men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny simps slut shaming vaginas

In the midst of a global pandemic, MGTOWs are yelling about women with nose rings

By David Futrelle

It’s nice to know that, even in the throes of a massive global pandemic that could leave tens of millions dead, Reddit’s MGTOWs can still manage to find time to indulge in one of their favorite hobbies: yelling about women with body piercings they don’t like.

Today’s target: Nose rings and the women who wear them. And the men who date them.

Someone called throwaway4738299 started things off with a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit complaining about an acquaintance who wasn’t happy to hear criticism of his nose-ringed crush.

“It’s so weird watching men literally get angry about you criticizing women,” he wrote.

I told some guy to not date the girl he was talking to because she had a nose ring. You know, because those women are fucking crazy. He started getting defensive and would say shit like, “why should I take advice from you” or “that’s stupid” or “where are your facts” etc. There are more passive aggressive comments that are made, I just can’t remember. They need to wake up and realize the pattern of women like that being low quality partners.

Other commenters had throwaway’s back on the nose ring thing.

“[W]ell you’re not wrong at all,” wrote Edtotem.

the nose ring is a NO NO every goddamned time, it is practically verified via scientific method. i wish i were joking honestly

Someone called Rex-Holes had a somewhat more elaborate theory of nose-ringed women.

Most men don’t want woman with facial piercings. That’s pretty standard. So if men dont find them attractive, why do females get them? It’s a social display of wealth and openness to non social norms. IE “I (my man) can afford a frivolous body decoration and I also have low impulse control which means I’m a slut and i make terrible personal choices”. This is why chicks with poor impulse control always have random little tats everywhere and obscure piercings and dreadlocks. If you see any of those signs, run.

It’s a safe bet that precisely none of these women are going to be displeased to have MGTOWs running from them.

Other commenters saved their venom for male “simps” who allegedly “worship pussy.”

DangZagnut (we’ve met him before) offered a rather graphic take on the subject.

Millenials are the most pathetic white knights, but they were raised in a steady bath of pussy and government worshipping propaganda.

So it’s not their fault they worship pussy, what else are they going to do? Millenials love showing their noses deep into a used pussy, and love licking the chunks out.

MGTOWs certainly have vivid imaginations, don’t they?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

@Jenora Feuer

the brain is my favourite sexual organ

I think that’s called sapiosexual, though maybe I’m mixing it up with something else.

4 years ago

AFAIK, ‘sapiosexual’ is generally used to describe people who are attracted to “intelligence”, and in my experience it’s generally used in a pretty ableist fashion.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I realize I was aro for a long time because I’ve had crushes and I’ve had relationships, although none that were very serious. But I finally recognized I was aro when I realized that being rejected or dumped was painful because of the ego blow, not because I was sad about not being with the person and because I don’t find that I need romantic relationships to be happy and have never really sought them out. Plus I’ve never been in love, so there’s that!

This stuff is all a spectrum, not either/or.

4 years ago


I’m afraid dear person that you are mistaken. All those people eating shrimp are vile liars with ulterior motives, including my own mother! How can anybody actually like shrimp? That’s just wild! I don’t believe it or my mom!?

4 years ago

Sorry, didn’t mean to imply ableism at all.

4 years ago


No worries at all! I’ve only been on the very periphery of the discourse regarding sapiosexual, so I’m no expert on it. I certainly wasn’t implying you were doing anything wrong by bringing the term up. I was just talking about my own (admittedly limited) experiences with it.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago


I was hypersexual after being raped as well. It was like a combination of punishing myself but also trying to take my own body back.

Apparently it’s a common reaction.

4 years ago

Of all the disgusting ways incels have described vaginas and oral sex “licking the chunks out” is the first one that made me genuinely nauseous. Why are they like this. What chunks. Do they think women who sleep around cut off pieces of their conquests’ flesh and shove it up there for safekeeping?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Maybe he read something about the discharge from a yeast infection and just assumed that’s the state of all vaginas all the time?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@Naglfar, Caltalpa:
I hadn’t heard that term before, and I kind of like it (given how much online stuff I do, where how the other person can write is most of what you actually know about them) but I can also see how it can be used in a rather ablist manner. Sadly, ‘intelligence’ is one of those things that is so always in play that the euphemism treadmill runs at least double-speed compared to most other sets of slurs.

(And scare quotes used for all the obvious reasons, not the least of which is the way cultural differences often got falsely equated with differences in intelligence.)

4 years ago

Yeah “sapiosexual” is, uh… in my circles it’s usually said with air quotes implied, and basically associated with the tech bro version of a snobby artist looking for a muse.

4 years ago


That’s been my experience with people using “sapiosexual” unironically as well. Lots of “Oh, I’m above such base things as attraction based on physical characteristics.”

Demisexuals, on the other hand, tend to explain themselves as “I don’t find someone hot until I get to know them and like them.” Which seems to me as a more pronounced version of the common experience where a stranger may be hot, but get to know them and they become the sexiest person alive.

4 years ago


Re sapiosexual men: Yes! And I wonder how they intersect with “men who will dump an AFAB trans partner the moment they start on testosterone”, and with “men who will dump a trans fem partner once it becomes clear she has a dick.” From the profiles I got to see on OkCupid, I’d bet both overlaps are large.

Re demisexuality: I know people who ID that way, I assume it makes sense for them. For me TBH the opposite is more common, where someone seems super attractive until they start talking. (Far, far, far too many really cute men are like that. It sucks.)

4 years ago


I wonder how they intersect with “men who will dump an AFAB trans partner the moment they start on testosterone”, and with “men who will dump a trans fem partner once it becomes clear she has a dick.”

Not sure how they intersect with the “sapiosexuals” but I’d think for the two groups you mentioned that the Venn diagram is a circle.

I assume it makes sense for them. For me TBH the opposite is more common, where someone seems super attractive until they start talking. (Far, far, far too many really cute men are like that. It sucks.)

I’ve had it go both ways. There are some people I wasn’t really into until I got to know them, while others made me more repelled from getting to know them.
Reminds me of that joke:
Light travels faster than sound, so many people look bright until you hear them speak.

4 years ago

As another ace, I’d just like to add that Catalpa described my experience of it perfectly.

Thanks, Catalpa! (I really admire everything you right, btw.)