chad thundercock empathy deficit genocide is good actually incels men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny stacies

Incels are rooting for the Coronavirus to kill off Chads and Stacies

Chad and Stacy: Sealing their fate with a kiss?

By David Futrelle

In the morally inverted world of the forums, there’s a bit of a debate going on over whether or not coronavirus could possibly end up being, well, a very good thing for the incels of the world.

How so, you ask?

In one corner, we find a prolific commenter called Uglyme, who’s convinced that anything that makes the Chads and Stacies of the world suffer can’t be all bad. Especially if the disease has a disproportionate impact on the more socially active.

“The people who are dying by corona virus are the ones who go out where a lot of infected people are,” he writes.

If we stay inside in case this shit spreads out more we’ll survive.

In general, yes, that’s true. It’s where Uglyme goes next that’s the issue.

Imagine if all the chads and stacies died of corona virus because of their sick and degenerate lifestyle fucking everyone and partying like crazy in big night clubs with hundreds of infected people. If they become infected and die, we subhumans will rule the world simply because we don’t go out.

It’s the end of the world as he knows it, and he feels fine — at least when he’s contemplating the painful death of others.

But not everyone on the forums is quite so convinced the deadly virus will bee such a boon for the incel crowd. Oh, sure, the commenter called Metabuxx would love it if the virus rid the world of Stacies and other “foids,” as the incels derogatorily refer to women in their own private language. But he doesn’t think it will happen.

I was hoping that the coronavirus outbreak would result in mass extermination of whores, Chadsexual foids, landwhales and feminists. But it turns out that the virus is biased towards women.

You see, some of the early research on the virus suggests that it tends to be more deadly to men than to women. And of course all of the incels on are of the male persuasion.

Looks like foids are prone to autoimmune diseases which causes parts of their immune system to become stronger to compensate, resulting in a possible stronger response to the coronavirus. Even evolution favored foids and gave them a stronger immune system.

Evolution is misandry! (Never mind that women are much more prone to autoimmune disorders like lupus.)

But Metabuxx does see one small reason for hope:

Well at least I’ll get to watch soys, cucks, white knights and simps succumb to the harsh and callous effects of the virus. That’s a silver lining.

Incels really are the worst.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ moggie

Oh yeah (in the voice of Bart Simpson when he remembers the alligators at the end of the boat)

O/T; but this is interesting I think. Bunch of guys abused Greta on social media; so the local paper just published their details.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
Greta-bashing has come up again in other ways as well this week, we also had a 4chan hoax of a Greta Thunberg sex doll and a Canadian oil company releasing fake porn of her. Not sure what caused this bout, hopefully Greta is safe.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ naglfar

Yeah, been following that one.

The one here was in relation to her appearance in support of school strikes in Bristol; hence the local paper.

4 years ago


Greta-bashing has come up again in other ways as well this week, we also had a 4chan hoax of a Greta Thunberg sex doll and a Canadian oil company releasing fake porn of her. Not sure what caused this bout, hopefully Greta is safe.

And these… creatures, who are supposedly adults… are doing all this in blind hatred against a teenager.

It’s disgusting that literal, legal adult’s have less adult maturity than the child they so cravenly attack and malign. They are oversized bullies and small minded thugs.

Strong language, I know: but they disgust me to the the depth of my very being.

4 years ago

@Lainy : yes, there is a small chance. Not particulary likely, but still.

Lisa Siebel
Lisa Siebel
4 years ago

I really wonder why medicine works so much differently overseas. Aren’t there any more local paramedic around this place or is it basically the horror stories one hears from snide medics but the zinger line is “and also we sugercoated it” like john olliver implies?

Sorry if that sounded arrogant the problem is that I’ve only been to Florida so far (they confused my toy dragon with plastic explosive and I had a reason to be on the no-flight-list before I had been over my first puberty) and know little about local protocoll, except from Mark Animal Young and his various friends. It’s a giant continent anyhow.

Yet, my favorite little Guinea pig @pervocracy who helped me a lot in finding other nice medic animals in the magic forrest of thumblerland who taught me basically everything I know about moral philosophy in the bedroom and while wearing an uniform (yes one can combine both but one needs to wash up afterwards) sure seems stressed about The US today…Maybe look at his glorious twitter rants?

4 years ago

@varalys the dark – Hypochondria by proxy?

Jennifer Wells
Jennifer Wells
4 years ago

@Alan. Thankyou so much for this! I am a bit of a lurker, and I have always appreciated your take!

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
4 years ago

OK, so I need to have a rant about coronavirus and racism, and where else but here? Since all my colleagues are running around spraying each other with antibacterial spray and don’t seem to want to have the discussion about how antibacterials don’t work on viruses.

Compared with some of the viruses and bacteria out there, coronavirus is not – statistically – much of a threat. At the moment, it looks like the death rate is around 2pc. Now, those people are real, those are real people we are talking about, and we need to take care of elderly and infirm people. Please do not think I don’t take that seriously.

But. For perspective: there is a current Ebola outbreak in West Africa. It has been ongoing since August 2018.

Up to 59pc of people infected with Ebola Zaire (the most serious strain) die. And that’s while receiving medical treatment. Of the survivors, a significant percentage will continue to need medical treatment for years afterwards.

Now – is anyone from the media covering that?? Because I can’t remember the last time I saw a news article about it. It’s not being well contained; it recently spread from the DRC to Liberia. Anyone talking about spending money on help? Or sending the army in? Anyone? Not a dicky bird. No-one’s interested. And that’s because no-one in the white western media gives one shit about a bunch of Africans.

Further perspective: in 2016, there were an estimated 600,000 new cases of multi-drug–resistant TB and 240,000 deaths worldwide (including in the UK and USA). Of course, those were mostly drug addicts, people with HIV, poor people in general, and more Africans – so again – no-one cares. FYI, 49pc of people infected with MDR-TB die, and if you live in a major city anywhere in the world it’s a few metres away.

And that’s just two examples. Dengue, cholera, hepatitis, measles – measles has killed more than 6000 people in the DRC to date. And that outbreak’s still going on, too. And they’re having a civil war, but hey, I guess it’s just a bad day for people trying to stay alive in the Congo, let’s all of us at the Daily Mail just sit on our asses and write articles slagging off Meghan Markle. She’s black, right? Maybe we can accuse her of being an Ebola carrier.

But because there is a danger coronavirus will affect white westerners the media has gone mad, there’s mass hysteria, Chinese people are getting jumped in the street and the politicians are falling over themselves to make statements and be seen to do something.

In case you can’t tell, this makes me furious. It comes down, essentially, to racism and financial power. Poor people are left to die, and poor people are disproportionately people of colour. People with no money are left to die, and those people are also disproportionately people of colour. But let a healthy white middle-aged man be threatened with a 98pc chance of complete recovery from coronavirus, and the army gets mobilised, because Parliament and the Senate are like “hey, he’s one of us, controlling epidemics is sooo important!”


I’m done. Thanks to anyone who actually got to the end of that.

I feel better now.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Eh? Where’s the article body? There’s just a header, sidebars, the title, and a footer.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

Cishet here, but I’ve noticed a lot of lesbians commenting that the political lesbians generally hate *them* too, for daring to actually enjoy sex with other women rather than treat it as a form of celibacy.

@ Alan Robertshaw:

So if you learn to whistle and grow the right beard, you can do half the year as Karl Marx and half the year as Santa.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ moon custafer

I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you for introducing me to that strip; it’s going to be such a time sink! But it’s wonderful; I love it!

4 years ago

@Moon Custafer
I’m sure some political lesbians were/are actually attracted to women, but it seems a significant number were straight women who dated women not out of desire but out of scorn for men. Maybe it’s just me, but I think people should choose partners they are attracted to rather than to spite someone else.

Julie Bindel, one of the more prominent remaining PLs, is now a TERF who also complains about other cis women identifying as queer.

Jennifer Wells
Jennifer Wells
4 years ago

@Alan I am actually doing the red flag song. It does seem a long time to wash your hands…..

Bloomberg is out!

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
4 years ago


Thanks for that, I love First Dog! The same points, but funnier

Reread my huge rant, and it’s really very angry. Just to further make it clear, I’m well aware people on this site understand these issues and I am not directing that at any of you!

Forgot to add: all the mass hysteria also means that people who ARE elderly, immune-suppressed or otherwise actually at risk are going to find it that much more difficult to get doctor’s appts and ambulances, due to the entire medical profession having to waste time calming down healthy adults who have (understandably) been sent into conniption fits by some of the headlines. Lives get endangered by this kind of reckless news coverage; this is what happened during the swine flu epidemic, and people died as a direct result.

And the politicians aren’t helping by letting the media control the agenda, instead of telling everyone they need to a) calm down and b) look out for the at-risk people they know

I’m going to go and have a little lie down now

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Jennifer

It does seem a long time to wash your hands…..

Keep at it; you have nothing to lose but your stains!

(I’ll see myself out)

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
4 years ago


I’m sure some political lesbians were/are actually attracted to women, but it seems a significant number were straight women who dated women not out of desire but out of scorn for men. Maybe it’s just me, but I think people should choose partners they are attracted to rather than to spite someone else.

I’m not a contributor on Reductress or similar humor sites, but sometimes I like to imagine what kind of jokes I could write. One idea I had could be summarized in the following headline (for a Reductress “opinion” piece):

My Lesbianism Isn’t About Hating Men; It’s About Hating Trans Women

Riffing on the notion that a) Normal non-pol lesbianism is supposed to be about “loving women”, instead of “hating men” like some classic strawfeminist b) TERFs seem to be quite often man-hating feminists and/or pol lesbians, but more than that, they seem oddly focused on hating the tiny minority of AMAB people who are trans women c) In particular, lesbian TERFs seem to make a huge deal about not wanting to date trans women

4 years ago

Ok, so, we in Austria had a few cases of Corona (no dead) and things are getting absurd already. Here’s the thing: I work in a elderly care home and we’re running out of disinfectant and gloves, since the Germans are stopping to export those two and neither is produced in our small country. We’re down to having our own hand sanitizer made in-house.
MEANWHILE, the politicians are having an emergency meeting… because the revenue of the tourism industry is tanking.
I don’t get to wear gloves while changing adult diapers, but they are talking about the FUCKING HOTELS NOT MAKING ALL THE MONEY!

4 years ago


But because there is a danger coronavirus will affect white westerners the media has gone mad,

More to your point, the media did go mad over Ebola in Africa in 2016… when they thought that the outbreak might just spread to Western countries. Once it turned out that Ebola is not all that transmissible because infectious people are VERY obviously sick and easily contained to the “shithole”* countries, the media stopped caring.

With that being said, I get that it’s a rant, but it’s a little annoyingly zero sum gameish. Yes, panic is bad, but on the other hand, the last time the media volunitarily suppressed the widespread outbreak of a readily transmittable virus with “only” a 2% fatality rate was the 1920 flu outbreak, and it spread like wildfire and thousands died as a result.

Let’s put it this way; even without being spread airborne, CORVID19 is more contagious on a community standard than Ebola or TB, and given today’s numbers, from only a mortality standpoint, you’re actually more likely to survive Measles than Coronavirus. (Morbidity is a different
matter). A widespread CORVID19 outbreak would make a mess of anyone poor, and on Africa specifically, on so many levels.

*per Donald Dump

4 years ago

Some of them are literally telling each other try to try get infected or acquire samples of the virus on forums like 4chan in order to spread it to others.

Just to note, anything to be concerned about here?