sure actresses and politicians. But thats about it. What about fortune 500 companies founded by women? Any companies at all founded by women that made millions? not many at all.
This goes to show that women just can’t handle jobs.
It’s clear men are more fit for providing for a family, so why are women still trying? Men we need to come together and regain our position as the leaders of the free world. If all men where just Real with women instead of being cuckolds and following whatever the woman does. Thats why I’m single I don’t want to be a follower, and all the women want to be leaders.
I’m not sure that’s why you’re single, dude.
To all my Married dudes out there, try disagreeing with your wife about anything. It’s not going to end well.
It’s just another way the nwo is creating Order out of Chaos.
tl;dr women are already overwhelmed with modern society and for most women understanding germ concepts is too difficult.
Oh, I think most women understand germs a lot better than you do, dude. That’s why they’re wearing masks to protect themselves and others while you’re out there being a potential disease vector.

You are, dude. You’re the vector. And also kind of an idiot.
Indeed, shmederalreserve333’s theory here was so ludicrous that even the regular inhabitants of r/Conspiracy thought it was a bit much — with nealy 70 percent of those voting on it giving it a thumb’s down. Oof. When your conspiracy theory is too far out for even the conspiracy, er, enthusiasts in the conspiracy subreddit, you know you’ve fucked up big time.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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My point with that exercise wasn’t to suggest that different groups don’t have different problems, but just to try to frame the argument from a different angle and see what happens. There are lots of POC in North America who end up better off than their peers and then end up believing that racial advantages given to white people either don’t actually exist or are negligible. I’ve heard on many occasions about East Asian immigrants being “basically white”, but then all it takes is an epidemic allegedly from China and the lie is instantly revealed (I’m not even just talking about COVID-19, either). In a white supremacist society, different groups of POC may have different problems but can find solidarity in the common overarching problem of racism. Similarly, I believe Dalillama’s whole point here is that a lot of people who believe themselves to be “middle class” actually have more in common with the working poor than the salaried higher-ups who will never have to worry about losing their homes.
Precisely this.
Just catching up on the housework discussion from Page 1, and how difficult it used to be: there are a number of historians who will tell you, in all seriousness, that the washing machine should be ranked with the Pill in the history of women’s liberation, for the sheer number of hours freed up, the relief from physical labor, and the health issues caused by that labor.
It’s the most common colour in auroras. Purple is when it’s getting fun. And they happen most nights (and days but they’re too dim to see during the day).
Man I miss that. I never see them anymore, Montreal is too bright and too far South for auroras, and there’s too many buildings and pesky trees anyway to even really see the sky.
@Rabid Rabbit
I’ve also been told that the sewing machine is also up there. Hand sewing stuff is time-consuming as hell.
Oh yeah, that’s my project for tomorrow — hand sewing a mask for myself.
(Just to sneak the topic back on ;))
It’s so pretty when the sky turns all pink and purple at the end of the day after a rainstorm. Red skies at night, sailor’s delight. Red skies in the morning, MGTOWs be swarming.
I just love being lectured about unnatural fear by guys who completely lose their shit over franchise reboots, brown people, working women, single mothers, tattoos, short hair, soy, plus-sized mannequins, and any other societal change that doesn’t cater to their fragile egos. A woman gets a lead role in a franchise film? The apocalypse is nigh! An incel gets rejected by one woman? They’re already building concentration camps and planning mandatory penis inspections! Talk about irrational.
That may as be, but once one starts calling someone “delusional”, that reveals a certain mindset where that party feels entitled to be dismissive of someone just because they think they are right.
Not because the person they are arguing with is a jerk or acting in bad faith. Even right now, that individual feels justified because “they were ‘right’ “.
And certainly there is no acknowledgment perhaps they themselves could have communicated better.
It’s 100% guaranteed this ‘habit’ has a history IRL. Complete with the never taking responsibility bit.
For the record I thought both parties had valid points and we’re mostly talking past each other.
*shrug* It’s the old talking to allistics problem. Ain’t my fault y’all can’t or won’t actually pay close enough attention to process details. I write, and indeed speak, with great precision, and say what I mean, no more and no less. People reading things into my text that I didn’t write piss me off, especially when I specifically covered their objection in the text they’re responding to. I also have very little patience for bullshit, especially toxic bullshit, no matter how sincerely someone might believe it or how much of their identity they’ve wrapped up in it. I’m past fucking caring.
PS: Yes, I behave the same in meatspace as I do online. I always have done. It has not prevented me from having rollicking conversations with family and friends over the years, and I am entirely comfortable with that aspect of who I am.
I think a major contributor to the illusion that America is so strongly middle class is that our history books, up until the 1990s, used to present the US as a “middle class” nation, without any actually class or economic analysis to go along with it.
It’s a term that upper classes now use to make themselves feel better and make it seem like things are more fair than they actually are. It’s purposely ill-defined in popular parlance so all sorts of people can think they’re middle class when they are actually not, thus making the system seem much more fair than it is.
We don’t have a formal aristocracy, and white people have never been bound to serfdom here. So, at the most facile level of analysis, everyone white is “middle” class. This analysis quite deliberately ignores the realities of socioeconomic class and ethnic caste that actually operate in this country.