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Do you ever wonder who the dudes posting terrible shit on Reddit really are? One of the worst was an advisor to Boris Johnson

Andrew Sabisky: Redditor. Political advisor. Smug prick.

By David Futrelle

It would be nice, so nice, if the dudes posting the most hateful shit on the internet lived only on the internet. But no. These guys are out there walking around in the real world — manspreading on the subway, stealing our lunches from the office fridge, pestering women in clubs. They live amongst us. They have pets. They have jobs.

In the case of one Andrew Sabisky — known in some of Reddit’s darkest corners as thedovelamenting — his most recent job was that of an advisor to Boris Johnson. (Yes, THAT Boris Johnson, the hay-haired prime minister of the UK.) Or at least that was Sabisky’s job, until his internet past came back to haunt him and he (was probably forced to) quit.

Back in his prime on Reddit some years ago, the then-20-year-old Sabisky apparently saw himself as something of an expert on Red Pill romance, doling out advice to sexually frustrated men.

When a married Mormon Redditor complained that his wife didn’t want to have sex with him, Sabisky urged him to “rewire” his wife’s brain to get her to believe that providing hot sex to her husband was her divine duty, whether she liked it or not.

“Theologically speaking,” he wrote,

she is your wife and should submit to you as unto the Lord, so if you want doggy then it is your place to command her to get on her hands and knees and her place to obey. If you want to eat her pussy out then just push her legs apart and get your tongue busy down there.

According to the Scottish paper The National, which unearthed Sabisky’s Reddit posts, he also told the unhappy Mormon that

It ought to be obvious that her wifely duty ought to consist not just of letting you masturbate into her vagina but actively playing her part in building a fantastic sex life with you.

Yes, that might require pushing through some initial mental discomfort but it is simply selfish and unchristian of her not to make the effort.

In another post, he bragged about “dominating” his girlfriend “both in the bedroom and outside of it.”

But Sabisky doesn’t just have terrible opinions about women. He’s also something of a eugenicist, suggesting in other internet postings that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites and that some form of compulsory birth control might be necessary to keep what he considers the wrong people from having kids. As he put it in 2014:

One way to get around the problems of unplanned pregnancies, creating a permanent underclass,would be to legally enforce universal uptake of long-term contraception at the onset of puberty,

He was also the moderator of the largely moribund “IntelligenceStudies” subreddit.

But for all his talk of intelligence, he somehow wasn’t clever enough to delete his old Reddit postings until The National started asking questions about them.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

I would guess most of these views are also held by Dominic Cummings, who appears to be the de-facto head of the UK government and is hiring people like this.

5 years ago

Well, I guess that answers the question of how awful one has to be to get fired by Boris Johnson. I wonder if Boris himself is on Reddit.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there are misogynistic redditors among Trump’s staff. In fact, I rather expect it.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

If your country’s regime is hiring what are basically Nazi phrenologists … might be time to GTFO. Especially if you are in any marginalized group, just in case that happens to be the group they come for first.

5 years ago

For those who want some background on Cummings this is a good read:

Note the PUA associations.

5 years ago

Holy shit. And I thought Johnson was bad. Someone needs to get this man away from any positions of power.
Roko’s Basilisk is absolutely ridiculous in and of itself, yet he’s taken it to an even worse conclusion.

5 years ago

The have pets. They have jobs. They have brains (despite all evidence to the contrary) which may, with the proper incentives, be induced to vacate their skulls in a supremely entertaining spray of pink mist.

5 years ago


Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Orwell meets Sapir-Whorf?

Maybe part of what makes the ruling class the ruling class is a kind of parasitic language that makes everyone who learns it hold greed-is-good type values and propagate it to others. Like the Goa’uld knowledge in Daniel in S4E17 “Absolute Power”.

And it’s constantly evolving and mutating …

5 years ago

This, right here, is my surprised face: –>

And this, right here:

“Theologically speaking,” he wrote,

she is your wife and should submit to you as unto the Lord, so if you want doggy then it is your place to command her to get on her hands and knees and her place to obey. If you want to eat her pussy out then just push her legs apart and get your tongue busy down there.

…makes my genitalia dry up and crumble to dust and blow away in the wind. Red Pillocks just have that funny effect on me.

On the other hand, this:

In another post, he bragged about “dominating” his girlfriend “both in the bedroom and outside of it.”

…is surely just a COOL STORY, BRO. Because with that face and that attitude, the only girlfriend he’s got is an inflatable one.

varalys the dark
5 years ago

What’s pretty impressive is that the letters page of The Metro (freebie paper that is politically neutral and my guilty pleasure on my midweek train journey) were united in condemnation of the man. This never happens usually, they print letters from both sides of an issue which means I arrive at my destination with a large anime style rage vein throbbing from my forehead. So that’s something, I guess.

I should point out the truly terrible thing is that Boris Johnson’s office said they stood by the man and weren’t going to fire him even when the story gained traction in the mainstream press and TV news. Discord people know my view of Cummings which involves me substituting a very rude word for part of his name that I won’t offend people here by doing.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago



Ha, ha, ha! You and me both.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

The backstory of Greta Thunberg made me cry. Today she’s my inspiration, my hope for the future:

Greta Thunberg’s mother reveals teenager’s troubled childhood

Swedish opera singer Malena Ernman gives emotional account of daughter’s battles with autism and an eating disorder

5 years ago

What a bellend. The guy in the article, not Greta.

5 years ago

The worst pundit take I’ve seen so far has been Chris Matthews comparing Bernie’s win to the Nazis taking France. A reminder: Bernie is Jewish.


Maybe part of what makes the ruling class the ruling class is a kind of parasitic language that makes everyone who learns it hold greed-is-good type values and propagate it to others.

I definitely do think the way language is used propagates certain ideas. Language is very powerful in controlling people and enforcing norms without people even noticing what they are doing.

5 years ago

Great article about Thunberg but i hate that they say that she was in a battle with autism. Since it’s a neutotype it’s nothing someone can fight against. I wish the media would stop misrepresenting it that way.

5 years ago


Great article about Thunberg but i hate that they say that she was in a battle with autism. Since it’s a neutotype it’s nothing someone can fight against. I wish the media would stop misrepresenting it that way.

100% with you on this. As an autistic person, I hate it when it’s portrayed as some existential struggle for people to overcome. Sure, there are some things that may be harder for me than for allistic folks, but I don’t see myself as a victim, and I would never want to be “cured.” Autism is a part of who I am as a person, and I can’t emphasize enough how awful and ableist the media is when autism is painted as something to be dealt with or fought. I don’t fight autism, I fight an ableist, normative world that doesn’t want to accommodate me or my fellow autistic siblings.

5 years ago

Thanks, you really said it well. I am also autistic and i also don’t want to be “cured”, because being autistic is an essential part of who i am.

Dust Kitty
Dust Kitty
5 years ago

As an autistic person, the only thing I really struggle with is dealing with allistics who think their way is the only right way and throw hissy fits when they’re asked to consider that there’s more than one legitimate way of tackling a problem. Just for example.

5 years ago

@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
They’re acting like 9/11 just happened all over again

I am sincerely happy Greta and her mother are having their voices heard.

I know it’s repugnant. It makes me happier seeing him breakdown on live tv.
Okay MSNBC just go with the straight up racisms.

5 years ago

As for how autistic people are depicted struggling, one of the consequence is that we can’t trust an article to know how someone feel abour him or herself.

Some people want to change the way they think, and that’s okay ; but making it look like someone want to change when she or he is happy with him or herself is extremely annoying. And it promote the idea that there is a human platonic ideal when diversity is the salt of life.

5 years ago


And it promote the idea that there is a human platonic ideal when diversity is the salt of life.

The idea of an ideal person also drives all the other kinds of bigotry. It suggests that the “default” setting should be white, cishet, and allistic, and so people see anything outside of that as “other” and in need of fixing when all kinds of people can coexist without one being the “standard” or “normal” person.

Regarding how Greta Thunberg feels about herself, she has stated before that she doesn’t see autism as a struggle and has called it her superpower. Of course, this article doesn’t mention that because it contradicts the narrative they want.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Naglfar, Psiana:

That bothered me too. I don’t have autism but I have a number of disabilities (ADD, reading and math disabilities, and sensory processing disorder) and I’m not neurotypical. I hate when people say that someone is inspirational because they ‘conquered’ their disabilities.

The problem here is not our various neurotypes. It is how our society treats us. When I saw the part where they figured out she was being bullied, i simultaneously thought: 1) that’s most likely what the problem was coming from, not her autism, and 2) I wish my parents had been like hers and been proactive about the situation.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago


Because with that face and that attitude, the only girlfriend he’s got is an inflatable one.

It’s his attitude that’s the problem. Period. Let’s not make this about physical features please.

Personally, I don’t think he’s bad looking, and people with all sorts of faces and body types are able to date if their personalities don’t suck.

It’s his shitty personality that makes him ugly.

5 years ago

Well, this answers a long-held question of mine. Submitting to sex that’s not to my taste, just isn’t enough for red pill types. I’m supposed to play-act enthusiasm. Jesus Christ.

Don’t get me wrong – I believe in a give and take. But, it’ll be of my choosing.

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