By David Futrelle
Big day. Big big day. Lots of shit going on. Discuss.
Also: VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!
I mean, if you’re in the US. If you’re not in the US, I guess don’t vote, unless maybe you’re a citizen abroad but I don’t know how the mechanics of that work exactly.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I’m frustrated that both Buttigieg and Klobuchar endorsed Biden after dropping out. I’m not really surprised, but it’s annoying nonetheless. Biden has no chance of winning and is clearly an inferior candidate. The field is now a homophobic friend of the Russians, a man who actually tells people to vote for someone else, a corrupt billionaire, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.
If anyone was planning on using this thread to wank about Elizabeth Warren should drop out?
I’m voting for Warren. I didn’t say anything about her dropping out. I’m sorry if my comment seemed to suggest she should drop out, I was trying to criticize Gabbard, Biden, and Bloomberg by giving each an epithet.
(Not sure if your comment was addressed to me, but I thought I should clarify to be safe)
Oh, sorry. I wasn’t addressing you at all. Just a general thread note. Trying to stop it from happening, as I’ve seen a lot of that crap on Twitter
Wait, what do you mean by this? Biden’s not my pick, but he can certainly win the nomination and conceivably beat Trump. I think he’s a weaker candidate than the moderates think, but he’s well ahead of the president in the polls.
I don’t really care if Warren drops out or not (partially because I suspect her supporters are less inclined to Sanders than many assume), but she has no chance, and based on comments from her campaign seems determined to be the John Kasich of 2020. Good luck with that.
I get it. I’ve seen enough anti Warren stuff (like the snake emoji thing) thrown my way that I share the frustration on this front.
I rather doubt Biden could beat Trump. He is not progressive and does not connect well to many modern progressives. Plus, Biden is not doing a very good job marketing himself. He has multiple women accusing him of misconduct, he actively insults his supporters and responds to questions by telling people to vote for someone else. And in the polls nobody under 50 really seems to like him much, and that’s a decent sized block of voters.
Biden also doesn’t provide what people want. People want (and need) Medicare for all, something he vehemently opposes in favor of a complex weird system that wouldn’t work well.
I’m going Bernie in virginia.
If you back Warren, cool
If you back Biden, cool
If you back bloomberg, what the @#$% is wrong with you?
Fair enough. I agree that Biden has many flaws as a candidate. I think I just disagree that any of them are necessarily fatal.
For the record, I will be voting for Sanders. I actually didn’t vote for him in 2016, but what can I say? He won me over.
Fucking damnit, we needed Buttigieg and Klobuchar to stay in the race and split the centrist vote.
I’m hoping that old douchebag Bloomberg commits to his narcissism to the very end and splits the centrist ticket with Biden.
Anyone but those two.
@Diego Duarte
Or Gabbard. Gabbard’s bad news as well but for different reasons.
Most of the country hasn’t even voted yet. If people vote for her, she damn well has a chance. She’s only about 50 delegates behind.
Just say you hate women and go. We don’t need your bullshit excuses about “””electability”””
My state doesn’t vote until April.
Well no one is counting Gabbard. She is doing a very poor job of (1) pretending to be relevant and (2) pretending she’s not a Russian plant, which she most obviously is.
The only thing baffling me about Gabbard is how Dennis Kucinich ended up endorsing her, to be honest.
Warren definitely needs to drop out. I was fond of her at first but she’s become less progressive and more desperate with every electoral failure.
Sure, it’s possible. I’ll admit I think her nomination is extraordinarily unlikely at this point, but maybe I’ll eat those words. She obviously is under no obligation to drop out, and anyone who thinks Warren is the best candidate should vote for her.
As usual, I have no idea what you’re talking about, or why you seem determined to be as unpleasant as humanly possible.
Whelp it looks like a Contested Convention with Bernie possibly taking a plurality of the votes.
And in Good News:
Chris “Bernie winning Nevada is like Nazis Invading France” Matthews is out of here!
I’m in one of the last states to vote, sigh. I hope I get to vote for Warren. But I’ll vote for whoever wins the primaries against Trump.
I got curious about what Dennis Kucinich was up to these days, since no one ever mentions him anymore, so I looked at his Twitter feed and it was full of praise for Tulsi Gabbard. No wonder he’s completely lost relevance on the left.
Of course he can. Will he? No fucking clue. Just as a general statement, not necessarily directed at OP, I dunno how people can exist in this present moment in our thoroughly enfuckened timeline and still think in terms of rigid cans and cannots. ‘Cannot’ died a warrior’s death on the field of battle 4 years ago. Nothing makes sense, anything’s possible, nobody knows what they’re doing
Eh… People want and need a whole bunch of things. I really don’t buy the narrative that Medicare For All is the fulcrum upon which the electorate swings. Just cos the debates center on around it doesn’t mean everyone in the country does. I mean, the fact that the Dem primary this far hasn’t been a clean sweep by Mr M4A himself suggests otherwise. If the blue team hasn’t all gotten behind M4A, why are we assuming the red team already has, let alone will?
Play La Marsaillaise. Play it!
I suggest you google no more, Tulsi Gabbard isn’t the worst of it. You got me a little bit curious as well and I went to his wikipedia page. And here I thought he had become irrelevant after losing to Marcy Kaptur, but holy shit… He’s fully gone over to the Dark Side, big time.
I guess as a woman I’m supposed to be sweet and kind to you no matter what, eh? I know, the worst thing women can do is not be sweet as possible no matter how awful you’re acting towards us.
I already cast my mail-in ballot (California) for Warren, but in the general, I’ll vote for whoever gets the nomination. Fuck Trump!
Diego Duarte,
I went to look too and wow.
He’s managed to out-Greenwald Glenn Greenwald.
Probably just a response on how you rub everyone my dude.