empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs lose it over plus-sized mannequins, because of course they do

By David Futrelle

The MGTOWs are losing their shit over an imaginary woman again. This time the unfortunate lady in question is the plus-sized mannequin in the photo above, spotted going about her imaginary business in Nike’s flagship London store. Just the thought of making mannequins that reflect the full range of female bodies out there, not just the thin or athletic ones, sends these brave Men Going Their Own Way into a horde of raging babies.

I mean, like, even more so like a horde of raging babies than is usual for them.

“A figure like that is so gross and disgusting I’m about to puke like they puke on Family Guy!” declares one MGTOW Redditor called scaryunderwear in a thread on the topic.

“‘They should be realistic,” declares hankoBreadCrumbs89.

These cows don’t buy fabletics to actually exercise, they plop their fat asses on the couch and watch TV while painting their faces and photoshopping the shit out of their selfies for Instagram.

That’s what they should have, this fat slob laying on a couch covered in potato chip crumbs with a half breed kid sitting on the floor next to her in a dirty diaper.

Ah, a lovely racist cherry atop this pile of fatphobia.

In a comment posted two hours later — obviously he can’t stop thinking about this big imaginary lady — hankoBreadCrumbs89 offers up some fashion advice.

High waist pants/shorts piss me off so much. All these bitches wear it to hide their gut and make them appear like they have an ass. Fucking lying ass hoes. GTFOH such utter, shit, fashion and to think these people actually derive self worth, ego, and confidence from the validation of corporations who just exploit their consumerism. Western society is in serious decline .

Someone called TigPlaze assures any fat women who may be reading his comments that he will never be attracted to their big asses.

They can do this shit all the want. Publish photos of obese women, make obese mannequins, etc., but it will never change human biology. Men will not be attracted to women like that. At best they’ll get spineless fools to lie and say they like that, and they’re only lying out of desperation. That’s the advantage of being MGTOW. We don’t have to be desperate.

Oh, you guys are desperate, all right. Desperately pathetic. The fact is that plenty of men are attracted to fat women — including, perhaps, some of the guys complaining about them the most in this thread, who may be angry because fat women are just as likely to reject their misogynistic asses as their thinner sisters. Major sour grapes going on here, I suspect.

Meanwhile, a would-be cultural critic called CAPTAIN_TENDY_PLATE offers a surprisingly detailed critique of the photo in question. He’s especially irritated that the thinner mannequin doesn’t have her arms up in a sexy pose of her own. In his mind this is a symptom of skinny surrender.

They’re encouraging the fit people to stay timid and quiet in the back where they belong. They don’t need the spotlight, they need to shut up and go away.

The arms down, just blended into the background, completely unanimated posture is on purpose.

This image is incredibly fascinating actually. Whoever actually took it, if the OP grabbed it, has a very keen eye for social commentary.

Because what’s going on here, is some very subliminal social fuckery.

I mean, the outright detail given to the fat model is absurd, while the fit model might as well have been a coat hanger held up by a stick.

But CAPT. TENDY is just getting warmed up.

They went so far as to emulate every single fine detail, to encourage these consumers to look at this and say, “Wow! That’s ME! I would look GREAT in these clothes! Look how powerful and center of attention I would be in these SPORTS outfits I would be!”

The message here says, “you go girl, get these overpriced clothes, and then go to the gym and do your stretches, empower yourself and COMMAND the center of attention, show that skinny bitch who’s TRULY beautiful, who’s REALLY the queen, and she’ll have no choice but to stand there in the back in her rightful place and take it, while all attention will be on you and while you speak your truth, and everybody will be clammoring to support you”.

But of course, this is nothing but blatant consumerism and marketing.

The good CAPTAIN, doing his best impression of a cultural critic, breaks down what he thinks the real women wearing such clothes would look like.

The real world, though, would be a fat pig falling out of that top, win the smell of vinegar, wheezing and sweating just by walking into the gym, or to the track or whatever else. And by the time she got started on a treadmill (on 1.0), or walked a single lap, or picked up the smallest weights, did some pointless stretches or whatever else was designed to just make it look like she was “working out” just so she had an excuse to wear those clothes and try to get some attention….

You know, calling someone a big stinky fatty fat-fat is not actually an example of sophisticated cultural analysis.

Any “fitness chicks”, the actual athletic ones who DO run track, or DO run treadmill (they do exist), will actually be out there doing it.

And they’ll be inhaling, gasping for air as they drag their feet over to the bench to find a soda, some honeybuns, and candy, that they totally earned for having walked for three minutes.

Defeated and depressed, covered in pit fumes, they’ll go back to their car and leave, salty and pissed at the fit bitch who stole their spotlight when dudes are still not paying them any attention.

Such a vivid imagination these fellows have when it comes to the bodies of fat women.

It must have been the outfit, though. It just didn’t fit them right, like the model in the nike store. Because if it fit them the way it did in the nike store, they would have been successful. …

So the next time they’re at the mall, they’ll just blow another $300 on another outfit, and get another rush of dopamine, looking forward to how this time it will totally work, because it certainly isn’t their fault.

Consumerism psychology, as intertwined with modern feminism, in a nutshell.

You know, MGTOW dudes, American men are actually slightly more likely to be obese (43%) than women (41.9%). And given the number of comments in this MGTOW Reddit thread — 74, last I checked — it seems likely that at least some of the guys angrily ranting about “fat bitches” (possibly even including some of those I quoted) are themselves fat, with their anger stemming from deep misogyny mixed with self-hatred. Which is par for the course as far as MGTOWs — the men who doth protest too much.

Whatever it is that motivates this kind of anger on their part, it’s not healthy for them, nor for the rest of us who have to hear it. Guys who were truly “going their own way” would spend a lot less of their time lashing out at women for their supposed flaws — including, in this case, “existing while fat.”

Examine the roots of your bitterness, dudes, not the triggers.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

wheezing and sweating just by walking into the gym

I’m roughly shaped like that mannequin and I do not wheeze at all while doing my 8 hour shift of manual labor.

4 years ago

I wonder if any of the guys here talking are fit or just fat as well. Like most of Mgtow youtuber are overweight. A lot of Trump are too. But yet they judge other. Why cant they mind there own business.

4 years ago

Wowwwww. Yeah there are definitely no women who look like that model wearing loose granny clothes and slinking about trying not to be noticed. They’re all trying to be “queens” and shouting look at me. As a person who hasn’t been skinny in 3 decades I have to say I’m not doing that. All I want is to be not picked out of the crowd on the basis of my size. And then I see the inevitable articles based on no or very little proof that Coronavirus is impacting obese people more than thin and it’s jumped on and trumpeted about. Like the general public is only ever concerned about our ‘health’ which apparently they can judge just by sight alone. Clever. Doctors have to do tests to assess a person’s overall health but these guys can just look at someone. I did read that France did the ‘i’m only worried about your health’ with respect to America and Coronavirus. Like a skinny family member or friend. A whole country. Sorry about that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That picture is a couple of years old and people already got mad about it at the time. Their outrage is not only silly, it’s out of date.

Stuff like this always exposes the concern trolling of fat people being about caring for their health as the lie that it is though. If that’s what fatphobes were really concerned with, they’d applaud this as encouragement to work out.

4 years ago

Right, how do they think we can get fit like they want without workout clothes that fit? I mean I’m not, I walk four hours a week, do ab exercises daily, and am still fat as fuck because I have an overeating problem. But if I couldn’t get athletic clothes that don’t make me wish I was dead I would probably not even do that. I’m definitely not going to a gym trying to show off. That’s flat insane.

4 years ago

So much for “Going Their Own Way”….


But seriously people like this berate large people for not working on being slimmer. Yet also have an issue with fitness clothes being made and advertised to bigger people?!

4 years ago

They’re encouraging the fit people to stay timid and quiet in the back where they belong. They don’t need the spotlight, they need to shut up and go away.

You saw one picture of one mannequin for plus-sized clothes, and it was such an unusual sight that you all found it worthy of discussion. How many mannequins for straight-sized clothes do you see every time you go somewhere where clothing is sold? But yes, truly fat people have stolen the spotlight from the tragic, neglected thin folks.

4 years ago

Here it’s particulary obvious that they follow their guts instinct over rational thought. What they scream on isn’t particulary consistent or in line with their idea of a world where the NWO empower women because they are more manipulable

Also, geez, what use do they have getting *that* rilled up ? I know that the goal is actually to get rilled up, but that’s still pretty ridiculous !

Lizard People Operative
Lizard People Operative
4 years ago

Gotta love how they come so close to an understanding that exploitative capitalism is a bad thing for society… then spin away at the last minute into “but fat women are fat and don’t please my boner!”

4 years ago

I love all of my high waisted pants even more now

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Defeated and depressed, covered in pit fumes, they’ll go back to their car and leave, salty and pissed at the fit bitch who stole their spotlight when dudes are still not paying them any attention.

It must have been the outfit, though. It just didn’t fit them right, like the model in the nike store. Because if it fit them the way it did in the nike store, they would have been successful. …

So the next time they’re at the mall, they’ll just blow another $300 on another outfit, and get another rush of dopamine, looking forward to how this time it will totally work, because it certainly isn’t their fault.

Consumerism psychology, as intertwined with modern feminism, in a nutshell.

So the consumerism psychology part is getting people “hooked” on spending money to get an emotional high that wears off, that then is fixed by spending more money. Okay.

I’m not saying that’s remotely like what would happen, but I can appreciate how their imaginary scenario includes some “consumerism psychology”.

But where, exactly, is the “modern feminism”? Is that where the imaginary woman hates other women, because hating other women for getting male attention is feminist? Is that part where the imaginary woman decides her value is determined by her clothing, because valuing women for their looks and the ornamentation hanging off them is feminist?

Exactly how fucking stupid do you have to be to think that these are feminist positions?

4 years ago

Cryp Dyke : I think that they aren’t stupid per se. It’s not like their mind could not work correctly or see that ; it’s that they don’t want to see that.

The reason why they think that theses are feminist positions isn’t that there are clues or reasoning that lead to that ; it’s that it’s a necessary stepstone for some other of their belief. They start by the assumption they are inherently superior who are hampered by the world, and work down what need to be true for their keystone assumption to be true.

Chris O
Chris O
4 years ago

Maybe it’s just me, but hankoBreadCrumbs89 is displaying some General Ripper-level paranoia. I fully expect him to start ranting and raving about bodily fluids in his next post.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

MGTOWs: “I’m free of women! I can finally do all those things that I always wanted, without being held back by scheming foids.”

Also MGTOWs: “I think I’ll go to the women’s clothing store and critique the mannequins. That’s a productive use of my time.”

4 years ago

All this ranting about lack of realism and not a single mention of the fact that neither mannequin has a face or ears. It’s as if people don’t actually expect mannequins to be realistic.

On a sort of positive note, also no mention of the fact that both mannequins are bald, even though women with short hair or no sort hair are apparently an abomination. So, progress?

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

In that, err, art criticism piece by the captain fellow, one thing that I find almost amazing is his insistence that the skinny mannequin is in the background, as if he didn’t underdtand how photos work, and how if you took the picture from another angle the fat mannequin would be the one in the background. Perspective? What’s that?

(As for his attempted analysis of their poses, a quick Google image search of the Nike London flagship finds many skinny mannequins in action poses; in fact, even with the very image in question, the uncropped picture shows several of those.comment image But of course, that isn’t really his issue, he’s just drawing the target around his arrows. If he was looking at the full picture, he might say that the skinny action poses were “real” action and not “just stretching”, perhaps, or find some other fault, because the real issue is of course that he hates fat women.)

4 years ago

Men will not be attracted to women like that. At best they’ll get spineless fools to lie and say they like that, and they’re only lying out of desperation.

How hard is it to accept that your tastes are subjective preferences, rather than universal norms?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

They’re encouraging the fit people to stay timid and quiet in the back where they belong. They don’t need the spotlight, they need to shut up and go away.

The arms down, just blended into the background, completely unanimated posture is on purpose.

This image is incredibly fascinating actually. Whoever actually took it, if the OP grabbed it, has a very keen eye for social commentary.

Because what’s going on here, is some very subliminal social fuckery.

I mean, the outright detail given to the fat model is absurd, while the fit model might as well have been a coat hanger held up by a stick.

Absolutely. I look more like the thinner mannequin than the heavier one, and I’m outraged by this treatment. How dare the heavier mannequin get to have all the fun. I’ve spent a couple of years now brooding about this.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I have to criticize the “fat” mannequin as not really reflecting how fat bodies are shaped. It’s just a thin mannequin that’s been plumped out sideways; it reminds me of that one how-to-draw-comic-books image that showed female breasts as being made up of muscle. My body doesn’t look like the fat mannequin and I’m not convinced that the “fat” clothing would fit on me like it fits on that mannequin.

So the MGTOWs are not even angry at real fat bodies, but at some artist’s impression of a fat body. Imagine how furious they would be at seeing an actual fat woman. That kind of anger isn’t healthy! and we know that being “concerned” about someone’s “health” is a legit reason to meddle in that person’s life and criticize their life choices and value as a human. MGTOWs need to get some therapy and work on their anger issues, lest it affect their cortisol levels and heart health! I’m just concerned you see. About their health.

4 years ago


All this ranting about lack of realism and not a single mention of the fact that neither mannequin has a face or ears. It’s as if people don’t actually expect mannequins to be realistic.

They’re also unnaturally pale, so that’s another strike against realism. For some reason I’ve always found mannequins in general to be a bit creepy, probably because of the lack of facial features.


it reminds me of that one how-to-draw-comic-books image that showed female breasts as being made up of muscle.

Comic books do that? I confess I haven’t noticed that in comics, I’ve seen a lot that show breasts as impossibly large and proportioned unrealistically, but I was unaware that comic book authors thought they were muscles.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


I’m sure not all comics do that, but there was one how-to-draw-comics figure that I want to say was featured on Escher Girls that showed the muscular makeup of the human body, and breasts were wrapped in solid muscle. It was a tidy explanation for how so many gravity-defying breasts get drawn by bad artists. Similarly, the “fat” mannequin in the photo seems to be pretty muscular and just “big boned” as opposed to actually fat.

4 years ago

I am not sure if the mannequin is unrealistic, but it clearly don’t fit every “heavy” figures. “heavy” figures can be quite different from each other, moreso than lean one, which isn’t very practical since clothe size tend to assume that everyone have the same proportions.

I have a friend built like a strongman, and he have the recuring problem that clothes where his arm and legs fits are baggy around his torso.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

MGTOWs claim they’ve discovered the keys to paradise, and then they sit around writing angry mannequin fanfic.

Their real problem is that they don’t like women – any woman, but particularly women they’ve deemed “lesser” – getting positive attention. It boils down to self-hatred: why should people they look down on get to feel good about themselves?


and we know that being “concerned” about someone’s “health” is a legit reason to meddle in that person’s life and criticize their life choices and value as a human. MGTOWs need to get some therapy and work on their anger issues, lest it affect their cortisol levels and heart health! I’m just concerned you see. About their health.

Doctors should dismiss all their health concerns with “you’re not having a heart attack, you just need to lose some of that anger. Here’s a list of therapists.”

I mean, the outright detail given to the fat model is absurd, while the fit model might as well have been a coat hanger held up by a stick.

I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard a MGTOW complain that a woman isn’t fully rendered enough. Don’t they normally view women as little more than coat hangers on sticks?

4 years ago


I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard a MGTOW complain that a woman isn’t fully rendered enough. Don’t they normally view women as little more than coat hangers on sticks?

Not sure about the sticks, but at least once before they’ve shown women in a continuum from coat hangers to railway spikes.

And I feel like judging from their backlash to video games where women have tits smaller than beachballs, a game where women were insufficiently rendered would have them melting down similarly.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Naglfar – But if video game women are realistically rendered, then they’re getting attention for their titties and taking attention away from its rightful owner, the white male hero /s/s/s

These guys oscillate so rapidly between lust and resentment. It reminds me of the perpetually hovering cat with the buttered toast attached to its back.

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