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MGTOW: Coronavirus will be a huge boon to young people as the old and the “most burdensome” die off

Some MGTOWs see old people as little more than piles of money that should be theirs

By David Futrelle

I‘ve documented, over the years, just how much the so-called Men Going Their Own Way hate women. But it’s worth noting that they also sort of hate everyone else as well, at times sounding as misanthropic and self-obsessed as the worst of the incels. Add the coronavirus to the mix and you end up with something really ugly.

Indeed, while the incels root for the coronavirus to take out Stacies and Chads, some MGTOWs are looking forward to the virus causing widespread deaths among older people. Because older people are “burdensome” and have money the MGTOWs want for themselves.

“Coronavirus could be a golden goose for the younger generation,” one MGTOW Redditor called Dorgdorg happily explained in a recent thread in the MGTOW subreddit.

Coronavirus mostly kills the elderly who as a whole, hold many assets.

This is not a promising start.

[I]f it gets to the US in a big way it’ll cause panic in the short term, but with a sizable percentage (around 15%) of people 70+ suddenly gone we could experience a long term economic boom for the young people who survive.

A booming charnel house. (Not that the virus is likely to kill anywhere near that percentage of any population group.)

As dead people’s assets hit the market Houses and other real estate would be cheaper, cars would be cheaper, less money would be sitting stagnant in retirement accounts and would be in play in the economy, social security could suddenly fix itself, not to mention saving society the incalculable amount dumped into state run retirement homes/ hospice and other end of life costs.

In followup comments, Dorgdorg indicated precisely how many tears he would be shedding over what he expects will be millions of deaths among elderly people: none, none tears.

“Just saying coronavirus happens to target the same groups that are the most burdensome to society.,” he wrote in one comment. In another, he got even darker:

And they have only the worst 10-15 years of their life left it’s not like they’re dying in their prime, they have nothing left to contribute to society and coronavirus would just save everyone the burden by killing them a little before they were going to die anyways

Most people, I imagine, would respond to someone making this sort of argument with some variant on “what the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking ghoul?”

Not so Redddit’s MGTOWs, who gave Dorgdorg’s post several dozen upvotes, with 80% of those voting on the post giving it thumbs up.

While some MGTOWs debated various points of his post in the comments, and a few made clear they thought his speculation was indeed a bit ghoulish, others said they were hoping for a similar outcome themselves. One commenter declared that widespread death among boomers would be “a blessing in disguise.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” wrote another.

Still another commenter hoped the pandemic would kill even more than Dorgdorg’s already-exaggerated estimates. “20-30% population erasure would be great,” wrote truthtawker, “it would really create some needed change.”

MGTOWs are really giving the incels a run for their money in the ongoing “worst humans on planet earth” contest.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Where do these dumbfucks get off, calling other people burdens to society?

5 years ago

A bunch of dumb, hate-filled, selfish trash babies in that thread have definitely never had to deal with the death of a family member if they think funerals are free. And if you’re American, you’ve still got to pay those hospital bills even if your loved ones don’t survive.

5 years ago

I thought most MGTOWs were older men. And I don’t believe that MGTOW cooking is the best for the immune system.
These people somehow have gotten it into their heads that they are immune.


And if you’re American, you’ve still got to pay those hospital bills even if your loved ones don’t survive.

Yup, in the land where nothing is free and home of no single payer healthcare.

5 years ago

Disease is not the cure for capitalism.

5 years ago

Plus, these are the same people who oppose wealth taxes and support a free market. Not only is disease not a cure for capitalism, but these men are trying to solve capitalism with more capitalism and social Darwinism, which hasn’t worked before and won’t work now.

5 years ago

Is Thanos replacing Bane as the comic book villain bad people on the internet idealize?

5 years ago

In my opinion many MRAs and others opposition to feminism and hatred of women is not so much due to a personal hatred and disgust toward women, but what feminism (and women in general) represent to their eyes. That is the idea of a fair, kind, cooperative and equal world. These people fear those things because they dream to rule not to share. Feminism is attempting to kill their dream.

5 years ago

I wish there was some way to let all their grandparents know what they are writing on the internet.

5 years ago

They’re always the ones that eagerly look at global crisis with glee because they securely hope for a collapse in society. At least some of them on that sub call these posts out for being ghoulish – because it is. I wonder if it’s posts like these that make some see that the sub is just a morbid depressing cult so they leave

Also they aren’t really helping curb the idea that they’re an evil population control group managed by secret societies that the alt right nazis believe mgtows are.

5 years ago

Being one of those facing their distaste (pushing sixty, all-but-housebound parkie) I can see why the overlap between Miggies, Incels MRAs and full-on Nazis is growing – as if it wasn’t big enough to start with.

5 years ago

The pandemic don’t work like that. The society will crumble way before it kill a significant amount of retired people, not to mention the fact most of the dead retired will be of the poor variety.

Even if it *did* work like that, since he ignore all the negative of losing a ton of retired people (like the fact they tend to use their money, support a lot of specific industry, and the fact that having elder relative is useful both for children education and wisdom transmission) mean it still would not help anyone all that much.

About the collapse of society, the figure he give are one where it’s a real problem. There’s like 700.000 bed in american hospitals ; if there is 7.000.000 dead, and probably at the very least half as much other ill people (and probably more like four or five time more ill people), the health system will explode. Anyone with any kind of life threatening condition would have a 90% chance of just being left to die. Not to mention the lack of staff to burn or bury the corpses. And that’s also so dire a problem that a revolution isn’t off the card suddenly.

What annoy me a lot with thoses bozos is that they take any excuses to serve bullshit power fantasy where millions die, and don’t even stop for half a second to think about all the consequences. Killing even 1% of american mean nothing in term of economy, but mean a nation-shattering problem in pretty much any other area because nothing in the system is scaled to get that many dead people at once. The “side” effect they don’t think about will dwarf the main effect in an almost comical fashion, and might likely kill even more people.

5 years ago

I’m not sure their grandparents wanted to know. At least, I really wouldn’t if I were one of their relatives.


the health system will explode. Anyone with any kind of life threatening condition would have a 90% chance of just being left to die. Not to mention the lack of staff to burn or bury the corpses.

New York actually has a procedure to use prison labor to move bodies if this happens. A procedure created by none other than Michael R. Bloomberg.

Lisa Siebel
Lisa Siebel
5 years ago thing that really bugs me is how much of all this tragedy could be avoided if people just had “usefull stuff to do” I mean, we are basically living the dream of a near-automated society full of leisure and fun — just watch the weird videos on youtube — yet everyone somehow has to work more and produce more and grind more and produce more stuff noone really wants (about jobs).

I believe that this sexual aggression fantasies are largely a product of a human need for connection, deeply rooted homo/queerphobia, a big splash of sexism (which get’s people sorted into men and women and gets “both” genders in lire) and a society where the official dream is to make money and where there is a lot of unregulated market creativity and a two – strata society.

I am personally in awe when two males manage to slowly and carefully remove those barries between each other and start to hang out with one another instead of just being loners. It seems so easy for a lot of us but it’s a huge issue for them and that’s a problem I have with incels too. Sure they sound like monsters and some of them surely are. But until that is proven, words are just words and dirty smut is just dirty smut.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

As always with manospherians, victory goes to the one who stakes out the most hateful position using the most repulsive language.

Stevie Avebury
Stevie Avebury
5 years ago

I think this is just the same hillbilly fantasy my father used to have. The fantasy that the world will somehow fall apart and they will be there to step in and take the lead. They fail to acknowledge that if they had any leadership skills they would be out leading right now instead of whining about how the world doesn’t appreciate them.

5 years ago

Even if he were anywhere near correct in other aspects…. the elderly who are most at risk are those in nursing facilities. Their money has been spent, bucko, sorry to have to tell you that.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

“20-30% population erasure would be great,” wrote truthtawker

Looks like when he went to set up his profile there he misspelled “thanos”.

5 years ago

And if you’re American, you’ve still got to pay those hospital bills even if your loved ones don’t survive.

Wait, what? The fuck? Doesn’t a person’s debt belong to them? I can see the damn vultures taking money out of the estate/life insurance, but they also go after family members?

Scarlet Passmore
Scarlet Passmore
5 years ago

I think you understated the fatality rate of coronavirus a bit. It does indeed have a 15% fatality rate among the sick and elderly, though it is only 1-2% for everyone else. Which, btw, makes it about 10-20 times more deadly than the common flu overall and about 150 times more deadly in the vulnerable.

Here is just one source, though there are others:

5 years ago

And if you’re American, you’ve still got to pay those hospital bills even if your loved ones don’t survive.

IANAL but I’ve experienced the death of a partner with hundreds of thousands of hospital debt and the way it was explained to me his debt was his own and wouldn’t transfer to anyone. They didn’t even make his next of kin (father) pay the remainder of his bank account out towards the debt, though it was maybe a couple hundred dollars, so they might not have seen it as worthwhile to go after. If anyone tells you that you need to pay someone else’s debt, please contact a lawyer.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ catalpa

In common law countries you can’t inherit debt. So you can never be made to pay a deceased person’s bills.

However creditors can have first call on the deceased person’s estate.

So they can insist on being paid before any beneficiaries.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

They fail to acknowledge that if they had any leadership skills they would be out leading right now instead of whining about how the world doesn’t appreciate them.

Exactly this.

5 years ago

They fail to acknowledge that if they had any leadership skills they would be out leading right now instead of whining about how the world doesn’t appreciate them.

Please make sure they don’t develop leadership skills. A world run by MGTOWs would be horrible, probably far worse than the current world.

5 years ago

Since the first step in leadership is getting people to like or at least respect you, I suspect we’re safe.

5 years ago

It’s funny how they can think of money “stagnating” in old people’s accounts but can’t extend that logic to wealth-hording billionaires who sit like Smaug on impossible wealth mountains while the world faces unprecedented crisis. Nah, poor old Ron and Doris who’ve paid tax all their lives are a burden and we must cleave their carefully saved pittance into our clammy hands.