empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs lose it over plus-sized mannequins, because of course they do

By David Futrelle

The MGTOWs are losing their shit over an imaginary woman again. This time the unfortunate lady in question is the plus-sized mannequin in the photo above, spotted going about her imaginary business in Nike’s flagship London store. Just the thought of making mannequins that reflect the full range of female bodies out there, not just the thin or athletic ones, sends these brave Men Going Their Own Way into a horde of raging babies.

I mean, like, even more so like a horde of raging babies than is usual for them.

“A figure like that is so gross and disgusting I’m about to puke like they puke on Family Guy!” declares one MGTOW Redditor called scaryunderwear in a thread on the topic.

“‘They should be realistic,” declares hankoBreadCrumbs89.

These cows don’t buy fabletics to actually exercise, they plop their fat asses on the couch and watch TV while painting their faces and photoshopping the shit out of their selfies for Instagram.

That’s what they should have, this fat slob laying on a couch covered in potato chip crumbs with a half breed kid sitting on the floor next to her in a dirty diaper.

Ah, a lovely racist cherry atop this pile of fatphobia.

In a comment posted two hours later — obviously he can’t stop thinking about this big imaginary lady — hankoBreadCrumbs89 offers up some fashion advice.

High waist pants/shorts piss me off so much. All these bitches wear it to hide their gut and make them appear like they have an ass. Fucking lying ass hoes. GTFOH such utter, shit, fashion and to think these people actually derive self worth, ego, and confidence from the validation of corporations who just exploit their consumerism. Western society is in serious decline .

Someone called TigPlaze assures any fat women who may be reading his comments that he will never be attracted to their big asses.

They can do this shit all the want. Publish photos of obese women, make obese mannequins, etc., but it will never change human biology. Men will not be attracted to women like that. At best they’ll get spineless fools to lie and say they like that, and they’re only lying out of desperation. That’s the advantage of being MGTOW. We don’t have to be desperate.

Oh, you guys are desperate, all right. Desperately pathetic. The fact is that plenty of men are attracted to fat women — including, perhaps, some of the guys complaining about them the most in this thread, who may be angry because fat women are just as likely to reject their misogynistic asses as their thinner sisters. Major sour grapes going on here, I suspect.

Meanwhile, a would-be cultural critic called CAPTAIN_TENDY_PLATE offers a surprisingly detailed critique of the photo in question. He’s especially irritated that the thinner mannequin doesn’t have her arms up in a sexy pose of her own. In his mind this is a symptom of skinny surrender.

They’re encouraging the fit people to stay timid and quiet in the back where they belong. They don’t need the spotlight, they need to shut up and go away.

The arms down, just blended into the background, completely unanimated posture is on purpose.

This image is incredibly fascinating actually. Whoever actually took it, if the OP grabbed it, has a very keen eye for social commentary.

Because what’s going on here, is some very subliminal social fuckery.

I mean, the outright detail given to the fat model is absurd, while the fit model might as well have been a coat hanger held up by a stick.

But CAPT. TENDY is just getting warmed up.

They went so far as to emulate every single fine detail, to encourage these consumers to look at this and say, “Wow! That’s ME! I would look GREAT in these clothes! Look how powerful and center of attention I would be in these SPORTS outfits I would be!”

The message here says, “you go girl, get these overpriced clothes, and then go to the gym and do your stretches, empower yourself and COMMAND the center of attention, show that skinny bitch who’s TRULY beautiful, who’s REALLY the queen, and she’ll have no choice but to stand there in the back in her rightful place and take it, while all attention will be on you and while you speak your truth, and everybody will be clammoring to support you”.

But of course, this is nothing but blatant consumerism and marketing.

The good CAPTAIN, doing his best impression of a cultural critic, breaks down what he thinks the real women wearing such clothes would look like.

The real world, though, would be a fat pig falling out of that top, win the smell of vinegar, wheezing and sweating just by walking into the gym, or to the track or whatever else. And by the time she got started on a treadmill (on 1.0), or walked a single lap, or picked up the smallest weights, did some pointless stretches or whatever else was designed to just make it look like she was “working out” just so she had an excuse to wear those clothes and try to get some attention….

You know, calling someone a big stinky fatty fat-fat is not actually an example of sophisticated cultural analysis.

Any “fitness chicks”, the actual athletic ones who DO run track, or DO run treadmill (they do exist), will actually be out there doing it.

And they’ll be inhaling, gasping for air as they drag their feet over to the bench to find a soda, some honeybuns, and candy, that they totally earned for having walked for three minutes.

Defeated and depressed, covered in pit fumes, they’ll go back to their car and leave, salty and pissed at the fit bitch who stole their spotlight when dudes are still not paying them any attention.

Such a vivid imagination these fellows have when it comes to the bodies of fat women.

It must have been the outfit, though. It just didn’t fit them right, like the model in the nike store. Because if it fit them the way it did in the nike store, they would have been successful. …

So the next time they’re at the mall, they’ll just blow another $300 on another outfit, and get another rush of dopamine, looking forward to how this time it will totally work, because it certainly isn’t their fault.

Consumerism psychology, as intertwined with modern feminism, in a nutshell.

You know, MGTOW dudes, American men are actually slightly more likely to be obese (43%) than women (41.9%). And given the number of comments in this MGTOW Reddit thread — 74, last I checked — it seems likely that at least some of the guys angrily ranting about “fat bitches” (possibly even including some of those I quoted) are themselves fat, with their anger stemming from deep misogyny mixed with self-hatred. Which is par for the course as far as MGTOWs — the men who doth protest too much.

Whatever it is that motivates this kind of anger on their part, it’s not healthy for them, nor for the rest of us who have to hear it. Guys who were truly “going their own way” would spend a lot less of their time lashing out at women for their supposed flaws — including, in this case, “existing while fat.”

Examine the roots of your bitterness, dudes, not the triggers.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

But seriously people like this berate large people for not working on being slimmer. Yet also have an issue with fitness clothes being made and advertised to bigger people?!

Every time I see an ad on FaceBook for plus-size work-out type clothing, there are ‘lol fattie’ comments left on it. They don’t actually want us to get thinner, they just want to have a group of people to mock in a sad attempt to make themselves feel better.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

What the fuck?

When did he turn into a flaming garbage pile?! 🙁

4 years ago

In Mortal Kombat 9, the “X-Ray” special moves actually depicted breasts as being composed of muscle tissue.

4 years ago

I’ve noticed that female ‘fat’ mannequins seem to always have large breasts. C’mon, that just isn’t the case among real humans. If only it was! I can only speak for myself, but I seem to gain weight in my hips, upper thighs, and rear end long before I gain weight in my chest. It took menopause for my breasts to begin to expand, oddly enough. Sorry for the TMI.


That’s a beautiful tortie in your avatar pic. I used to have a cat just like that.

So, hankobreadcrumbs89 doesn’t like high-waisted pants and shorts on women. Damn, to me that means he’s really made a study of these things. How awful for him.\s

4 years ago


The kitty was Sno-Cap, a feral that decided that indoor living had its perks. I really miss her.

4 years ago

So, men will “never” be attracted to larger-size women, and it’s a sign of the decline of the West?

These weeping babies need to look at the history of Western (whatever they define that as) civilization: for millenia, to call a woman “thin” was an insult, and if she wasn’t “plump”, she was ugly. The “thin” female body now in vogue is a notable deviation from centuries of men’s standards of female beauty.

So, there is no reason that men would not like female bodies that are larger than the current “thin”. Men always have.

It always puts me off to see modern actresses with collarbones so protruding and sharp that you could use them to slice tomatoes playing, say, Austen characters, in whom such bodies would have been deemed hideous.

Nanny Oggs Busom
Nanny Oggs Busom
4 years ago

MGTOWs whining about a single mannequin ?.

Mannequins in general aren’t realistic. That’s one of the problems with them.

I could write an essay on the problems of fashion for fat people, but I won’t because most of you are sensible enough of the issue. We’ve probably discussed it before.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago


wheezing and sweating just by walking into the gym

I’m roughly shaped like that mannequin and I do not wheeze at all while doing my 8 hour shift of manual labor.

I am shaped roughly like that as well, and the last time I wheezed and sweated into the gym, I got attention from one of the fit dudes! Can you even believe that simp! He said, referring to my tricep isolation routine, “Oh, that’s brutal.” He was probably just humoring me, though; he would have never said anything if he had realized how much wheezing and sweating it took to walk in and how disgusting I was. It’s not like a fat person could actually lift.*

*Heavy sarcasm for those who don’t know me.

4 years ago

I am a fat women who used to go to the gym. Men like that are the reason I stopped. They stared at me in a creepy fashion and if they were with friends made loud comments to make sure I and their friends know how unattractive they found me. I wore non brand clothing and was always happier when it was quieter and there was less chance people would pay me any attention.

These days I’m still fat and an injury that started with an out of control wheelie bin means I’m now unfit. But there is probably nothing that could induce me to go back to the gym at any point (btw if they had been caught by the staff hassling me they’d have been kicked out but they were aware enough to keep quiet when staff were around).

4 years ago

So they’re angry at the insinuation of fat women… exercising? I mean, FFS, dudes, just how the fuck exactly do you think fat people *lose* weight?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

MGTOWs: “I’m free of women! I can finally do all those things that I always wanted, without being held back by scheming foids.”

Also MGTOWs: “I think I’ll go to the women’s clothing store and critique the mannequins. That’s a productive use of my time.”

…and Lukas wins the internet!


Cryp Dyke : I think that they aren’t stupid per se. It’s not like their mind could not work correctly or see that ; it’s that they don’t want to see that.

See, you’re using “stupid” to refer to intellectual incapacity, though. I agree with you on what’s going on, but I just see “stupidity” as refusing to use the intellectual capacities that you have.

Consider a 7 week old baby that hasn’t yet developed object permanence. I would never call the baby “stupid” for not realizing the object is still around. The MGTOW, on the other hand, has more intellectual capacity, but vastly more stupidity.

4 years ago

@Crip Dyke : the thing is, they can use their mental abilities for other things, and it’s better to remember that. Nazis similarly were obviously not using their mental processing correctly to assess from where the problem came, but they did use them well enough to do some of the worse war crimes in history.

It’s also that mixing together people who have actual mental problems and asshole is alway unfortunate.

A. Noyd
4 years ago

Policy of Madness says:

I have to criticize the “fat” mannequin as not really reflecting how fat bodies are shaped.

And here I was thinking how much it resembles my own fat ass. Fat bodies are shaped any and all sorts of ways.

It would be nice if clothing designs reflected that fact, though. Also, that bra looks like it doesn’t support shit and I fear for any real boobies entrusted to it.

4 years ago

Wait…do they think the purpose of workout clothes for women is to give men boners? I was always under the impression workout gear was for, ya know, working out? Or is that function only for male workout gear?

Also, they whine about fat women and how fat women should be exercising, but then also whine that someone made plus size workout gear to facilitate this? How does that work? Would they be happier if fat women just exercised nude?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

The real world, though, would be a fat pig falling out of that top, win the smell of vinegar, wheezing and sweating just by walking into the gym, or to the track or whatever else.

Two questions:

1. How can I win the smell of vinegar?

2. WTF does it mean to win the smell of vinegar?

4 years ago


Also, they whine about fat women and how fat women should be exercising, but then also whine that someone made plus size workout gear to facilitate this? How does that work? Would they be happier if fat women just exercised nude?

I imagine that it’s because they just want punching bag to bully. The cruelty is the point; fat people are just one of many potential and easy victims to exercise the cruelty against.

4 years ago


Wait…do they think the purpose of workout clothes for women is to give men boners? I was always under the impression workout gear was for, ya know, working out? Or is that function only for male workout gear?

I think that in the eyes of MGTOWs, everything women wear/do must give men boners, but MGTOWs don’t want boners because they claim to be going their own way, so everything women do is evil to them. At least, I think that’s what they think.

Would they be happier if fat women just exercised nude?

We’d never hear the end of that one.

Edith Prickly
Edith Prickly
4 years ago

They sure talk a lot about women for men who are supposed to be going their own way.

4 years ago

Also, they whine about fat women and how fat women should be exercising, but then also whine that someone made plus size workout gear to facilitate this? How does that work? Would they be happier if fat women just exercised nude?

Fat women are also made fun of when they go to the gym. Or do any sort of movement outside the house, really. They don’t actually want us to be healthy, they just want a class of women that they are allowed to bash with impunity.

4 years ago


1. How can I win the smell of vinegar?

There’s a ticket on the back of each packet of Corn Flakes. No purchase necessary (If you don’t mind being pursued by a pissed off shopkeeper)

2. WTF does it mean to win the smell of vinegar?

It’s a Migweenie talking. The use of sense is prohibited.

4 years ago

@Shadowplay, Kat
Umm…why would I want to win the smell of vinegar? I can’t say I’m that fond of the smell of vinegar.

4 years ago

Isn’t it exactly your thing then? I assumed it mean like in a combat.

4 years ago

I interpreted it as a prize of some sort, like in a contest or giveaway.

Enter today and win the smell of vinegar! Not actual vinegar, just the smell of it! From the makers of Estro-bleach™.

Justin Campbell
Justin Campbell
4 years ago

Thank God I am not the only one confused by the vinegar thing.

Also, guess these old boys have slept since Middle School Health class.

Probably not telling anyone here anything they don’t already know, but there is a body type called the ectomorph, children.

The ectomorph body type can get gains easily, but not necessarily definition. Someone like Ashley Graham, as impressive as her aesthetics are, is almost a textbook ectomorph. Her upper arms are probably bigger and more solid than most guys’, certainly most of these guys’, but she isn’t shredded.

The opposite body type is called the endomorph. An endomorph body can get definition quickly, but will have difficulty putting on mass. Most runners have a traditionally endomorph body.

What most people think of as the traditionally “fit” body is the mesomorph.

And the reason that’s what’s thought of as fit is attributable to one man and one man alone: a magazine publisher named Joe Wieder.

Who was a godsend for his chosen field of athletic endeavor. But good Lord did he unintentionally do a number on the world’s collective head.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

Still wondering how I can win the smell of vinegar, and also what that process is all about. You smartypants Mammotheers refuse to take my questions seriously.