open thread

Super Tuesday open thread

Joe Biden: Does anyone really think this weirdo dingus can beat Trump

By David Futrelle

Big day. Big big day. Lots of shit going on. Discuss.

Also: VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!

I mean, if you’re in the US. If you’re not in the US, I guess don’t vote, unless maybe you’re a citizen abroad but I don’t know how the mechanics of that work exactly.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Warren has my vote. she has my full confidences

Also I can’t read Bloomberg name right for some reason. It keep gettings turned to boomerang

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

I met Dennis Kucinich about 15 years ago and was extremely unimpressed. There was something off about him. Large ego, no desire to actually connect with people. I’m not surprised he went to the dark side.

I’m voting Warren tomorrow. She has my heart. I’m not willing to write her off just yet.

5 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger


5 years ago

Probably just a response on how you rub everyone my dude.

Is this the case? I didn’t realize this, but happy to stop commenting if multiple people would rather I didn’t.

5 years ago

My state doesn’t vote until the end of the month but I am planning to vote for Warren. I can’t stand Bernie. He makes a ton of promises but doesn’t show how we would get there. Also, his inability to pass much legislation makes me wonder if he would actually be able to work effectively with Congress. I find Biden about as interesting as mayonnaise. And Bloomberg can shove his billions up his ***.

5 years ago

Is this the case? I didn’t realize this, but happy to stop commenting if multiple people would rather I didn’t.

I was just pointing it out since you were asking. Comment if you want to, you aren’t bothering me.

5 years ago

If I understand correctly, then the candidates that quit still keep their delegates, right? Meaning that if somehow, before the last primary, “deleted candidates” have 51% of the delegates, then it is mathematically impossible for their to be a majority, which basically means that the Democrats can put anyone they like forward even if they weren’t on the ballot?

Kind of rubs me the wrong way, even if I (as an Aussie) should be used to that (nobody directly votes for the Prime Minister or Governor General here, they’re both appointed respectively by whoever the winning party wants or the Prime Minister respectively) since technically that just puts y’all back in the position we started at. But it does seem an awful waste of time and money if the party big wigs end up deciding after all.

5 years ago

Ugh, I’m already sick to death of Bernie Bros. Mr. “A woman can’t win” should drop out, not Warren. The mantrums would be delicious.

5 years ago

I kind of buy Amanda Marcotte’s idea that the main focus of Trump’s online campaign will be attacking the democratic nominee from the left to get progressive voters to stay home. And that this will happen no matter who the nominee is but Bloomberg and Biden make it super easy to do.

It seems only high voter turnout can counter the voter suppression and voter intimidation plans so Biden’s “electability” could be a mirage.

5 years ago


I kind of buy Amanda Marcotte’s idea that the main focus of Trump’s online campaign will be attacking the democratic nominee from the left to get progressive voters to stay home.

He won’t even have to do that much, the “Dirtbag Left” is doing the job on that front all by themselves. And I’m sure they’d be only overjoyed to sign on with some conservatives to mutually bash a candidate because they aren’t Bernie Sanders; remember how Aimee Terese actually proposed an alliance between Dirtbag “leftists” and Nazis?

Speaking of which: what has AT been up to lately? I haven’t heard much from her since she got banned from Twitter.

5 years ago

@Naglfar: Indeed. The campaign may involve amplifying the dirtbag left’s messages to reach a wider audience.

5 years ago

And the New York Times is already helping them with that with their puff pieces on Chapo Trap House.

5 years ago

Going to head out soon and put in my vote for Warren. I understand Indigenous folks considering her history unforgivable, but at the end of the day she strikes me as the only of the candidates who’s both progressive and actually competent. Or really just the only one who’s competent period.

That said? I need to put in that the antisemitism being thrown at Sanders is disgusting, enraging, and absolutely terrifying to me. And what’s even more terrifying is knowing that millions and millions of Christians are seeing that antisemitism as protecting Real Jews, and that nothing I can say will ever convince them of how wrong and dangerous that idea is. I’m sure that when the Trump regime’s genocide expands to include us, it’s going to be with the excuse of protecting Real Jews from fake-Jewish leftist traitors, and Christians will just swallow that lie as if it’s the most obvious thing.

Anyway yeah, happy Super Tuesday. I’ve been up since 2:30 AM because of anxiety. Hope y’all are holding up better than I am.

5 years ago


Or really just the only one who’s competent period.

This. I agree that the Native American incident was wrong of her, but she’s the only candidate who seems to actually be able to do anything. And the only one who will try to repair things realistically.

And what’s even more terrifying is knowing that millions and millions of Christians are seeing that antisemitism as protecting Real Jews, and that nothing I can say will ever convince them of how wrong and dangerous that idea is.

Plus, all kinds of right wing Jews are throwing us left wing Jews (the majority of American Jews) under the bus to advance themselves. Ben Shapiro, Jacob Wohl, Laura Loomer, Dennis Prager—they’re advancing this idea of protecting themselves (the “real” Jews) as collaborators while we are thrown to the dogs.

5 years ago

O/T: Graham Linehan has protected his Twitter account. I can’t tell if that is good for us or if he’s playing victim again.

5 years ago

Bernie Sanders has a lot of supporters who are women too, and disabled people even though warren has better policies for disability, but she was a republican before and bernie always tried his best to vote for socialist policies. I also dont like the way that Warren lied anout her Native american heritage, but I am more angry about all the people, even liberals, who think it is funny to call her pocahontas. That is just racist and disrespectful to what actually happened to Matoaka and all Native Americans too.

Personally hope Bernie wins becuase his political beliefs are closer to mine, and he will improve health care and welfare. But also, I know he is an imperialist who still supports USA intervention in the business of other countries and he also will not make real universal healthcare like there is in UK for example (or there was before it started to get destroyed by conservatives). I think it is very interesting there was a time when they tried to accuse him of antisemitism, even though he is Jewish. I think only becuase he supports Palestine. It’s strange but people like to say that all the time about people who care about Palestinian freedom.

5 years ago


Yeah, Sanders is closer to my politics too*, I just don’t trust him to make good on his plans. Speaking especially as someone from her state, Warren has a really impressive record of helping out poor and marginalized people here, so I figured better to go with the devil I know so to speak.

They are still both devils though. Sanders has over a million dollars to his name, Warren more like twelve million.

* My own politics run more or less DemSoc, but specifically against concentrated executive power – I want to see the Presidency and other such offices abolished entirely.

5 years ago

I was for Warren. Still am, I guess, but her path is gone. Sanders will be shredded in the GE. SO much material of him praising Castro, the Soviets, and even Daniel Ortega. Not to mention all his plans include “A then a miracle happens” as an essential step.

I wish Warren were viable, but I guess I am left with Biden. I’m not thrilled, but at least the people who work with him regularly actually like him.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Jacob Wohl, Laura Loomer, Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager is Jewish??? Holy fuck, talk about deep-throating the boot. That asshole fancies himself the new Joseph Goebbels and has gone full Nazi both defending the concentration camps for Latino children and spreading outright Nazi propaganda such as the “Cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory.

I also had no idea about Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl, but they don’t seem to be quite as relevant as Shapiro and Lobster Jesus.

5 years ago

Our primaries are being held on St. Patrick’s Day…


5 years ago

1st choice: Warren
2nd: choice: Sanders

I’ll hold my nose and pull the lever for Bloomberg, if Bloomberg is the Democratic nominee. Or Biden.

Not really related, but I know people in the Roman Catholic church my husband goes to, who despised the Fanta Menace, but voted for him due to the abortion issue.

I asked Mr. Dormousing_it for an estimation of what percentage of the parishioners he thought voted for the Cheeto. He guessed 80%. No, he wasn’t one of them.

I told Mr. Dormousing_it that I just couldn’t understand their reasoning. I mentioned all the people who were likely to die due to the rolling back of regulations. It wasn’t gonna only be zygotes.

Now, we have the grossly inadequate response to the Coronavirus.

Plus, possible cutting of Social Security & SNAP, likely to result in more deaths.

Mr. Dormousing_it said the voters in his church were what he calls “Black and White” thinkers. No shades of grey exist for them.

I sure as hell hope those devout Catholics have learned their lesson, but I doubt it.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
5 years ago

1st time peeping them lyrics, and… Yeesh. ‘Impure blood’? You can’t say that in 2020, what the fuck!

5 years ago

@Diego Duarte

Dennis Prager is Jewish???

Yup, he was raised Orthodox Jewish. AFAICT he has completely abandoned it in favor of preaching the gospel of white nationalism. Whenever I see minorities making alliances with Nazis, I know it’s only a matter of time until their new Nazi friends turn on them when they cease to be useful. See: Milo Yiannopoulos (half ethnically Jewish and gay).

I think the claims that Sanders is antisemitic are also projection by the right, which is trying to pretend they are not antisemites. Like Cyborgette mentioned, evangelicals swallow that argument hook, line, and sinker while we are afraid.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


I mean I disagree with you totally about what you’ve said here, but I shouldn’t think it means you need to leave. That’s rather extreme. People are allowed to have differing opinions, most of the time.