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Self-anointed vagina expert develops new theory of virginity, and it’s a doozy

Evidently most women and girls are only like virgins

By David Futrelle

Today’s Screencap of Wonderment comes to us from Reddit, I think, via the Bad Women’s Anatomy subreddit. In it, an inventive fellow tries to explain why, according to his calculations, virtually no “females” are actually virgins any more — even if they’ve never had sex.

Put on your thinking caps for this one, because his theory is a little convoluted.

I think this might have been written by Quentin Tarantino.

Here’s the dialogue in full in case you want to study it:

What the fuck was I talking about ?

You said “True Blue” was about a guy, you said it’s a girl who meets a nice guy.
But “Like a Virgin” was a metaphor for big dicks.

Ok, let me tell ya what “Like a Virgin”‘s about.
It’s all about this cooze who’s a regular fuck machine.
I’m talking, morning, day, night, afternoon,
Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.

How many dicks is that?

A lot.

Then one day she meets a John Holmes motherfucker, and it’s like, whoa baby.
I mean, this cat is like Charles Bronson in “The Great Escape.” He’s diggin tunnels.
Now she’s gettin this serious dick action,
She’s feelin something she ain’t felt since forever. Pain. Pain

Chew? Toby Chew? No.

It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn’t hurt.
You know, her pussy should be Bubble-Yum by now.
But when this cat fucks her, it hurts. It hurts like it did the first time.
You see the pain is reminding a fuck machine what is once like to be a virgin.
Hence, “Like a Virgin.”

In Tumblr dude’s mind, this is pretty much the story of every mom on earth. My mom. Your mom. Every mom.

He’s probably been watching way too much MILF porn.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
4 years ago

This is where decades of abstinence only sex ed leads.

My boobs are huge. I take after my dad’s side of the family in that way, as all my aunts and cousins (except the anorexic ones) have huge boobs.

Yeah. Setzen, 6!

4 years ago

@Kat, remember when the prospect of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency seemed like the worst thing ever? Good times.

4 years ago

“Hahaha that’s fantastic! I never watched Reservoir Dogs because I find Quentin Tarantino vastly overrated for so many reasons, but the dialogue there certainly inspired me to not go seek it out, ever”

To be fair to Tarantino (something I thought I’d never say), even the other bank robbers in that scene think Mr. Brown’s theory is nuts.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago


@Kat, remember when the prospect of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency seemed like the worst thing ever? Good times.

Now we know: it would be one of the two worst things ever.

4 years ago

So sour, they’ve fermented into a whine.

comment image

4 years ago

I’d never seen that picture before, so you weren’t the only one.

Now we know: it would be one of the two worst things ever.

Given all the shit Trump has done, I have a hard time seeing Palin even making the shortlist. She’s bad, but nowhere near as awful as Trump.


Omg so basically wimmins be such whoring whores who whore that their daughters (but not their sons?) be natural born whores? Someone has more issues than National Geographic.

Given this post’s emphasis on a certain singer, I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the Madonna-Whore Complex.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

This post – and this entire thread – is making me question my grip on reality.

In unrelated news, Roosh attended a CPAC afterparty last week, and is now sick with a mysterious liberal hoax that includes cough and shortness of breath.

4 years ago

Roosh has coronavirus? Well, that‘s another reason to stay the hell away from him.

4 years ago


Also that instead of pestering them or following the biologistic argument to it’s natural and cruel conclusion…he should balk and decide to be asexual for a while in the face of a pandemic? Smart move.

I don’t think “asexual” is the word you want here. Celibate, maybe? Since that’s a thing you can decide and as far as I can see, nothing in the post suggests not being sexually attracted to these “never virgin” women.

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
4 years ago

Well, someone missed year 9 biology, didn’t they?

4 years ago

@Buttercup, I don’t trust anything Roosh says, even about this. Maybe he’ll start selling a miracle cure shortly.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

Omg so basically wimmins be such whoring whores who whore that their daughters (but not their sons?) be natural born whores? Someone has more issues than National Geographic.

@FlyByKiwi: Honestly, this almost reads like a 90s Frank Miller script.

4 years ago

Apparently there’s an antiviral drug – Remdesivir – which is looking hopeful as a possible treatment for coronavirus. It’s made by Gilead Sciences.


Do you ever get the feeling that reality is mocking us?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Moggie – I’m sure he’ll have a GoFundMe set up shortly to grift more money out of his followers, followed by a heroic “recovery”.

What was he even doing at a CPAC afterparty? He’s not that important.

4 years ago

And he’ll probably talk about how Jesus helped save him, seeing as he’s in the middle of a fundie grift.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ buttercup

What was he even doing at a CPAC afterparty? He’s not that important.

Maybe it says more about the irrelevance of CPAC as much as the guests?

But he’s not the only rather dubious attendee. So it looks like this year’s theme was ‘close connections with white nationalism’. Plus la change.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

So it looks like this year’s theme was ‘close connections with white nationalism’. Plus la change.

Hasn’t that been the theme of conservatism as a whole for years?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


So it looks like this year’s theme was ‘close connections with white nationalism

Along with “non-believer in science”.

Execept for Bread Science, of course.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago


re Sarah Palin:. Silly Sarah kinda fizzled and went away…. I really thought she was gonna be dumb donald ‘s running mate in ’16.

4 years ago


Along with “non-believer in science”.

And “not understanding what logic means but obsessing over what they think it means.”

4 years ago

Well that was a ridiculous hypothesis.

Angiportus Librarysaver
Angiportus Librarysaver
4 years ago

Someone tell “Mr. Brown” that there shouldn’t be pain any time, first or otherwise. Of course, that would probably make his head explode.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
4 years ago


If their bodies are tricked into releasing more of the ‘hip widening, breast enlarging’ hormones every time women have sex with Chad Thundercock, why don’t we see more women looking like the Venus of Willendorf?

Ah, but where do you think fatty fat fatties come from? It’s all part of the insidious conspiracy of…everyone but incels! Chad’s manly hormones sabotage the beauty of his partners, underscoring that the beta cucks are getting secondhand goods!

Couch Thing
4 years ago

I need help reacting to this.

This is like, if the aliens ever show up and start talking, even if they somehow learn english and speak it to me, I will still be totally lost. Our frames of reference will be so far apart that nothing we say to each other will make any sense. We might be using the same language, but we will be using it to describe different worlds.

This is like that.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

@ Moggie:

Do you ever get the feeling that reality is mocking us?

Have had that feeling for some years….

I’ve even had flashbacks to my fundie church childhood, wondering if the “rapture” (by Blondie?) had happened, I didn’t make the cut, and the final battle between good and evil was happening….