By David Futrelle
In Taylor Swift’s new music video “The Man,” the pop icon dons male drag (complete with scruffy beard) and struts about like the biggest douchebag on planet earth — manspreading on the subway, throwing a temper tantrum on a tennis court, pissing in public, and, in a scene from “58 years later,” marrying a woman who looks like she could be her/his great-granddaughter. As a riff on male entitlement, it’s not what you’d call especially subtle. But it still manages to be funny in spots.
Naturally, Reddit’s crew of Men Going Their Own Way see it as an attack on men roughly equivalent to Hitler’s attacks on “the jew people.” (Normally, MGTOWs tend to be somewhat friendly to Hitler and his ideas, but in this case the comparison is supposed to mean that Taylor Swift is very very bad.)
“Normalizing hate against men is part of their strategy,” warns one MGTOW called Allanlemos..
This is what the nazi did with the jew people,first they were subtle,then they started being upfront with their hate and made it normal and mainstream.Then when the jews became utterly dehumanized in the eyes of most germans,they took things to the next level.
That’s exactly what is being done to men and they don’t even realize it,the result of this will be men [being] considered and treated like subhumans,then you can guess what is going to happen.If you think that I’m crazy or exaggerating,look up Valerie Solanas,she was one of the few women who were upfront about the true ultimate goal of feminism.
Yes, he’s talking about a Taylor Swift video.
Someone called GemStarCM21 replies with a similarly, er, intense take.
That’s why I keep predicting, no matter how farfetched it may sound, that in the future there might be actual conflict/war between men and women.
What we see today is already signs of a gender cold war; a prime example, this video, all the undercover hate directed towards men, rules for men and none for women, favoritism for women, quotas, etc.
I think the ground work is being lain, for something terrible in the future.
Allanlemos replies:
I don’t think it’s going to be an all-out war between men and women because all the power they have actually comes from men themselves.
What might happen is a war men against men.Feminists will just use the indoctrinated men to destroy the men who don’t go along with their ideology,like MGTOWs and red pills.Their strategy is more elaborated than the one used by the nazis.
The nazis convinced the german people that the enemy(jews) were bad.Feminists convinced women that the enemy(men) are bad,and convinced the enemy(men) that themselves are bad.So this men now think that they have to be more like women,and that they should serve women willingly.
All this because Taylor Swift put on a suit and a fake beard.
Other MGTOWs second the Nazi comparison and throw a few more ideologies into the pot as well.
She’s sexist
She hates all men
She doesn’t have a clue about reality or what men are like
She’s a Feminazi
She’s just another used up Thot that’s up against the wall and soon to hit it hard
She’s another SJW that doesn’t have an original thought in her head and takes the easy route to fit in with the hollywood/feminazi/code pink/liberal/Socialist-Communist/Progressive comrades.
I’m pretty sure that there is no ideological beast that manages to combine Hollywood actors, feminists, liberals, socialists and communists. If you don’t believe me, MGTOW dudes, just go to Twitter and watch as liberals and socialists fight to the death, with both groups ragging on the communists.
Meanwhile, someone called jhooperp rages at the whole idea of drag, comparing it to blackface.
So a white man dressing as a black man is racist.
A woman dressing as a man is ok.
Uh, you are aware of this, right? And this and this and this and this?
MGTOWs are weird.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Men Getting Triggered Over Women love to cry sexism but hoping for women to be genocided off the planet or forced and tortured to be sex slaves is normal and not misogynistic to them.
Theyre also in bed with white nationalists too who cry about white genocide. Then turn around and call people Hilter as an insult.
Oh well I just love how they’re quarantined lol. Their fault too. You can’t cry victim then have your members plan a terrorist attack. Hope that they’ll be banned along with the manosphere in general. How many times have we read about violence coming from them? They got to be on a few surveillance lists already from that
I remember the days when the alt right loved Taylor Swift, then tried to convince themselves she was actually trans* because that was the worst insult they could come up with.
I always find it odd that the right wing can have the cognitive dissonance of liking Hitler but also comparing all they hate to Nazis. I’m guessing as usual they just don’t think about it (or anything much at all, for that matter).
I’ve heard TERFs say a similar argument re: drag as part of their effort to conflate trans* women and drag queens and bash both.
Speaking of which: how do trans* men feel about Taylor Swift’s video? As a trans* woman I don’t have anything against drag queens (though there is a bit of a transphobia problem in some areas of drag, such as RuPaul saying some bigoted stuff), but I’m not sure how trans* men feel about the somewhat less common inverse scenario of women dressing as men.
Truly, the MGTOWrags have surpassed the Red Queen’s believing in six impossible things before breakfast by extending it to mutually-recursive and contradictory things too:
1. Taylor Swift is an Aryan princess…
2. Who is also Hitler…
3. Who killed the poor Jews who are Just Like Us™…
4. Except (((the Jews))) are responsible for women getting uppity and not wanting to sleep with us…
5. Which means Hitler is good, actually…
6. So Taylor Swift, who is Hitler, is also good but she’s hit the wall and is a repulsive crone now
7. GOTO 1
I… I clicked the last “this.” My mind. Forever scarred. Couldn’t watch the whole thing, it went past train wreck level.
They think everything is worse than Hitler because they think Hitler was the bee’s knees.
@Cat Mara
In short: the MGTOW’s are pulling a “Card Say’s Moop’s Maneuver” to the point of pile-up.
Anyone else took another look at Beyonce’s ‘If I Were a Boy’ because of this?
What’s a Thot? (Legitimate question- I’m too old and isolated to keep up with modern slang like all you hepcats.)
Acronym for “That H* Over There.” Classy, huh?
That ho over there. At least I think that’s what it is. I’m old too!
I’m rocking out to one of my favorite 90’s albums, Becoming X by The Sneaker Pimps if you want to date me 🙂
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Yeah, that’s pretty much what it means…. and jeez it’s freaking terrible rhetoric.
I honestly think it must tie with the folks that say “If she breaths: she’s a Thot”….. which take it to it’s horrible, logical conclusion: means that to the dude-bros who utter that phrase: even little girls and my grandmother and every living female human being on the planet; is, somehow “a hoe”. Just because they exist and breath.
I’d say this ilk has the brains of tulips: but that would be an insult to tulips. Because at least Tulips are pleasing to senses.
It’s disgusting as hell, and it baffles me why anyone would think up a ugly, sexist, Male Chauvinist meme of bs like that… than I remember that it was a meme crafted and forged from sexist male chauvinism and intended to act to such ends.
I’m a guy and I’m just as annoyed and nauseated by this crap and I wish it would get yeeted into the sun where it belongs.
Happy Birthday to me. Hopefully working with the local government service will translate to better work. And maybe I can finally get the education and training to succeed in my career choice.
Farfetched? No. Rapists and batterers are domestic terrorists and their enemy is women.
Happy, happy birthday! Hope it’s a wonderful day.
What’s a hepcat? (Legitimate question- I’m too old and isolated to keep up with modern slang like all you hoopy froods.)
Happy birthday!
But supporting a Hitler would be okay if it were protecting men! No wonder they project the idea of a gender cold war onto women and feminists: they already fighting it.
Need I even mention that these people overwhelmingly tell other people to get a thicker skin, or say criticism of artists and performers is censorship, or defend blackface, or laugh at men mocking women in drag (as is quite common – e.g. Medea), or…?
Happy birthday!
A hepcat means a stylish or fashionable person in the jazz or ska scene.
@Frederic Christie
I see this all the time in music when they defend conservative musicians expressing their opinions but repeatedly tell left/liberal musicians to stop putting their politics on display. Sort of like when Taylor Swift started endorsing democrats in state elections.
Happy birthday, @Ooglyboggles! And bestgoodluckwishes for your plans.
Wow, my opinion of Taylor Swift went up from the sub-basement to the stratosphere.
Even though all modern pop music (meaning post-2000) sounds more or less the same to me, like fingernails on a chalkboard.
RIP, Robert Palmer and Stuart Adams – remember Big Country, anyone?
@ dormousing-it
Oh yes. Making lumberjack shirts trendy decades before Nirvana.
When were lumberjack shirts ever not trendy?
@ jes
Good point.
There was a feature on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour once about lady lumberjacks. One lass mentioned that as a lumberjack and grunge fan she got to wear the shirt under three categories. Took me a while to figure that one out.
Lumberjack shirts are cool. End of statement.
I’m not very much into modern pop music, but I do like how much some pop stars get the alt right upset. Like Taylor Swift (this isn’t her first time doing this) and Miley Cyrus (also multiple times). Good on Taylor for taking on toxic masculinity and making MRAs sad.
Doesn’t this unintentionally imply that it’s men who actually have all the power and that women have to appeal to men in some way in order to even get the small amount they have? You know, like the “feminazis” always say?
… NAH!
Misogynists: Women have no power except that which men deign to delegate.