"ethics" 4chan advocacy of violence alt-right andrew anglin armageddon daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies genocide is good actually literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape is good actually sexual exploitation

The Daily Stormer imagines a “bright new” postapocalyptic future ruled over by “Aryan rape gangs”

Andrew Anglin: Rape fan

By David Futrelle

Andrew Anglin thinks the end is near — that the world as we know it will collapse within ten years due to what he sees as a “bizarre” overreaction to the coronavirus. After this particular apocalypse, the Nazi troll writes in a post on his Daily Stormer website, the remaining people of the world will be plunged into a dark and violent time in which they’ll have to struggle just to survive.

And that’s when, in Anglin’s eyes, things start to get fun.

Anglin, a vicious misogynist as well as a racist, envisions a world in which he and other brave Aryan men will gather together into roving “rape gangs,” capturing white women of “breeding age” across the North American continent and turning them into sex slaves, using them to produce pure Aryan children to use as cannon fodder in a genocidal, generations-long race war against the Mexicans.

“The Aryan Rape Gang is the organizational method of this bright new future we are entering,” he explains.

You need to motivate your crew, and give them a purpose and a moral justification at the same time. You also need to win a race war against the Mexicans after most of your own race has been wiped out because they were too weak to survive a societal collapse. All of these problems find an answer in the rape gang to breeding farm pipeline.

Alas, he informs his possible future gang members, he cannot guarantee that all the sex slaves will start as virgins.

We cannot afford to only take virgins. We need all women of breeding age for the breeding farms. Virgins that are found should be reserved for yourself or your top commandants.

The sex slaves will have more than one use, though; they’ll also take care of growing crops and raising chickens while the rape gangs are out pillaging and capturing even more women.

“You should also kidnap male children to use as soldiers in your army,” he adds.

Not Mexican children, of course, but only the whites, as they will remain loyal. In fact, do not even take Mexican females as sex slaves, because whoever fathers their children will want to integrate them, and that mustn’t be allowed. 

He provides this helpful flow chart:

Anglin is especially concerned with providing “moral justification” for the heinous acts he fantasizes about doing, and he returns to the subject again and again, perhaps suggesting that what little remains of Anglin’s conscience isn’t entirely on board with this elaborate rape fantasy.

You … need to explain to your men that the only way to rebuild is to breed an army to fight the Mexicans, and the only way to do that is to hoard women on the farm and keep them constantly pregnant. Your men will like the idea of having sex with many women, and will appreciate the moral justification. …

Your men have to feel they are doing the right thing. They will be doing the right thing, of course, but they need to know that. So if you have to do things like leave fat, old people to fend for themselves after you’ve stolen their children, you must remind your men that this is a war that is bigger than any person – even yourself – and it must be won at all costs. …

Primarily, you need to incorporate religion into your band, which you will run as a cult. You should fashion yourself as both a preacher and a general.

Indeed, in keeping with the religion theme, Anglin offers up some Bible passages that suggest to him that abducting women to use as sex slaves is fine and dandy to God.

Anglin goes into some detail on how exactly the rape gangs should work, where they should set up their compounds, and other logistical details; he’s clearly spent a good deal of time thinking all this through.

He acknowledges that even for those doing the raping, life will be difficult. But he thinks it will be well worth it.

Once we’re in the Wasteland … it’s going to be a hard life and many will suffer and die, but at least it will be fun and interesting, and we will finally be at war with Mexico.

It’s basically going to be like an awesome video game.

That’s what every prepper secretly (or not-so-secretly) believes. It’s not true, and Anglin, who can’t even manage to get along with most of the rest of the alt-right, would likely get himself shot in the back by a former ally pretty quickly in a postapocalyptic world.

Anglin’s fetid fantasies represent the woman-hating ideology of the alt-right — which emerged in part from the misogynistic cesspools of 4chan and the right-wing manosphere — taken to its logical conclusion. Other alt-rightists joke about rape; Anglin openly fantasizes about brutalizing women and treating them like animals.

Now, Anglin is a troll, and so it’s hard to tell how seriously he takes all of what he’s written in this vile post. But he seems pretty sincere about most of his professed beliefs, and the degree of detail in his post suggests he’s thought this adolescent fantasy through carefully. But even if he were just writing the world’s worst speculative fiction, it, like Anglin himself, is still an exceedingly hateful piece of work.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Here’s what I don’t get. In the kind of media he’s pulling this fantasy from the guys he wants to imitate exist entirely as cannon fodder the hero/player can kill out of hand without feeling bad about it.

He doesn’t want to be Mad Max. He doesn’t even want to be Immortan Joe. He wants to be Unnamed Marauder #16.

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
4 years ago

“We’ll finally be at war with Mexico,” he says.

So, the society of the United States will collapse… but Mexico will still be a nation.

Sounds like Mexico’s got the right idea.

4 years ago


How many cult leader/general who gets to rape the best women and pass them out to their favourite cronies positions do you think would be open during the race war? How many Nazis read Anglin’s stuff? Which of these two numbers is bigger?

A while ago I wrote part of but never finished a satirical novel about neofascists and one of the scenes I wrote featured a group of antifascists escaping capture by tricking the fascists into getting into a fight over who would be their new leader because they all wanted to be in charge. It seems that particular scene wasn’t too far from reality. Every one of them somehow thinks they’ll be at the top of the hierarchy.


When food is scarce, “you get your own virgin!” isn’t going to be as motivating as Anglin seems to think it will be.

Especially when he explicitly said most of them wouldn’t get virgins.

4 years ago

Well, he just publicly outed himself as someone who thinks rape is “fun and interesting”. Prime candidate to keep civilization going. Notice he does not include any education for the children.

4 years ago

I’m pretty sure that people who think they can just enslave a bunch of people think that certain people (POC, women?) exist to be ruled and will simply fall in line at the crack of a whip. Otherwise I can’t see how one could expect to have hordes of slaves without having to spend a lot of resources on keeping them working and not killing their oppressors in their sleep.


Every one of them somehow thinks they’ll be at the top of the hierarchy.

Didn’t some MRA say that their infighting results from them all being super alpha males or something? (Funny how disagreements among women come from their “inability to organise” and men’s come from them “being born leaders”.)

So maybe each fascist is supposed to find his own group of people to lord over?

4 years ago


I’m pretty sure that people who think they can just enslave a bunch of people think that certain people (POC, women?) exist to be ruled and will simply fall in line at the crack of a whip.

They’ve evidently never heard of the many slave uprisings throughout history. Or of how many slaves fought in the Union Army in the American Civil War.

So maybe each fascist is supposed to find his own group of people to lord over?

Even then, it seems like since the groups would be made up of fascists vying for the top spot, the largest groups they could form would be of one person. So we’ll just have thousands of armies of one.

4 years ago

@Masse_mysteria : “but romans were able to have hundred of slaves !”. Something like that.

(of courses, individual romans rarely had an hundred slave, and a lot of slaves were “correctly” treated, or at least more akin to poor workers now than to cotton pickers in the South. And some slaves were full-on middle class)

4 years ago

Did anyone ever watch the old Ken Wahl show “Wiseguy” about a federal agent doing deep cover organized-crime investigations? In one arc they had Fred Ward as “Knox Pooley,” a sleazy salesman who discovered becoming a white supremacist self-help guru was more profitable than used cars (“Don’t blame the Zionist controlled government for taking your jobs! Blame yourself — and buy my book to read the 14-point plan for how a white American can regain control of his destiny!”).
Anglin, and a lot of others, are like that. Vicious and harmful rhetoric but if there’s ever a white power revolution, these chickenhawks will not be the ones wielding the guns.

4 years ago

Is he healthy and strong? Yes–>Enslave into your army

Because when I try to imagine people who would be easy to enslave (especially after I’ve given them weapons), I picture healthy, strong ones!

“Leave to die” is also pretty hilarious. What makes Anglin so damn sure the post-menopausal women and non-prime men would in fact die? If he thinks he’s going to be Immortan Joe, doesn’t it then follow that the old women would become the Vuvalini?

4 years ago


Because when I try to imagine people who would be easy to enslave (especially after I’ve given them weapons), I picture healthy, strong ones!

And of course, when we think of the healthiest, strongest people, a Nazi idiot who fled the country to escape a lawsuit is exactly who comes to mind. /s

4 years ago

This dumbass has no idea how social structure works. No, you don’t kill off the women who are past menopause because traditionally they are a source of knowledge and wisdom and assistance with child care.

Of course, this guy thinks that women who have been traumatized by gang-rape and forced motherhood are going to successfully raise herds of children all by themselves while also doing all the farming and scutwork, so making sense is not his thing.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

The Daily Stormers wouldn’t know a weed from a seedling, and they wouldn’t know how deep to plant potatoes. You don’t even need to foment a slave uprising – a slave escape will do – and the masters manqué will die due to food shortages. Assuming another group doesn’t decide to go a-viking on ’em.

4 years ago

You know, I’ve played a couple of Fallout games, and I played them as a woman with a gun, just as I am in real life. Why does this clown think none of his projected victims will put up armed resistance?

4 years ago


Why does this clown think none of his projected victims will put up armed resistance?

He probably thinks women and PoC are incapable of organizing one. This is a classic fascist tactic: to claim that the enemy is both extremely dangerous but also unable to rise up. He claims that PoC are naturally violent but also that they’re uncapable of rising up, which is not too dissimilar from what Hitler claimed of the various groups he prosecuted (Hitler claimed that Jews controlled everything but also had no power at the same time). This contradiction forms the basis of fascist scapegoating and fearmongering.

He also appears to have forgotten that even a lot of white men won’t necessarily want to do this, and they could turn on him very quickly.

4 years ago

It’s basically going to be like an awesome video game

Thing about video games, especially the sort he’s envisioning: how much actual food is there to be had? How about soda? Beer? Usually the answer is not bloody much. Which doesn’t matter when you’re actually sitting in your comfortable chair with a microwave pizza and a sixpack sitting beside you, but when you’re actually the game character, that sort of lack is going to loom much, much larger.

Buttercup Q.Skullpants
Buttercup Q.Skullpants
4 years ago

Enslave into your army

This sounds like SUCH a smart plan! Let’s abduct physically fit young men from their homes, kill their families, loot their worldly goods, and force them into camps. Then we’ll arm them with deadly weapons and instruct them in combat training! What could possibly go wrong?

Even assuming these strong, healthy men are somehow persuaded not to rise up and take direct revenge on their galaxy-brained oppressors, there’s no way a slave army is going to be anywhere near as effective as a volunteer fighting force. Most of them would desert at the first chance, because you’ve taken away their freedom and they don’t give a rat’s ass about your imaginary white-boy grievances. In battle, the “commandants” would be lucky if the troops who were left didn’t step aside and cheer on the Mexicans. There would be an epidemic of ”accidental” fragging.

It’s kind of hard to rally people to your flag when your flag is a garbage-scented swastika, you live in a spider hole, and nobody cares.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago


Haven’t watched that one, but there’s a lesser-known 1930s film, Black Legion, about a Klan-like organization, that makes it clear what a grift such groups are — at one point it cuts to the leaders going “Wow, I can’t believe these saps are paying *us* for the privilege of being in our private army! And we’re also the ones selling them their robes and regalia! We’re making money hand over fist here!”

4 years ago

Most video games that do incorporate hunger mechanisms also don’t take nutritional requirements into account or water. For example, in many games nothing bad happens if you eat only one kind of food and drink no water, while in the real world such diets aren’t healthy in the long term.

4 years ago

Also, in most of thoses games, the answer to “I took a bullet in the arm” is eating some cheese and drink some wine. Which might prove not enough in reality.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I tend to think that if you don’t have the charisma and social skills to become a cult leader pre-apocalypse, you probably don’t have the charisma and social skills to become one in the post-apocalypse. Simply being a white dude is not going to cut it.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

re: walking dead…

I saw “Night of the Living Dead” in the early 70s… I remember thinking “… THIS genre of apocalyptic fantasy will NEVER catch on….”


4 years ago


Also, in most of thoses games, the answer to “I took a bullet in the arm” is eating some cheese and drink some wine. Which might prove not enough in reality.

And in a lot of games even if you die you can respawn and try again, which in the real world doesn’t really work.*

*To the best of my knowledge. Maybe there is reincarnation, but I don’t know for sure.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Speaking of apocalypses, William Barr (the US A-G) has indicated the Justice Department may support any challenges to individual state lockdown orders.

A more cynical person might say a second virus peak around autumn would be a good excuse to postpone the election.

Legally though that would require Congress to approve. If they didn’t then Nancy Pelosi becomes President pro tem come 21 January.

So I suspect it’s just appealing to the base.

4 years ago

Question: any hints of the Nova Scotia massacre being MRA-adjacent?

The police is staying rather close-lipped about motivation, except for hurriedly saying it’s not terrorism (which tends to be what they say when it’s misogynistic terrorism).

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Oh, there’s no doubt it was terrorism. Spree killing with some of the targets being of opportunity is always terrorism. And the creep was clearly planning something like this for a while, laying groundwork and making preparations. These types typically turn out to have been elaborating a plan, and to have been fantasizing about executing that plan, for years before they get up the gumption to actually do it. So it was premeditated in cold blood and the guy’s been a powder keg for at least the past decade.

And I heard that the spark that lit this powder keg was some sort of domestic dispute, which seems to be a recurring theme with far-right chucklefucks who go spree-killing.

Fair bet that was triggered in turn by a combination of a) a COVID-related job loss or wiped out retirement account or similarly and b) toxic masculine expectations to be the perfect provider for the family, with the wife in a position of dependence. I wonder if the lockdowns had inverted things to where she had become the bigger breadwinner or something similar?

There was also apparently a long-simmering resentment from having idolized the RCMP, only to flunk out of attempting to become one of them.

Ontario update, meanwhile: the case growth rate has been creeping slowly down and now is in the upper five-point-something percent a day. At this rate things might be able to reopen sometime around Christmas. ;/