chad thundercock empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny murder is good actually red pill reddit women hate sex women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

MGTOWs declare coronavirus their “greatest ally” because it’s forcing women to return to the home

The 50s were wild, man

By David Futrelle

Not long ago, we met some Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists happily declaring that the coronavirus must be a TERF like them because it was disproportionately killing men — and (allegedly) making trans women sad.

Today, let’s meet some Men Going Their Own Way who think the deadly virus is “MGTOW’s Greatest Ally” because it’s forcing women to return to the home instead of “wandering around” fucking Chads and having jobs and stuff like that. And maybe after the coronavirus goes away — these dudes think — women will want to stay at home instead of returning to the big scary world out there.

“Fear changes Women,” writes a Reddit MGTOW called Fourwordsalluppercase. “How many are going to want to stay at home after this is all done?”

Lots, he thinks.

I mean every Women I know is already on meds for anxiety and this is not going to make it better. Women going to be thirsty for that kitchen that has power and heat, running water and food all provided by and paid for by a Man and all they are supposed to do is cook it and clean after. Maybe take a dick once a week.

Such a lovely evocation of the joys of marriage.

And even if these women want to go back to work, other MGTOWs ask, who’s to say there will even be jobs left for them after “employers … get rid of these made-up positions created just for women that don’t bring any profit?”

Someone called RS67 adds:

One of the best things to come out of this whole coronavirus shit, is that society had been reminded who actually does all the work in this world.

Never mind that the vast majority of those on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus — healthcare workers — are women. And never mind all the women working in grocery stores and pharmacies and so on who are actually providing the food and medicine necessary for the rest of us to survive on a daily basis.

Not that we should expect MGTOW pronouncements to have much to do with reality.

Still other MGTOWs are convinced that the virus will “Red Pill” countless men who are now seeing what women are really like.

“This virus lets you see female nature raw and uncut,” comments Phantom_Spark.

Marriages collapse at an exponential rate. Children and family deemed to be an unworthy burden.

I can’t [wait] to see what’s next. What other red pill can women drop to further cement he idea that committing to them and even engaging in relationships isn’t worth it?

Not all MGTOWs are convinced that coronavirus will “fix” women and turn them into the docile and reverential creatures that MGTOWs and other manosphereans wish they were.

“In a few weeks this will be over and women will double down on their whoring to make up for lost time,” writes American__Jedi. “Nothing will change women.”

But even the most pessimistic MGTOWs can find their silver lining. Even if the conronavirus pandemic destroys governments and unleashes chaos on the world, a MGTOW Redditor called 21yeeet figures that at least he’ll get a chance to murder him some women — sorry, some “wahman.”

“[W]omen always like to say ‘wahmen first,'” he writes, “so if the purge happens due to coronavirus, im killing the wahmen first”

He got nearly three dozen upvotes for this lovely sentiment. Because of course he did.

The MGTOW subreddit has been quarantined by the Reddit admins for being full of hateful shit. It’s not at all clear to me why it it hasn’t been simply banned.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

TERFs and MGTOWs would probably agree on most things. They’re quite similar after all, the only difference is that MGTOWs last I checked mostly focus on hating cis women (though I doubt they’d like trans* women much) while TERFs focus most of their attacks on trans* women (with a side order of hatred for cis women who don’t conform to their standards and some hatred of trans* men and NBs).

Women going to be thirsty for that kitchen that has power and heat, running water and food all provided by and paid for by a Man and all they are supposed to do is cook it and clean after.

Umm…I have a kitchen, and while it’s good to cook meals in, I don’t exactly want to spend all day in it. And I pay for the food, heat, power, and water in it.

Did anyone else just think the idea of women being “thirsty” for a kitchen is a bit odd?

One of the best things to come out of this whole coronavirus shit, is that society had been reminded who actually does all the work in this world.

Behold the stopped-clock fallacy: this statement is actually correct, just not the way he intended it. The coronavirus has made it apparent who the real heroes are. Doctors, nurses, and plenty of non-healthcare personnel like delivery drivers, sanitation workers, maintenance workers, etc. are the ones actually risking their lives to keep society running (and of course there are plenty of women in all those groups, contrary to MGTOW belief). These are the real heroes, as opposed to the politicians and billionaires who are cowering in bunkers rather than face a crisis they made worse.

It’s not at all clear to me why it it hasn’t been simply banned.

Because it brings Reddit traffic, which brings them $$$. They care much more about profit than anything else, as shown by how they refused to shut down other subreddits like r/jailbait until external media attention focused on it.

4 years ago

My mom has an autoimmune disease and her lungs are about 70% scar tissue. She has a hard time with stairs and can’t fight off normal colds very quickly. This virus is very dangerous to her and yet she is the most stir crazy one in the house. She can’t wait for things to blow over ao she can be apart of life again. No amount of fear will make someone stop wanting life

4 years ago

A woman on my team forced me to get my shit together and get ready for working from home just a couple months before COVID, because she got sick-but-able-to-work. This happenstance has hugely helped my company.

Now we’re all working from home and with some government support I should be able to keep going without layoffs.

4 years ago

I have a family member who is at risk medically and is working without ppes’s. She’s a nurse. She’s married to a woman btw. I guess her bravery doesn’t count to these chitheads. Me? I find it hard to pity haters who will receive medical care from people they hate. I’m trying hard not to hate. That’s my sister, lowlifes! She’ll treat them all kindly and well. Please send good thoughts or whatever to Kentucky nurses, ok?

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

Do these guys do not know what teleworking is ? Of course, it is not available for all kind of works, but for those for which it is available, the women are still working. Or are they equating work at home with just home shores when it comes to women ? Damn, their own way is full of blind spots and holes.

4 years ago

They do realize that a societal collapse doesn’t automatically mean everyone starts running around and killing each other, right? In the event of a total societal collapse, something else would rise to replace that society, the question is just what. Modern failed states indicate that the answer tends to be feudalism, but who knows what system we would theoretically end up with? Too many variables to consider.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

This subreddit is for men going their own way, forging their own identities and paths to self-defined success.


Hey, MGTOW subredditers, “0 women, 0 problems” is a threat of mass murder. You’re probably home a lot these days, so the FBI knows where to find you. Tell it to the judge.

4 years ago


I hope anarchism takes its place. The world desperately needs it. Unfortunately, existing power structures make this an impossibility with some people just outright sympathetic with fascism. It’s in America, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, France, and likely the UK too as much as I hate to admit it.

4 years ago

Fear changes Women

I’m pretty sure fear changes everyone. Maybe especially people who want a societal collapse so that they can take their rightful place on top. There’s a reason why we’re told to be careful what we wish for.


Did anyone else just think the idea of women being “thirsty” for a kitchen is a bit odd?

If it’s meant to invoke a sexual connotation, it is odd.

Then again, if there is a societal collapse and you’re living in the woods or something and still expected to take care of all the so-called household chores you did at home and people would nag if they didn’t think you were performing up to specs, you probably would fantasise about having a kitchen with electricity and running water.

4 years ago

Indeed, why’d women want to be exposed to the virus at a workplace, when they can have a husband who brings the virus home?

4 years ago


Then again, if there is a societal collapse and you’re living in the woods or something and still expected to take care of all the so-called household chores you did at home and people would nag if they didn’t think you were performing up to specs, you probably would fantasise about having a kitchen with electricity and running water.

All I know is, regardless of where I’m living post COVID, I will not cook for MGTOWs. They can go cook for themselves and eat some of the glop we’ve seen them make before.
MGTOWs fetishize the apocalypse, but I don’t think they realize that since none of them seem to have any real skills, they probably wouldn’t be the best suited to survive it.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

MGTOWs love apocalypses where they are all Mad Max trying to get beyond Thunderdome, but the most evocative post-apocalyptic world I’ve read is Carrie Vaughn’s Bannerless. But it’s eerie reading it now. In Bannerless, the end of the world isn’t some huge catastrophe. It starts with an epidemic, which leads to a reduction in workforce, which results in cascading infrastructure failures, which is exacerbated by climate change disasters, and so on.

I’ve joked a lot about how as a fiber artist, I’ll trade the work of my hands for food and shelter, but yesterday was the first time I ever discussed it semi-seriously with Mr. Parasol.

4 years ago

Women going to be thirsty for that kitchen… and all they are supposed to do is cook it and clean after.

My husband does about 90% of the cooking, so I’ll admit to some ignorance here, but are you really supposed to cook the whole kitchen? How do you use it after? Is it reborn in the flames like the phoenix?

“[W]omen always like to say ‘wahmen first.”

Ah, yes, that common female phrase. “Wahmen first!” I always shout as I reach for the tastiest looking muffin on the tray. The men can have the second-tastiest muffins, at best.

4 years ago

Shit-hits-the-fan escapism—a big part of the alt-right imaginary—never predicted this. I have lurked in countless stagnant ideological internet back alleys where young men excitedly talk about the coming end of civilization, where men can be real men again, and women will need protectors. How inconvenient, then, that when this world-inverting crisis finally showed up, we weren’t given an enemy we could fight with our hands (wash your hands).

The end of the world has never been quite so simple a mythos for women, likely because most of us know that when social structures crack and shatter, what happens isn’t an instant reversion to muscular state-of-naturism. What happens is that women and carers of all genders quietly exhaust themselves filling in the gaps, trying to save as many people as possible from physical and mental collapse. The people on the front line are not fighters. They are healers and carers. The very people whose work is rarely paid in proportion to its importance are the ones we really need when the dung hits the Dyson. Nurses, doctors, cleaners, drivers. Emotional and domestic labor have never been part of the grand story men have told themselves about the destiny of the species—not even when they imagine its grave.

4 years ago

On second read, I see that Fourwordsalluppercase was actually saying women need to cook the food that is “provided by and paid for by a Man.” Fair enough. That’s not laughable because of a grammatical mistake; it’s laughable for a bunch of other reasons. First of all — and I say this pretty much every time this topic comes up, so forgive me for being repetitive — how much money are all these men making that they can support a whole family comfortably? All of them can do this? Second of all, if keeping house is such a cushy job, why aren’t they clamouring to do it?

4 years ago

If MGTOW were going their own way they wouldn’t need to consider putting women at home considering they need to stay at home too, sometimes with them as per government guidelines around the world for people to stay with relatives and/or significant others.

I think anti-feminists want to maintain a sphere where men get most of the space for them, physically, situationally and temporally. Feminists, (maybe at least more radical ones but I’m not sure about liberal feminists) posit that there’s the “public sphere”, which is dominated by men, politics and business, and the “private sphere”, dominated by women and relationships. I’ve also heard of “the personal is the political” also used in relation to feminism to try and break this public-private divide.

4 years ago


but are you really supposed to cook the whole kitchen?

Maybe you have to cook it in a bigger industrial kitchen?

Second of all, if keeping house is such a cushy job, why aren’t they clamouring to do it?

This in particular reminds me of an antebellum pro-slavery argument: the argument that slaves had a good life and were happier than white people. Despite this, we never saw white men lining up to be enslaved. Obviously being a housewife is different than being a slave, but the point remains that for some reason the oppressors are never interested in doing the work they promote.

4 years ago

Perhaps there’s something I’m missing, but isn’t the whole point of “MGTOW” that you don’t care what women do one way or the other?

4 years ago

That’s the stated goal, but in practice they never shut up about women. Any MGTOW forum is chock-full of threads about women because that’s all they ever seem to talk about.

4 years ago

They’re “going their own way” very slowly while constantly peering over their shoulders back at women, waiting for us to chase after them shouting “Wait! Wait! Don’t go! We will be your unpaid domestic servants who have sex with you!” It’s the world’s worst bluff. “If you don’t agree to do everything I say, I won’t inflict my horrible presence on you.” Um, okay. Bye then.

4 years ago

They don’t “go” anywhere. They don’t even want to cut women out of their lives sexually or even romantically. If they really wanted to be without women they would do as little interaction with them as possible and just focus on themselves, their career, forming hobbies. But no, they go on line and complain and fantasies about women. They do it loudly trying to get everyone to look at them. I don’t know what other to compare them to then toddlers because they are no where even near what a political lesbian is.

4 years ago

It’s like this:
MGTOW: I’m going my own way!
Feminist: Great, you go ahead.
MGTOW: As I said, going my own way!
Feminist: Ok then.
MGTOW: You are going to miss me when I’m gone!
Feminist: I don’t think so.
MGTOW: Just you wait, you’ll want me back.
Feminist: Just go your own way already.
MGTOW: I’m going my own way and you won’t stop responding, therefore you must still want me back. But too bad for you, causing I’m going my own way! Did I mention that I’m going my own way?
Feminist: (stops responding)
MGTOW: See, look how much you need me. But I’m going my own way!


They don’t even want to cut women out of their lives sexually or even romantically.

IIRC a few of them are even married to women. I feel sorry for any woman stuck in a relationship with a MGTOW.

I don’t know what other to compare them to then toddlers

White supremacists? White supremacists also think they’re key to society and that society would fall apart without them. Plus I’m pretty sure there’s a big overlap between Nazis and MGTOWs.

I wonder when MGTOWs will ally with TERFs openly. They have so much in common (they both hate trans* people, both pretend to be civil rights movements, there’s misogyny in both, etc) and I could easily see a TERF meeting inviting MGTOWs or some MGTOWs promoting TERF ideas.

4 years ago

I own my home, and my partner and I always split the bills. But since he got laid off I’m now the breadwinner, though I still intend to be a partner in the home (but maybe more like 70/30). But they increased my pay to something like 20 bucks an hour now, if anything this event is cementing my career.

4 years ago


Perfect ?. Also somewhere in there they’re like “I don’t even need you to cook for me, see?” And they take a pic of the can of soup they warmed up.

4 years ago


My husband has caught the tattoo bug it seems. He’s working on a design for his third one. It looks like I am now official not the only one in this relationship with a love of body art.

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