open thread

Super Tuesday open thread

Joe Biden: Does anyone really think this weirdo dingus can beat Trump

By David Futrelle

Big day. Big big day. Lots of shit going on. Discuss.

Also: VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!

I mean, if you’re in the US. If you’re not in the US, I guess don’t vote, unless maybe you’re a citizen abroad but I don’t know how the mechanics of that work exactly.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

The name’s Biden… Joe Biden…

I think….

5 years ago

Biden wins Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina? I don’t like how this is going.

5 years ago

He’s leading in my state (though only 1% are reporting). This is not good. If Biden gets the nomination we are screwed.
Oddly, Sanders is leading in Texas, where I would expect more people to be conservative/centrist.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
5 years ago


I see Joe Rogan being brought into our broader movement, which includes trans rights

Imma hafta disagree real hard on that one. Joe Rogan ain’t been brought into shit. Like, beyond the abject fuckery of Sanders positioning the guy as a person whose political opinions have any value (the exact opposite is true)
1)Rogan did not pledge to vote for Sanders if he’s the nominee (let alone help the campaign), he gave a non-committal ‘I like the cut of this fella’s jib’
2)if you welcome nazis (crypto or otherwise) into your broader movement, it will become a nazi movement. As inevitable as the sunrise. One would hafta have a whole lotta faith in ‘the movement’, Sen Sanders, or both not to think the embrace of the alt right thru Rogan an existential threat. Faith, I admit I completely lack

Looking at your graph there, and just thinking out loud, it’s interesting that Buttigieg actually did better than Sanders with LGBTQ+ voters when controlling for total support. Not a big difference, and Sanders is definitely not a phobe (regardless of how lackluster I think he’s been on that front, see above). Just seems to lend credence to having an openly gay person run being important to a lot of people. And now that he’s out, I wonder where his support (queer and straight) goes now

A bit more than this tokenism tier candidacy

Eh… maybe let’s don’t do that. That word has a meaning, and it’s not when black women do bad things. Ironically tho, the fact that ‘the most diverse primary ever’ was left to get significantly less diverse just in time for the actual voting is a pretty good metaphor for tokenism

I also wanna add to what you said by pointing out that the convention is not after the primary. The convention is part of the primary. What do people think the delegates (super and otherwise) are for, decoration? No, the voters choose them, and they choose the nominee. It’s up to Sanders and his delegates/surrogates/supporters to win over enough people to take the 2nd round. The ‘Warren needs to drop out or she’s stealing the nom from Sanders’ thing is really just saying ‘I don’t think my guy can actually close the deal’. Or worse ‘he shouldn’t need to’

5 years ago


I wonder where his support (queer and straight) goes now

Probably Biden; Pete endorsed Biden after dropping out.

Faith, I admit I completely lack

I don’t really have much faith either, especially as Breadtube moves to thinner and thinner veiled racism and transphobia and a million stans will attack anyone who calls it out.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

CA is where Bernie is expected to do really well, so take heart. I’m just glad Bloomberg doesn’t seem to be winning any states.

5 years ago

I’m kind of sad Warren isn’t winning MA. And the number of states Biden is winning is alarming to say the least.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
5 years ago


Probably Biden; Pete endorsed Biden after dropping out

Maybe. I’m working on an entirely non scientific hypothesis that endorsements aren’t as surefire as a lotta people think, so here’s hoping I’m correct 😛

Oddly, Sanders is leading in Texas, where I would expect more people to be conservative/centrist

Another, much more scientifically rigorous, hypothesis is that demographics is destiny and ideology is illusory. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the media’s ‘ideological lanes’ framing of the Dem electorate (conservative dems vote a certain way, liberals vote a different way) isn’t really true. Everyone likes Warren, Sanders voters like Biden 2nd best and vice versa. What’s more far more predictive is black voters prefer Biden to Sanders to Warren, Latin voters prefer Sanders to Biden to Warren, young voters prefer Sanders to Warren to Biden, etc. The Texas Dem party, like in Nevada, is largely young and Latin, so Sanders winning makes sense

5 years ago

I am extremely disappointed with the results so far. I was sure Sanders would take MA and ME; as of now they look like tossups. And I didn’t expect Biden to crush it nearly this much in the Southern states. Even Texas isn’t a lock for Sanders yet.

I suppose I can vote for Biden in the general. Oh well…

5 years ago

I’ll hold my nose and vote for Biden in the general if it comes to that, but I rather doubt he can beat Trump. It seems too eerily reminiscent of 2016: a moderate who doesn’t get people particularly excited against a fascist, with a persistent scandal allegation that won’t go away no matter how many times it is debunked (Hillary’s emails or Hunter Biden’s Ukraine business).

Steve Dutch
Steve Dutch
5 years ago

Biden = “It’s my turn II.”

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


It’s up to Sanders and his delegates/surrogates/supporters to win over enough people to take the 2nd round. The ‘Warren needs to drop out or she’s stealing the nom from Sanders’ thing is really just saying ‘I don’t think my guy can actually close the deal’. Or worse ‘he shouldn’t need to’

I suspect the thinking of some is that if the convention goes to a 2nd round at all, then the nomination will be thrown to Biden by the superdelegates and smoky-back-room politicking; therefore, the only shot for a progressive to get the nomination is to get to the convention with a majority, not just a plurality; and therefore splitting the progressive vote between Warren and Sanders is dangerous and likely to let Biden steal the nomination, the way Hubert Humphrey cheated Eugene McCarthy out of the 1968 nomination, and that this in turn risks a Trump landslide, like Nixon’s 1968 landslide. This could be motivating some progressives to strongly desire the progressive vote unify early behind one candidate.

But it’s likely already too late for that now; one of the two would probably have to have dropped out before Super Tuesday to avoid incurring that risk. At this point, calls for Warren (or Sanders) to drop out are going to be very counterproductive.

I wonder where his [Buttigieg] support (queer and straight) goes now

Data I saw somewhere suggests almost evenly split among Sanders, Warren, Biden, and Bloomberg, with a very slight edge to (surprisingly) Sanders.

So, Buttigieg dropping out didn’t move the needle meaningfully. Which is better than I’d expected, as I’d expected his support to go predominantly to Biden or at least not-Warren-or-Sanders. Perhaps the LGBTQ portion of his support made the difference, as they don’t seem to like the other “centrist” candidates.


Oddly, Sanders is leading in Texas, where I would expect more people to be conservative/centrist

It’s the large Hispanic population there. As soon as I saw the Nevada results I expected Sanders to get big delegate hauls from the rest of the southwestern states, including Texas and California. Similarly it was predictable from Biden doing well in South Carolina that he’d take a lot of the southeastern states. So, Biden gets the southeast, Sanders the southwest and likely much of the northeast, Bloomberg is discovering what Steyer recently learned — you can buy your way into the contest and even buy changes to the rules to get onto the debate stage, but you can’t buy the people’s votes — and Gabbard is unlikely to claw her way up above 1%, which means the decisive matters now will be a) which way will the northwest go? and b) which way will New York go? If both go to Sanders it might net Sanders a majority going into the convention, but any large scale inroads by Biden or Warren in those areas will likely limit Sanders to a plurality, if not throw the plurality to Biden. And then the superdelegates on the second ballot will almost certainly throw the nomination to Biden either way.



5 years ago


Well, it doesn’t matter now. We better hope you’re wrong.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago

Goddamnit, looks like it’s gonna be Joe.

I’m just glad Bloomberg doesn’t seem to be winning any states.

Honestly I was hoping he would syphon votes from Biden, but it looks like that won’t be happening.

This primary is like watching a train wreck play in slow motion. This whole affair should be between Bernie and Warren period. Bloomberg and Biden have committed so many gaffes and hurt so many people it is beyond ridiculous they are getting this much support.

5 years ago

Breadtube is a loosely organized group of leftist YouTubers, with creators such as Peter Coffin, Vaush, ContraPoints, and TheLindsayEllis. However, over the last few months the whole thing has been melting down and has revealed a large amount of bigotry and class reductionism.


Well, it doesn’t matter now. We better hope you’re wrong.

Believe me, I hope I am. Anything is better than another Trump term.

5 years ago

So. Worst case and a second Trump term happens- how would the post-Trump recovery happen? Sanders might run again but he’s already old and there’s no guarantee he’d be able to run in 2024. I’m currently acting on the assumption that the country and the planet will still be standing or at least be salvageable, but obviously it’ll take time to stabilize things.

That goes double if Bernie’s health fails him now- all his support will need to go somewhere and I don’t see it going to Warren or Biden. The former is too much of a centrist policy wonk to really deal with systemic issues and the latter is…Joe Biden.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Naglfar –

Honestly, I’m glad that America didn’t take over Canada.

As a Canadian, me too. 🙂 Although I find the tune of the American anthem more exciting (harder for many people to sing, though, with its wider pitch range).

More seriously, I hope hope hope that the Dems can win this time around and finally put a national health care system in place. Ours isn’t perfect – there’s no public dental care system, e.g., and there are other hidden fees for a lot of vulnerable people – but it’s a start. (I was at the hospital a few weeks ago for a test and started reading the rates that people w/o a health card would have to pay. It was a few hundred dollars just for the kind of MRI I had. Eesh.)

My preferred nominee is still Warren. Brother’s is still Sanders. I’m behind on sleep so I’m not watching TV news now, but I’ll probably catch up with the Montreal Gazette tomorrow.

5 years ago

If trump wins democracy in America is dead,

5 years ago

If Trump remains in office there will not be another election, or at least not a real one.

5 years ago

Biden appears to be winning more states, but Bernie will likely win Texas and California. He might still come out ahead today.

Not ideal, but I’ll be okay with Bernie. Please no Biden. Bloomberg isn’t going to be winning the nomination, at least.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

If trump wins democracy in America is dead,

Yes. Which is why people need to swallow their fucking pride and vote for Biden if it comes to that.

But there’s seriously no reason to think Sanders is finished right now.

5 years ago

With CA and Texas Looking Like Sanders I see it as him having this in the bag. Only worry now is that people are now seeing this as contested convention with no one really saying for 100% sure who gonna take it now.

But I guess even that forecast is gonna get shattered because it’s 2020 there is no such thing as impossibilities.

5 years ago

…Whichever Texas voting district(s) just reported in, they dumped a whole load of Biden votes. Sanders winning Texas is no longer a sure thing. Sigh.

5 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility

The tune of the American anthem is taken from a 1770s English drinking song called “To Anacreon in Heaven”. As my high school history teacher put it, “no sober man could hit those highs”.

5 years ago

Naglfar, who actually counts as Breadtube? The only one I recognize there is ContraPoints, who i had heard good things about. What about NonCompete, Shaun, Three Arrows, etc.?

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