chad thundercock coronavirus empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny stacies

Incels celebrate the ways they think the coronavirus shutdowns will improve their lives

There will be a lot less of this going on

By David Futrelle

Social Distancing, however necessary in the fight against the coronavirus, is going to be hard for most of us.

But there are some who are positively thrilled about the shutdowns of schools and bars and international travel. Over on the forums the regulars were already excited about the coronavirus possibly killing off Stacies and Chads; they’re also feeling pretty darn good that shutdowns and social distancing mean they won’t have to see the Stacies and Chads who remain alive.

Yesterday, a gentleman called Hardworkingcel posted this:

Incels, always happy to sacrifice the lives of others if it makes them feel even a teensy bit better for a little while.

And it isn’t just Hardworkingcel who’s feeling a new spring in his step; many of his fellow incels are even more excited by the new developments than he is.

“The more deaths, the better, the less competition,” wrote a commenter called Koruga.

“Corona is the best thing thats ever happened to me tbh,” someone called Venomcore noted.

CrackingYs, meanwhile, gushed:

I’ve honestly never been happier in my life. I can’t wait to wake up each morning anxious and excited to read about all the new ways that normies lives are being destroyed. Day after day their suffering intesifies and my anxiety decreases and overal happiness increases.

The future is bright indeed my frens.

Incels, it seems, can only truly be happy when others are suffering.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Somehow I doubt Mr. Hardworkingcel is very hardworking.

The more deaths, the better, the less competition,

But, but, but…what if there is a woman out there, a Stacy HB10++ virgin, who would have just loved to marry an incel and she’s now dead from coronavirus? Obviously no such woman existed in the first place, but hypothetically.

Right now I’m trying to keep tabs on my family and make sure they’re ok. Social distancing is stressing me out because I need to make sure my relatives aren’t getting sick. Maybe that’s because I’m not a monster and I actually care about other people.

4 years ago

I mean aren’t these guys basically just sitting around waiting for the apocalypse? (Even though “Chads” by definition are the most physically fit and therefore the most likely to survive said apocalypse, and in a “stone-age” style economy they would probably just beat up the remaining incels all the more?) What they really want is an apocalypse that specifically targets their enemies.

4 years ago

Just another reminder that the “life fuel” of the incel movement is hatred (including self-hatred), selfishness and spite.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Undoubtedly, there are kids who are being bullied at school who are relieved to be at home, assuming they’re not being cyberbullied. The ugly flip side, though, is that there are many children (and spouses/partners) who are now confined to homes where they aren’t safe.

Yes. Some boomers will die.

The world is on fire and everything is upside down, but you can always count on incels to be rancid, spiteful, and self-absorbed.

4 years ago


The ugly flip side, though, is that there are many children (and spouses/partners) who are now confined to homes where they aren’t safe.

Earlier today I stumbled across this on Twitter, which seems relevant and potentially helpful to trans* kids in unsafe households.

As a kid I was bullied a lot (not for being trans*, as I was an egg then; but mostly for getting better grades and not conforming), so I would have loved to not have to see my classmates for a few weeks.

Couch Thing
4 years ago

I have trouble wrapping my mind around the diseased thinking here. None of it makes sense at all. Often I can look at a bad idea, or a failure of logic and think “yeah but”. I can see where the thought went off the rails, and can trace it back to a logical starting point. I can understand at least.

Here I find nothing like that. It’s sickness all the way in both directions.

Lisa Siebel
Lisa Siebel
4 years ago

@Coach Thing

I’m a long way off from being involuntary celibate, but: I sometimes share their sentiment about public expressions of affection. It sometimes looks and feels like a cheap performance to me, one designed to make onlookers go: “Oh, so they are in REAL LOVE, huh?” and I get a little sad that a) My love is deemed useless by comparison since I can’t have kids due to being trans b) immature face-slobbing and cutesy gestures that border on blurring the lines of consent (how much of it is enthusiastic in public with onlookers, anyhow?) beat more elaborate schemes for love I would prefer c) They look like their relationship will not last five months anyhow d) Speaking as a medic (currently not on duty) it looks like they are preparing for small scale biological warfare on the public trough STDs and lots of intimacy

— Yet then I realize that I might be a tad bitter due to a lot of bad experiences both personal and as a friend / councelor of the afflicted and trough different preferences regarding modesty / having to deal with the fact that the complexity of multiple partners of all genders whilst insisting on enthusiastic consent with experienced partners is confusing and overwhelming for others as well and that in the absence of any actual problem, I can practice tolerance and let lovemad and hormone-crazy teenagers of legal age give in to their adult pleasures without passing too much judgement. This, lesson, however, took some time and calm and lots of good lectures from people who have been there, done that and decided that they needed to talk about it or write. They mostly live in books but some of them also walk around and love to share texts as well.

In an environment where reading is a problem however and where part of being in the boys club is to abhor books and language (just look at how much that English resembles engineer-talk), spatially oriented, math-like or practical lectures for the same lesson would be needed. Traditionally, this job was done by wise old women and / or prostitutes but one could also imagine some sort of cutesy anime bot that is programmed to act the same way. Heck, I have half a mind to churn out some sort of virtual 3d puzzle involving the iterative prisoners dilemma they like to quote under different names and push it on their forum.

But in my mind, those guys are basically complaining about aspects of love under a distorted feminist lense, just like they appropriated a feminist critique of romance (love in society). They are obviously and horribly wrong and someone should talk more to them lest they all turn into rapists or continue justifying violence against girls and women — but sadly, little of that will happen and I am but one very stressed out teacher. I love to have motivated listeners but I have little illusions about the chances and limits of “cyberspace lectures” when no enforcement like grades or at least a feedback system like praise and criticism is in place.

I dunno how much of this makes sense and I hope I haven’t offended anyone too much, my sources are basically Conell’s Masculinities and some of Focault’s ideas on the construction of gender, I can’t put in a nice reference. Does that help in any way?

4 years ago


They are called STI’s not STDs because they are infections, not diseases, it’s just the proper way to put it.

4 years ago


Also I get the point you were trying to make but it’s kind of gross to call people small scale biological warfare of stds because they engage in a public display of affection that you don’t like. I’m just letting you know, you sound like your slut shaming basically.

4 years ago

Once again another article by the media bashing incels by using a couple of cherry-picked screenshots from an online forum. Not all incels are the same you know? Also, when you have nothing in your entire life to look forward to other than death, then yes you are going to enjoy the “suffering” of others if it makes your already doomed existence even just a tad bit better.

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

I know what they mean, but I can’t help laughing at the (unintentional, I presume) hyperbole in statements like

Fewer people than ever will travel by plane…

I imagine telling them that airplane travel could fall a lot more than it has and still exceed the rate of plane travel from just 120 years ago, and them getting stunned looks on their faces.

Please, folks, the word “ever” has an actual meaning… :roll eyes:

4 years ago

As is often the case, these guys sound very young. Most actual adults, even those not concerned about their own health, will have worries and gripes about the current situation: their job, their savings, the economy, the difficulty of buying essentials, what lasting effects this may have on the world. But if you’re a schoolkid, and school’s out, sure, it might seem like just an adventure, as long as the supply of Hot Pockets isn’t disrupted.

4 years ago

@Moggie: they look just like the guys in the infamous french forum 18-25, where they pretend to be 18y to 25y.

Turn out, a significant number of them are older. Up to 45 or so. That also checked out with how the toxic gamers actually aren’t young on average.

They are the trash of our society, but not being of youthfulness.

4 years ago

Or they’re just really bad at planning for the future and thinking things through. Idiocy is not limited to the young, and I’m sure there are plenty of older whiny incels that are indistinguishable from their younger brethren.

I’m not familiar with the forum you mention, but it makes sense that many toxic gamer types are adults. I mean, look at people like PewDiePie who embody the whole toxic gamer archetype (and is a Nazi).

4 years ago

I can’t wait to wake up each morning anxious and excited to read about all the new ways that normies lives are being destroyed.

Well this is certainly taking “misery loves company” to a whole new level.

But I suspect that in the back of their minds, they still know that despite the requirement to remain isolated, people are not going to respond to it with the pall of morose self-loathing that they do. They have hobbies and distractions and FaceTime and little things to connect.

Some of us actually enjoy the solitude.

4 years ago


they still know that despite the requirement to remain isolated, people are not going to respond to it with the pall of morose self-loathing that they do

I’m not sure they do know that. They seem to project their self-hatred and anger onto everyone else, seeing as their world view assumes that everyone is as malicious as they are.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

I hate this “oh, look how many people will die — I hope it’s millions.”

A social collapse in a nation with 275 million guns, 300 million gallons of potable alcohol, and a 3-days supply of food is scary. They’ll get to watch their loved ones die, likely painfully. Assuming they have any

Jessie bellanger. Anti feminist community
Jessie bellanger. Anti feminist community
4 years ago

Im a mgtow/anti fem. And its so sad that you made a page to pick on incels and mras. Many are already down and out and you just want to put your foot on them. I had to form the anti feminist community unit to defend our selves against women in chicago. And here you are mocking men. Sad how guys like you exist

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Don’t forget nukes. That nation also has nukes. What happens to them if the state and the chain of command break down?

4 years ago

@Surplus : by default, same thing as in Russia, AKA a lot of them go missing, probably sold by the mafia to whoever.

Of course, few if any buyer would be able to upkeep them and/or use them. But that’s another problem.

4 years ago

Ah, some trolls have decided to come out.


using a couple of cherry-picked screenshots from an online forum.

I dare you to find me one incel forum that isn’t misogynistic.

Not all incels are the same you know?

Well, every self-identified incel seems to be a misogynistic sack of shit, and your defense of them makes me think you are too.

Also, when you have nothing in your entire life to look forward to other than death, then yes you are going to enjoy the “suffering” of others if it makes your already doomed existence even just a tad bit better.

So instead of trying to improve your own life you just want others to suffer? That’s called being a monster.

@Jessie Belanger

And its so sad that you made a page to pick on incels and mras.

Pick on them? I’m not sure how we’re picking on them. They spew bigotry, and we make light of it.

Many are already down and out and you just want to put your foot on them.

I don’t want to metaphorically put my foot on anyone. I would instead like people to stop being misogynistic shitstains.

And here you are mocking men.

Many of the commenters here are men, and this blog is run by a man. We are not mocking men as a group. We are mocking shitty men specifically.

I had to form the anti feminist community unit to defend our selves against women in chicago.

comment image

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
4 years ago

@Jessie bellanger. Anti feminist community: You forgot to add “Be Kind”.

Exactly why should people gloating over the potential deaths of thousands be afforded sympathy just because they can’t get their dicks wet? Begone, troll.

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
4 years ago

Another day, another example of incels being sad, malicious sacks of pus.

Even at my most miserable and lonely (I was a teenager, miserable and lonely are base states for teenagers, aren’t they?) I’d never wish death on anyone. Certainly not for public displays of affection.

And I find the sound of kissing nausea inducing (it’s a misophonia thing, people eating with their mouths open has the same affect).

But then I was AFAB and brought up in part by my very proper Devon farmer’s daughter grandmother who taught: if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything; be honest; if you don’t like it, look away.

She’s a mite miffed I’m a feminist, not a woman and a socialist, but it’s her own fault.

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
4 years ago

The trolls really aren’t very good today. Bit dull, repetitive. Not at all imaginative. 1/10 must try harder.

Another day, another incel being a malicious sack of pus. I have misophonia, the sound kissing makes makes me nauseous, but I hardly think hoping everyone who performs public displays of affection dies is a reasonable response to said PDA. Don’t like it, look away, you know, like an adult. *shrugs*

I did write another comment saying the same thing but less succinctly; I think the mammoth ate it. It might turn up, it might not.

4 years ago


Don’t forget nukes. That nation also has nukes. What happens to them if the state and the chain of command break down?

The nukes will break down shortly thereafter, and eventually moulder away into localized radiation hazards.

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