chad thundercock coronavirus empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny murder is good actually narcissism stacies tyrone

Incel: Evil sluts are “murdering us by spreading the virus and they think it’s a joke”

Women: Always murdering?

By David Futrelle

Incels, deeply insecure narcissists all, are always convinced that they suffer more than anyone else on earth. So naturally they excel at coming up with reasons why the coronavirus somehow affects them the most.

In one recent post on the forum, an incel calling himself Sleeper complains that women are (allegedly) making the crisis all about them, when really it’s incels that are suffering.

The majority of people that are dying are old men or men with health problems like asthma or Incels who have poor immune systems due to severe loneliness and sexlessness (strong social life and sex boosts the immune system). So the real victims of this pandemic are men and incels.

While more men than women are indeed dying from the coronavirus, the bit about incels dying come straight from Sleeper’s ass.

So then why is it that so many foids [women] are making this about them? Shoving their faces on cameras? … I think all of us already know the answer, but it’s just “hilarious”.

Despite the virtue signalling and all the “woe is me” posts by these foids, so many of them are leaving the house to go and get wasted and fucked by Brads, Chads and Tyrones (it’ll just be a little cough for these dickheads) even though they’ve been told to stay home.

[Citation needed]

On top of this the feminist cunts are also laughing and celebrating this pandemic because it’s taking us out. Sure [they] didn’t get to slap a black star on our chests and throw us into their concentration camps, but for them this pandemic will suffice. This is murder, they’re murdering us by spreading the virus and they think it’s a joke. These people are pure evil.

Incels really do have a flair for the melodramatic, huh?

Sleeper isn’t the only incel who thinks that incels are suffering the most from the virus — and the lockdowns set up to prevent its spread.

“Think about it boyos,” wrote an incel called Wristlet 2 in another thread

This is a problem that, as always, unfairly affects incels the most. Hurting a country’s economy, like they’re doing with all these quarantines etc, can mean we lose our job and are left to starve since we have no one (not only no gf, but also most incels have shit families) … Or even just make it harder to gather the money for a plastic surgery, which is, for many, necessarily for a life free of loneliness and humiliation.

Meanwhile most normies will have a gf and one of the two will keep their job and they’ll be fine, or they’ll just ask their parents for money.

So Wristlet 2 has decided to act much like the imaginary women in Sleeper’s post — blithely ignoring precautions and, in his case, sort of hoping he’ll be able to spread the virus further.

Personally I’m not following recommendations or taking the quarantine seriously at all. Fuck them. I don’t mind getting infected with the coronavirus, which will typically have no serious symptoms or no symptoms at all due to my age and nutritionmaxxing, in fact it’s LifeFuel if I get it and infect others.

With incels, it always comes back to fantasies of murder — whether straightforward, like Wristlet 2’s, or weirdly inverted, like Sleeper’s fantasy of victimhood, which I suspect is less rooted in his own fears than it is in his own murderous desires. Projection ain’t just a river in Egypt.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago


I’ve started playing the new animal cross because of boredom. It’s my first time playing an animal crossing game. 20 minutes into it I’m in debt to a raccoon. Wtf

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Sarity and Kevin:

A women in Pennsylvania who claimed to have coronavirus and coughed on $35,000 worth of groceries has been arrested and charged with threatening to use weapons of mass destruction and making terroristic threats. They’re taking this very seriously.

WTF is wrong with people that they do things this twisted and selfish?? The food supply is fragile enough as it is without stupid pranks like this.

@Naglfar – A lot of far-right people think primarily with their amygdalas. There’s a constant sense of threats and unresolved danger, along with anhedonia. Nothing brings them joy. Their sense of self is continually under siege. I wonder if toxic masculinity makes people more prone to that type of thinking, because there are so many scary things that permanently damage masculinity according to that system. Soy! Feminists! Blue hair! Nose rings! They’re everywhere!

I don’t mind getting infected with the coronavirus, which will typically have no serious symptoms or no symptoms at all due to my age and nutritionmaxxing,

I love how they assume that they’re going to be one of the lucky ones who waltz through with no symptoms. Everyone’s immune system is different, and there’s no predicting what course it will take. There are 19 year olds on ventilators, and 81 year olds that have nothing more than a minor cough. Even people with “mild” cases recuperating at home are finding it really tough going. They’re going to pay a very high price for their ignorance.

Or even just make it harder to gather the money for a plastic surgery,

Of all the sequelae from this pandemic, incels not being able to get plastic surgery ranks about #1,839,339,308 on the list of things to worry about.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
4 years ago

Age kinda has sweet fuck all to do with keeping ya safe, I believe I read that about 40% of cases are in the ‘prime of life’ age range of 18 to 49 or something. It seems to really go for the lungs, so aside from other factors, anyone with breathing issues is probably going to get hit hard regardless of nutrition-maxxing or any other ‘maxxing’ bullshit.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Go to hell, incels who are blaming women for this, or think we’re celebrating your infection. Right now my frontline sisters are responding to codes, ventilating patients, trying to comfort the dying, explaining to their children that they can’t hug them because they don’t want to spread the virus, and otherwise doing EVERYTHING THEY CAN to save their patients.

I’ve already come close to breaking down at my desk today, and I’m nowhere near the frontline. But those are my coworkers out there, doing everything they can, putting themselves through the meatgrinder for the sake of others, because that’s what it means to work in medicine.

4 years ago

It’s amazing how they consistently fail to realise that “strong social life” doesn’t just equal “has a girlfriend”. Like, they could hang out with dudes and be friends. They could hang out with each other.
But that wouldn’t make it a woman’s fault, and laying blame is far more important than solving the supposed problem.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

You were all celebrating our deaths, incels. You were all talking about how cool it was the women and “chads”.

We have never celebrated your deaths or wished that on you. That is all on YOU, incels – YOU

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Age kinda has sweet fuck all to do with keeping ya safe

There’s some evidence that vitamin D deficiency (such as might be seen in – for example – young men in higher latitudes who rarely go outside because they’re too busy raging on their computers) is a risk factor for poorer outcomes with COVID-19. Something to do with Vitamin D reducing levels of ACE2 enzyme, which is what the virus uses to invade cells.

It’s all very complicated, though, and there are many other factors at play. COVID-19 is immunological Russian roulette. Only an arrogant fool thinks it’s a slam dunk if they get it, based on some simplified age distribution bar charts.

4 years ago


They could hang out with each other.

They could, but I think IRL even other incels would find each other to be bad companions. On forums, they don’t seem to so much be friends as much as people ranting at each other and responding with more vitriol.

I’ve been spending a lot of time outside lately, so hopefully that helps.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

@Buttercup: I’m outside for a good portion of my day, rain or shine, because I love being outside, and I also eat a lot of foods with vitamin d because it helps fight depression. Thanks for the info!

4 years ago


Tom Nook only looks like a raccoon. In truth he is SATAN HIMSELF.

4 years ago

In that vein…
In all honesty, I haven’t played Animal Crossing, so I don’t know much about it. I do know that Venom Prison, one of my favorite bands, made a shirt you can wear in the game for your character.

4 years ago

@ Kevin

The DPP on this bank of the pond is kind of ahead of the DOJ on your bank

I’m guessing you’re not talking about Pokemon: Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum when you say DPP?

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
4 years ago

Oh the melodrama!

Someone fetch Sleeper his fainting couch and smelling salts.


4 years ago

Were one to afford them a semblance of self-awareness, this could come off like a clumsy attempt at self- fulfilling prophecy of dumb.

I wonder how the neoNazi chefs are twisting up trying to think of ways to pin this pandemic in an (((evil))) plot to end western civilization

4 years ago

They wouldn’t even have to think much. Blaming Jews for disease is an age-old idea, dating back at least as far as the bubonic plague in Europe, when Jews were blamed for poisoning wells with the disease.

4 years ago

Because among Jews cleanliness was a code of conduct in their religion and it helped decreasing deaths in that community during plague. So it raised suspicion that it did not hit them as hard….
It was also around the time that hunting witches was at its peak and alogside with it went mass slaughter of cats. This triggered huge increase in population of rats which were hosts for fleas that were infected with a bacteria Yersinia pestis- the pathogen that causes plague

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Speaking of which, you have to wonder at these manospherean idiots who claim men somehow singlehandedly, as a gender, built civilization, while looking suspiciously at any man who hangs around with cats.

Cats built civilization.

Because until their domestication it was unsafe for us to gather in dense cities. Cat domestication is dated to c. 10,000 years ago. The first signs of towns and cities show up not long after. Cats are the reason for the onset of the Neolithic … at least in the Old World, where plague is/was endemic.

(I’m not sure what started the New World on the path to urbanizing. But it seems to have been even more recent, maybe three or four thousand years? Australia didn’t urbanize until Europeans showed up and brought cats, and Antarctica still has no permanent population as of yet.)

4 years ago

@ Miri

Good one. I’m referring to the Director of Public Prosecutions, the government department for handling most most prosecutions here.

Alan Robertshaw, or any other UK trained lawyers here would know more than I do.

4 years ago

There never was a black star to be slapped on. The Nazis did use a black triangle for asocials and hat doesn’t seem to wrong a diagnosis for the incel mob.

And there’s a link to the full interview with Biden’s victim in Nathan Robinson’s latest piece (amongst a lot of other things to consider).

Alexis Filth
4 years ago

The only women I’ve seen “laughing” about the pandemic have been literal TERFs who have been coming onto several mutuals timelines to mock them about how the virus kills men more than women and “isn’t going to care about your self ID”.
And I highly doubt incels have delved deep enough into trans Twitter to have noticed that particular phenomenon.

4 years ago

@Alexis Filth
Yup, I’ve been seeing a lot of TERFs who do that and then try to cover by saying it’s “just biology” or some similar argument by assertion. David collected some examples a few days ago and one of them actually declared it was a TERFy virus.

BTW I just finished listening to the Christian media round table episode of your podcast. Great show and keep up the good work!

4 years ago

My only exposure to Animal Crossing is the web story The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing, which gets dark fast, then somehow gets darker.

4 years ago

That story sure was something. The alternate ending was even creepier.

The thing about Animal Crossing is that it seems to be very popular right now, likely because so many people have nothing better to do in quarantine, and so my Twitter feed is full of people posting stuff about it. For some reason it’s also very popular among trans* people, not quite sure why, since I’ve never played.

4 years ago

Sorta OT: Roosh has thoughts on COVID-19. And it’s exactly what you’d expect given his recent religious conversion.

4 years ago


Unlike Pokemon it doesn’t ask you if you are a boy or a girl. And no matter what character model you chose you can can use any hair style and clothes as you want. You can chose to give your character a gender but makr them look masculine or feminine no matter which gender or you can just make them androgynous if you wish. So maybe that’s why. You aren’t forced into any boxes when you play it