empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs remain laser-focused on the truly important issues of the day like “how ridiculously easy women have it”

Typical woman enjoying herself at a man’s expense

By David Futrelle

While most Americans fritter away their time worrying about trivial nonsense like the coronavirus and climate change and the ongoing threat the Trump administration poses to democracy in America, it’s good to know that Men’s Rights activists continue to confront the issues that really matter, like for example “how ridiculously easy women have it.”

Yesterday a stalwart MRA called TC1827 posted a statement on this important topic in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

It just drives me nuts how ridiculously easy women have itSocial Issues (self.MensRights)

submitted 23 hours ago by TC1827

And unlike other issues, there is no real movement fighting it. No progress is being made. Because most people are blind to it and somehow think that it is the reverse.

Women really are the ones who get to enjoy life. They want sex, go online. They want money, sell some pics. They want a kid, knock someone up or visit a sperm bank. They want love, relatively easy to find. They get a stronger friend circle, get held to lower standards, and just get a lot more in life than what they put in.

Women are the privilieged class; men are the subjugated 2nd class citizens. And this discrepancy drives me nuts because there is no solution. Even if men revolt, the biological women are wonderful effect will make women dominant again after a century or so

As John Mulaney might say,

now we don't have time to unpack all of that

But I do have a few questions. Like, who are these women who can have endless, instant great sex with anyone they want? Sure, women get more come-ons than men on social media, but, dudes, have you seen the crude, abusive and just plain creepy shit these would be lotharios are sending women? I mean, at this point, straight and bi men should be thrilled that any women are still willing to date men at all.

As for the pics? Hey, fellas, nothing’s stopping you from selling your pics online. There are probably a few potential customers out there who have some sort of fetish for weird angry dudes who post on Reddit.

Also, I want to meet these cis women who go around “knocking up” dudes.

Naturally, TC1827’s little manifesto inspired other MRAs to set forth their own complaints about the evil gynocracy we all apparently live within.

RagingHardBull offered his thoughts on “women be shopping.”

Go to a shopping mall and look around. 85% of the products will be made specifically for women. Women earn less, work less, but consume more. Every woman is an aristocrat living off the production of a man who is getting a bad deal. That’s the fact.

DubsPAckage, meanwhile, offered an extremely limited defense of women, sort of.

No question about it, western society has way overshot the mark in providing luxurious lifestyles for women at the expense of men.

But I still don’t think women necessarily have it “easy” like, even billionaires have problems, they just have different problems.

Women have “woman problems.” Like “oh no some ugly guy tried to talk to me, my whole day is ruined.”

They still have problems but it’s spoiled brat problems, first-world problems, “the capuccino machine is jammed” problems.

Meanwhile all of society is engineered to serve women’s needs, women’s consumption, women’s expectations, and so forth, while they sell bathwater and take selfies of their ass for followers.

And men like a bunch of thirsty simps, trip all over each other trying to be a better provider to m’lady so he can get a whiff of her gash.

It’s obscene.

He continued on, ranting about the alleged decadence of the west, and wondering out loud why men don’t just go around murdering people.

I’m actually a bit surprised that the west hasn’t already imploded already like a pack of screaming bonobos, I’m surprised that people aren’t randomly getting axe-murdered in the streets.

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

The last line is a quote from H.L. Mencken. It’s from an essay on poetry. He wasn’t actually recommending this course of action.

MRAs are such excitable lads, aren’t they?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago


It’s YouTube. It’s an alt-right infested site. YouTube doesn’t care because they want an “unbiased” source when they actually care more about profit than anything.

And yes, “simp” is another synonym for “beta” – it means a man who hasn’t been redpilled or some shit like that.

4 years ago

Just as an explainer (I’m actually kind of ashamed I know this), “simp” is actually an acronym for “Someone/Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.” It’s like “white knight”, but with the added subtext that the person being white knighted isn’t worthy of the attention.

4 years ago

I hadn’t seen that expansion of it before. I had assumed it was an abbreviation for “sympathizer.” Thanks for clarifying.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

re: “simp”

I remember this term applied to s gay man in a novel I read in high school (1970s),

I’m trying to paste the definition, but my phone has begun to act up….

Learn to pronounce
affectedly coy or ingratiating.
“she is clearly not a simpering female who can be pushed around”

The line was:
” ‘Solange sent us’ Noel simpered”

don’t remember the name of the novel, suffice to say it was a bus station book rack novel of the genre we called “fuck books”

4 years ago

I sometimes wonder to what degree MRA-types believe these claims. Are they really that resistant to easily observable facts, or is it mostly performative misogyny?

It is hyperbole to some extent, but it gestures toward real dynamics – or at least dynamics that we really believe exist.

I don’t think MRAs are particularly unusual in this respect. Feminist rhetoric is also often overheated and hyperbolic.

4 years ago


or at least dynamics that we really believe exist.

That’s a big or.

I don’t think MRAs are particularly unusual in this respect. Feminist rhetoric is also often overheated and hyperbolic.

Can you find me a single living feminist who sounds anywhere near as ridiculous as MRAs?

Chris O
Chris O
4 years ago

MRA=Meatheaded Retrograde Asshole

Lakitha Tolbert
Lakitha Tolbert
4 years ago


Yeah the closest I can get to such a comparison is TERFS, , this assumes of course that you think of them as feminists, (I’m not sure what to call them, other than daff), as they are also just as immune to observable facts as MRAs, and harm feminists, as much as they do the rights of transgender people.

Its hard to tell which of these two groups resort to a greater level of assholery than the other, cuz I’ve seen some of the TERF talking points and Whooo/chile!!!!

4 years ago


Yeah the closest I can get to such a comparison is TERFS,

I thought of that as well. Even if we do dignify them enough to call them feminists, I have yet to hear any quite as ridiculous as MRAs (thought they do sound more than a bit like MRAs, and they project this onto others, and it goes without saying TERFs are awful).

Its hard to tell which of these two groups resort to a greater level of assholery than the other, cuz I’ve seen some of the TERF talking points and Whooo/chile!!!!

I’d say TERFs are causing more harm than MRAs, because even patriarchal misogynists generally ignore self-identified MRAs. TERFs OTOH have a loud voice in some countries (like the UK) and have been given high platforms such as addressing parliament. They are taken significantly more seriously.

4 years ago


Just as an explainer (I’m actually kind of ashamed I know this), “simp” is actually an acronym for “Someone/Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.” It’s like “white knight”, but with the added subtext that the person being white knighted isn’t worthy of the attention.

That’s a backronym of quite recent vintage. Simp is a contraction of simpleton dating to around the turn of the last century.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
4 years ago

It’s funny, I’ve definitely read the word ‘simpered’ as a description of what a character is doing, and I know exactly what it means, though it’s difficult to define or describe. It’s always something that is like, degrading to the character though. You’re supposed to think less of them, especially if they are simpering men. :C

@CenterFold (don’t think we didn’t notice your oh so edgy name, btw) –

It is hyperbole to some extent, but it gestures toward real dynamics – or at least dynamics that we really believe exist.

You know you can’t reject reality and substitute your own, right? That is a joke?

I don’t think MRAs are particularly unusual in this respect. Feminist rhetoric is also often overheated and hyperbolic.

I mean, I guess this quote sounds pretty ridiculous:
comment image

Except for the fact that it’s true. :/

The problems that one of the replies to the OP have, that men have less strong friends groups etc, well… I’d like to offer you a choice between some milk, and some sour milk. Which one would you like?

Probably the one without the gross adjective in front of it, right? So, I’d like to offer you some ‘masculinity’, minus the ‘toxic’ bit.

You can be happy and sometimes cry and like tiny kittens and miss your parents and regret not staying in contact with someone and also really like pastel colours and learn to crochet and bake a beautiful cake and and and.

You can have a full range of emotions as well as wide ranging interests. You’re allowed to do anything, and still feel secure in your masculinity.

As soon as your masculinity becomes toxic, that makes you do things like rigidly enforce gender roles, and relate to cis women only as sex objects and not cool people. It makes you bury your feelings. It stops you from doing anything that isn’t appropriately ‘manly’.

It makes you think that women have it easy, is what I’m saying.

I hope you enjoy your milk.

4 years ago


don’t think we didn’t notice your oh so edgy name, btw

I’m not sure I understand what is edgy about the name “CenterFold.” Is it a reference to centrism? Can someone explain the edginess to me? Sorry if it’s obvious.

4 years ago

I predict that these baby trolls are going to show up a lot more with cancelations, school suspensions and the quarantine for the virus that is coming. They’ll get bored and come here like our new baby troll.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
4 years ago

@Naglfar – from wiki

The centerfold or centrefold of a magazine refers to a gatefolded spread, usually a portrait such as a pin-up or a nude, inserted in the middle of the publication, or to the model featured in the portrait.

Do you remember seeing people (usually men) looking at a magasine, and then turning it on its side? They were looking at the center fold image, which is usually a hottttttt womz. :fire:

4 years ago

@Cats In Shiny Hats upthread, I hope you’re OK.

Obviously it’s frightening (and I don’t know what age-group you’re in, or if you have any relevant health issues) but fwiw don’t forget that IF it turns out that your flatmates do have the virus, across all demographics about 80% of those infected have a mild or fairly mild case (i.e. the kind of case you’d treat at home anyway).

I hope you can get a friend or neighbour to help out with picking up supplies for your household – eh, you’ll probably be returning the favour a few weeks later :-s

We’re vaguely planning to do something like that with our neighbours – most households will probably be affected at some point, so I guess we’ll swap shopping for essentials with each other.

Wishing you all the best – either no illness at all, or a super-mild bout – and virtual long-distance hugs (I know they’re not very helpful, but at least they’re sendable :-s)

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
4 years ago


I predict that these baby trolls are going to show up a lot more with cancelations, school suspensions and the quarantine for the virus that is coming. They’ll get bored and come here like our new baby troll.

Hopefully not, they have other hangouts.

OT: Trump is apparently making sure to take down bilingual Corona virus posters, designed in English and Spanish.

Why doesn’t it surprise me that he is actively trying to sabotage any efforts to prevent the virus from hitting vulnerable communitties.

4 years ago

Ah, that kind of centerfold. I was aware of the existence of such magazines, but my brain just didn’t make the connection here. Thanks for the clarification.

4 years ago


Can you find me a single living feminist who sounds anywhere near as ridiculous as MRAs?

Aw, but that rules out Zombie Valerie Solanas! MRAs LOVE quoting Zombie Valerie Solanas as if she was relevant and influential!

4 years ago

There’s a reason I put the “living” criterion in.
I’ve noticed they also love the ghost of Andrea Dworkin, including attributing things she never said to her.
Ironically, if you gender swap stuff Solanas said, it doesn’t sound far off from something MRAs would say. And then there’s the debate of whether the SCUM Manifesto is satire. Having read it, I can say it seems rather overblown, but Poe’s law applies and it is genuinely transphobic in a proto-TERF way.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
4 years ago

Have you noticed that when MRA’s claim that society will fall apart due to the perfidy of women, they always assume that MEN will be doing all the killing, raping, stealing, littering and swearing that results in the fall of civilization. Not women.
Almost like the MRA’s realize that men are not the bastions of decency & gatekeepers of civilization that they claim them to be.

4 years ago

“Simp” isn’t even new on the internet. I saw it get used a lot back in the 2000s and it was basically used much the same as “r****d”. And then when it started dying out, there was a semi-resurgence as “bimp” which referred only to women. I’m pretty sure the b was for “bimbo”.

4 years ago

O/T: Chelsea Manning has been released from prison after a suicide attempt.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

I’m actually a bit surprised that the west hasn’t already imploded already like a pack of screaming bonobos, I’m surprised that people aren’t randomly getting axe-murdered in the streets.

Not that DubsPAckage is encouraging the mass murder of women by men, of course. No way. It’s just a coincidence that the vast, vast majority of serial killers are men, some of whom focus on women, for example, Ted Bundy, Samuel Little (93 women died at his hands — a record), Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (the Grim Sleeper), Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker), the Boston Strangler (who might have been Albert DeSalvo), and Richard Speck.

4 years ago

FWIW I always understood ‘simpering’ to be a derogatory way to describe behaving in a camp manner. (From material read during my early teens in the late 1970’s.)

To further confuse the matter ‘simp’ was also used in a science fiction context around that time by at least one writer (can’t remember which, or specific books at the moment) as a contraction of ‘superchimp.’ These ‘simps’ were GM chimpanzees used as cheap labour in dangerous environments. At this distance I suspect it was an indirect reference to slavery. Or a direct raising of animal rights issues. I have no idea which.

Unicorn Rider
Unicorn Rider
4 years ago

If the men’s rights movement were an actual movement instead of a club for misogynists, maybe they’d focus more on the difficulties men face, instead of “how easy women have it”. Wouldn’t the ideal scenario be for everyone to have it easy?