alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny NoFap none dare call it conspiracy reddit

Jews eschew masturbation because they want to rule the world, antisemitic Semen Retainers allege

Sometimes the Red Pill comes emblazoned with a swastika

By David Futrelle

We’ve watched as the more misogynistic offshoot of the Men’s Rights movements known as MGTOW has gotten more Nazified over the last several years — more friendly to alt-right memes, more open to Nazi ideology. Given that the Men Going Their Own Way is rooted in the hatred of women, it’s not surprising to see so many MGTOWs open to other forms of hate; hate often comes in clusters.

The same thing seems to be happening to the more extreme offshoot of the NoFap movement known as Semen Retention. There’s nothing inherently hateful about giving up porn and masturbation, but many of those who’ve embraced the movement have brought with them a deep suspicion of women and of anyone else who might want to steal their precious bodily fluids.

And so the Semen Retention movement is filled with talk of dark conspiracies — particularly involving the alleged dark motives of those the more hardcore Retainers see as trying to enslave them with porn and rob them of their male energy. Picking up on a talking point widespread among internet Nazis, many Semen retainers end up pointing their fingers at the supposed evil masterminds of the porn industry — the Jews. They’ve also accepted another weird and related antisemitic trope: the idea that Jewish men don’t masturbate — at all.

The basic outline of the “theory is that

  1. Semen Retention makes men men mentally stronger
  2. Jewish men don’t masturbate
  3. Jewish men run the porn industry
  4. Therefore porn is part of a massive Jewish conspiracy to weaken non-Jewish men and TAKE OVER THE WORLD (which they’ve already taken over)

The idea that Jews don’t masturbate is, I admit, something of a surprise to me. I understand that “spilling your seed” is not exactly encouraged in Jewish tradition (it’s all rather complicated) but I’ve also read Portnoy’s Complaint. Still, the absurd notion that most or all of Jewish men don’t masturbate seems to be accepted as an article of faith by a significant portion of the Retainer community. Some even claim to have been let in on this alleged secret by alleged Jewish friends:

“Jews don’t fap at all,” wrote a Retainer called Spiritual-Monk.

Many of my jew friends stayed away from porn and sexual stuff. And girls come to them like magnet

“I had a jew friend in the equiviliant to high-school in my country,” wrote another r/SemenRetention commenter.

He was pretty ugly tbh, but a lot of girls liked to talk to him. … I remember him asking me at the end of the last year how much I jerk off. I said ”Maybe three times a week (While it was closer to 9-10 back then)”. And he said that he never jerks off, ever. He never really gave a direct answer to why.

But plenty of Retainers think they know why: to dominate the other “male races.” According to one NoFap conspiracy theorist,

the only real difference between Jewish men and all other men is that they don’t masturbate. Of course many do, hence why not all Jews are successful. But with their religious beliefs being anti-masturbation, it encourages a greater proportion of Jewish men to follow this rule. Could this be why Jewish men are walking over all other male races right now?

A commenter in the Semen Retention subreddit takes this conspiracy theory a little farther:

Men who ejaculate daily and spill their vital fluid on a regular basis are inferior to women yet those who practice semen retention demonstrate better mental performance, which means they are superior to both weak men and women. They reach faster brains compared to constantly mediocre female brain! Doesn’t that prove that men are inherently superior.

Judging from the “logic” here, no.

The only way for women to win is corrupt male psychology. Do you see the conspiracy? You are slowly and steadily being made to believe that you are inferior by toxic feminism which benefits Jews who don’t masturbate most. I am not an Anti-Semitic but can you see the indirect love triangle?

A commenter called AfricanSocialist was even blunter:

jews want us to fap to weaken men, Zionist jews. not the normal ones

And so, the logic goes, Jews have built up and taken over the porn industry in order to “weaken men” by inspiring them to jerk off.

“Jewish peeps run almost the entire porn industry in the US,” wrote Plz_Save_Us_Trump_2

Maybe not all Jews are involved, but powerful ones push the filth out to the masses, and to what end do you think?

Another insinuated the same thing:

When you figure out who produces 97% of the porn in the world you’ll start to understand not only this war on men but our broken financial system, open borders, endless wars in the Middle East et all

Still another in the same thread begged his “peeps” to speak openly of their favorite enemy:

Name the jew, it’s simple. It’s the (((Kabbal))) and people are waking up.

“I want to share a coincidence,” wrote another.

Jews don’t masturbate but they own all the largest pornographic sites and media.

There are some in the Semen Retention, to be sure, who oppose this blatant antisemitism. But they antisemites get attention and, often, upvotes, and their conspiracy theories have become omnipresent in places like the Semen Retention subreddit, alongside autodidactic takes on eastern philosophy and the regular discussions on the sudden attraction all women allegedly feel for men full of their own sperm.

The semen retention subreddit isn’t just a somewhat comical sideshow to the manosphere circus; it’s turned into quite an ugly and hateful place. And I imagine it will only get worse over time, because in our current timeline how could it not?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

While the Jewish view of masturbation is generally negative, the Old Testament seems to be anti semen retention seeing as it encourages men to have frequent sex with wives, which would be counter to semen retention.

I seriously wonder how he thinks that Jews run the porn industry and don’t masturbate. If the first premise were true, does he seriously think pornographers don’t ever masturbate? In addition, there are Jewish porn actors like James Deen and Ron Jeremy and there is plenty of video proving that they don’t retain semen.

IIRC that troll Semen Retention Lieutenant Officer was Jewish. I somewhat wonder how he felt about the antisemitism inherent to his beloved semen retention community.

5 years ago

Crank magnetism in action.

5 years ago

I’m so glad semen dude is ban and can’t come in here to wank all over this thread.

5 years ago

Funny how the SR guys don’t seem to have much of thing about Christians, for example (and other religions too as far as I know) seeing masturbation as a major taboo.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Something tells me that AfricanSocialist virtually never sees any “normal” Jews, just the “Zionist” ones. Claiming that you only hate Zionists, and not all Jews, is a pretty common claim by hardcore anti-Semites.

As for claims that Jews create 97 percent of porn this must come as a surprise to all those Japanese porn makers.

5 years ago

“I had a jew friend in the equiviliant to high-school in my country,” wrote another r/SemenRetention commenter.

He was pretty ugly tbh, but a lot of girls liked to talk to him. … I remember him asking me at the end of the last year how much I jerk off. I said ”Maybe three times a week (While it was closer to 9-10 back then)”. And he said that he never jerks off, ever. He never really gave a direct answer to why.


As for “why”: Just a random guess, but I’m going to say it’s because he liked women enough, and was sufficiently successful with them as a result of liking them and being pleasant with them, that he got all the satisfaction he wanted that way, and didn’t have to pick up the slack, so to speak, by taking himself in hand.

Or maybe he’s just somewhere on the ace spectrum? Also a possibility.

But seriously. If these guys think Jews don’t masturbate, they really do need to read The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.

And after they’re done that, they need to stop whacking off all over the internet with these cockamamie conspiracy theories, get over their hangups about touching themselves, and learn to do it in private, like all the regular masturbators do.

5 years ago

Portnoy’s Complaint, anyone?

5 years ago

Ev~ery sperm is sa~cred
Ev~ery sperm is gre~at
If~ a sperm is wa~sted
God gets quite irate~

Joseph B
Joseph B
5 years ago

As a Jewish man, I can, ahem, firmly state that the basic premise of their belief here is quite false.

5 years ago

@tim gueguen
Hardcore antisemites will also often try to play No True Scotsman and differentiate “fake” and “real” Jews by declaring that they can’t possibly hate Jews because they like Ben Shapiro or something. Ben Shapiro does the same, as he says all left wing Jews are not Jews.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

If you’re a power monger and you’re absolutely no good at achieving any kind of power, I guess the next-best thing is to make up stories about how the world works. You might also want to predict a grim future for the world.

5 years ago

@tim gueguen : thoses japanese are jewish or work on jewish order.

(don’t laugh, people have said that about amateur pornographic doujins)

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

Something tells me that AfricanSocialist virtually never sees any “normal” Jews, just the “Zionist” ones. Claiming that you only hate Zionists, and not all Jews, is a pretty common claim by hardcore anti-Semites.

These sort of people clearly think “Zionism” means evil scheming for Jewish world domination. Possibly these are largely same people who at least occasionally purport to support Israel against leftist criticism.

Meanwhile, some others are so focused on the alleged evil scheming that they don’t seem to care if non-evil non-scheming non-rich Jews even exist. These may use “Zionism” as a generic snarl word associated with Jews.

Yet others seem to consider all Jews the enemy, even the non-scheming non-rich non-powerful ones. These perhaps see Zionism as only one part of the Jewish world domination agenda.

5 years ago


non-scheming non-rich non-powerful ones.

Non-scheming non-rich non-powerful Jews represent!

These may use “Zionism” as a generic snarl word associated with Jews.

Pretty much. My guess is they read Protocols of the Elders of Zion and didn’t realize it was fake.

Generally the right wingers who try to defend Israel against criticism from the left are evangelicals and their allies, who tend to be strongly antisemitic. They believe that Jews returning to Israel will trigger the end times, causing evangelicals to go to heaven and all Jews to go to hell. Obviously I am not a fan of this idea.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Y’know, if I were a bazillionaire porn producer, I don’t think I’d care about ruling the world. I’d just enjoy the money.

5 years ago

This claim is a lie.

Don’t ask me how I know.

5 years ago

Wow, turns out Big Porno was in charge the whole time?

Geez, what will this do for the mom-and-pop pornographers? Your amateur smut peddlers. Your salacious sommeliers, if you will.

5 years ago

Salacious Sommelier being an awesome name for a pornographic producer.

5 years ago


Geez, what will this do for the mom-and-pop pornographers?

I’m no expert, but from what I can tell indie porn has been on the rise lately due to the Internet. So if anything I’d imagine porn as a whole has diversified, meaning the supposed monopoly would be weakening.

I’d imagine that as wine-centric porn. Or porn with wine moms.

5 years ago

I am intrigued by this idea that if I don’t masturbate most, I can reach faster brains. I fear the exact relationship might be difficult to measure, given that it both involves two made-up terms, and likely does not exist.

5 years ago


I get the same way when someone tried to tell me Catholics don’t masturbate because the church teaches that it’s a sin. Even though most Catholics probably do and it doesn’t make you not one if you do.

5 years ago


Being the lewd doodler that I am, it’s definitely diversified in the illustrated and animated fields. As for film and photography… I fear that the distribution channels still determines what is profitable. PornHub’s stranglehold on what gets seen remains fairly secure.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

@Naglfar, @Katamount:

There was an interesting article a year or so back on some small studios who get by on making “bespoke” porn for people with *really* specific kinks. Like, the kind of thing that most people wouldn’t even recognize as porn, because it’s just twenty minutes of women setting fire to a stamp-collector’s album (actual example from the article). So that’s one way for mom-and-pop businesses to survive, I guess.

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ moon custafer

There was a documentary series here a while ago that covered the same bases. One woman made a liveable income just wearing polo neck jumpers. Which surely you could accommodate just by getting a clothing catalogue.

5 years ago

@moon custafer, Alan Robertshaw

I’ve heard about it before, but I’ll admit I haven’t paid much attention to it. Thanks for the link!

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