actual activism entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MRA

Massive planned Men’s Rights protest fails because dude has a meeting at work that day

MRA planning a protest (Re-enactment)

By David Futrelle

As you may have noticed, Men’s Rights Activists aren’t really very, well, activist. Sure, they talk a lot online, but when it comes to organizing anything in the real world, they fail utterly. Indeed, the only real Men’s Rights protest I’ve seen in all my years running this blog drew fewer people than a ten percent off sale at the dollar store.

Not one to let a legacy of failure dissuade him from trying, one Men’s Rights Redditor called anonymousnerfer is organizing his own rally. And he’s not aiming low:

Anyone want to set up an MRA protest/ event in the same vein as the women's march? Perhaps an anti-circumcision march? Ideas?

The Women’s March was one of the most successful protests of all time, drawing more than four million to rallies in Washington DC and across the country. But it was organized by, you know, women. Imagine how much more successful a MEN’S March, organized by MEN, could be.

Admittedly, we have few details on this new planned march. In his post, which consisted of nothing beyond its title, anonymousnerfer failed to specify a date or a location — not even what country it would be in.

But these things can be worked out in time, as male organiz …

Wait, I’m hearing that there is a problem with the march.

Erodedragon18 3 points 1 day ago 
I’d love to participate but I can’t because I live in Massachusetts and I have important an important meeting at work. Plus I have a baby and a toddler.

But I love the idea.

The march will just have to be cancelled, I guess. Erodedragon18 has a meeting at work — and apparently quite a long one, too, conflicting with any possible date and time a march could be held.

Best of luck next time, fellas!

Organizing is hard.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Well, I think we can all agree that women are to blame for this failure…

4 years ago

And yet they still manage to build civilization. /s

4 years ago

I would attend a march for awareness about circumcision if it wasn’t billed as a mEn’S mArCh. Feminists care about this issue.

4 years ago

I just find it really funny that no date is specified but this guy already has a meeting that prevents him from being there. Does he just have an eternal meeting that never ends? And if so, how does his boss feel about him using Reddit during said eternal meeting?

The women’s march lately has its own problems since it was taken over by TERFs and racists. Though I have a hard time picturing a men’s march that isn’t full of extreme misogyny and racism from the get-go.

My guess is that Donald Trump would be very happy about a men’s march. And Tucker Carlson would enthusiastically ramble about how great it is.

4 years ago

There’s a little Jake Blues flavour to that excuse.

As for the march: dude, saying “I want a protest march, now tell me what it should be about” is kinda backwards.

4 years ago


As for the march: dude, saying “I want a protest march, now tell me what it should be about” is kinda backwards.

Their chant could be:
What do we want? A march! What should it be about? You tell me! No, seriously, tell me.

David Rose
David Rose
4 years ago


Yeah, why doesn’t he just say straight out that he wants to protest women? He’s not hiding anything.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
4 years ago

That reminds me of a pro-Meninist march we had over here a couple of years ago, in response to the more massive women’s rally, which was attended by a grand total of less than 10 men:

Don’t mind the other people in the park, they were not attending the march. They were visiting with their families.

Here’s a better angle:

One of the paragraphs reads “Some men mocked women by telling them to get back to the kitchen”.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ moggie

“I want a protest march, now tell me what it should be about”

Yeah; not exactly Marlon Brando there.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

This needs a protest song.

Come redpills and MGTOWs,
Please heed the call
“I can’t, there’s a meeting
From now until fall…”

I’m mad at the stuff
And we’ve all had enough
And it’s gone on way too long
But I can’t even bother to
Finish this song

For the times, they are

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live — at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!!!

“I can’t do Tuesdays.”

4 years ago

ROFL this is too perfect.

MRAs: “We don’t need women’s labor! We’re real men, we’re strong, we can do anything! We run the world! OOH RAH let’s have a march!”

Also MRAs: *have to cancel their march because they suck at planning and logistics, which is yet another example of the uncredited work that women and AFAB people constantly do for them*

These men are their own parodies.

4 years ago

To be fair, planning a protest is hard, and really needs someone with experience, and the ability to think of all the things. They should hire a woman to do it for them.

4 years ago

“Wait, it’s Saint Crispin’s day? Sorry, Henry old chap, I’ve got a thing”

4 years ago

There’s plenty of excellent protest organizer of all genders (that I know exist in human, at least), and really, it require more practice than skill in my experience. The thing is, MTGOW are not only hateful wankers, they are *lazy* hateful wankers. Most can’t be arsed to even do minimal efforts for anything.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
4 years ago


Diego, that photo is priceless!

Not as priceless as the headline, which I just noticed!

Ni Uno Menos: A la marcha convocada en redes sociales no fue ‘ni uno‘”

No One Less: the march organized in social media was attended by ‘no one’

4 years ago

Maybe he uses “I have an important meeting and children” as his go-to excuse for anything he’s not keen on, and he failed to notice this particular event has yet to be scheduled.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago


that Crispin’s Day bit was the best. I’ve actually been going on a bit about the Crispin’s Day speech to my BFF lately because she’s watching Game of Thrones and there’s always another motivating, pre-battle speech, and none of them (apparently) are all that inspiring. But she wasn’t aware of Hal’s speech getting called the St Crispin’s Day Speech, and she didn’t remember a whole lot of is content. So I had to give her a benchmark, and now she tells me about how the latest battle speech rates in milliCrispins.


I just find it really funny that no date is specified but this guy already has a meeting that prevents him from being there. Does he just have an eternal meeting that never ends? And if so, how does his boss feel about him using Reddit during said eternal meeting?

You interpret it how you like, but I interpreted it as intentionally funny. Like the guy was making a joke.

I mean, even if the guy is a legit MRA and not a parody account or troll, it’s still possible that the person has noticed what we’ve noticed and is cynical about the possibility of men showing up. I mean, it’s even more likely that no one will show up for Mr. Rebel-literally-without-a-cause given the march has no, uh, cause.

I mean, I’ve made jokes on feminist threads about how if we’re going to come to consensus on something we’d better stock up the pantry with dry rice and beans so we don’t starve. I figure that it’s at least possible that someone active on those threads has a sense of humor. Possibly even someone not on there to parody the MRAs, who knows? Weirder things have happened.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ crip dyke

One for you I think.

4 years ago

@Crip Dyke

You interpret it how you like, but I interpreted it as intentionally funny. Like the guy was making a joke.

Could be, but I feel like that gives far too much credit to MRAs, who have shown themselves time and time again to have zero self-awareness. If it is intentionally funny, it’s probably a troll.

ETA: Checked his user page. He’s really into the movie Saving Private Ryan and seems like a troll but I’m not sure.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’d go to the men’s rights march, but I have a bunch of TPS reports due.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Oh, if we’re talking about variations on the St. Crispin’s Day speech….

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

re: Game o’ Thrones… I saw a post on Farcebook about a “Game of Thrones sea cruise, and a lot of my Throney friends were wanting to go… I tried to warn them off because, sure as heck at the end of the cruise, a CGI dragon would set fire to the ship and burn it with everyone on board….

4 years ago

Well, since he seems to need an idea for his march, what if someone suggests that he should march carrying a red flag and talk about why workers should own the means of production and from each according to ability and to each according to need? It’s worth a shot.