men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny simps slut shaming vaginas

In the midst of a global pandemic, MGTOWs are yelling about women with nose rings

By David Futrelle

It’s nice to know that, even in the throes of a massive global pandemic that could leave tens of millions dead, Reddit’s MGTOWs can still manage to find time to indulge in one of their favorite hobbies: yelling about women with body piercings they don’t like.

Today’s target: Nose rings and the women who wear them. And the men who date them.

Someone called throwaway4738299 started things off with a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit complaining about an acquaintance who wasn’t happy to hear criticism of his nose-ringed crush.

“It’s so weird watching men literally get angry about you criticizing women,” he wrote.

I told some guy to not date the girl he was talking to because she had a nose ring. You know, because those women are fucking crazy. He started getting defensive and would say shit like, “why should I take advice from you” or “that’s stupid” or “where are your facts” etc. There are more passive aggressive comments that are made, I just can’t remember. They need to wake up and realize the pattern of women like that being low quality partners.

Other commenters had throwaway’s back on the nose ring thing.

“[W]ell you’re not wrong at all,” wrote Edtotem.

the nose ring is a NO NO every goddamned time, it is practically verified via scientific method. i wish i were joking honestly

Someone called Rex-Holes had a somewhat more elaborate theory of nose-ringed women.

Most men don’t want woman with facial piercings. That’s pretty standard. So if men dont find them attractive, why do females get them? It’s a social display of wealth and openness to non social norms. IE “I (my man) can afford a frivolous body decoration and I also have low impulse control which means I’m a slut and i make terrible personal choices”. This is why chicks with poor impulse control always have random little tats everywhere and obscure piercings and dreadlocks. If you see any of those signs, run.

It’s a safe bet that precisely none of these women are going to be displeased to have MGTOWs running from them.

Other commenters saved their venom for male “simps” who allegedly “worship pussy.”

DangZagnut (we’ve met him before) offered a rather graphic take on the subject.

Millenials are the most pathetic white knights, but they were raised in a steady bath of pussy and government worshipping propaganda.

So it’s not their fault they worship pussy, what else are they going to do? Millenials love showing their noses deep into a used pussy, and love licking the chunks out.

MGTOWs certainly have vivid imaginations, don’t they?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I don’t have a nose ring myself, but I dated a woman who had one. She was a good person whom the MGTOWs would have hated for other reasons as well.

He started getting defensive and would say shit like, “why should I take advice from you” or “that’s stupid” or “where are your facts” etc.

You know, I think feel like this guy made the right choice in ignoring the MGTOW advice. Those are all fine responses to an MGTOW.

they were raised in a steady bath of pussy

I feel like this guy is watching too much porn.

government worshipping propaganda

Speak for yourself, but millennials are less likely to be a part of the Trump cult than older generations.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

I used to have a nose-ring; so what’s their theory for guys?

4 years ago

So the guy who has supposedly sworn off women is trying to give a guy with a girlfriend advise on who to date.


4 years ago

I save my poor impulse control for screaming and running from MGTOWs and their ilk. And chocolate. I have terrible impulse control when it comes to chocolate. When I read this sort of thing I wish I could get blue hair and tatts. My workplace dress code forbids. It would be a solid reason in the plus column for leaving my job. And the fact it’s a red flag to MGTOWs only enhances the appeal.

And… Off topic I hope my American fellows on WHTM all live in states with sensible leadership. What I’m reading from US does not get better day by day that’s for sure.

NZ goes into alert level 4 at midnight. That is everyone self-isolates only essential services keep going. For four weeks at this stage.

Chris O
Chris O
4 years ago

Every time I think MGTOWs have reached the height of absurdity, they put on spacesuits and soar to new levels of ridiculousness.

4 years ago

Not too long ago I was interested in another woman and this woman had some interesting thoughts on piercings. I suppose a negative view on piercings doesn’t necessarily come from misogyny in this case, but this article did remind me of it. I once expressed my desire to get a belly piercing which, as a long-torso-ed woman I think would work well. Her response was it reminded her of ‘women who smell like shit and never bathe and are sluts,’ paraphrasing.

I chalked this up to transference, or the psychological tendency for people to attribute negative emotions to habits or things that are usually neutral but are at least tangentially associated with a negative experience. So, after understanding where she came from, I didn’t have much else to say to this person but it wasn’t bitter. Just awkward.

These MGTOWs on the other hand? This isn’t transference because I sincerely doubt they’ve had the experience of actually getting to know a woman with a nose ring, let alone another assortment of piercings. It’s pretty plain that this is a narrative conjured up in their minds; the slutty, tattooed, pierced woman who talks back to men, gasp! I mean, I don’t have any piercings or tattoos at this present time and I’m not afraid to talk back to men. What does that make me?

I haven’t posted here in weeks. I’ve been looking to work in healthcare and seemingly struggling to actually land a job offer. I have great interviews, though! Otherwise, I’m keeping safe, even staying away from my parents which may or may not be a good thing. If I do get a job, I’ll have plenty of opportunities to be in the thick of it.

4 years ago

I’ve been putting off getting a nose stud until I know if the industrial heals properly, but now I’m thinking maybe don’t wait. I thought being 38 and fat was probably enough to keep these guys away, but there’s no harm in hedging your bets.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

I told some guy to not date the girl he was talking to because she had a nose ring. You know, because those women are fucking crazy.

You know, because if you can’t get a date, you don’t want anyone else to get a date.

Most men don’t want woman with facial piercings. That’s pretty standard. So if men dont find them attractive, why do females get them? It’s a social display of wealth and openness to non social norms. IE “I (my man) can afford a frivolous body decoration and I also have low impulse control which means I’m a slut and i make terrible personal choices”.

Hold on there. A guy who doesn’t like facial piercings is paying for his girlfriend to get facial piercings?

It sounds like he’s the one with low impulse control when it comes to money. Also, sadly, he makes terrible personal choices with his money.

Oh, I forgot. He’s enthralled and bewitched. He can’t help himself. No wonder you MGTOWs have to go your own way.

But wait. You never do. I’ve said it before and I’m very, very likely to say it again: I want to hear about all your cool hobbies, the ones you promised to talk about. And no, following behind women, stepping on our heels and screaming at us, is not a cool hobby. So far, it’s the only hobby — and in some extreme cases, the only career — you MGTOWs seem to have.

4 years ago

It’s not just Millenials who have piercings Miggies wouldn’t like. A former lover of fond memory in the early 90’s (a fellow boomer, and if anyone picks up on my previous comments about my social awkwardness, it didn’t stop me having my moments) had piercings in the navel and one eyebrow, several tattoos,and experimented with nipple and clitoral piercings, though the last two didn’t go as well as she’d hoped, one leading to a nipple infection (ouch) and she described the pain of the latter’s application to that of giving birth (Kevin crosses legs.)

At around this time my then 90-year-old grandmother opted to have her ears pierced for the first time in her life.

Why do these bozos assume everything (especially what they don’t like) started with the rise of the Interwebz?

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Can I just point out that the OP said that his interaction was with “some guy”? Not “a friend”, or “a coworker”, or anything like that, but just “some guy”? Do you think that he might have actually just started ranting to a stranger about the whole women with nose-rings thing, or is that just poor phrasing?

Because if it really was just a stranger, I consider his reaction to a random guy going “that girl you were just talking to had a nose-ring so you shouldn’t date her” to be incredibly restraimed. Just a “where are your facts?” instead of “buzz off, you weird unpleasant person” (possibly with various added swearing)? That’s almost impressive.

Lizard People Operative
Lizard People Operative
4 years ago

I mean, it’s important that people don’t let themselves be consumed with an obsession with the coronavirus, that they have things going on outside of fearing sickness…

…But could they pick something a little less lame to focus on? (And less misogynistic, preferably, but with this bunch, that’s probably impossible…)

4 years ago

I know complaining about nose rings is a very specific issue (what about other nose piercings, are they called studs or something?), but every time MGTOWs or such complain about body modifications (on women), I can’t help but wonder if they realise how little time earrings have been mainstream. Should women not have earrings? Do they not understand that these things vary from time to time and things that used to be strange can become generally accepted? Of course they don’t.

It’s also kind of funny that apparently women are just cattle with no distinctive personalities, and men are the actual humans with actual inner lives, yet all men everywhere apparently should have the same preferences when it comes to facial piercings.


I mean, I don’t have any piercings or tattoos at this present time and I’m not afraid to talk back to men. What does that make me?

Covert operative?

4 years ago


He’s enthralled and bewitched. He can’t help himself.

It’s the zombifying vagina goo!

@Penny Psmith

Do you think that he might have actually just started ranting to a stranger about the whole women with nose-rings thing, or is that just poor phrasing?

I would bet he did just rant to a stranger, seeing as I would guess most MGTOWs don’t have many friends that aren’t also MGTOWs, as it rather alienates people.

4 years ago


Nah, I would know if I was a covert operative. Unless I wanted to be a sleeper agent. I suppose I can’t be a lesbian sleeper agent by choice. Darn. Wait, what kind of shadowy conspiracy am I working for? It’s tough to keep track of the manosphere’s crank magnetism.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

Do you think that he might have actually just started ranting to a stranger about the whole women with nose-rings thing…

Yes, I absolutely think so. And then he complained that the other guy was being passive aggressive.

4 years ago


Wait, what kind of shadowy conspiracy am I working for?

Better check with George Soros, it’s important to know which part of the conspiracy you’re working for. /s

4 years ago


Wait, what kind of shadowy conspiracy am I working for? It’s tough to keep track of the manosphere’s crank magnetism.

You’ll know when you get activated. Which, for the manosphere, will be at the moment when you express some independent thoughts they oppose to. Because that would go against women’s nature, so clearly someone would have brainwashed you into it.

I’m still waiting to meet the people who brainwashed me to be the person I am today. Might like to thank them.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Leave it to miggy toes to make sure society has its priorities right. In times of crisis, rail about those wimmins.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

So feminism has been canceled due to COVID-19, but MGTOWs are still allowed to continue making petty complaints about other peoples’ fashion choices. Okay.

it is practically verified via scientific method

He’s right. This is backed up by numerous peer-reviewed studies in the Journal of Goddam Nose Ring NO NOs. (tagline: “It’s science, so shut up!”)

It’s so weird watching men literally get angry about you criticizing women

So weird how total strangers don’t like you butting in on their conversations and telling them what to find attractive.

It’s just baffling how people get defensive when you go on angry rants.

Why don’t random men enjoy being evangelized concerning your hateful views on women?

There must be something wrong with other men, not with your opinions.

So if men dont find them attractive, why do females get them?

4 years ago


So feminism has been canceled due to COVID-19

Waiting for some manospherian to claim that feminists created COVID-19 (probably once it gets worse and they stop talking about how good it is for them, then it was a feminist conspiracy all along).

There must be something wrong with other men, not with your opinions.

comment image

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Oh, noes. A woman who plays a Doctor on TV is telling people what to do!

(Thank you, Jodie.)

4 years ago

“I (my man) can afford a frivolous body decoration and I also have low impulse control which means I’m a slut and i make terrible personal choices”

Yeah, you’ll really need to break the piggy bank for these frivolous body decorations. It’s been about three years, so I can’t remember exactly, but I think I paid about $60 for my nostril piercing and first piece of jewellery. Oops, I mean ~~my man~~ paid about $60 for my nostril piercing and first piece of jewellery, in order to demonstrate my sluttiness and terrible decision-making.

The most expensive piece of frivolous body-decorating jewellery I own sits on my left ring finger, and ~~~my man~~~ actually did buy that one. Logically, that must be the ultimate symbol of my sluttitude, right? That’s just MGTOW math. MathGTOW.

Unrelated but I lost my everyday stud down the sink last week D: I am lucky enough to also own a larger one that I’ve been wearing, but it’s not as comfortable to sleep in. There’s no point to this story except that I’m bummed.

4 years ago

Just gonna say it, my husband loves my tattoos. When we first started dating that was kind of the lusty appeal was imagine if there was any more tattoos that he couldn’t see being covered by my clothes. I love his tattoos as well. I just find tattoos attractive because there is something kind of hot about going through pain to get something meaningful to you put on your body.

I always picture dudes like this as really old man confused about why facebook is not called my space and asking what a Minecraft is. Don’t they just sound like some old pilgrim puritan who would cry witch and harlot if they saw an exposed ankle?

4 years ago


I always picture dudes like this as really old man confused about why facebook is not called my space and asking what a Minecraft is.

I think a lot of MGTOWs are incels that got older and dialed back the self-hatred but kept the misogyny full-blast. Now instead of complaining about how women won’t sleep with them, they instead go down the sour grapes path and start blathering about how they never wanted women anyway. They may be older, but they reason very immaturely.
Anyway, I like Minecraft so I would be just fine with MGTOWs and their ilk staying away from it. I hadn’t played in a while but last night I played some to waste time, and that was fun.

4 years ago


I like Minecraft as well. I just figured out how to get to the netherworld

I didn’t mean to make it sound like they were mature. They for sure aren’t. I was just saying they sound like old men so out of touch they can’t figure out why young women are doing things that aren’t attractive to the old men and they can’t figure out even more why the young men are still finding the young women attractive. And that’s just really funny to me.

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