empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs remain laser-focused on the truly important issues of the day like “how ridiculously easy women have it”

Typical woman enjoying herself at a man’s expense

By David Futrelle

While most Americans fritter away their time worrying about trivial nonsense like the coronavirus and climate change and the ongoing threat the Trump administration poses to democracy in America, it’s good to know that Men’s Rights activists continue to confront the issues that really matter, like for example “how ridiculously easy women have it.”

Yesterday a stalwart MRA called TC1827 posted a statement on this important topic in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

It just drives me nuts how ridiculously easy women have itSocial Issues (self.MensRights)

submitted 23 hours ago by TC1827

And unlike other issues, there is no real movement fighting it. No progress is being made. Because most people are blind to it and somehow think that it is the reverse.

Women really are the ones who get to enjoy life. They want sex, go online. They want money, sell some pics. They want a kid, knock someone up or visit a sperm bank. They want love, relatively easy to find. They get a stronger friend circle, get held to lower standards, and just get a lot more in life than what they put in.

Women are the privilieged class; men are the subjugated 2nd class citizens. And this discrepancy drives me nuts because there is no solution. Even if men revolt, the biological women are wonderful effect will make women dominant again after a century or so

As John Mulaney might say,

now we don't have time to unpack all of that

But I do have a few questions. Like, who are these women who can have endless, instant great sex with anyone they want? Sure, women get more come-ons than men on social media, but, dudes, have you seen the crude, abusive and just plain creepy shit these would be lotharios are sending women? I mean, at this point, straight and bi men should be thrilled that any women are still willing to date men at all.

As for the pics? Hey, fellas, nothing’s stopping you from selling your pics online. There are probably a few potential customers out there who have some sort of fetish for weird angry dudes who post on Reddit.

Also, I want to meet these cis women who go around “knocking up” dudes.

Naturally, TC1827’s little manifesto inspired other MRAs to set forth their own complaints about the evil gynocracy we all apparently live within.

RagingHardBull offered his thoughts on “women be shopping.”

Go to a shopping mall and look around. 85% of the products will be made specifically for women. Women earn less, work less, but consume more. Every woman is an aristocrat living off the production of a man who is getting a bad deal. That’s the fact.

DubsPAckage, meanwhile, offered an extremely limited defense of women, sort of.

No question about it, western society has way overshot the mark in providing luxurious lifestyles for women at the expense of men.

But I still don’t think women necessarily have it “easy” like, even billionaires have problems, they just have different problems.

Women have “woman problems.” Like “oh no some ugly guy tried to talk to me, my whole day is ruined.”

They still have problems but it’s spoiled brat problems, first-world problems, “the capuccino machine is jammed” problems.

Meanwhile all of society is engineered to serve women’s needs, women’s consumption, women’s expectations, and so forth, while they sell bathwater and take selfies of their ass for followers.

And men like a bunch of thirsty simps, trip all over each other trying to be a better provider to m’lady so he can get a whiff of her gash.

It’s obscene.

He continued on, ranting about the alleged decadence of the west, and wondering out loud why men don’t just go around murdering people.

I’m actually a bit surprised that the west hasn’t already imploded already like a pack of screaming bonobos, I’m surprised that people aren’t randomly getting axe-murdered in the streets.

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

The last line is a quote from H.L. Mencken. It’s from an essay on poetry. He wasn’t actually recommending this course of action.

MRAs are such excitable lads, aren’t they?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Ms Vanilla Rose
5 years ago

I thought bonobos were peaceful?

5 years ago

Also, I want to meet these cis women who go around “knocking up” dudes.

Technically the post never said cis women (though I’m 99% certain that’s what he meant), and there are women in the world, myself included, who could “knock up” a man (assuming he had a uterus, as some men do). But yes, I did find that sentence strange in the original.
There might also be some intersex women who produce sperm or intersex men with uteruses, but I don’t know.

Women earn less

Wait, so the wage gap is real to MRAs now? He must have let reality slide into his head again.

the biological women are wonderful effect

Not sure if this part is supposed to be a transphobic dogwhistle. Most references to “biological women” seem to be by TERFs these days.

I’m actually a bit surprised that the west hasn’t already imploded already like a pack of screaming bonobos

Judging by who is in charge now, it’s definitely headed towards implosion. Though since bonobos are matriarchal they are probably not the best model of what is happening now.

Re: pictures
Maybe they could use some cosmetics to make their feet more attractive and instead of creeping random women they could send each other their own pictures.

@Ms Vanilla Rose
They are more peaceful than chimpanzees and are known for bisexual orgies. I think the MRAs brought them up because they are matriarchal and therefore MRAs hate them.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Also, I want to meet these cis women who go around “knocking up” dudes.

No. No, you really don’t.

comment image


4 years ago


See I was thinking like female seahorses but that works too.

4 years ago

I love the fact that for these men women = popular Instagram models. They look at 0.0001% of the women’s population and judge “yeah that must be it”. It’s a bit sad that when someone say women, the only thin they can imagine is their masturbatory fantasy.

PS: One of my acquaintance is Instagram model and it’s more work then it appears to manage an account large enough you can live off it reasonnably. It’s by no mean easy money, not anymore easy than a regular white collar job.

4 years ago


Not sure if this part is supposed to be a transphobic dogwhistle. Most references to “biological women” seem to be by TERFs these days.

Nah, it’s just missing punctuation. It should read: The biological “women are wonderful” effect…

4 years ago

I interpreted it as referring to alternative services like surrogate mothers

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

MRAs often seem obsessed with pregnancy. As in they wish they could carry fetuses in their wombs (moombs?) Other times they talk about how hard labor and childbirth are on them, and how what women go through in the process is over dramatized or something. Strange birds, those dudes.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Go to a shopping mall and look around. 85% of the products will be made specifically for women. Women earn less, work less, but consume more. Every woman is an aristocrat living off the production of a man who is getting a bad deal. That’s the fact.

If he’s referring to clothes, the people who make them tend to be women and girls.

It’d be a lot more accurate to say that people in the west live off the production of low paid workers in developing countries getting a bad deal.

Lizard People Operative
Lizard People Operative
4 years ago

And unlike other issues, there is no real movement fighting it.

So an MRA just admitted that the MRM isn’t a real movement?

I mean, he’s right, but you’d think that the last people last to admit that the Men’s Rights “movement” consists of whining on Reddit would be the MRA whiners on Reddit.

Also, hi! I’m new to posting here.

4 years ago

Well the MRA dudes who blather about women’s problems and try to belittle those who have them wouldn’t want endometriosis for starters. My cousin found herself struggling with it for years, while being a mobile hairdresser who did her own business driving.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

I’m surprised that people aren’t randomly getting axe-murdered in the streets.

I mean, they are randomly getting gun-murdered in the streets. I don’t see a big diff. 15k a year in the US alone. How much murder does there have to be before he notices?

4 years ago

Maybe the MRAs are showing the phenomenon that Karen Horney referred to as “womb envy.” That could also relate to their misogyny, as Horney suggested that patriarchal oppression of women was fed by a complex about the womb.

@Lizard People Operative

So an MRA just admitted that the MRM isn’t a real movement?

Maybe they once again let a tiny bit of reality slide into their head.

Also, hi! I’m new to posting here.


4 years ago

@Naglfar- just chiming in to say that I read the ‘biological women are wonderful’ bit the same way Dalillama did.

Not that the author of the OP isn’t probably transphobic- but I think that particular snippet is more misogynistic than transphobic.

4 years ago

I sometimes wonder to what degree MRA-types believe these claims. Are they really that resistant to easily observable facts, or is it mostly performative misogyny?

Kind of like how their cousins in the conservative “pro-life” movement claim that every embryo is a precious baby that must be protected at all costs, and whose loss is exactly as tragic as a child dying… but show no concern whatsoever when, say, an accident results in the destruction of 4000 frozen embryos, as happened in Cleveland three years ago. Not a peep from them.

4 years ago

You’re probably right. I’m just reading too far into these things.

I think it starts out as performative, but they eventually brainwash themselves into believing it.

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
4 years ago

Two of my roommates have coughing, shortness of breath, and fevers. The clinics can’t find testing kits.

I’m scared.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

Content Warning for excessive sarcasm

re: womens got it easy….

For Example… in these trumpian times of economic collapse, I have to sit and wring my hands while watching my retirement savings evaporate, while my ex, who got ALL (full disclosure, “about half”) the money AND ALL the land (full disclosure, it was her parents’ land and I didn’t sue for it) AND the house (full disclosure, it was her parents’ house, so I didn’t sue for it), has only to sit around eating bon-bons while wringing her hands watching her retirement savings evaporate….


Oh, wait….

It’s almost as if there were no actual difference in the effect of crisis on men and it’s effect on women… that CANT be right…???

Tabby Lavalamp
4 years ago

And men like a bunch of thirsty simps*…

I bet most of these guys twist themselves into pretzels defending capitalism, yet seem to have an issue with supply and demand. That woman who sold her bathwater? It worked because there were men who wanted to buy it. Nobody is forcing men to buy sexy pictures or used underwear.

It wasn’t highlighted, but this jumped out at me:

They get a stronger friend circle…”

Old chap, let me introduce you to a subject known as “toxic masculinity”. Do you refer to your friends as your friends, or only ever as your buddies? When you get together with them, do you have conversations? Share your feelings? Or do you only watch sports, play games, go hunting, or participate in some other activity where you can bust each other’s chops instead of talking about how life is going for you because doing that is gay or something?

The only thing keeping men from having stronger friend circles are men.

…get held to lower standards…

A few of the most ridiculously qualified presidential candidates in recent years would like to have a word with you.

* When did “simp” start being a thing? Maybe I hadn’t noticed it before, but it really seems to have exploded in recent months.

4 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp

The only thing keeping men from having stronger friend circles are men.

And if there are any men working on fixing this, they sure aren’t MRAs.

When did “simp” start being a thing? Maybe I hadn’t noticed it before, but it really seems to have exploded in recent months.

I don’t know why it is, but I’ve noticed the exact same thing.

Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
4 years ago

Yeah, I’m gonna have to give whoever started that thread on Reddit, a big ol’ ear pinch, if we were ever to meet, because I know damn well none of those yahoos were talking about Women of Color, (including transgender WoC) who have it bad by every metric of the term “privilege”.

I know they’re discussing this issue with the only image they have in their heads of the definition of womanhood: Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. No t a single image of an Indigenous woman, Mexican mother, Transgender African American, or Immigrant wife, popped into their heads, in the middle of, what is quite possibly, one of the stupidest rants I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading on the internet.

I mean, this is right up there with not wiping one’s own behind, in the logic category.

4 years ago

Is “simp” the new “white knight” or “beta orbiter”? It’s supposed to mean silly or foolish person but since the recent explosion in use I’ve only ever seen it used in the context of male-female relationships.

And for some reason YouTube keeps wanting to show me videos titled “Mordecai from Regular Show is biggest simp ever!”

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago


One of my acquaintance is Instagram model and it’s more work then it appears to manage an account large enough you can live off it reasonnably.

Well, yes. You’re essentially running a small business, with yourself as your brand and your product. Unless you’re willing and able to treat it as a small business, you’re probably not going to get very far.

4 years ago

I don’t think they realize women who aren’t thin, white, cis het and beautiful even exist.

4 years ago

Also, “knocking up” just means “waking up.” It’s an old Britishism.

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