coronavirus men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA twitter takes

Don’t lean in, strong man! Twitter takes 5/4/20

Today, the importance of HOLDING FRAME by never leaning even a little bit because then women will think you’re a huge cuck simp pussy-licker. At least according to this guy:

In other news:

And now a special GOAT UPDATE:

I will resume regular posting later today or tomorrow, depending on how my dentist appointment goes today.

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4 years ago

The leaning guy is original at least, I’ll give him that.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Well, as Hafþór Björnsson is 6′ 9″ and Kelsey Henson is 5′ 2″ then isn’t leaning in just biomechanical necessity if they want to be in the same pic?

4 years ago

Hope your dentist appointment goes well, David!

I’m not sure “pussy licker” is quite the insult that “Alpha Rivelino” thinks it is. Not to get too graphic, but many people enjoy performing that act (and I’d imagine at least some men would). And even if the man doesn’t like it, his partner might.

Also, when I’ve taken pictures of other people I usually ask them to lean in because it looks better in a photo as opposed to if one person is rigidly standing to the side.

Re: goat towers
I actually saw one of those once on a farm. There’s also one in the game Goat Simulator IIRC (though I haven’t played that one in a long time).

@Alan Robertshaw
My favorite picture of Hafþór is the one with his tiny dog.comment image
Though he’s also leaning in this one, so maybe he is just a beta cuck simp.

The problem with him is that it appears he is abusive.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I’m not sure “pussy licker” is quite the insult that “Alpha Rivelino” thinks it is. Not to get too graphic, but many people enjoy performing that act (and I’d imagine at least some men would). And even if the man doesn’t like it, his partner might.

It implies that a man has a pussy available that might want to be licked. I’m not sure how pointing and laughing at a man for having a heterosexual partner is insulting him? Maybe someone can clear that up for me. That seems like something men are often proud of.

4 years ago

Hey, is it gay for a man to like performing cunnilingus?

4 years ago

So, hypothetically speaking, at what angle would man need to lean in to cause folks to think he enjoys going down on women?

4 years ago


It implies that a man has a pussy available that might want to be licked. I’m not sure how pointing and laughing at a man for having a heterosexual partner is insulting him? Maybe someone can clear that up for me. That seems like something men are often proud of.

If I had to guess, I’d say maybe he’s trying to say that cunnilingus is a beta activity because it doesn’t make the giver orgasm and could bring pleasure to someone else, while Tr00 Alphas don’t care about other people’s pleasure. Or maybe he thinks it’s gross and assumes that all other men would find it the same way.
This isn’t the first time a misogynist has been anti-pussy-licking, so it seems to be a common viewpoint amongst them.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

If I had to guess, I’d say maybe he’s trying to say that cunnilingus is a beta activity because it doesn’t make the giver orgasm and could bring pleasure to someone else

Oh, I know. But in order to bring pleasure to someone else, you first have to have a partner in front of you, and that seems like a step beyond what most of these men seem capable of in the first place. Even Roosh, who basically made a tiresome 9-to-5 job out of having sex, was held up as a role model to which to aspire, not as a typical example of what being a misogynist jerk could net you.

4 years ago

Cock-sucker has been painted a bad thing for a long time now, so maybe pussy-licker is supposed to be the same thing but without the homophobia? Either way, it’s kind of sad to insult people for (allegedly) liking doing something that can be pleasurable and harms no one.

I like the fact that at least at a glance, the dog seems to be looking as the watch. Maybe it’s wondering if they come in sizes it could wear?

4 years ago


Even Roosh, who basically made a tiresome 9-to-5 job out of having sex, was held up as a role model to which to aspire, not as a typical example of what being a misogynist jerk could net you.

The thing that always cracks me up about that is that Roosh never seems very happy. I know lots of people who are much happier than him and aren’t misogynistic scum, so looking to Roosh as a role model sets you up for failure if your goal is to actually enjoy life.


Cock-sucker has been painted a bad thing for a long time now, so maybe pussy-licker is supposed to be the same thing but without the homophobia?

If it’s less homophobic, that was probably unintentional: the kinds of people who use insults like that are probably homophobes as well.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw:

I guess Henson could have stood on a box; then OP could have raged about how she was a deceptive femoid trying to look taller, and called Björnsson a simp for not pushing her off the box?

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ moon custafer

Or she could wear heels; that makes her deceptive.

Or she could not wear heels; that means she’s not ‘womanly’ enough.

Best solution is probably just for Björnsson to carry a shovel and dig strategic holes to stand in.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw, Moon Custafer
New idea: take all photos with people lying on their backs. Then regardless of height their heads can always be level.

4 years ago

If I had to guess, I’d say maybe he’s trying to say that cunnilingus is a beta activity because it doesn’t make the giver orgasm and could bring pleasure to someone else, while Tr00 Alphas don’t care about other people’s pleasure. Or maybe he thinks it’s gross and assumes that all other men would find it the same way.

This is a man who would never last long in the world of actual kink. Just saying.

4 years ago


The problem with him is that it appears he is abusive.

Holy shit, the literal strongest man in the world being a domestic abuser kind of fucking says everything doesn’t it. I cannot imagine how awful it must have been for his victim, not just being held prisoner and physically abused, but by a man that huge and invulnerable.

This is kind of a perfect microcosm of patriarchy, and TBH I hope he gets an aneurysm while lifting weights or something.

4 years ago


This is a man who would never last long in the world of actual kink. Just saying.

I recall a few incidents of manospherians finding their way into kink and having a less than great time. In reality, these are the people that any kink community should try to keep out, as they are dangerous.

The article I linked doesn’t go into detail, but it says that his ex-fiancé had bruises all over her body and the police were summoned on 3 separate occasions. And as far as I can tell he never has faced any penalty for his horrible actions.

Sadly, I’m not really surprised. Powerful men often abuse it to get what they want.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If the guy who played The Mountain on GoT and has the world record in heaviest deadlift isn’t considered alpha enough for these dudes, I think it’s safe to say that the concept is meaningless. I mean it always was, but this seals the deal.

4 years ago

What could be more alpha than insulting a professional strongman from the safety of an anonymous twitter account?

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
4 years ago


So, hypothetically speaking, at what angle would man need to lean in to cause folks to think he enjoys going down on women?

Anything off plumb, I reckon.

4 years ago


Holy shit, the literal strongest man in the world being a domestic abuser kind of fucking says everything doesn’t it. I cannot imagine how awful it must have been for his victim, not just being held prisoner and physically abused, but by a man that huge and invulnerable.

This is kind of a perfect microcosm of patriarchy, and TBH I hope he gets an aneurysm while lifting weights or something.

And what’s worse is that these craven groups of hate mongering ilk, even having a supposed pillar of hyper masculine, toxic, malignant masculinity, patriarchy idea personified, who is a mountainous hard-body of a man built like a brick house with artillery cannon’s for arms with the title of being among the most strongest men in the world, and who is horrifically abusing his significant other on regular occasion; somehow still isn’t “Alpha dude bro manly enough! All because the guy in question just so happened to slightly lean a bit while having his photo taken?!

These hatemongers and absurdly dangerous and their abhorrent values will only serve in creating nothing but dangers to everyone around them.

Seriously, someone should yeet this ilk into the sun.

4 years ago


Sadly, I’m not really surprised. Powerful men often abuse it to get what they want.

And physical strength is a form of power like any other? Yeah, that’s been my experience too. Not always, but too damn often. 🙁

4 years ago

Physical strength is definitely a form of power, and can be a very deadly one in intimate contexts. I sometimes wonder, if humans were sexually dimorphic such that women were bigger and more muscular than men (as is the case with baleen whales, for example) whether the patriarchy would still exist. On a base level, I think part of what drives it forward is the physical ability of many men to rape and kill women more easily than the reverse.

4 years ago


That’s part of it but there’s a lot of other stuff at work. For starters, see the thousands upon thousands of years of reproductive politics bullshit, probably beginning in some of the earliest agrarian societies. Patriarchy is complicated and really not biological.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Completely O/T, but people may recall a discussion about private prosecutions. Well the article is finally up.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


The idea of privately prosecuting criminal behavior is totally alien to me! Forgive me for coming in at a late date, but is this allowance to privately prosecute crimes limited to animal abuse, or could I privately prosecute my neighbor for conducting illegal car repair in his driveway?

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