By David Futrelle
Yep, some NoFap dude did a NoFap version of Johnny Cash’s famous cover of Nine Inch Nails’ “Hurt,” with the lyrics changed to make a point about the evils of “cooming” while jerking off to porn. Just listen to this mess, if you can:
Every day we stray further from God’s light.
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Well, I hope you’re feeling better. Welcome back.
Tell you did not just compare male ejaculation (something that feels good) to menstruation. Yeah no. Ejaculation is not the same thing as an internal organ shredding itself ever month then coming out on bloody clumps of tissue. Other women don’t have painful periods. But i certainly do and for God sakes do you really not see how stupid your arguments are with that?
Male ejaculation isn’t the male period. You can’t equate the two. Trying to sets people with periods up to fail, because barring birth control, sickness, or starvation, you can’t stop your period. And judging by your previous responses, those all wouldn’t count.
Why are you espousing something that is *literally impossible* for people who menstruate to do? Why are you giving this as the equivalent of masturbating????????????????
Because it is usually not *freaking impossible* to stop masturbating. It IS impossible to voluntarily stop menstruation.
(No one can ‘hold it in’, that isn’t how it works.)
If you think it’s strange that we’re stuck on menstruation, it’s because it is the flip side of your semen retaining religion, as you’ve described it, and it sets people up to FAIL.
Re: If menstuation hurts – yes, it can. But if you go back to what i said – i specifically said that it isn’t *bad*. This might be a language barrier, where you aren’t groking the difference between “it can hurt” and “it is not bad”. One (hurting) is a statement about physical pain, while the other (bad or not?) Is a value judgement.
If you watched the videos on menstruation i linked a while ago, you would see that we, as a culture, consider menstruation to be gross, unclean, and a taboo subject. Information out there is full of misinformation and shaming.
Sometimes woo is presented as new, exciting ‘science’. Oftentimes, that woo is based on some sort if ‘ancient practice’. Usually the woo can, y’know, really hurt someone. (Crocheted tampons????? Ahhhhhh how do you clean them howwwwww???)
So when you bring yet *another* brand of woo here, i just want you to understand why many people reacted so strongly.
Because you aren’t the first.
Because period shaming is a thing, worldwide.
Because you are trying to set people who menstruate up to fail.
Because you’re piling on more bullshit that people now need to deal with.
It’s just frustrating that you are so glib about this.
Re – pronouns – in english, go with ‘they’, until someone makes their pronouns known.
Hey semen
Genuine question can you explain to me that why after a nice butt massage, an hour after sex with 2 orgasms but with not a lot movement from me because of the position, and then another nice back massage I’m falling asleep into the one of the best, deepest and long sleeps of my life while my husband is leaving the bedroom to go play video games till 3 am instead of sleeping next to me? He’s normally completely fine after sex but I’m a mess. I want to do nothing but lay there for several hours while he’s already dress and doing something else. Why do my orgasms put me in a haze for a good hour or so while he can literally just shoot and go?
I am in no way suggesting women should try to stop their periods …I just said that many spiritual women (chief being Anandamayi Maa) reported to have stopped undergoing periods as a consequence of their spiritual practice…That doesnot mean everybody will experience the same nor that every spiritual woman should attempt it
female celibacy or in crude terms female semen retention would mean abstention from sexual arousal,orgasm,sex,porn,romance,cuddling etc..(exactly the same ruleset as men)
stoppage of period is NOT a requirement for qualification as a successful female celibate
actually it is irrelevant
abstention from orgasm will give a regular average woman after a few years way more energy, wealth, brain power, political power, military power than she would know to do with (same for men)
male ejaculation is the male period because creative material is released from the body akin to the female period
None of this sentence makes even a little bit of sense, nor is any of it rooted in reality.
Indeed. It’s just a bunch of weasel words thrown together.
In actual reality, sperm isn’t creative material. Periods aren’t creative material.
That being said, you know he is way too invested in his woo to see reality when he start to say that men feel bad/exhausted after an orgasm. It is possible he never had one, but more likely he is blinded by his creed.
Wtf, friend?
I think i described how IT IS NOT.
You claim that it isn’t important for people with periods (who, btw, aren’t *just women*) to stop menstruating, and that it is actually irrelevant –
Two things.
A) Why did you bring up magically stopping menstruation, in the first place??????
What was your point? Did you want to show us how the ‘females’ could also partake in your ideology? (Without using birth control, which would mean either an absolute impossible task, or a dangerous one through starvation, which shuts off systems.) Did you want to show an echo of SR?
B) Why the comparison between an actual period (which is the *shedding of the uterine lining*) and ejaculation??????????
They are NOT the same.
You also can’t have the cessation of periods be ‘irrelevant’ and ALSO ‘a loss of creative energy’. If they are a loss of energy, then they should be stopped, right?
You can’t have it both ways.
I submit that your woo is inconsistent. I also submit that your woo causes damage, because it requires the impossible.
Edited – clarifying a word.
Wait, so all this time vibrators have been preventing us from having our own think tanks and private armies?
@Semen_Retention_Liaison_Officer – Let me get this straight: Your girlfriend of the time, someone you likely considered trustworthy (and still seem to judging by your language) told you it hurt, yet you still prefer to take the word of internet randos over hers? No wonder it didn’t work out. And yes equating menstruation to orgasm in any way shape or form is ridiculous; we breathe and we eat through our mouths, but both are rather different and potentially lethal if confused for one another (ask the millions of people who choke on food every year).
Frankly, everything you spew seems like cultish regurgitation by a brainwashed convert. It’s a stupendously inane jumble of new age-like bullshit that falls apart with the slightest bit of logic applied to it but I’m not even going to try because when someone is as deep down the rabbit hole as you are then me pointing out the holes will make you cling to your pseudo-religious delusions all the harder because that’s how your brain now gets its endorphine kicks since you don’t have any sexual activity anymore.
Oh, and I’m a guy. Cisgender heterosexual man. And I’m not touching your frustrated weirdo lifestyle with a ten-foot pole.
(PS: You may be interested to know that the lifestyle you ascribe to was invented and propagated by the Anglo-Saxon oppressors you seem to dislike so much)
Some notes to SRLO:
You keep flipping between “orgasm abstinence works the similarly for men and women” and “orgasm doesn’t ruin women’s sexual energy like it ruins men’s”.
Your beliefs about menstruation are apparently unrelated to orgasm abstinence in women, yet you started your discourse here by discussing these outlandish menstrual beliefs as if menstrual suppression is somehow part of women’s “semen” retention.
Your insinuation that even “some” women can mentally suppress their menstruation is very creepy and unbelievable in light of science and women’s own experience.
BTW, if you want to include women in any of this, maybe call it something more inclusive like “sexual retention” instead.
Your personal testimony re male orgasm/ejaculation is rather unrelatable to me, and apparently other men here, too. You aren’t speaking for most or even many men.
Nobody’s going to try a 100-day abstinence streak just to see if it leads to some sort of enlightenment in the end, just because some practitioner of Dramalama Buddhism said so. Sex life is too precious to waste, that is if you happen to have a sex drive.
Since your philosophy is mystical rather than logical, you can’t make it understood with explanation. This isn’t even a language barrier issue. It’s an issue of what understanding means.
Semen retention has no credible support for its alleged benefits. A far as we can tell, it only persuades people to forgo the enjoyment of life. That’s why we call it out.
Semen retention seems highly attractive to misogynist creeps, at least in English speaking world. Misogynist communities tend to breed more misogyny that bleeds into mainstream culture. That’s also why we call it out, especially as manifested on Reddit.
It is because you have low crystallized sexual energy but high fluid sexual energy
crystallized sexual energy———->the base sexual energy that remains in your body even after repeated orgasms
fluid sexual energy———————>the sexual energy that keeps on increasing in your body once you start abstaining from orgasm,sexual activities,romantic activities
I mentioned menstruation (vis-a-vis Anandamayi Maa) in my first post in order to paint a more complete picture regarding both male and female sex energy retention..Whatever energy that may be lost through period can be more than made up with abstention from orgasm..An average man takes 4 to 7 days to recover from an ejaculation..I surmise if a woman goes on a 4 to 7 day orgasm fast, she can well recover from whatever energy loss she went through during her period
Yes that is basically the idea among sex energy retention communities…You achieve much more in life through orgasm abstention, sex abstention, self-pleasure abstention
But to become powerful enough to control a militia or even a national army, one may need to undertake a decade long unbroken celibacy..certainly 100 day celibacy won’t be able to take you there
Yeah she is a wonderful,brilliant woman..I am still on very good terms with her. sorry i have to disagree, I have reserached semen retention long enough to know its istory..first allusion to semen retention happens in a dialogue between Agastya Rishi and his wife LopaMudra in Rig Veda around 1500 BC
First unequiviocal,explicit mention of semen retention in any human text happens in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad around 800 BC
of course by 500 BC Buddha lays down explicit rules regarding semen retention and celibacy in his Patimokkha and Vinaya rules
First mention of semen retentive carnal congress happens in Chinese Taoist Mawangdui texts..they originate from around 200 BC
It’s the belief of many millions of people that Aanandamayi Maa performed such a feat cuz she claimed as such…if it’s incredulous, donot believe it..No harm is done..This is not some Monotheistic religion that if you donot believe, you run the risk of offending somebody..you are free to accept none,part,whole of the practice and its justification..I have termed it as sex energy retention in most of my comments so that it is accessible to both men and women…..I think the misogyny that is evidenced in the messageboards of the western world is specifically a western problem that has its roots in deep genocidal prejudice towards African blacks, Jews, Asian blacks, American Blacks and coloured people from other continent…
Since Western men cannot oppress these people anymore after years of struggle against such barbarity, western men have retrained their guns on their own women ….This is the reason why the female struggle against Western patriarchy has gained steam…Western men trained their guns on their own women after Obama became president and Western men realized that they may not be able to oppress previously dispossesed coloured men so brazenly anymore…so they brought that oppression into their own homes, own kitchen and own bedrooms
I learned from a Seinfeld episode that celibacy makes women stupider and men smarter.
I can’t believe that was not correct!
Worldview. Shattered.
Wait a minute, it’s Obama’s fault that men oppress Women?
Just when I was getting tired of this one, he found a way to entertain.
Then explain why nuns don’t rule the world.
@weirwood treehugger: chief manatee
I entreat you not to obfuscate my words..
Western men were oppressing us African Blacks,Asian Blacks,Jews,Coloured people in a genocidal manner for a few centuries
But we fought back..and in the end managed to put Obama in charge.
Respected Godmother of Ours,Oprah, was critical for this..She wisely chose to endorse a black man over a western woman as President..Knowing the depredations the black man had to suffer at the hands of the western woman
After Obama became leader, western men innately understood that they could not be so brazen in oppression of the coloured people anymore..though they still pushed their luck in complete inhumane police shootings
The genocidal nature of the Western man had to find an outlet, so the western man retrained his gun towards western women and away from coloured people ..Western men brought the oppression from the streets into their own homes, kitchen and bedrooms…attacking the very people who made their home and hearth
That’s why Trump became leader..it was a western backlash to renormalize oppression
This is why Western women erupted in defiance in the Metoo movement…They were put in a pressure cooker situation by the WesternMan since the election of Obama..and then they said no more
Hope that clears up any confusion
many nuns still engage in a lot of masturbation…several times a month and year..especially young nuns ….this has been widely recorded in the electronic journal of human sexuality
And eventhough older nuns may not masturbate, semen retention or sexual energy retention becomes irrelevant after the age of 50..your base body vitality goes down ..at the latest unbroken celibacy should be started before the 40th birthday for both men and women…so that the unbroken celibacy decade comes to an end before the 50th birthday
Hey; speak for yourself mate!
I think I have said what is needed to be said from my side..If anyone of you have any queries I am ready to answer a last round of questions till tomorrow , after which I take permanent leave of this forum
You all have been courteous, welcoming and wonderful..Thank you for that
@Alan Robertshaw
It absolutely does go down..that’s the truth..why there are no above 50 heavyweight boxing champion or heavyweight UFC champion in history?
I have questions about everything Mr SR is saying.
First how exactly does sexual energy work? Where does it come from and why does not masturbating give you more of it. The energy that powers our bodies comes from the food we eat for example, but not exercising doesn’t give us more, it makes you weaker and less healthy. Even if I believed thay sexual energy was a thing why would not getting rid of excess sexual energy be any different?
“I personally don’t feel any energy is lost by fem menstruation, as I feel energy is stored through abstention from orgasm…”
Too bad physics and biology don’t give a shit what you feel!!
This. As an endometriosis sufferer, so this.
Within the error bars I think.
Foreman dedicated his upset win to “all my buddies in the nursing home and all the guys in jail.”
And anyway, I was talking about me.