chad thundercock empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny murder is good actually red pill reddit women hate sex women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

MGTOWs declare coronavirus their “greatest ally” because it’s forcing women to return to the home

The 50s were wild, man

By David Futrelle

Not long ago, we met some Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists happily declaring that the coronavirus must be a TERF like them because it was disproportionately killing men — and (allegedly) making trans women sad.

Today, let’s meet some Men Going Their Own Way who think the deadly virus is “MGTOW’s Greatest Ally” because it’s forcing women to return to the home instead of “wandering around” fucking Chads and having jobs and stuff like that. And maybe after the coronavirus goes away — these dudes think — women will want to stay at home instead of returning to the big scary world out there.

“Fear changes Women,” writes a Reddit MGTOW called Fourwordsalluppercase. “How many are going to want to stay at home after this is all done?”

Lots, he thinks.

I mean every Women I know is already on meds for anxiety and this is not going to make it better. Women going to be thirsty for that kitchen that has power and heat, running water and food all provided by and paid for by a Man and all they are supposed to do is cook it and clean after. Maybe take a dick once a week.

Such a lovely evocation of the joys of marriage.

And even if these women want to go back to work, other MGTOWs ask, who’s to say there will even be jobs left for them after “employers … get rid of these made-up positions created just for women that don’t bring any profit?”

Someone called RS67 adds:

One of the best things to come out of this whole coronavirus shit, is that society had been reminded who actually does all the work in this world.

Never mind that the vast majority of those on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus — healthcare workers — are women. And never mind all the women working in grocery stores and pharmacies and so on who are actually providing the food and medicine necessary for the rest of us to survive on a daily basis.

Not that we should expect MGTOW pronouncements to have much to do with reality.

Still other MGTOWs are convinced that the virus will “Red Pill” countless men who are now seeing what women are really like.

“This virus lets you see female nature raw and uncut,” comments Phantom_Spark.

Marriages collapse at an exponential rate. Children and family deemed to be an unworthy burden.

I can’t [wait] to see what’s next. What other red pill can women drop to further cement he idea that committing to them and even engaging in relationships isn’t worth it?

Not all MGTOWs are convinced that coronavirus will “fix” women and turn them into the docile and reverential creatures that MGTOWs and other manosphereans wish they were.

“In a few weeks this will be over and women will double down on their whoring to make up for lost time,” writes American__Jedi. “Nothing will change women.”

But even the most pessimistic MGTOWs can find their silver lining. Even if the conronavirus pandemic destroys governments and unleashes chaos on the world, a MGTOW Redditor called 21yeeet figures that at least he’ll get a chance to murder him some women — sorry, some “wahman.”

“[W]omen always like to say ‘wahmen first,'” he writes, “so if the purge happens due to coronavirus, im killing the wahmen first”

He got nearly three dozen upvotes for this lovely sentiment. Because of course he did.

The MGTOW subreddit has been quarantined by the Reddit admins for being full of hateful shit. It’s not at all clear to me why it it hasn’t been simply banned.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago


And they take a pic of the can of soup they warmed up.

We’ve had a few discussions of MGTOW cooking and from what we saw then, a can of soup warmed up would be an improvement over their usual fare.

4 years ago

If society collapses, I’m going to side with this armed bear:

As for men going their own way: I’m sure this has been posted before, but that won’t stop me:

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Forcing women back to the home causes more feminism, not less. See the 2nd wave of feminism at least partially being the result of women leaving the home to work during WWII and then being made to go back to the home when the men came back.

4 years ago

Nothing they say makes sense. If we are so attached to our kitchens and running water and food, why do so many women seem to live perfectly fine with a full-time job? If being a stay-at-home dick-taker is so resentfully easy, shouldn’t they be happy that we want to do something else? And this whole thing about whoring… isn’t the general consensus among them that we are only good for sex anyways, so why does the idea of us actually having it make them so angry? Well, they sure have us figured out.

4 years ago

Well, we can’t really expect them to understand cause and effect. They don’t understand it in any other context either.


isn’t the general consensus among them that we are only good for sex anyways, so why does the idea of us actually having it make them so angry?

I think the issue is that we’re not having sex with them. They’re angry that women are enjoying themselves and having sex with other men rather than saving ourselves for MGTOWs and incels.

Some Chick in Texas
Some Chick in Texas
4 years ago

Ok, again, with some alternate reality. They know that the vast majority of workers, men and women, are working from home if they still have jobs? Like what do they think men are doing in this quarantine? Just walking around looking for mammoths to shoot or something? Also, my husband is working from home now. But I’m “essential” so I have to keep going in. Does this arrangement just not exist in their universe? Does this mean my husband will become enamored of our stove? How did they end up so completely divorced from the reality the rest of us have to live in? Seriously, what in the world do they really think is going on here?

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

@Naglfar said

This in particular reminds me of an antebellum pro-slavery argument: the argument that slaves had a good life and were happier than white people. Despite this, we never saw white men lining up to be enslaved. Obviously being a housewife is different than being a slave, but the point remains that for some reason the oppressors are never interested in doing the work they promote.

I seem to remember hearing a proverb from somewhere or other:

If work’s so bloody wonderful, how come the rich don’t keep it all for themselves?

4 years ago


This in particular reminds me of an antebellum pro-slavery argument: the argument that slaves had a good life and were happier than white people.

Which of course, led to the question: Why do enslaved people sometimes try to leave this happy, carefree life? The answer, of course, was that the escapees were mentally ill, as a result of their enslavers treating them “too kindly.”

4 years ago

And of course a similar idea was used against women that didn’t conform to patriarchal standards and obey their husbands, it was just branded as “hysteria” rather than “drapetomania.”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

XKCD does it again.

4 years ago

O/T, but somewhat relevant:
Remember how a week ago TERFs were excited about coronavirus? Turns out they’ve been wanting something like this for a while, at least since 2016 when one of them who clearly didn’t understand how DNA works wrote this. As always, their knowledge of biology is severely lacking.

4 years ago


Wow. That’s just… it almost reads like a manospherian’s straw feminism, except I’ve seen enough people like this to know that it is genuine.

Note also the racism in referring to “the extraordinary number of rapists” in Latin America. Terrible people rarely limit themselves to one form of awfulness.

4 years ago


it almost reads like a manospherian’s straw feminism, except I’ve seen enough people like this to know that it is genuine.

It’s from Feminist Current, which is one of the more mainstream TERF sites even. And yes, the irony is that TERFs sound rather similar to the straw feminists of MRA imaginations but probably would get on quite well with MRAs.
I also find the the lack of biology knowledge to be apparent, seeing as TERFs also choose to ignore the biology consensus on trans* people (which supports us), preferring instead a roughly junior high level understanding of gender and sex.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Fear changes Women

As if most women don’t already live in a state of hypervigilance? We’re used to constantly assessing threats and looking over our shoulders. We’re used to functioning among people who view us as prey and baby incubators. We’re used to dealing with men who try to use fear against us to drive us back into our houses.

If women really were thrilled to be confined to the four walls of their kitchen, then you’d expect social media to be one long contented sigh of “yes, this is what I’ve been secretly wanting all my life”. Instead, at least on my FB feed, it’s sarcastic variations of “thinking about a road trip to the living room tomorrow” and “I’ve lost track, is it Blursday the fortyteenth of Marpril?” and people making lists and doing quizzes just to keep from going stir-crazy.

I guess this is another example of that elusive “female nature” that mainly pops into existence as a result of violence or plague.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Okay so if you’re a “man going their own way”, why would you have a woman in your home anyway? Why wouldn’t you be doing everything for yourself, or not, or perhaps not wiping your ass or perhaps cooking a large sheet pan full of chicken breasts with some indistinguishable carbohydrate matter underneath? Why, why, all the obsession with wimmins all the time?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago


A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and arm bears shall not be infringed.

4 years ago

Doesn’t this reinforce the importance of “women’s work”? Most nurses and about 40% of doctors in America are female. Women are also often employed as healthcare providers for the elderly and for children. Grocery stores and retail business often employ women. Seamstresses are sewing masks for people battling Corona in the frontlines. It’s the antithesis of women being worthless wh—es.

Men’s work is also vital. Most construction workers, delivery drivers, and auto repair workers are male. A majority of doctors are male. Anyone who exploits this pandemic to prove that women or men or trans people are worthless has a confirmation bias. We need everyone to work together now, and the people who use this to disparage a particular gender, race, religion. etc. have their priorities mixed up- and they spend far too much time online.

4 years ago


I’m pretty sure fear changes everyone. Maybe especially people who want a societal collapse so that they can take their rightful place on top. There’s a reason why we’re told to be careful what we wish for.

You’re a whole different person when you’re scared, as the poet said.

4 years ago

Woman going her own way: A strong independent female. Man going his own way: A misogynist. Love the double standard. Doesn’t matter, as a MGTOW-er myself I enjoy my bachelor life. Nobody is going to tell me what to do. Thank you

4 years ago

We don’t call MGTOWs misogynists because they’re going their own way, we call them misogynists because they aren’t going their own way. Instead you just show up in comments sections to gripe about double standards and how awful women are and how great people dying in a pandemic is.

You’ll enjoy your life a lot more if you spend less time hating people online and more time in fulfilling endeavors like creative projects and exercise. Certainly there are better things for you to do than come here to moan.

4 years ago

@Realist: There do exist men going their own way who are indeed men who go their own way. We mostly don’t know who they are because they don’t usually draw attention to themselves, but when they do we don’t have any problem with them (well, not for going their own way, but sometimes for unrelated reasons which vary according to the individual).

However, Men Going Their Own Way™ don’t act like men going their own way. They act like children who threaten to run off, but don’t actually do so (or come back within hours) and then spend weeks whining about their mothers. Not that they’re actually children, just that they can’t stop obsessing over and coming back to the same things that they’re supposedly going their own way from.

You’re comically missing the point of going your own way. If you were really going your own way rather than Going Your Own Way™, you wouldn’t care enough about the “haters” to occasionally pop in and troll them, especially since the haters only make fun of Men Going Their Own Way™ and not men going their own way. People like that aren’t generally strong independent males, and that’s not the mock-worthy part regardless.

If you want to swear off women, then that’s fine, you don’t even need a reason, just don’t openly be an ass about it. If you want to be one of those idiots who are trying to convince other men to join in a reverse Lysistrata act, then prepared to get mocked, because you won’t get remotely near enough takers to make it work.

(As a side note, the closest equivalent of Women Going Their Own Way™ would probably be Political Lesbians. But those people are generally considered terrible, even by SJWs, for somewhat different reasons, since they often do genuinely go their own way.)

4 years ago

IIRC the reason most left wing people don’t like political lesbians is because they pushed an incorrect idea that women could choose their sexuality and they were usually mired in biphobia and transphobia (a lot of older TERFs are/were political lesbians, like Julie Bindel). Maybe there’s more reasons as well, but that’s what I remember.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They’ve always got to have a name like “Realist” don’t they? As soon as I saw that in the recent comments bar, I knew we had a manosphere visitor. It’s one of those red flag handles like “Skeptic” or “Philosopher” or “Thinker”

4 years ago

Yeah, they’re not exactly known for subtlety.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

A man enjoying being single is great! But if he spends most of his time prattling on about those awful women, droning on about roles women must fill and dictating how women should live, how independent from women is he? If he’s trolling feminists and creeping on females, how is he focused on his own way? MGTOWs aren’t simply bachelors, unfortunately. No one has a problem with anyone enjoying their own life and letting others live theirs in peace.