By David Futrelle
It would be nice, so nice, if the dudes posting the most hateful shit on the internet lived only on the internet. But no. These guys are out there walking around in the real world — manspreading on the subway, stealing our lunches from the office fridge, pestering women in clubs. They live amongst us. They have pets. They have jobs.
In the case of one Andrew Sabisky — known in some of Reddit’s darkest corners as thedovelamenting — his most recent job was that of an advisor to Boris Johnson. (Yes, THAT Boris Johnson, the hay-haired prime minister of the UK.) Or at least that was Sabisky’s job, until his internet past came back to haunt him and he (was probably forced to) quit.
Back in his prime on Reddit some years ago, the then-20-year-old Sabisky apparently saw himself as something of an expert on Red Pill romance, doling out advice to sexually frustrated men.
When a married Mormon Redditor complained that his wife didn’t want to have sex with him, Sabisky urged him to “rewire” his wife’s brain to get her to believe that providing hot sex to her husband was her divine duty, whether she liked it or not.
“Theologically speaking,” he wrote,
she is your wife and should submit to you as unto the Lord, so if you want doggy then it is your place to command her to get on her hands and knees and her place to obey. If you want to eat her pussy out then just push her legs apart and get your tongue busy down there.
According to the Scottish paper The National, which unearthed Sabisky’s Reddit posts, he also told the unhappy Mormon that
It ought to be obvious that her wifely duty ought to consist not just of letting you masturbate into her vagina but actively playing her part in building a fantastic sex life with you.
Yes, that might require pushing through some initial mental discomfort but it is simply selfish and unchristian of her not to make the effort.
In another post, he bragged about “dominating” his girlfriend “both in the bedroom and outside of it.”
But Sabisky doesn’t just have terrible opinions about women. He’s also something of a eugenicist, suggesting in other internet postings that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites and that some form of compulsory birth control might be necessary to keep what he considers the wrong people from having kids. As he put it in 2014:
One way to get around the problems of unplanned pregnancies, creating a permanent underclass,would be to legally enforce universal uptake of long-term contraception at the onset of puberty,
He was also the moderator of the largely moribund “IntelligenceStudies” subreddit.
But for all his talk of intelligence, he somehow wasn’t clever enough to delete his old Reddit postings until The National started asking questions about them.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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And also : people ugly in the inside get laid all the time. Some people are ugly in the inside too and actually want another ugly person to get with them, some disregard that kind of problem, other aren’t attentive enough to see that. Often in combination, for example knowing your husband is racist but not knowing he is litteraly asking for concentration camps.
I would fear that he is abusive to any partner, but he may very well not be. I know deeply xenophobic people who nonetheless are happily wed with black peoples, and somehow it work. The world is a complicated place, and bad people aren’t alway bad on all aspects.
And some people slowly manipulate and convert their partner into accepting awful views. That seems to happen with a lot of alt right people in America.
My analysis at this point: it’s probably down to Sanders vs. Biden. Warren has collapsed. Klobuchar is an also-ran. Most of the others have not posted any percentages above the single digits in any of the first three states or in any recent poll.
Buttigieg looked like a contender in Iowa and NH, but did not do as well in Nevada and is sure to be destroyed in South Carolina given his terrible performance with African-American voters. He really needed to win, or be a close second, in Nevada to stay in this thing. Stick a fork in him — he’s done.
Which leaves Bloomberg as the only potential wild card, but most potential Bloomberg voters will probably be going either “why vote for Biden Lite when you can vote for the real thing?” or else “why vote for Trump Lite when you can vote for the real thing?”
If you look at the funding situation, things look even worse for Buttigieg and Warren. Steyer, Bloomberg, and Sanders effectively have unlimited funding, but Steyer can’t seem to turn any of that money into votes, and the same will likely prove true of Bloomberg. The capitalist establishment will be desperate to stop Bernie from maybe possibly actually forcing them to pay their taxes, but to do that they will have to pick a “moderate” candidate to unite behind and donate to, which is likely to be Biden now that Buttigieg is clearly on his way down and out.
There’s three ways I see this playing out, mostly depending on South Carolina and Super Tuesday:
1. Bernie blowout. He does well enough in South Carolina, losing narrowly to Biden while the others remain also-rans, and amasses a commanding delegate lead out of Super Tuesday. Biden is stuck in second place for the rest of the primary, Bloomberg’s debut on Super Tuesday is lackluster at best, and nobody else climbs above the teens. The rest of the primary is essentially Biden vs. Sanders, with anyone else who even tries to linger on posting low single-digits, and Biden perennially trying to play catch-up. At the convention Bernie gets fifty-something percent of the vote, the superdelegates never get in on the action, and that’s that.
2. Similar to 1, but Biden does better, with a large win in South Carolina and rough parity with Sanders on Super Tuesday. The other candidates collapse in like fashion. Biden and Sanders remain close throughout the rest of the primary. This scenario likely leads to a brokered convention, the superdelegates throwing the nomination to Biden, and possibly the collapse of human civilization, especially if Bernie had a sizable plurality in the first vote at the convention — a Biden v Trump general election with a large contingent of demoralized progressive voters feeling cheated would likely be a repeat of 2016.
3. Bloomberg does well enough on Super Tuesday to keep vying with Biden for the “moderate” vote all through the primary process. Convention first vote ends up dividing as something like 55-23-22 and Bernie wins. But if Bernie pulls under 50 there and the superdelegates get to vote, we’re likely looking at Biden v Trump (or worse, Bloomberg v Trump) with a large demoralized contingent among the Dem voting base again.
I give Sanders 50/50 odds at this point, and a likely lock on the Oval Office if he gets a majority in the first convention vote. The president in 2021 will probably be either him or Trump, and if it’s Trump we’re probably all fucked.
There’s also a non-negligible probability that, if Sanders continues to do well, some rich asshole or violent antiSemite assassinates him. If that happens all bets are off. On the one hand the Sanders base will have a martyr. If they unite and act they become a huge political force, probably not via electoral politics but direct action. On the other, Trump’s reelection becomes all but certain. This might be the scenario most likely to result in a civil war, or at least large-scale civil unrest.
I hope there is significant security at the remainder of Sanders’s campaign stops and events. And throughout any future Sanders presidency, too. And that the security itself is trustworthy. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some nasty white supremacists in the Secret Service here and there, like in most law enforcement agencies. Will they betray someone whom they perceive as threatening to defeat, or actually having defeated, Trump?
I’m not a huge fan of Sanders, but he’s definitely better than Biden. My biggest fear for him is not assassination but his health, he’s already had a heart attack so I think there’s a nonzero chance of him dying on the campaign trail or dying in office. This is part of why he needs to pick a good VP because he’s fairly likely to die in office. At the very least I hope he doesn’t pick Gabbard.
The group currently frustrating me is a contingent of centrist Democrats that have declared that their mission is to stop Bernie at all costs. This is counterproductive and is basically just begging the re-election of Trump, seeing as no other candidate is as popular and dividing the electorate is the last thing we need. Bernie is no angel, but I’d much prefer him over Biden or Trump. I doubt Biden will win if it comes to Biden vs Trump, so I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.
Sure, and someone who talks regularly about proper barbequeing techniques and the best way to cook a steak might be a lifelong vegetarian. It’s just incredibly unlikely, given what they demonstrate in their behaviour.
Surplus wrote:
(The following is my own not-very expert analysis)
In either case, the president will be widely unliked and considered divisive (even though Sanders doesn’t really deserve that kind of reception). Also, in either case, the losing candidate will have plenty of devoted fans who will be highly disappointed, and eager to question the legitimacy of the election.
(Republicans have long proactively called Dems “divisive”, driving them into a trap where you have to either concede all demands or admit the “responsibility” of being divisive. With Sanders, Dems would take the latter option.)
There’s all the speculation on whether the Russian meddling machine will prop up Trump (again) or Sanders, especially if it comes to a match between the two. In my honest estimate, it will be both, and not really to support anyone, but to bait two political factions against each other in a way that’s destructive to American stability. For example, whichever side loses, will have credible evidence of election meddling against them.
It seems very possible that Trump supporters will have riots or other violent events if he loses (though I’m sure the right wing media will spin it to say the left is the problem). Or that he might simply refuse to leave. I don’t think we have a procedure in place for these occurrences, so I’m a bit nervous about that.
I’m guessing the Russian government will once again be on the side of Trump. I can’t imagine them supporting Bernie. They could be propping up Tulsi Gabbard though. Hillary Clinton might be right about that, and Gabbard sure is Russia-friendly.
I’d really appreciate it if we could stop writing Warren off based on the results of three whole states.
All the POC candidates are gone and everyone is writing off the women. Both leftists and centrists are the problem here too. I’m fine with Bernie winning the nomination, but I’m not fine with his supporters telling Warren supporters that she should drop out and that voting for her means you want Bloomberg to win and you want poor people to die from no healthcare. Not that anyone here did that, but I’ve been seeing it a lot in general.
Yeah, the instant a woman falls behind she’s supposed to bow out and apologize to everyone for wasting their time.
Russia’s interest is in weakening the west. Another four years of Trump is currently their best option for this, but they’re probably also interested in the possible chaos which could follow Trump losing.
Hopefully if we can Putout Vladimir and his shitty party Russia would change for the better and leave America unaffected if they don’t. The country has practically embraced fascism as its national ideology.
OT, but interesting (and near the end touches on potential feminist implications):
Bloomberg and his bastard billionaire mates would prefer Trump to Bernie. Expect a third party spoiler candidacy from the false flag republican if Sanders gets through. And the final confirmation that America is a cross between oligrachy and kakistocracy. All power to the soviets.
The idea of automation ending traditional work has a bit of a history in feminism (the Scum Manifesto suggests it, for example) but I haven’t seen too many people keen to implement it. I’d love to no longer have to work a job, seeing as it would give me much more time for other pursuits, but I don’t really know how a world without work could function. I need to learn more about this idea and potential scenarios before deciding my final opinion.
Can these people hear themselves?
As a non white Briton the fact that so many of my fellow countrymen were happy to back Boris despite his history of racism and sexism is depressing.
Also I am amazed that while Labour was (rightly) slammed for the poor responses to allegations of anti-semitism, the Tories have escaped robust critique of their racism.
@Varylys the Dark
I may have to move back to the U.K. next year so this gives me hope!
I’m not British and don’t have a tremendous knowledge of U.K. politics, but from what I’ve observed as a Jew in the US and from afar, conservative parties are playing a bit of a strange game with antisemitism. The vast majority of Jewish people in most countries lean left (in America about 85% voted Democratic in the 2018 midterms, for example). However, conservative parties regularly accuse liberal parties of antisemitism. This seems to serve two purposes:
1. Deflects from the conservative antisemitism, which is much greater because their parties have actual Nazis in them.
2. Sounds good to conservative evangelicals, who claim to like Jews but are actually often rather antisemitic.
Either way, the vast majority of Jews lean left, and while there may be antisemitism in the Labor party, it is likely much worse among Tories (in addition to their racism and other assorted bigotries).
How sad, not having a wife that wants to have sex with you. How pathetic, having to bully or manipulate her because you do not attract her. How inept, being unable or unwilling to arouse her. Tell me, Andrew, are you really so unaware that you don’t realize what a loser your own words make you appear?
@Ann K
One thing that never ceases to amuse me about the men we discuss here is how quickly they tend to make accidental self-owns without knowing it. Because noticing the self-owns would require a shred of self-awareness which they lack.
By a curious coincidence, a large number of left-wing Jewish voices (and even a few right-wing ones!) commenting on the media blitz have been systematically ignored (e.g. Jewish Voice for Labour, Jewdas, Michael Rosen, Noam Chomsky and even ex-Speaker Bercow) while the most loudly press-trumpeted antisemitism accusations against the UK Labour Party have come mainly from right-wing Jewish organisations and people (the British Board of Jewish Deputies and the Jewish Chronicle in particular have very strong ties to the right wing in general and the Tory Party in particular).
The Jewish Chronicle has actually had to pay libel damages to at least one left-end-of-the-spectrum Labour Party member.
By another curious coincidence, ever since the election last December there has been almost no coverage of this issue anywhere! From having been on every front page and in every news bulletin for months, it has magically disappeared! The accusations and wall-to-wall press coverage have done their job and are no longer needed.
The outcome of antisemitism complaints which have been fully investigated so far suggests that while of course there is antisemitism in any body of people (just like there is at least some bigotry of every kind throughout our racist and patriarchal society) the incidence of antisemitism in the Labour Party is if anything lower than in the population at large. It is a testament to the power of effective use of the media that life-long anti-racism campaigners have been painted as bigoted.
And as Naglfar mentions, it makes a great distraction from the racism and bigotries of the Tory Party (the Tories’ promised islamophobia investigation has been quietly forgotten; Windrush; the latest deportations; PM Johnson’s own frequent and well-documented use of racist and homophobic language and his personal support of e.g. racist writer Taki; the rise in hate crimes; an almost endless list of cuts and policies – especially in health and welfare – which result in the suffering and deaths of the most vulnerable).
@Naglfar : the christian religious fanatics want a strong Israel because it’s supposedly one of the omen for the end of time, where supposedly thoses non-christian will all be booted to Hell. That’s both why they can be antisemite and support Israel, and why accusations of antisionism (conflated to antisemitism because it’s convenient for them) is actually also a selling point to their electorate : “look at our opponent ! They don’t want the return of Jesus !”
Israel have a very far right government and a lot of its policies are clearly goals for aspiring autocrats, so there’s also that axis. I guess that’s partly because living in Israel is probably more attractive for very religious jews, who would usually lean right.
That is accurate of the conservative evangelicals I have known (including the ones I’m related to). They tend to completely ignore what any Jews want in favor of what they want. They also tend to try to convert Jews; I can’t tell how many times an evangelical has tried to give me leaflets or other materials on conversion despite me saying I’m not interested.
@ opposable thumbs
Whatever the problems with the Tories, I don’t think we should downplay the anti-semitism in Labour. It was real enough. Just look at the treatment of Ruth Smeeth; that was proper gamergate stuff.
The reason the issue has gone quiet is that the new leadership candidates have acknowledged it, apologised, and pledged to address it.
Some people claimed it was a (((zionist))) witch hunt; but these were the sorts of people that were finally expelled.