By David Futrelle
Spare a thought, this Valentine’s Day, for the ones who suffer the most during this celebration of love and candy and consumerism — the Men’s Rights Activists, shaken to their very core by a holiday in which women get jewelry and flowers from beleaguered men who want nothing more than some top quality nookie in return but can’t even get a hand job because all women are bitches, or something.
Anyway, they have a lot to say about it.

Yes, that’s right, they’re mad that that a private charity in Toronto is giving Valentine’s day care packages to women and children in domestic violence shelters.
Happily, one creative Men’s Rights Redditor thinks he has a solution to all this misandry: a new government commission tasked with making sure men get their money’s worth out of Valentine’s Day and, indeed, every other day in which they are in relationships with selfish bitch ladies. As TC1827 laments, V-Day
should be gender neutral but has become all about women. Personally, I think there ought to be government commissions to examine relationships to ensure that each party is getting a fair deal. Men are not ATMs, Men and Women need to realize that.
Somehow I don’t see that happening any time soon. But it does sound like a good premise for the world’s worst rom-com.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Men aren’t ATMs? Then where have I been putting my card all these years?
ATM references are beginning to look dated, I think, due to the rise of cashless transactions. I think I used an ATM only once in the past 12 months.
To paraphrase Rebecca Watson: I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th, I celebrate Discount Chocolate Day on the 15th ?
The 14th is Discount Chocolate Eve, as my son says. 🙂