
PewDiePie is destroying feminism with the word “simp,” MGTOW Redditor contends

Uh oh, feminism is in trouble now!

By David Futrelle

Remember when “cuck” was the favorite insult of every internet edgelord? Now another old insult has become a new favorite: the word “simp,” which has crossed over from incels and MGTOWs into the wider vernacular, proving more popular than “cuck” ever was.

Like “cuck,” the term is used to denote any guy who’s seen as being too nice or accommodating to the girls and women in his life. It seems to have originated in black slang before being taken over by incels and MGTOWs and assorted other misogynists.

Now the word “simp” has become so popular with misogynistic men and insecure boys that some have convinced themselves that it has the power to destroy feminism entirely. Take this post, for example, which I found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today.

The simp meme is destroying feminism and saves the beta boys/men in the making (self.MGTOW)

submitted 6 hours ago by BlizzStrx

Before the meme, men and boys didn’t get called out on their bullshit when they bowed down to their crushes, female friends or female school mates. So these men and boys became betas in the mating game and more often than not they had no father figure capable of fixing them into alpha males. The school girls became wannabe queens and feminists.

Now you have guys like PewDiePie popularizing the meme amongst all the kids watching him. YouTubers talk about simping, etc. Now at school, the meme changed the boys behavior, even. Boys that even help girls get called out as simps. Every action towards them is considered simping amongst dozens of boys. Men finally have a word to call out their bros with.

This is nature balancing things out, maybe.

“Simp” is indeed enjoying a weird burst of popularity right now. But the idea that 12-year-old PewDiePie fans are going to destroy feminism by calling their classmates “simps” for talking to girls seems a tad far-fetched — especially since the idea behind the “Simp” insult is hardly a new one; it’s not like PewDiePie just came up with the idea of guys impugning each others’ masculinity.

And as insults go, “simp” is a pretty ineffectual one; it seems in many cases like little more than an sour grapes attack on boys and men who actually have girlfriends and wives. Just as the word “cuck” came to taint those who threw it around more than their intended targets, using the word “simp” makes one look like an angry, jealous incel rather than a conquering alpha.

The chance someone will call me a simp for writing this? Roughly 100 percent. The chance I will care? Zero percent.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Simp is a new word? I feel like it’s about as old as cuck.

4 years ago

It seems to have originated in black slang before being taken over by incels and MGTOWs and assorted other misogynists.

Yet more proof that far right bigots can’t come up with anything original. Literally all of their memes and slang and other media comes from someone else. All the “red pill” terminology, including the original idea, was stolen from someone else.

But the idea that 12-year-old PewDiePie fans are going to destroy feminism by calling their classmates “simps” for talking to girls seems a tad far-fetched

Yeah, it’s not like men who defy toxic masculinity were never mocked by other men. I remember as a kid (everyone thought I was a boy back then) I was always mocked for having so many platonic friends that were girls and for not being an asshole to them. I never really gave a fuck. Hopefully, kids today can understand the ones calling them “simps” are just assholes.

I also seem to recall the people this blog talks about using the word “simp” for years before, so it’s not even really new to them. Like “cuck,” it’s a poorly used insult that just tells you that any person using it unironically is alt-right or alt-right adjacent and not worth your time.

4 years ago

Nah, simp is only attested as far back as the early 1900s, while cuck dates at least a century before that.

4 years ago

How frustrating that feminism refuses to die just because these men tell it to. I weep for the cause /sarcasm

4 years ago

I thought he got demonetized?

4 years ago

Idk if he got demonetized, but I do know that a lot of major studios distances themselves from him after he revealed himself as a Nazi. I’m sure he’s still turning a profit though, seeing as he’s got 104M subscribers still.
There’s this weird sort of mob mentality about the man. People claim to be unaware he was a Nazi, then seem to know exactly why he is one, then defend him, and still go around parroting the “subscribe to PewDiePie” meme and hacking printers to print it. Even people on the left fall for it.

4 years ago

“Simp” is an older word. It was semi-common throughout the 20th century. I think “cuck” is older only as it was used in the word “cuckold”, which is indeed a very old word. But I first heard “cuck” by itself after the Righties came up with “cuckservative”, which was admittedly based on “cuckold” and “conservative”.

I remember they were quite pleased with themselves when they coined it.

4 years ago

@Dalillama – the original word “cuckold” goes back to at least 1250.

4 years ago

Sir mix alot uses simp in baby got back. I’m pretty sure of it. It’s not a new word at all.

4 years ago

Incidentally, back in the days these people probably want to live in, cuckolding was serious business, but for entirely different reasons than these lunkheads think. Basically, a bastard was a human wrecking ball that could throw carefully planned lines of inheritance for a loop while ensuring the child was treated as a second-class citizen (or possibly not as a citizen at all). Needless to say, a combination of paternity testing, easier divorce, inheritance laws that actually make sense, and little things like the concept of equal protection under the law make all of those a non-issue.

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

If only men relentlessly insult other men for every tiny moment in which men fail to live up to the expectations of masculinity we will finally have a world that is friendly to men’s success, health, and happiness.

4 years ago

Either I hang out with the wrong people or the term “simp” is already ironically (parodically) used by young, not terrible, people. Could be both and I should reexamine some friendships, but my money’s on the latter. The term has no teeth. In any usage it has Poe’s law written all over it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think the first time I heard the “simp” insult was on Saved By the Bell. Zack used it on Screech. I think he meant it as short for simpleton.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

Yeah, “simp” sounds familiar to me too. Webster’s says it entered the language in 1903 (so specific!), and means “simpleton.” I don’t feel destroyed by the word. I’m pretty used to the fact that some men — take my brothers, for instance — would seemingly rather die than thank me for anything. My stance is, Fine. Don’t thank me. I understand you’ve taken a vow to never thank a woman. Got it. I did draw the line when one of them called me stupid for helping him. That said, I’m still not destroyed. These manospherians are taking a long time to understand that feminism will not be destroyed by their idiotic comments — or anything else. Even if feminism were to go underground, it would always remain.

4 years ago

Shorter Kat: manospherians are true exemplars of the term “simpleton”.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago


Let’s just say that they’re not using their brains. Too lazy. Too hostile.

4 years ago

I first heard Simp being used in relation to Castlevania Season 3 (Because one of the main characters is being lead around and imprisoned by an extra hot, dominant vampire lady). I should have known it was right-wing BS.

Also Feminism keeps getting destroyed, how come it keeps coming back?

4 years ago

“Simp” dates back a long time, but there’s a misogynist acronym version of it that is new.

4 years ago


Also Feminism keeps getting destroyed, how come it keeps coming back?

The hive vagina spawns new princesses and would-be queens every day and there are horrible double and quadruple or even 2^n agents (e.g. trans people like me but also other marginalized folk who have issues with patriarchy for some obscure reasons like some problematic dudes that are in no way connected to patriarchy as a whole and which no reasonable alpha male would consider even worth considering in true manlogics) who spread feminism’s powerful message even on the uncharted areas of the web. Hell, even some men like this David guy from this one blog help the cause!

*turns the sarcasm down a bit*

Also it’s sorta normal to not go around spreading hatred to little kids to make them toughen up, you know? Kind and caring fathers and parents or even community members are much better for a child’s development. You’re welcome and I’m sorry for answering a question that was probably rhetorical in this fashion.

4 years ago

A meme can destroy something, I seriously doubt that.

If that would work I would call Trump Kodos (He wants to sacrify his people for the economic instead of survival for the rest and it is not half) from Star Trek. Even if that would go viral, it wouldn’t destroy him political.

4 years ago

Trump wouldn’t make a good Kodos anyhow. He’d be bragging to Ivanka about all the mass murdering he did even while he’d be trying to make everyone think he was Anton Karidian. I don’t even know if his attempts at performing Shakepeare would be entertaining.

I bet it’s hard for all sorts of bozos that they can’t really be compared to fictional villains because fictional villains tend to be good at something.

4 years ago


He makes too much money for YouTube to refuse him.

4 years ago

Yup, the word is in there:

A lot of simps won’t like this song
‘Cause them punks like to hit it and quit it
And I’d rather stay and play
‘Cause I’m long, and I’m strong


The term has no teeth.

Most manosphere insults are weak, because most people don’t care what some random MRA thinks about them. I mean, if someone uses the words “mangina,” “cuck,” or just shouting slurs—those are all just showing a lack of creativity and reminiscing you that the person saying them is not worth your time.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Men finally have a word to call out their bro’s with

Thank goodness for PewDiePie. Before now, boys never had a way to insult each other. Twelve year olds were forced to compliment each other approvingly. Those were dark days.

Every action towards them is considered simping by dozens of boys

“Oh no, dozens of boys might call me a word that means weak and supplicating. Better change my personality into a toxic dumpster fire to appease them.”

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

I recall someone (a feminist) somewhere online a decade or so back commenting that feminism gets declared dead every few years and always comes back, “which makes it the Freddy Krueger of social justice movements.”

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