By David Futrelle
Over on Reddit, the MGTOWs are wondering why no one likes them. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one confused MGTOW Redditor called Ramayri asks “Why are people so negative or outright hostile to MGTOW ideology?”
I am truly amazed how much people would bash on MGTOW or bachelors in general. So you’ve decided to work your ass of to be happy without a spouse ? Incel , woman hater , virgin and so on..
But when a woman stands up an says: “I am 30+ need no man doing fine all by myself”, you hear crowds clapping people standing up in respect and so on.
He wonders why, when “both men and women [are] doing the same thing” one group is seen negatively and the other is seen as “liberated.”
He then goes on to answer his own question, but in an inadvertent sort of way.
“Liberated from what exactly?” he asks of women.
As a man who resides in the Balkans , so much of this western bs about liberating women is being pumped daily that as things are progressing most women just straight up become whores. Now I am fine with whores let them be what they want to be , but don’t sugarcoat being pumped more than a russian gas pipe, while bashing men for having experience or not wanting to commit.
Huh. Maybe people hating MGTOWs aren’t objecting to the whole “being single” thing so much as they are to the fact that you just called all women “whores.”
He continues:
What is the end goal here?
No man should live alone or enjoy his company any more? You … have to lift up a broke , used and morally corrupt creature or you become some sort of villain ? …
If you know the game is rigged and you keep on playing it , well you are a retard , but if you leave it somehow you become a villain. What the actual fuck ?
Dudes, we don’t care that you don’t “play the game.” We don’t care if you devote your life to meditating at the top of a mountain. We just have a problem with you spending the bulk of your free time on the internet yelling at women — and calling them “broke, used and morally corrupt creature[s].”
If you’re genuinely “happy without a spouse,” go ahead and be happy. But you don’t seem happy. You seem angry and bitter and absolutely fixated on blaming women and “simps” for all your problems in life.
In the comments to Ramayri’s posts, other MGTOWs offer their own answers to his query; all suffer a similar lack of self-awareness.
In a comment with more than a hundred upvotes, HonestGamingTroll declares that the
Cucks are mad because misery loves company and they find out the hard way that MGTOW is right; Women just want your money/resources, not you.
Women are mad because they need men to pay for everything as they don’t want to work; MGTOW doesn’t support their gameplan.
None of this is true, of course; it’s pure misogynistic projection. But the answers to Ramayri’s question play endless variations on this same theme. According to TimJohsonIII,
Men avoidant of ‘committed relationships’ aren’t contributing to women’s passive income stream, so women’s pimp, the state, alerts the fake news propaganda outlets to print more ‘man bad’/’man up’/’women strong independent angels’ stories, TV shows, movies, songs and commercials. It really is that simple. Men’s value to women are men’s discretionary income, male disposability and male utility. Men opting out of relationships is a huge income stream loss for women and their state pimp daddy. …
MGTOW is very powerful, very important and changes the game in men’s favor. It therefore must be destroyed.
TigPlaze is a little more succinct:
They hate us because we’re a threat. The more men opt out of marriage, the harder it will be for women to find a man to exploit for his money. The feminists might suffer the humiliation of having to earn their own money and pay for their own shit.
CeleritySteam throws some antisemitism into the mix:
Jews want slaves and resources.
Their good goyim TradCucks want slaves and resources.
Wahmans want slaves and resources.
Society wants slaves and resources.
You are triggering all of them by rejecting their entitled demands so of course they all hate you.
Dudes, we don’t hate you because you’re not living with women. We don’t hate you because you bought yourself a motorcycle. We don’t hate you because you can make your own fried eggs without the assistance of a woman. We hate you because you’re hateful.
If you’re going your own way, just fucking go already.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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The use of the term “resources” in this context always tickles my funny bone just a little, because it’s so non-specific and faux-technical. It makes me picture an evil modern woman clutching a positive pregnancy test and cackling to herself “At last, his precious cassiterite deposits shall be mine!”
Wait, I thought the point of MGTOW was that they didn’t have to work as hard and could devote more time to cooking and drinking beer at 9 in the morning? Now it’s about working harder?
One would wonder, if it is so powerful why has it accomplished absolutely nothing in over a decade of being?
Their projection is acting up again. It seems that MGTOWs and other bigots are the ones that want slaves.
I always think of it in terms of a video game. In exchange for marrying him, I will gain access to all his diamonds and ender pearls.*
*Disclaimer: No diamonds or ender pearls are worth the horror of being married to a MGTOW.
Isn’t “misery loves company” the entire guiding principle of all those MGTOW fora for talking about “going their own way”? Again with the projection. Sooooo close to self-awareness. And yet…
If they actually wanted to go their own way, wouldn’t “women are strong by themselves and can/should be independent” messages be praised by them? The more women exist independently, the less call there is for men to support women.
Which means that the solution to MGTOW’s plight is to … :checks notes: … support feminism? Golly, that can’t be right!
I’d wonder why it doesn’t occur to them that a strong and independent woman might want a man in her life simply to enjoy his company, but I’m guessing no woman has ever enjoyed these guys’ company.
We don’t hate that you “go your own way” … we hate that you WON’T go….
I’m a man who lives without sex or relationships, having no interest in either. I can honestly say that I don’t feel I’ve ever been hated for my partner-free lifestyle*. Of course, I don’t call myself a MGTOW, I don’t rail against the deficiencies of feeemales, and I don’t use terms like femoid or wahmans.
* Except from those on the right who believe I’m contributing to white genocide, I suppose.
Undoubtedly they’re realizing that unless you’re stupidly wealthy, a single-income household just can’t make enough money to live the easy life they dream of. Of course they then draw the wrong lesson from it.
Though even those rambling about white genocide appear to hate white people that don’t agree with them (which is counterproductive if they truly think there is a white genocide, but that’s beside the point).
Well, if they do realize that, they’re doing at least a little better than the MRAs who think men must be the sole breadwinners whilst simultaneously complaining about the supposed laziness of women.
[Sigh] I personally have zero interest in sports — playing, watching or reading about them — and do you know how a random person can figure this out? Because if you were to peruse my blog entries, social media posts, comments on chat forums, etc., you’ll find a near-complete lack of posts talking about sports.
What you will NOT find is the overwhelming majority of my content dedicated to “I have no interest in sports” and “I don’t care about sports” and “Sports are stupid and so are the people who care about them,” let alone semicoherent conspiratorial rants about how sports and the people who like them are responsible for every single complaint I have about life, the universe and everything.
My current lack of interest in sports has not resulted in any sports fans sneering at me — hell, I even have friends who (pre-pandemic) had jobs like “sports reporter for the local newspaper” — but if my “lack of interest in sports” were replaced with “sneering contempt if not outright hatred of sports and all who like them, permeating everything I ever say and do” … yeah, in that case I’m thinking the sports folks would have a pretty low opinion of me, and they’d be justified in having it, too.
In my country (Denmark) there is almost parity between men and women in the workforce as around 95% of women work. It would blow the mind of a MGTOW….
I am truly amazed how much people would bash on MGTOW or bachelors in general. So you’ve decided to work your ass of to be happy without a spouse ? Incel , woman hater , virgin and so on..
Almost verging on the truth- being called an incel and woman hater is indeed despicable . Not because of the labels, but what they do. As for virgin being a slur- yes, you guys are facing oppressive restrictive sexual mores- join with feminists to defeat them
I also think of video games whenever these guys mention “resources.”
I picture a horde of women chasing a lone Miggie down the street. As they run, hands reaching out, they chant in unison “We require more Vespene gas.”
I have that book! I know the author! (She’s a pretty cool chick – Mr. Parasol and I took her out to dinner when she first moved here.)
They’re like that one guest — you know the one. Yeah. That Guy. The one who goes on and on about how this party sucks, the food is terrible, your guests don’t like him, and he’s going to leave (oh, please, do!) but he’s somehow still there three hours after the party has ended, hasn’t stopped complaining, and still won’t fucking leave.
Hands off my cassiterite and feldspar deposits!
I do have extra Vespene gas; going zealot rush.
@Allandrel, Snowberry, Dalillama, Naglfar:
Remember that discussion of identity from a while back?
Well, some information theorists have been working on something at least sort-of related. Apply it to the mind and not just the body and it will become fully relevant to that discussion:
Meanwhile, Ontario’s daily case growth rate continues to creep downward. It’s now between 4 and 5%.
This is looking increasingly bad:
So, if Trump wins, most likely we get #CalExit, and a dominoing of further blue-state secessions, likely a big chunk of the Northeast and the Left Coast. Since the red states are so heavily subsidized by the blue states, it’s unlikely they’ll let them go without a fight, and we’re staring down the barrel of Civil War II.
On the other hand, if Trump loses, which polls indicate to be the likelier outcome, Trump and his base are unlikely to accept it as a legitimate defeat. Red state rebellion ala 1861 seems likely, which is precisely how the first one happened, or else some type of successful coup at the federal level, in which case we’re back to #CalExit.
*chuckles* Why am I not surprised someone made a cookbook with that title…
Kari Maaren, a local artist/author/filker, wrote a song called ‘Take my Sheep’, about playing Settlers of Catan. (In the song she pretty much cornered the market on sheep, but doesn’t have a good port and everybody else is refusing to trade with her.) One of the lines is ‘Is this revenge for how I used to gloat at Carcassonne?’ Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be on Youtube.
Back more on topic… yeah, just a little self-reflection would do these guys so much good. In the long run. In the short run it would require deconstructing all the defences they put up to protect their identity and self-righteousness, which is why most of them will likely never do it. Or, at least, never talk about it if they do, because if they have enough self-reflection to realize they need to get out, they’ll probably also realize that their former friends will just razz them for it.
I was also wondering about the phrasing “slaves and resources”, what resources do these guys think they might provide other than their ostensible slave labor?
Seems like a case of padding the list/redundancy for emphasis. These guys probably think of “resources” as meaning money. They probably think they’re paying their child support bills twice, first when working and again when handing the money.
(I think the “resources” rhetoric originated in evopsych discourse, in the context of discussing prehistoric societies in time before money was invented. People would be producing and trading everyday goods such as food, based on labor and access to natural resources. In agricultural societies, land resources would be also increasingly hoarded as private capital.)
Wow, that’s a lot of criticism. I guess you’ll just have to be the mature one and ignore those critics.
Wait a minute. There are no crowds of people giving a single woman a standing ovation.
Hold on. Did you just say most women are whores.
So you’re tolerant.
I see. You’re not tolerant at all.
I’m not sure what you mean by “bashing men for having experience.” If you mean sex, you just verbally bashed women for having sex.
In conclusion, I recommend that you avoid women. At all costs. You’ll be happier. They’ll be much happier. Hell, the world will be much, much happier.
Same here. The only person who even cares is my mother, because she’d like grandchildren (and even she has come around to accepting that that’ll never happen).
So, it’s not that they’re single. It’s that they’re assholes.
They’re subsidized, yes, but the average conservative is likely to be too deluded by Trump to realize that, so they might not take issue until after those states leave and they start feeling the effects. That complicates this all a bit more.
Never mind cassiterite or breaker pearls… I wouldn’t even do it for a prismatic shard.