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This NoFap parody of Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt is possibly the worst song ever recorded

You make Johnny Cash sad

By David Futrelle

Yep, some NoFap dude did a NoFap version of Johnny Cash’s famous cover of Nine Inch Nails’ “Hurt,” with the lyrics changed to make a point about the evils of “cooming” while jerking off to porn. Just listen to this mess, if you can:

Every day we stray further from God’s light.

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Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ rhuu

Cognitive dissonance. We can believe two utterly contradictory things are both true, because we somehow separate things from ourselves.

Just to be nerdy, and apologies if this is what you meant anyway, cognitive dissonance isn’t the human ability to ‘double think’ thing. Although the term is often used that way.

But technically cognitive dissonance is the discomfort people sometimes get from holding mutually contradictory viewpoints. It is by no means universal of course. Lots of people quite comfortably hold internally inconsistent views.

This is something that crops up of course with my hobby horse, animal rights. Loads of people can quite happily take one animal to the vet whilst they stick another one in the oven.

A lot of the pushback against vegans is thought to arise because the arguments trigger cognitive dissonance in people who didn’t have it before. Hence the hostility; no one likes being made to feel bad.

I suspect that’s a thing with politics generally. Pointing out logical flaws in people’s positions is just semantics; but if you can disturb them on a psychological level then they’ll see you as a threat.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago


I explained everything from the framework of semen retention philosophy ..of course it won’t make sense from the Standard Model of Physics..I understand that much

But it doesn’t even make sense within its own framework, the way you’ve explained it. “Here’s an awesome thing that totally works, except if you have genitalia. Or don’t have genitalia.”

SR is an attempt to take the default state of incels (constant horniness/simmering anger at women) and turn it into something holy. It doesn’t result in inner peace, though, judging from the way SR adherents continue to demonize female sexuality and women. They don’t even see those two concepts as separate.

A more practical approach with tangible benefits would be something like “hey, instead of watching porn this afternoon, let’s go volunteer in the community.” It’s not orgasms that are draining, it’s living inside your head, treating people as NPCs, and expecting the world to also regard your sexual pleasure as the #1 priority.

5 years ago


Why are you presuming that women = white women?

Also, just because there are demographics that experience more violent oppression, that doesn’t mean that no one else experienced oppression.

White women have historically (and presently) been complicit in racism, yes, but that doesn’t mean that misogyny and oppression of women based upon their sex doesn’t/didn’t exist.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

We’ve reached GODWIN!!!!!!

Too bad he repealed the law, but there we go! GODWIN!!!!!

I greatly enjoy that you went “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT, with this *very specific historical example*”.

Again, this is intersectional theory. Everyone has their various axis of oppression, that weigh more or less depending on the situation/time they are in.

You can’t pull out freaking Hitler and declare the conversation to be over. Again, you can leave, but I am under no obligation to not respond to you.

@Alan – Fair enough! I had ‘doublethink’ typed. Shoulda left it.

ETA- @Catalpa – Excellent point!

5 years ago

@Semen_Retention_Liaison_Officer – Sure, there have been historical precedents for that bullshit (which doesn’t make it any more legitimate – remember when Chinese traditional medicine thought mercury was the way to immortality?), but the modern incarnation of semen retention, and the one circulating on the internet, was made by weird white dudes with bizarrely anti-female worldviews (and due to crank magnetism, a lot of racist views as well). Plus, telling me this shit originally comes from a bunch of Iron-Age religious leaders doesn’t exactly restore my non-existent faith in this – to me it’s just one more proof that it’s mystical mumbo-jumbo. I don’t give credit to it when it comes from Western civilization either.

Also, if semen retention helps you become a Leader of Men (still not quite sure where Women fit in your worldview) and you’ve been at this for years, I wonder what kind of leadership position you have… Surely you’ve been at it long enough to get somewhere? Because I know plenty of non-abstinent people who managed it (cue him saying that’s not why he’s part of this despite stressing out the importance of that aspect).

In any case, this is definitely one of the sillier threads I’ve seen since I started hanging around here, so thanks for the entertainment value, I guess.

5 years ago


I understand your point..I donot inhabit a female body…nor do most sex energy retainers…So first person female perspective is sorely missing in the spectrum..the female experience of complete unbroken celibacy is a story that can be truly filled in by women practitioners only…A male practitioner can only surmise as he won’t have first hand knowledge of the experience of inhabiting. in a female body 24*7…The few women who have written on unbroken celibate sex energy retention from a female perspective come from non-western their works remain untranslated..I just pointed out one from Eastern India, but there are famous female Lamaist monks (nuns?) from Tibet and other Himalayan kingdoms..I am sure some of their writings are available on the net if one looks hard enough…but most may be not in English…..focus on the male body already hogs up a lot of bandwidth during the practice of celibacy leaving little to no possibility to understand the female experience in the female body

hope this clarifies my final stance, if some of the things I said may strike contradictory

But i agree just clean No Porn (it does lead to objectification of women if one sees professional porn, may be not if one sees amateur homemade porn or just still pictures) is better for the vast majority than buying into the whole SER (sex energy retention) philosophy

Else I would have had my own dedicated blog….


nice way to trivialize the near 2,000 year long oppression of the Jews at the hands of both white men and white women…why doesn’t it surprise me that you turned out to be rabidly Antisemitic?

5 years ago

FWIW I’m Jewish and I’d prefer if people didn’t use the historic oppression of my people to make arguments about semen.

I don’t see anything wrong with what you wrote. This isn’t directed at you.

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ Rhuu

Well, at least you avoided a copyright claim from the estate of George Orwell!

And I guess language evolves; we use psychological terms colloquially, but technically incorrectly, all the time. “Descriptive not prescriptive” and all that.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@SRLO – oh my god, dude. Oh my god. You’re playing oppression olympics, here.

Competing in the Oppression Olympics attaches something like a moral dimension to oppression, in which the most oppressed are worthier.

People who participate in Oppression Olympics tend to ignore the fact that it’s possible for multiple groups to be oppressed, and necessary to address all those problems, without choosing a single group to get all the anti-oppression activism. Oppression Olympics also tends to ignore Intersectionality, except where the existence of multiple degrees of oppression can help an individual participant “win”.

ETA – I forgot! You claimed that ‘white people’ have oppressed Jews for 2000 years. The concept of ‘whiteness’ is much, much newer than that. According to wiki (I know)

The concept of a unified white race did not achieve universal acceptance in Europe when it first came into use in the 17th century, or in the centuries afterward. Nazi Germany regarded some European peoples such as Slavs as racially distinct from themselves. Prior to the modern age, no European peoples regarded themselves as “white”, but rather defined their race, ancestry, or ethnicity in terms of their nationality.

You can say ‘ruling power’, but not ‘white people’. /edit

@Naglfar – thank you!

@Alan – pls no copyright claim, plz plz plz

5 years ago


you suspiciously use the same kind of language as some alt-rightists would…The last thing I need in my life is debate with some Lauren Southern types

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Rest assured, I am not alt-right. Did you look at the link I got that from? It’s the geek feminism wiki. If an alt-right person is using that term, they have co-opted it from the left.

Oppression olympics is real. I know this, because you literally just did it!

Interesting that you chose a female ‘type’, as well. I wonder why?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago


Agreed, the current version of SR is very male-centric (it’s even embedded in the name). Female celibacy tends to get dismissed in the incel community as “oh, it’s much easier for women to go without sex”, but it can be just as difficult and lonely for women.

Men are taught from an early age to always be in control, and orgasms are very much the opposite of that. It’s possible that many incels feel weak and ashamed that the object of their loathing also has the power to make their bodies react involuntarily. SR offers them a way to reclaim that power. The problem is, it’s based on a faulty model of sex as eternal power struggle.

Maybe “opinion retention” would be a more rewarding practice for these guys, because venting hatred online to anonymous strangers is certainly much more harmful than ejaculating into a sock. Anger feeds on itself.

5 years ago

This whole thing reminds me a bit of prosperity gospel. Just worship God the right way and you’ll be rich! Not rich? You’re just not doing it right. Try harder!

Retain your semen and you will be a leader of men! Not a leader yet? Well, you must be having some sexual thoughts or something. Try harder!

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
5 years ago

you suspiciously use the same kind of language as some alt-rightists would

comment image

5 years ago


The western incel rightwing characterization of women living without sex is wrong….There is strange commodification of sex in both western rightwing spectrum as well as western leftwing spectrum…In western rightwing incel spectrum sex is seen as the be all and end all of human achievement especially with “sexually attractive” (Chad-Stacey) human beings

In western leftwing spectrum inability to acquire romantic and sexual liaisons automatically terms an individual as some sort of “loser”

Look at how I was mocked by a loyal poster here (a presumably leftwing site) upon discovering about my ex-gf …saiyng that no wonder the relationship didnot last without ever knowing what led to the dissolution of the said relationship ..(absolute no fault of hers or mine..just Global political circumstances tore us apart)

I said before and i will say it again one would do himself/herself huge disservice by trying to understand Sex energy retention while limiting himself/herself only to English ..The vast majority of sex energy retention literature,biographies etc are in non-western languages…almost all of them remain untranslated

The English SR subreddit from which almost all posts are lifted here is barely a couple of years old.

The paradigm of celibate sex energy retention also means living with other celibate SRers and using the extra money from livelihood to support women of the blood or clan whose husbands may have left them…

I would be happy to read any account of voluntary celibate sex energy retention account of any woman who has English or German as her first language..not only that but buy them, as I have bought countless Sex energy retention related books


An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

SRLO says all this stuff about the oppression of POC and vague progressive ideas, but ultimately seems to be stuck in the same neoliberal/colonialist mindset and general white guy thought patterns as the people he’s trying to distance himself from:

– talks about political and military power as positive results of SR
– a monolithic view of “the left” resembling the stereotypical middle class Democrat, apparently unaware of any other non-right-wing viewpoint
– a Great Man/Event/Civilization view of history, viewing singular events as causes rather than symptoms of historical trends
– centering the Roman Empire as the One Example that vaguely seems to corroborate his views, if you just look at one or two events
– even has an avatar of a white guy, a strange choice if he’s trying to claim that he isn’t a white guy (seems to be kind of implying this in a few statements here and there)

Also if the argument is that white women weren’t oppressed relative to other groups before Obama, that… hasn’t really changed since Obama, either. 53% of white women voted for Trump. This century’s Women’s Marches have been co-opted by racists and transphobes (at least from what I’ve heard). White women are still paid more than black men.

5 years ago

@Impish Pepper

I mentioned western historical events because that is what this forum would understand..My personal orientation is SER vis-a-vis Eastern historical events as well as how SER may have played a part in the Native American war against European oppression .if power is not important why women urge Oprah to run for President for the sake of emancipation of American women?

I am in no way,sense or blood white…what whiteness do you see in my picture? I look like 90%+ of my people (non-white) and donot trace any lineage whatsoever to White Europeans

I put my pic against my profile defiantly because all my life me and my people have been mocked, bullied for a certain “noticeable” facial feature , which becomes even more prominent in side view….

I hope you understand what I mean and where I am coming from , if big deal cuz else certain “segments” here will accuse me of engaging in “Oppression Olympics”(despicable term)

5 years ago

why women urge Oprah to run for President for the sake of emancipation of American women?

Literally no one has ever said that

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

how SER may have played a part in the Native American war against European oppression

I hope someday you come to understand what this sounds like.

5 years ago

@Impish Pepper

I have said this once and I say this again..I completely understand that it would sound ridiculous from Scientific materialist viewpoint, from the view of point of Standard model of Physics

I know EXACTLY what undiscovered fundamental force and particle should exist, so that supernatural paranormal powers can become feasible in light of science…and I also know why they donot or possibly cannot exist

I am the proprietor of an algorithm optimization consultancy company..

I know the EXACT physics arguments against supernatural forces, rebirth, soul, magic, spirit realm etc…

I still chose to follow my worldview because of my reasons no matter how oh-so-lordy ,oh-so-snooty white men and women try to badge me as some sort of “quaint noble savage”

Thank you

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

If you need to de-legitimise all of my points by painting me as an anti-semite alt-rightist, I really worry about you.

Did I perhaps strike a nerve? Did I say something that maybe got through? Is that why you lashed out?

When you stop playing oppression olympics, I’ll stop calling it out.

Re: this steaming pile of bullshit

In western leftwing spectrum inability to acquire romantic and sexual liaisons automatically terms an individual as some sort of “loser”

On this page I said this:

No one needs to have sex, that is super important. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Own that.

Part of being sex positive is also saying “If you don’t want to have sex, that’s fine.” I’m fine with people having sex, I’m fine with people not having sex. I don’t care, it is actually none of my business.

So no, the ‘left’ doesn’t think you’re a loser for not being able to ‘aquire romantic and sexual liaisons’.

Anyone who says that is being a jerk. No one’s value is tied up in how much sex they are or are not having.

Re: this

I still chose to follow my worldview because of my reasons no matter how oh-so-lordy ,oh-so-snooty white men and women try to badge me as some sort of “quaint noble savage”

Quote where someone has said that.

5 years ago

@ semen

By facial feature do you mean nose because I’m very confused now?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@Lainy – He’s Jewish, I’m pretty sure. He’s trying to be coy about it for some reason.

5 years ago



@ semen

If that is a picture of you and it helps I think you have a very nice normal size nose. I have a big honker of a German nose so let me tell you yours is a normal size nose. I don’t think it’s very noticeable at all. In fact from that picture the first thing i notice is your hair. I hope that helps

Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
5 years ago

Wait what?

If SRLO is a Jew that doesn’t make him a person of color.

I’m a Jew and I’m white.