chad thundercock empathy deficit genocide is good actually incels men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny stacies

Incels are rooting for the Coronavirus to kill off Chads and Stacies

Chad and Stacy: Sealing their fate with a kiss?

By David Futrelle

In the morally inverted world of the forums, there’s a bit of a debate going on over whether or not coronavirus could possibly end up being, well, a very good thing for the incels of the world.

How so, you ask?

In one corner, we find a prolific commenter called Uglyme, who’s convinced that anything that makes the Chads and Stacies of the world suffer can’t be all bad. Especially if the disease has a disproportionate impact on the more socially active.

“The people who are dying by corona virus are the ones who go out where a lot of infected people are,” he writes.

If we stay inside in case this shit spreads out more we’ll survive.

In general, yes, that’s true. It’s where Uglyme goes next that’s the issue.

Imagine if all the chads and stacies died of corona virus because of their sick and degenerate lifestyle fucking everyone and partying like crazy in big night clubs with hundreds of infected people. If they become infected and die, we subhumans will rule the world simply because we don’t go out.

It’s the end of the world as he knows it, and he feels fine — at least when he’s contemplating the painful death of others.

But not everyone on the forums is quite so convinced the deadly virus will bee such a boon for the incel crowd. Oh, sure, the commenter called Metabuxx would love it if the virus rid the world of Stacies and other “foids,” as the incels derogatorily refer to women in their own private language. But he doesn’t think it will happen.

I was hoping that the coronavirus outbreak would result in mass extermination of whores, Chadsexual foids, landwhales and feminists. But it turns out that the virus is biased towards women.

You see, some of the early research on the virus suggests that it tends to be more deadly to men than to women. And of course all of the incels on are of the male persuasion.

Looks like foids are prone to autoimmune diseases which causes parts of their immune system to become stronger to compensate, resulting in a possible stronger response to the coronavirus. Even evolution favored foids and gave them a stronger immune system.

Evolution is misandry! (Never mind that women are much more prone to autoimmune disorders like lupus.)

But Metabuxx does see one small reason for hope:

Well at least I’ll get to watch soys, cucks, white knights and simps succumb to the harsh and callous effects of the virus. That’s a silver lining.

Incels really are the worst.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I think Incels are so over the top that their writting style should be described as “misery porn”; that is writtings and thoughts so focused on self-pity and violent power fantasy that it becomes masturbatory.

4 years ago

Why am I not surprised that this is their reaction? I can’t really say I feel all that sorry that these men aren’t getting dates. I certainly wouldn’t date someone this awful.

I believe we’ve come across Mr. Metabuxx before, he’s the one upset the government won’t give him free plastic surgery.


I think Incels are so over the top that their writting style should be described as “misery porn”; that is writtings and thoughts so focused on self-pity and violent power fantasy that it becomes masturbatory.

I do feel like they must get some sort of gratification from their complaining even if it isn’t sexual.

4 years ago

Incels will probably starve to death after the end, as there won’t be anyone left to nuke their hot pockets for them. Or sell them to incels, or make them for the incels, or grow them…. /s

4 years ago

Even evolution favored foids and gave them a stronger immune system.

Aw gee, the poor fella. Darwin is cucking him. Oh, the indignity.

4 years ago

(Never mind that women are much more prone to autoimmune disorders like lupus.)

It’s never lupus. 🙂

(Sorry, as a massive House fan I couldn’t resist).

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Do you they even know that the mortality rate is less than 3%, and that because subclinical cases aren’t generally recorded, it’s possible that the mortality rate is as low as 0.5%?

Even if literally everybody in the world got the disease, and even if their deranged SMV theories were true, I don’t think killing one out of every 200 chads would make a difference for them.

It’s like they can’t even math.

4 years ago

@Crip Dyke
Plus, they’re always mining about their own inferiority, what makes them think they’re all immune and that none of their lot will be affected? They really haven’t thought this through.

4 years ago

Only realized now that my previous comment says “mining.” I meant moaning, autocorrect seems to have changed it.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
4 years ago


Incels will probably starve to death after the end, as there won’t be anyone left to nuke their hot pockets for them. Or sell them to incels, or make them for the incels, or grow them…. /s

Nonsense! They’re planning to subsist on their plot in Harvest Moon or Sundew Valley! How hard can it be?


Only realized now that my previous comment says “mining.” I meant moaning, autocorrect seems to have changed it.

Incels do, however, seem to do a lot of moaning about mining–that being the chief high-risk traditionally masculine job in their Small Reference Pool.

Savanah Gray
Savanah Gray
4 years ago

So, ummmmm
This virus is a bit less deadly to healthy adults than SARS. And the common flu still killed more people than this one has. It’s basically wiping out a high percentage (that still isn’t even half) of sickly and elderly people. To slow this, we have to protect the vulnerable (young, old, immunity suppressed, and already I’ll) individuals.
Basically, the people healthy enough to run around “fucking everybody” are going to get sick, call out of work for a week, spread it to the next already sick person when they go back to work because they’re fine, and accidentally kill half a dozen people because they didn’t get sick enough to be quarantined. This isn’t touching healthy populations. The common flu is more deadly to healthy populations than corona virus is. What the hell is the incel problem here?

Yes, we already knew the incels were disgustingly immoral. But aren’t villains supposed to be intelligent and informed at the very least?! How do they not know this? I wanted to panic too. We just had a stomach bug sweep through our entire county and people were vomitting on sidewalks and in stores. We closed down every single school for almost a week to stop it. I’m already very sensitive to these reports of illness because I’m a mom and I work in the school system. So I combed every single thing actual scientists were saying about the virus. I’ve cleaned my home top to bottom and have sanitized everything from the ceilings to the grout between the tiles. The antibacterial super lathery soap is back out and I have my food thermometer out to make sure all food is proper temp so my kiddos aren’t sick when corona virus comes to town. That’s all it took. Awareness and some elbow grease. Why aren’t they just working? Lazy bums.

4 years ago

@Savanah Gray

Yes, we already knew the incels were disgustingly immoral. But aren’t villains supposed to be intelligent and informed at the very least?!

As a Table Top RPG player: their is a joke somewhere to be made about the alignment of “Stupid Evil”…. or “Murder Hobo’s”…. or perhaps both?

I dunno. All I know is that these misanthropes suck and they gleefully prove and affirm their willful malice.

4 years ago


But aren’t villains supposed to be intelligent and informed at the very least?!

You seem to have set your hopes far too high. I regret to inform you that incels have never been known for intelligence or being in any way informed, seeing as their main sources of information appear to be their own rectums.

Why aren’t they just working? Lazy bums.

Because it’s easier to blame everyone else for their problems and be assholes online. Which is why MRAs never actually do much activism. In retrospect, this is likely a good thing that most incels don’t do much IRL, seeing as the few times they have it has been deadly.

Savanah Gray
Savanah Gray
4 years ago


Good points really. These idiots are ridiculous. I don’t like blaming the rectum though. That poor little muscle has already had to deal with a fully grown man head stuck in it it’s whole life. The poor little guy. Lol

4 years ago

It’s the end of the world as he knows it, and he feels fine — at least when he’s contemplating the painful death of others.

I think Trump Repugnicans would agree. As long as COVID-19 kills all the “right” people, everything is just fine.

I think Incels are so over the top that their writting style should be described as “misery porn”; that is writtings and thoughts so focused on self-pity and violent power fantasy that it becomes masturbatory.


Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

IOW, “Incels still a sorry bunch of misanthropes; film at 11”. Don’t they opine odiously like this every time there’s a disaster? 🙁

4 years ago

Wait, aren’t incels also violently opposed to general basic hygiene, wiping their behinds and washing their hands? Then I might have some bad news for them .

4 years ago

They haven’t found yet that covid19 can make male survivors pernamently infertile. Hence the lack of fantasies about government assigned soon-to-be Stacies for the purpose of sex and procreation..

4 years ago

@Savanah Gray : we have 0 idea of the lethality of the virus currently. For now, the final tolls could be anywhere from several hundred people to several hundred millions. We just don’t have any reasonable dataset for lethality, so saying that it’s less lethal than the flu is really uninformed.

The whole reasoning of the MTGOW is still stupid, if for no other reason that an epidemic alone never have had more than 20% or 30% lethality, but remember we just don’t have good information on how bad it is.

Also, there are epidemics who are way worse for regular adults than for elderly. The Spanish flu is the ur-example, where you’d better not have a full strength immunitary system to survive it apparently. That being said, the MGTOW should want a sexually transmitted disease for their goals, because even being a loner won’t protect them against an airborne diseases.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

But it turns out that the virus is biased towards women.

Life is so, so hard for these poor guys. How fortunate we women are to never have any problems. (Still not gonna have pity sex with incels.)

4 years ago

I just learned this gem from the U.K. :

“Mr Hancock sought permission in early February to travel to Brussels to discuss the coronavirus with his EU counterparts, but was refused by Downing Street.”

Mr Hancock being the UK Secretary of health.

That’s mostly a bad news for the UK, but as an European I am well aware that it also make it more likely for the U.E. to have an unchecked epidemics.

I guess they didn’t want to leave the U.S. alone in boneheaded decisions.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
4 years ago

So this is yet another iteration of “the apocalypse will put the wimmin in their place”, right ? Any word on the MGTOW take yet ?

4 years ago

Incels are like the world’s most pathetic supervillain. They have a tragic back story and would like to get revenge on the world for it, going so far as wanting to spread disease and death. But, unlike the more legit villains that had their village burned down, were tortured, were abandoned to their fates by the superhero, or fell in a vat of chemicals, incels’ “tragic” back story is that they’re mad that someone said “no” to them when they asked for a date. They might as well call themselves Angst Man or Dr. First World Problems.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

As well as links specifically for the legal profession, there are some links here for general advice about the virus.

varalys the dark
4 years ago

I’ve been squizzing antibacterial stuff all over my door handles, not sure how that’ll help against a virus but it makes me feel better. Also someone elsewhere posted this more helpful advice that made me lol: “Wash your hands like you convinced your husband to murder the rightful king and you can’t get the blood off.”

4 years ago

@Varalys the Dark : if it’s antibacterial only, it’s completely and totally useless to avoid the coronavirus. That being said, if it make you feel better it could be good enough.

I do think we will soon have problem by using too much antibacterial stuff, making it impotent, but apparently we are not quite there yet.

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