cuck men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit simps

“If you aren’t celibate, you’re a simp” declares celibate Redditor

Every man’s got one, apparently

By David Futrelle

“Simp” is the new “cuck,” a catchall term that internet losers on the right and in the manosphere like to apply to any man who’s insufficiently misogynistic in their jaundiced eyes.

Just as the definition of “cuck” moved far beyond its literal meaning of a man whose partner is cheating on him to include any man who has sex with a woman who’s ever slept with anyone else ever, so simp is moving beyond its definition as a man who behaves in an obsequious manner towards women he hopes to bed to encompass all men who treat women with anything other than deep disrespect.

To one commenter in the MGTOW2 subreddit — a supposedly misogyny-free alternative to the much larger MGTOW subreddit — the word “simp” now means anyone who’s had sex with a woman, presumably because the shrieking misogyny of non-simps like him would tend to get in the way of consensual sex with women.

11422168233 -9 points 26 days ago 
99.99 % males are simps/whiteknights (same thing) scums (That’s a FACT), And it wouldn’t be a exaggeration to say all males are simps scum, Real Alpha Males are Rare, If you are not celibate, You’re a simp simple as that, Just accept it, No amount of whining will make you “not simp scum”, If you REALLY wanna change that, Then improve on yourself, Your interaction with the opposite sex should be zero to rarely, Only when when you must have to and for only important reasons, Otherwise you’ll sucked deeper and deeper into the “females are wonderful effect” and then you’re fucked for life.

Self Declaration: Even though I was never a subscriber of r/MGTOW, Just call it celibacy simple as that.

Anyway, Ban me, Don’t ban me it makes no difference to me, I don’t care, I said what I had to say.

This post proved unpopular enough to win it nine downvotes from the denizens of MGTOW2. How sad and angry does a man have to be to alienate a bunch of MGTOWs with your excessive misogyny? I guess exactly this sad and angry.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Covered in cat hair
Covered in cat hair
4 years ago

Stray thought. With all the passion and fuss MGTOWs put into just being MGTOWs, why do none of them seem to ever consider getting themselves gelded? It would make their lives so much more mellow and less focused on the evil women that they are avoiding.

That way they could stop spending so much time on the web and learn to play chess, or bake seagulls or whatever new focus they could choose.

I am sure in the US there much be at least ONE surgeon who would provide the service.

4 years ago

@Covered in cat hair
Thing is, they would see that as a threat to masculinity and would never allow it. They’d run screaming the other way.

There are surgeons in the US who will do orchiectomies (some trans* women and non-binary people get them), but I don’t think that MGTOWs would ever get near them.

I do know that some MGTOWs have bragged about getting vasectomies, but I don’t think that would reduce testosterone and seems to be more about “owning the womenz” than anything else.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

I hear Don McLean singing “Sour, sour grapes….”

@POM Welcome back!!!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


Thank you! I missed all y’all.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Hi, POM!

Hope you’re well. Or as well as one can be in a plague, anyway.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


Hi! Glad to see you’re still with us!

4 years ago

Yay!!!! PoM’s back!


I mean, good to see you again.

4 years ago

TW: bad take on anorexia

Don’t forget hungry
they can feel hungry to.

Years ago, I saw an Internet post where one of those ultra-masculine types berated anorexic women, saying it was a sign of them not even being able to be skinny the right way. Men are never anorexic, but there is a thing called “manorexia”, which just means staying to finish a job even if you run out of food supplies, even if you have several days’ worth of work to finish.

So, while I’m sure he realised men get hungry, it apparently wasn’t anything you should ever whine about.

I’m just still baffled that the sort of bad planning that results in having to decide whether you leave a job unfinished or finish it without having any food is somehow more acceptable for a man than saying, “I actually need to eat to survive, if you don’t mind.”