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MGTOW: Coronavirus will be a huge boon to young people as the old and the “most burdensome” die off

Some MGTOWs see old people as little more than piles of money that should be theirs

By David Futrelle

I‘ve documented, over the years, just how much the so-called Men Going Their Own Way hate women. But it’s worth noting that they also sort of hate everyone else as well, at times sounding as misanthropic and self-obsessed as the worst of the incels. Add the coronavirus to the mix and you end up with something really ugly.

Indeed, while the incels root for the coronavirus to take out Stacies and Chads, some MGTOWs are looking forward to the virus causing widespread deaths among older people. Because older people are “burdensome” and have money the MGTOWs want for themselves.

“Coronavirus could be a golden goose for the younger generation,” one MGTOW Redditor called Dorgdorg happily explained in a recent thread in the MGTOW subreddit.

Coronavirus mostly kills the elderly who as a whole, hold many assets.

This is not a promising start.

[I]f it gets to the US in a big way it’ll cause panic in the short term, but with a sizable percentage (around 15%) of people 70+ suddenly gone we could experience a long term economic boom for the young people who survive.

A booming charnel house. (Not that the virus is likely to kill anywhere near that percentage of any population group.)

As dead people’s assets hit the market Houses and other real estate would be cheaper, cars would be cheaper, less money would be sitting stagnant in retirement accounts and would be in play in the economy, social security could suddenly fix itself, not to mention saving society the incalculable amount dumped into state run retirement homes/ hospice and other end of life costs.

In followup comments, Dorgdorg indicated precisely how many tears he would be shedding over what he expects will be millions of deaths among elderly people: none, none tears.

“Just saying coronavirus happens to target the same groups that are the most burdensome to society.,” he wrote in one comment. In another, he got even darker:

And they have only the worst 10-15 years of their life left it’s not like they’re dying in their prime, they have nothing left to contribute to society and coronavirus would just save everyone the burden by killing them a little before they were going to die anyways

Most people, I imagine, would respond to someone making this sort of argument with some variant on “what the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking ghoul?”

Not so Redddit’s MGTOWs, who gave Dorgdorg’s post several dozen upvotes, with 80% of those voting on the post giving it thumbs up.

While some MGTOWs debated various points of his post in the comments, and a few made clear they thought his speculation was indeed a bit ghoulish, others said they were hoping for a similar outcome themselves. One commenter declared that widespread death among boomers would be “a blessing in disguise.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” wrote another.

Still another commenter hoped the pandemic would kill even more than Dorgdorg’s already-exaggerated estimates. “20-30% population erasure would be great,” wrote truthtawker, “it would really create some needed change.”

MGTOWs are really giving the incels a run for their money in the ongoing “worst humans on planet earth” contest.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
5 years ago


Yes, Thanos is the new wonder villain that all the internet nihilists have decided to champion, now that some of them have gotten older, and have moved past their Joker phase.
Thanos is for the ones who think they’re being deeply intellectual by lauding his philosophies, but are not quite bright enough to know that his philosophy isnt new, and Malthusian in its origins.

5 years ago


Thanos is for the ones who think they’re being deeply intellectual by lauding his philosophies, but are not quite bright enough to know that his philosophy isnt new, and Malthusian in its origins.

It sounds like Petersonites would be into that. They love thinking they are intellectuals but actually completely missing the point and being wrong about everything.

5 years ago


These people somehow have gotten it into their heads that they are immune.

To be fair, if you never leave your foetid basement you probably do cut down your chance of infevtion.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago

@Lakitha K Tolbert

Not to mention all Thanos’s elaborate justifications were just a thin veneer over a need for power and control over life and death over every other living thing in creation. And just a desire to kill things in general. Not unlike that of the nihilists that think he’s neato keen all of a sudden.

Why else would he go from saying he’s all impartial about which half of the universe gets wiped out, to saying at length how much he’s going to enjoy destroying every trace of Earth’s existence for daring to try and thwart him?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

I like this way of doing health PIFs

5 years ago

The thing being, since Thanos unlike Malthus don’t have a strong grasp of what natality is, his plan isn’t any good for its stated goal, since in less than 20 years we would be back to square one. The secondary goal of being as cruel as possible is maximized however.

It’s still somewhat decent storytelling in that explaining any actually working plan to hamper population expansion is very long, not as obviously evil, and probably less evil overall. (compare the chinese one children policy to Thanos plan for example : both are deeply evil, but the chinese one is still more humane, and don’t show how ugly it is immediatly)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

we could experience a long term economic boom for the young people who survive.

Um, the stock market drop? Which was a direct response to coronavirus? Just ate up a sizable chunk of the retirement portfolios that you flea-infested buzzards are circling?

Source: Person whose parents’ retirement nest egg was decimated by the 2008 crash. (It never fully recovered.)

groups that are the most burdensome to society

“Burdensome”. And what are these guys contributing, exactly, that offsets cheering on mass shootings, and injecting poisonous junk science and nihilism into the impressionable minds of the young people who we’re all supposed to move over and make room for? MGTOWs and their ilk are a net economic drain on society. They’re deadbeats who dump the entire burden of childcare onto women. Their entire raison d’etre is dreaming up schemes to get out of supporting the children they fathered. Every chance they get, they”re amplifying misogyny, helping to ensure that society never gets the full benefit of women’s wisdom and brain power.

I’ll take a warm, caring granny with a heart condition any day over a physically fit Nazi.

Anyway, this potential wealth that they’re all drooling over isn’t going to come to them intact. As magnesium noted, funerals are expensive. Obituaries, estate sales, and house sales all cost money. The surviving spouse frequently has to go into an expensive assisted living situation, which will eat up any remaining assets pretty quickly, even with Medicare and SS. Oustanding debts and mortgages have to be paid off. By the time the various lawyers, doctors, and institutions get their share, most of it will be gone. If they have siblings, or other people who will be sharing in the estate, it will get even further subdivided. And if the inheritance is in an IRA w/o basis, and they want it as a lump sum, they’ll have to pay a sizeable income tax on the proceeds.

Good lord, these vultures are so freaking stupid. In addition to being chapter 11 morally bankrupt, of course. No amount of boomer carrion is gonna fix that.

5 years ago

The thing that a lot of people don’t get about Thanos (the movie version) is that all of his talk of saving the universe through balance is a rationalization. He doesn’t actually want to prevent a Malthusian crisis. He wants to prove that he was RIGHT. That his plan would have saved Titan if they had just LISTENED to him.

That’s why he never even considers changing his plan when the Infinity Stones come up as an option. If he does ANYTHING other than cull the population by 50%, that means admitting that his plan would not have worked. That he could not have saved Titan, and that his culling campaign since has been pointless bloodshed, and that he is nothing but a monster. He won’t admit this, of course, even to himself, hence all his posturing.

The fact that he expects the universe to be “grateful” is the tell that it is really all about his ego. And thus 2014-Thanos’ rage when he discovers that 2018-Thanos succeeded and the universe WASN’T grateful, and his decision to destroy and rebuild the universe into one that properly recognized his greatness and rightness.

No wonder the manosphere looks up to him.

Star Vogel
Star Vogel
5 years ago

And they just can’t understand why their sub got quarantined.

Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
5 years ago

To: Bananananana dakry
and Allandrel

The fact that he expects the universe to be “grateful” is the tell that it is really all about his ego.
This, exactly!!!

Another tell for me was that he did not count himself among those needing to be culled. After all, he is existing in the universe, too, and using its resources for what, exactly? But the major thing that most convinces me of your opinion, wasn’t so much him wanting to worshiped for what he’d done, but that he didn’t kill himself afterward.

At no point did he consider sacrificing his own life, just everyone’ else’s, a nice contrast to Tony Stark, and several other father figures n the MCU who were wiling to die to achieve their goals, or save their kids.

All of the incredible self sacrificng and beautiful heroes available throughout the entirety of the MCU, and they pick Thanos, a villain whose philosophy isnt half as well thought out, as any of the villains seen in most of these types of movies, like Heath Ledger’s Joker, or Black Panther’s Killmonger.

The lauding of Thanos (especially with no historical context behind it) tells me just about all I need to know about a guy.

Full Metal Ox
5 years ago

And this just in via Emily Feng at NPR (; testimony from a Wuhan, China resident whose face is being gnawed off by the leopards:

5 years ago

The death rate among sick boomers could easily be about 15% like it was in Hubei for that age group. And in the absence of an organized response, most people would get sick. So it’s not an outlandish figure.

Most people see it as a horrifying figure, a good reason to mount a strong response to the disease, and make sure most people *don’t* get sick.

The fear I have is that the US will go the way Iran did and have an ineffectual response until it’s spread nationwide already.

4 years ago

I can’t believe the levels of hate on this site. It’s deeply disturbing.