open thread

Super Tuesday open thread

Joe Biden: Does anyone really think this weirdo dingus can beat Trump

By David Futrelle

Big day. Big big day. Lots of shit going on. Discuss.

Also: VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!

I mean, if you’re in the US. If you’re not in the US, I guess don’t vote, unless maybe you’re a citizen abroad but I don’t know how the mechanics of that work exactly.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Bernie Bros. strongly remind me of Batman fanboys. You fellow geeks know the ones I mean.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

See also some Doctor Who fans. Especially now these are the current Doctors (yup; plural).

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Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

Some of these Sanders guys aren’t much better in meatspace either. Yesterday before I arrived at work, a Sanders supporter ‘asked’ a woman wearing a Trump shirt in line in front of him “hey, I bet you’re real proud of your guy right now”, or words to that effect. (I didn’t witness this; I got it secondhand from my boss.) Woman goes off on him, yelling and screaming obscenities at the guy. The boss thinks the only reason it didn’t get physical was the fact that a third person was in line between them (and undoubtedly not appreciating being the buffer in this).

Eventually everything calmed down enough for the line to start moving again. Once it was the guy’s turn, evidently he ‘apologized’ for starting the fight by saying something along the lines of “oh, I guess I shouldn’t have been exercising my right to free speech right then”, getting a ‘seriously!?!?’! reaction from her. Because how many brains should it take to figure out that a grocery store checkout line isn’t the time and/or place to pull a stunt like that? Besides more than this guy possessed, that is.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Nah, there I disagree with you because these fuckers need to be engaged anywhere and everywhere. Nazis and White supremacists need to be constantly reminded that nowhere is a safe space for them, just like they love harassing and assaulting minorities whenever they get the fucking chance.

You don’t win wars by allowing Nazis to normalize their behavior in public spaces.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
5 years ago

No big. We prolly won’t even remember this shit happened in a few months. Didn’t reply to their last comment, cos I figured me and Perr were at an impasse anyhow. Happens, shake hands, see em in the next thread. Unstressed

@Redsilk + Diego
Yeah, pick your battlefield wisely (being that person in the middle must suuuck), but nobody wearing Trump swag should be able to step foot outside they house without getting the whole fuckin day ruined for em. Like, as someone who works at a grocery store, I hafta constantly hold down the urge to put muffugas (customers and colleagues unfortunately) on blast. But it’s the exact opposite of my problem if some randos go at it. Fuck em up!

The ‘freeze peach’ bit at the end was kinda wack tho…

5 years ago

I get the point Redsilkphoenix is trying to make, but frankly I don’t feel bad if a Trump supporter gets mocked for wearing a Trump shirt. If they were wearing a swastika or a Klan ensignia we’d have no problem mocking them, and Trump’s merchandise is a modern hate symbol.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Where it up to me, I would escalate it to violence every single time I estimate I could get away with it. I’m way past sending “strongly worded complaints” to these assholes.

My sister and I got verbally harassed in 2015 by Trumpanzees on two separate occassions for speaking Spanish in public, right after Trump announced his candidacy to the tune of “Mexicans are rapists” speech. I didn’t make anything of it then, but now it’s different.

Unfortunately the time frame of my visits is too short to result in such encounters. But I do hope I get another shot at it.

5 years ago

@Diego Duarte

I didn’t make anything of it then, but now it’s different.

I remember in 2015 I thought I could still be friends with Trumpheads. Then said friend dove deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories and bigotry as soon as Trump got elected. I haven’t talked to her in years, but I would imagine she’s quite likely a QAnoner now.

And to think she used to be a Democrat who voted for Obama twice.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago

Then said friend dove deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories and bigotry as soon as Trump got elected. I haven’t talked to her in years, but I would imagine she’s quite likely a QAnoner now.

And to think she used to be a Democrat who voted for Obama twice.

I had that same exact experience back in 2015 with another friend from law school. He was pretty liberal and then he went to Houston to work for a time (he flunked his classes and so his parents sent him to do something productive). When he came back he was completely unrecognizable and would post infowars shit on my facebook feed. I thought he was just being a troll, but then he asked me to come by his apartment and I just got a bad vibe off of that.

I remember telling my other friend “If I go missing, this dude murdered me”, cuz the invitation was kind of suspicious.

Little did I know the guy had turned into a Nazi and was trying to recruit me by using various propaganda videos. I spent a really uncomfortable afternoon trying to make him understand that BLM wasn’t a racist movement and that the parties switched platforms in the sixties.

He then crowned the night by saying he wholeheartedly was beginning to think the Holocaust was a hoax.

I never contacted him again.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

@An Impish Pepper:

I guess I want to end with what I think is the most pressing issue at the end of the day: Biden is just so fucked up.

At this point, it’s clearly Sanders or bust:

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Please don’t suggest another Bernie or Bust. I also think Sanders is the better candidate by far, but if Trump wins he’ll get to name RBG replacement on the SCOTUS. Likewise, the US will spiral down the fascist hellhole once and for all.

5 years ago

@Diego Duarte
Bernie or Bust is a very privileged position. It is only possible for people who will be minimally affected by another few years of Trump, who would rather that than compromise their “ideological purity.” I like Bernie better than Biden, but I’ll certainly vote for Biden if he gets the nom.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

You’re misunderstanding. Part of the issue is that Biden is a nearly-guaranteed loser in the general. A nomination of Biden might as well be a nomination of Trump.

By all means, I think if Biden is the nominee everyone should “vote blue no matter who”. But I fully expect it will be too little, too late. The best, and likely the only, chance to stop Trump is now, during the primaries, by ensuring Biden loses.

5 years ago

Ah, gotcha. I agree that Biden is unlikely to win and it is best to stop him at the primary stage.

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