By David Futrelle
So the incels are hailing Spongebob Squarepants as a bluepilled version of themselves. Over on Incels.co, one commenter has this to say about the underwater icon:
![Wednesday at 3:59 AM
Arguably, Spongebob Squarepants is the greatest bluepilled incel to have ever come on TV. He is a childish adult with distant parents, lives on his own with his pet and slaves away for pennies while simping for a girl, Sandy. That's the reality of most incels who grow up and don't rope. Adult incels truly are still children within as we will never ever take the most important step of becoming an adult.](https://i2.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2020-04-24_15-31-29.png?fit=576%2C1024)
I suppose this is a step in the right direction; Spongebob may not be the idea role model but he’s certainly better than the mass killers the incels generally lionize.
Of course, the incels responding to Gymletethnicel’s post eagerly await Spongebob’s ultimate “blackpilling,” his acceptance of the incel ideology of bitterness, despair, and death. And of course they imagine him going “ER” — Elliot Rodger — and shooting up the Krusty Krab fast food joint.
“Final episode of SpongeBob: he either ropes or goes ER,” writes one commenter.
“First he kills Sandy, then goes postal at the Krusty Krab and then shoots himself,” adds another.
Still others speculate about the other characters on the show. According to Slavcel11,
patrick would be a blackpilled uglycel who don’t want his youth be wasted away on wageslaving and crawling before a haughty uncultured foid that is sandy.
btw squidward is too blackpilled on the society even for an incel.
But a prolific Incels.co commenter called Sparrow’s Song has a somewhat different take on the show.
The show is actually Jewish propaganda designed to convince incels to go gay. Obviously, Patrick and Spongebob are both ugly and disabled mentally and physically… they will die alone if they pursue foids. If they were blackpilled, they would just go ER or rope. Too bad the show is cucked. The show depicts them as “best friends” because back then, they couldn’t just have gay poop dick sex relationships on children’s shows like they do now. The writers want ugly and autistic male children to engage in homosexual buttfuckery at a young age.
That’s why I watched Rocko’s Modern Life instead when I was a kid. My dad liked that show but hated Spongebob. He didn’t let me watch Spongebob. In his own words “you’re not watching Spongebob because Sponegbob is a faggot”.
Well, that’s enough Incels.co for one day.
H/T — Twitter’s @EyesOnTheRight, the dude behind the Angry White Men blog
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As I understand it, Word of God says Spongebob is asexual. Also, Rocko’s Modern Life was created by the same people as Spongebob.
I looked up what “rope” meant. I think I regret it.
It means to commit suicide out of despair.
“I simped the femoids for Chad points, but was dogpilled by some Becky and tried to alpha with some looksmaxxing but some unfuckable foid cucked me into wageslaving.”
The reason why most incels are outcasts becomes abundantly clear.
I never liked SpongeBob, but even then I’m pretty sure it’s not an incel show.
Here comes the antisemitism.
I think the main reason homophobes like to claim that media is making kids “turn gay” is because that would validate their incorrect ideas that sexuality is a choice and/or that gay people can be converted to be straight. The antisemitism is just because that’s a convenient scapegoat.
Name me one children’s show that has anal sex. I’ll wait.
Even if incels were to accept that he’s ace, I doubt they have terribly progressive views on asexuality either.
Well, there was the infamous “fingerprints” gag from Animaniac, but that was a) straight, and b) twenty-five years ago.
To me, the cartoon character I see as most incelish is Chuck from Daria
He’s massively creepy and objectifies all of the female characters.
Having sex is not, is not, is not is not is not the most important step of becoming an adult. My capacity for sympathy when it comes to incels (who, you know, hate me and pretty much everyone else) is low, but I do feel sorry for anyone who believes they cannot be real adults without having whatever specific sexual experience that counts as sex in their minds. Sex is just an activity that a lot of people enjoy. It doesn’t massively change you as a person. Your brain will continue to mature at the same rate whether you have sex for the first time at 16, 35, or never.
It might be tempting if you feel (like I often do, btw) like you’re not a “proper” adult to look at everyone else and think, “Well, it’s easy for them because they have entered the secret adult club by doing that one thing I haven’t done.” Sadly, that it not how it works. It’s also maybe not as easy for them as you believe.
@ Naglfar:
South Park. Cartman got anal probed “… you have an 80-foot satellite dish coming out of your ass!”
… oh, a show FOR children… I thought you meant a show ABOUT children….
I am a month shy of 40 and have had sex. I still don’t feel like an adult most of time. So IDK.
I see what you mean, but incels oppose the very groups that could help them. Feminists are against toxic masculinity, which is what that belief is, and yet incels blame feminism for all their problems. I have a hard time feeling sorry for them over this issue as a result.
Spongebob is Happy. Therefore he could never be an incel, regardless of whatever else is going on in his life.
Richie Rich is clearly the most famous incel on TV.
LMAO, are you fucking kidding me? Rocko is massively gay-coded.
As I understand it, Word of God says Spongebob is asexual.
The problem here is, well… I’m not certain the average incel believes that asexuality is a thing.
The entire ideology (if it is an ideology) is based around “A fucks B”. And in their minds, every A desperately wants to fuck B, and the whole problem is that they happen to be an A that B is refusing to fuck. This is, of course, horribly unfair, especially since there’s that other A over there, and he fucks B, and B, and B, and sometimes B and B at the same time.
Now, the ace orientation brings up the concept of A not fucking B, not particularly wanting to fuck B, and frankly, for the most part, not giving a fuck about fucking.
Nope. That’s not merely flying in the face of the base incel ideology, it’s running up to it and kicking it in the balls repeatedly. It’s far worse than gay, because in their mind at least that gay bastard is getting something, and thus is a target to envy, but this guy? Incomprehensible. They want to complain about chads, and these guys– if they exist– must be Martians.
(Out of curiosity, has anyone ever even heard the incelosphere adress the concept of asexuality? Because I bet it’s not something that comes up often, if at all…)
@Robert Haynie
If I had to guess what incels think of asexuality (I haven’t seen them discuss it), I’d guess that they probably think asexual men are men who have given up and try to project that they don’t want sex, and that asexual women are women playing hard to get or are trying to be “not like other girls” (some TERFs think this, because TERFs are a lot like incels). Ace NBs probably don’t factor into this model because incels probably don’t know what they are.
Obviously what I’ve written above is awful and wrong in every way, but that’s a conjecture as to what incels think ace people are. Now to take a shower, I feel dirty after typing that.
SpongeBob is a great example of positive ace representation. How the fuck these guys think he’s an incel is beyond me.
Aces aren’t incels! We are not practicing celibacy, voluntary or not!
@Robert Haynie
I was on a forum for asexuals once that had an incel try to spread his hate around. He just…couldn’t keep pretending that it wasn’t about sex, despite everyone telling him that sex just wasn’t a priority. This was his blurb:
I just went to look at the threads to pick more out of them, but it appears that they were all deleted. Can’t say that I’m broken up about that. I do remember that he flounced very, very hard when I kept coming in to counter his “blackpill” points.
This has to be a joke account. This has to be a deliberate act of parody. Nevermind that these cartoons are from different time periods.
@[email protected]
I wonder how they feel about Rocko’s Modern Life Movie having an open trans character.
I suspect that they are frothing with rage impotent rage and likely accusing it, society, or both: of pushing some kind of nebulous, vague “agenda” despite the fact said character is now actually gained even more popularity after their transition than before, and that Joe Murray described the character per-transition as being a “less stable version of themselves”, though like Joe Murray; they took time off for a while to do some soul searching and have gotten to a much more stable, happier place in life; or at least so it’s alleged.
I used to watch Rocko’s Modern Life back in my childhood, and I was excited to see Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling when it was announced. And honestly I found it to capture the same spirit and humor of the old cartoons but with enjoyable and fascinating new elements that evolved with the passage of time for our current times, and the detail of touching on a actual, real life subject like Trans identity, and transitioning; to actually be fascinating and depicted with respectful, nuanced gravitas.
And, as a Straight, Cis, White Man: I enjoyed it just as much as I did the old Rocko cartoons.
A fact I’d imagine would make the he-man-women-haters-club of hetronominative crusaders heads explode.
I’m an aro ace agender autistic human. Not sure about the human part.
Everything involved with human pair bonding and sex makes me go: ‘Well, that seems like a lot of work. And doesn’t sound fun AT ALL. I don’t get it.’
I doubt incels have the theory of mind developed enough to actually grasp other people’s viepoints.
While I haven’t seen much of the show, I could easily imagine Spongebob going on a rampage at the Krusty Krab. However, it wouldn’t be a mass shooting, or anything involving revenge. It would be wacky shenanigans born of warped, child-like logic… just like everything else Spongebob does. I wouldn’t be mildly surprised if it didn’t happen at any point during the show.
…”would be mildly surprised” not wouldn’t.
Funny thing is that SpongeBob’s stageplay actor actually did play a murderous incel on SVU.
Speaking of the stageplay version of SpongeBob….