By David Futrelle
Fellas, is it gay to date a woman?
Signs point to “yes,” at least if the person reading the signs is a MGTOW Redditor called DannyTTT55.
In a recent post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, he suggests to his fellow men that unless you’re a true alpha male who doesn’t give a shit about the women he has sex with, dating a woman makes you a cuck in her eyes.
Why? Because you’re dating her, and she known she’s just a worthless slut who deserves nothing better than blatant disrespect.
“At least on a subconscious level, these women know they are a dumpster fire of a human being,” Danny writes,
that’s why if you try to date them normally and treat them with respect, they can’t have any respect for you
It’s like the old Groucho Marx thing of not wanting to be in any club that would accept the likes of him as a member. Except that this version of the old joke isn’t funny, and it involves the word “cuck.”
How can they possibly treat you any more than a cuck while you’re sitting across at dinner from them, waiting at least three dates to hold their hand, while in the back of their mind they’re remembering the gang bang they had a couple years back when they were still “having fun”
Like a lot of manospherians, Danny has a vivid imagination when it comes to the sex lives of other people he knows nothing about.
That’s why the only guys they respect are bad boys who treat them like crap, because deep down inside they know they are crap. They need to constantly boost their ego somehow so they aren’t ashamed to be treated like a regular human being, because they know all they deserve anymore is to be pumped and dumped
Huh. No wonder women want guys like this to make good on their promise to Go Their Own Way, far away.
Commenter Chadrith_Thundavisht agreed with Danny, writing that women are
so desensitised to compliments and all that happy horseshit that it probably engenders frustration to the point they actually WANT a piece of shit to treat them like a piece of shit. Look how many douchbags they go out with and you think to yourself “wtf is going on here!? That guy?!”.
I am shocked — shocked! — that straight and bi women are sometimes shallow when it comes to picking out men to date, because clearly no man would ever make that mistake.
The only other explanation for this is the negative animus complex but I bet my left nut most women are sick of the blue-pilled grovelling and seek out fuckwits to date just to break up the monotony and go ‘southy’ for a bit. They know there’ll be plenty of blue fishies in the ocean when they’re about to walk down washout lane.
Speaking of shocks, it’s also quite stunning (not) to see one of these guys citing some half-digested bit of Jungian theory to explain why women are bitches and hos.
A commenter called Evergreen35, meanwhile, reported that his
biggest Red-Pill was realizing how turned off my last girlfriend was when I told her that I loved her.
Ok, but maybe that was because you’re the kind of guy who reads the fucking MGTOW subreddit for advice on women?
When I ignored her and showed less interest, she always came back to me looking for attention. The less you care, the more she wants you, and vice-versa.
Maybe because she knew you were a shitty dude and was glad to have a less-then-fully-committed relationship with you?
Just spitballing here.
A commenter called breakingthebarriers said he thought that the OP was overanalyzing the whole thing.
From what I’ve seen I don’t think it’s even this deep though.
When I look at the behavior of women, I see a simple creature controlled by an ever-changing volatile melting pot of unchecked emotions. A simple creature unable to comprehend the chaos it creates.
Ok, but how exactly does a melting pot control a creature? Does it have little arms it uses to manipulate the creature like a puppeteer would? I don’t think this guy is able to comprehend his own metaphors, much less the inner life of women.
But it wasn’t just breakingthebarriers who thought the OP was overestimating the cerebral powers of women. According to Zevren_LT,
You are implying, that a woman has even on the basic level the ability of self-reflection.
Which is, in my opinion, far too generous.
Reading too much into them – elevates them needlessly. So we should stop sugarcoating something – which is in truth far simpler and sadly also crueler.
Our minds like to read something more into it as a cope mechanism, when we cant believe the simple truth.
I think these guys have it all backwards. I don’t doubt that a good number of the unfortunate women they go on dates with treat them with disrespect. Not so much because the women in question hate themselves but because they hate you guys for believing the shit you do about women, which I don’t doubt you share with your dates.
Dating while MGTOW must be an ordeal, but that ordeal is nothing compared to what dating one of you — even for the length of a dinner — must be like. And on some level these guys (or at least that portion of them capable of self-reflection) know that they’re the problem — that they themselves are the ones who deserve the disrespect.
Put that in your melting pot and smoke it, guys.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Betteridge’s Law, dude.
True! I do enjoy me some Significant Capitals in Odd Places, though. And weird metaphors. (Why does Realtalk produce glare? A mystery for the ages.)
It’s talk so real that light reflects off of it, making glare?
Not sure if he meant to do this, but I also got a laugh out of how much “Realtalk” as a term sounds like “Newspeak,” combined with the manosphere and alt-right’s predilection for rather Newspeak-sounding words.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Are you a Pittsburgher? I was born and raised in a Pgh. ‘burb, which is the only place I’ve heard that word.
Can you believe there’s a Wikipedia page devoted to jagoff?
And yeah, seconded, this guy’s a jagoff.
I’m not sure I need to engage your bad faith questioning: a looksmatch is simply a man of roughly equal attractiveness to a woman, and beauty is largely an objective standard.
As we know, however – due to Hypergamy – women are never attracted to their looksmatch, but rather are only interested in – if not Chad – then only in men far more attractive than they are. Ergo, ugly women may be attracted to Brad or even Tanner. But though their standards may be relative, all women are governed by the Hypergamous impulse.
Coming in at the tail end of this, but
…no it isn’t? Do you honestly think people value the exact same physical features in Tibet as they do in Namibia? This is just intuitively wrong, but furthermore, don’t throw away the word objective unless you’re ready with some empirical data.
So this is basically the same concept as being in or out of someone’s league, but with a dumber word?
I’d really like to know what this standard is, since I have so much trouble finding two people who agree on it. Is there a Platonic Ideal of Beauty, a perfect 10/10, and someone’s “score” is based on how close they are to that Ideal in different respects?
Like, is there a skin tone scale? Because I person find many different skin tones beautiful… and I somehow suspect that our troll friend does not.
Nose shape? Because I tend to find strong, prominent noses most beautiful, but according to the plastic surgery industry I must be wrong.
Eye color? Are grey eyes objectively more beautiful than green eyes? I need to know.
I think anyone with eyes that they actually use knows that there are far more conventionally attractive women with not-so-conventionally-attractive men than vice versa. I mean, that’s what I notice. (I have to admit that, as a bi woman, I tend to see more women that are attractive to me than men. I dunno, that could just be me.)
Sure, yeah, sure, of course, super-duper objective. Hey, do you want to give us some examples of these objectively looksmatched people? Looks! Match! Pics!!
Ah, I see you have learned the secret of internet arguments: If you start a sentence with “as we know, however,” then no one is allowed to question you on whatever complete bullshit you say afterwards. That’s just science.
Can we keep the baby troll? please please please? I promise I’ll walk him and keep him from shitting on the rug to much. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a fun one. Please guys? I promise I’ll be responsible with him.
My husband always says I’m the more attractive one in the relationship, and that I’m the one who turns heads when we walk into a room. Does that mean my husband is hypergamous?
If this is the case, you should have no trouble providing examples of looksmatched men and women and you should have no trouble defending your examples.
And what the fuck’s a Tanner?
The male equaling to a Karren.
If beauty is some kind of universal “objective standard”; why is it that standards of beauty have varied and do vary not only from nation to nation, but also culture to culture, time period to time period; but even just individual to individual.
Just on the face of your unsubstantiated assertion (because that is all that it is; unsubstantiated assertion); this thesis has more holes in it than an ocean liner made from Swiss-cheese, and does not add up to being some kind of immutable fact.
Which, for the record, and just looking at actual reality; it isn’t.
Pardon my snark but this to me, strikes of Imax levels of psychological projection; given that MGTOW’s and Incel’s have nothing but sour grapes persecution complexes, male chauvinism, pseudorational conspiracy theories, long defunct pseudoscience, several flavors of co-morbid bigotry and presupposed occupation for fostering hatred, malice, spite, prejudice and undeserved and unfounded contempt and an expressed desire to persecute and hurt others.
Are you by chance going to enlighten us about how the Earth is somehow actually Flat Next? Or pray tell telling us about the kittens on Mars while your at it?
Anyone who identifies as/with Incel’s/MGTOW’s and their ilk I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them except trusting that they are filled only with churlish, myopic falsehoods, delusions and absurdity spawned from hate and sexism. And anyone who defends, excuses or advocates for them I take under similar auspice of suspicion, and admittedly for myself; a degree of rightfully justified derision.
And not that it should matter, I’m as white, straight, cis and male as any other member of those confluence demographics, but I think I shouldn’t have to be to know that Incel and MGTOW’s and their like minded ilk are ludicrously nonsense lacking in any measure of self awareness or any skills in rudimentary critical thought that isn’t pulled from conspiratorial, hate-mongering group think and Argumentum ex culo .
Men, by contrast, are never drawn to women who are much more attractive than they are. A Man, being rational and realistic, will know he’s only a 6/10, will thus not fantasize about dating movie stars, and will leave the hot babes in bars strictly alone. It is known.
Funny, I always thought a tanner was a sixpence coin.
I’ll get my coat.
Isn’t this contradictory?
If looksmatch is determined by attraction and the woman isn’t feeling the same level of attraction as the man, doesn’t that automatically mean that the man isn’t her looksmatch?
@Lukas Xavier
So you might think if you thought attraction was something people felt for each other. In reality it’s just a numerical value people have. That’s why when a real HB10 walks down the street, everyone’s like “9000?!” and can’t even.
I am awed to find there is something you’re not sure of. Shocked, even. Makes me wonder how you’re so sure of all the crap you’re spouting. Only I guess you’re not, since you’re not willing to support your views with any sort of evidence.
… though maybe this guy somehow works in opposites? He’s sure of things he can’t know, and unsure of things that seem self-evident. When people laugh at him and treat him like a fool, he decides it’s because he is a super serious person and everyone is very impressed with things he’s saying.
If it’s so objective, just give us the pictures already.
Also, you should be able to answer my question then: if the people in a relationship are happy together, why should it matter what other people think of their relative appearances?
Someone who tans hides to make leather.
Exactly. No man does that, and if he does he’s making it up to make women feel better about themselves.
Because of course that’s the explanation! Galileo was ridiculed, so if you’re getting mocked it means you must be right. /s
@ mansvoice
You are Nigel Molesworth and I claim my £5!
@ Viscaria
It’s a sixpence piece coin, now worth 2.5 pence (curse you metric system!)
@ Viscaria:
Throw in a Shakespeare quotation that people like to use out of context (after all, Desdemona’s protestations of innocence were absolutely true) and you’ve clinched it!
I can’t stop giggling over this:
Yes, it’s amazing how quickly flimsy assertions fall apart when there’s pushback. I don’t blame you for backpedaling.
Why is this not Hypergamy when men do it? It’s the exact same behavior.
Tanner from the Bad News Bears? He’s a little too young for most women.
@Kat – I grew up in Massachusetts, but spent some time in western PA as a kid (my dad had a job out there). Jagoff is such a great word! Another Pittsburgh regionalism I like is “the lawn needs mowed” and “the sink needs fixed”. It implies that no dilly-dallying will be allowed.
I’ve never heard of Tanner before. Where does he fit into the high school drama model of -pill philosophy, I wonder? Is he the upper-middle-class college prep guy? He sounds like the upper-middle-class college prep guy.
Words mean things, and “hypergamy” is “marrying up in social class”. It has nothing to do with someone’s looks or with fucking. -gamy is a root word meaning “marriage” hence “polygamy” is marrying multiple persons instead of just one.
I wouldn’t want a super-rational Man type to be using a word in a stupid, incorrect way as he parrots equally ignorant peers, so consider this factual lesson my gift to you.