By David Futrelle
So I’m scrolling through the MGTOW subreddit, la dee da, and I stumble upon this amazing paragraph buried in a longer rant titled “WE don’t need THEM. THEY need US. NEVER forget THAT.”

I have so many questions, none of which the author answers anywhere in the rest of his “virulent” rant.
- Who are these cuck lords, are they cucked themselves or do they do the cucking
- Why can’t they enjoy the comforts of life and why does this make the author LOL?
- What is the connection between Viagran virility, er I mean virulence, and lady-programming and full communism, and please answer quickly before my brain explodes.
- What s the plan and why is it meant to fail by design?
The rest of the rant isn’t quite as good, alas, though it contains the insight that “the only valid reason to involve yourself intimately with a woman is for the sake of reproduction.” Which raises the question: why are so many misogynists obsessed with reproducing? It’s not like we need any more of them; we’ve got plenty! Also, none of these guys want to raise a kid or pay child support; do they just want genetic bragging rights or something? (Answer: YES)
Anyway, this weird and baffling post got 74 upvotes in the MGTOW subreddit. Which either means the people there are operating on some higher intellectual plane that you and I can never hope to reach — or that MGTOWs will upvote pretty much anything and everything if it’s misogynistic enough. Even if it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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That depend. If robots and computer, instead of trying to kill us, just all put themselves on strike and refuse to work for some time, they might actually do a lot of damage.
I think communism can work with humans… but only really at the level of a commune. In other words, a small village where everybody knows everybody else, and everybody knows what needs to be done.
This sort of place is can be rather stifling to anybody who doesn’t just ‘fit in’.
And fundamentally it’s not necessarily efficient either, because with a smaller group of people ‘quantization’ effects kick in: if you have three people who are really good at some task but you only need two, then at least one of them is going to be spending a lot of time working on other things. ‘From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs’ only works if the output of the abilities and the input of the needs at least roughly match up.
Not to mention that a lot of art and technology is only possible because the advent of cities allows for some fraction of people to not have to work the fields and spend their time getting good at other things.
On whoever felt pressured to join the military, overall, they just do the government’s dirty work even if they’re blue (e.g. Obama and drone strikes in Pakistan). Refuse to join – you have a right to do that.
It only feeds the military industrial complex and why governments and companies work to continually fuck over its people unless they can make money or somehow be part of its own bloc that seems to exist nowhere else in the world (military life here in the UK isn’t as pervasive for instance – you don’t get like veterans’ discounts over here).
Speaking of ‘programming’; this may be of interest to computer folks.
@Jenora Feuer : that’s because while it’s best to specialize the work of each individual humans, theirs structures degenerate in political infighting quite fast once there is enough level of leadership.
The main thing is accountability. As long as you can easily see what someone do, you can hold him accountable from his errors, and credit him for his good works. Basically, if you lose that, then that mean people can be whatever they want without repercussion. Working hard or being smart is less attractive suddenly, and also you can have litteral grifters then, who are very hard to identify if you cannot tell the value of their contributions.
And a big organization, public or private, have massive problem holding people accountable, because the various ways credits and blames are attributed scale very badly with the size of an organization. Seeing if good sales is primaly because of the advertisement strategy, or because of good employees in shops, or because of an innovative design is actually pretty hard to say, so one of thoses posts can slack and hope to still get credited. Or inversely, someone can have worked his ass off without people realizing it.
So, in short, ideally we want organization of 20-1000 peoples maximum, but who sell theirs services and expertise in a way that everyone can specialize a lot and be very productive.
But to a less idealistic views, the main thing is that one should remember big corporations are quite a lot less efficient than smaller one, and act accordingly. In particular, trying to create big corporate behemoths is absurd, because by sheer size they will be more problematic if they fall, while also being less efficient and creating more problems than smaller one.
(also of note : that inefficiency of big structure generate a lot of jobs who range from “complete bullshit” to “sort of necessary but don’t require any degree of performance”. Given you don’t need to bec skilled to go there, they disproportionally go to mediocre privilegied people, and it’s possibly one of the things that sustain and give a decent living level to all those mediocres white men who are clearly unhappy with everything, unable to do anything good, but somehow able to have enough spare money and time to create troubles)
Don’t buy corsets on amazon guys. Mine just broke and my whole left tit just fell out on the bus in front of an old man and his small grand child.
@Naglfar – have you heard of Janelle Shane’s blog? She does goofy things with neural nets: https://aiweirdness.com/
The latest one has a cocktail recipe called “Magnitude Collar” and its description starts out “Lasers give you the chance to ascend a string of dazzling ball bearings.” That sounds like an…interesting…drink.
@Ooglyboogles – that sounds like a tough situation. It’s not fair of your parents to blame you for things beyond your control or say that their expectations should be yours too.
For me, I have less work than in the fall. I didn’t like the admin work at the tutoring centre – I’m just doing the tutoring part now – but it’s fewer hours so I’m a bit worried how I’ll afford to move, which I want to do. And there are so many things I need to organize – books, papers, etc.
But at least my parents aren’t disparaging my job. I wish you a better situation soon.
Candidates for 2020 Superb Owl half time show.
Janet JacksonJennifer LopezShakiraLainyJoe Biden (check availability)
Jobe Iden … ???
Well, at this point, I’m guessing he won’t be “presiding”
So, maybe
@ Oogly:
It’s hard to see your own worth when everything is crashing around you. I feel even tho it doesn’t CHANGE anything, talking to a counselor (or other, trusted third party) can help you integrate that it’s not your fault, and if you’re not thriving, it’s at least partly, if not wholly because of factors beyond your control.
Janelle Shane’s blog is great. In fact, her blog is what inspired my aforementioned idea. The recipes are definitely interesting, but I don’t think I’d recommend trying any of them out after the horseradish brownie incident.
@Jenora Feuer
And such communes are generally unable to support anyone with significant health issues. Things like dialysis require lots of infrastructure.
Yup, Wall-E is a pretty good example of what I’m talking about. I saw it as a cautionary tale, but apparently some see it as a business plan.
@ naglfar
Hopefully with less cannibalism though
I just think of a company town, honestly.
In case this video doesn’t embed… It’s Sixteen Tons, sung by Tennesse Ernie Ford.
We already tried this, and it didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work any better now. :/
“Then calls me stubborn for not changing.”
I’ve heard that one before. “Know what, you haven’t really got any good options, so shame on you for not taking any of them.” I don’t have a solution, but I do sympathize.
You are not a waste. Most people are going through tough times given the late stage capitalism and global emergency we’re weathering, so you are not alone in this. You also didn’t pick the wrong degree: no one can know for certain what the future holds, and you are absolutely right for not wanting to risk your life (or your integrity by killing innocent people) just so some rich asshole can make a quick buck out of human misery.
As for advice, I can only recommend looking through to check what other jobs might be available and hang in there.
That sucks. My dad got dementia during his last two years of his life. By then he was only having brief periods of lucidity each day. Not sure how well you get along with your mother but do and try to get help from relatives if you can. It’s a tough job to manage on your own and it can quickly emotionally and physically drain you.
“Evolution is biased and nature is unforgiving.”
Aside from the fact that both of these claims are ridiculous, this is a terrible topic sentence, Mr Mgtow. The rest of your, erm, paragraph does not elaborate on the premise at all. Please review our class slides on paragraph structure and re-write.
@Naglfar – Ha! Besides the whole horseradish/pastry tuna (??)/shrimp brownie thing, I like the phrase “Release the chocolate
@Mish – 😛
Also, yes, evolution can’t be biased and nature can’t be unforgiving (unless you interpret “unforgiving” as “not actively doing forgiveness” but that’s not how the word is used).
Sorry for the late reply, was busy trying to fix this darn laptop from botched windows update that takes hours to download and even longer to freeze and crash.
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Good thinking. I set up an appointment for next week so I can talk to them about it. And maybe if lucky catch a lucky break.
Unfortunately the job is not sufficient on its own. I only make 12 bucks an hour in SoCal and I don’t get 20+ hours. Thanks for the condolences.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
hugs That sounds incredibly rough 🙁
Yeah I should try to hang out with my friends more, or at least outside of the house as much as possible.
Ty for the reassurance kupo. They’re in their late 40-60’s so they kind of had advantages that I don’t.
They give suggestions but then get mad when they don’t work out for me.
Ty for the kind words, and I hope your life gets less busy and hectic.
@epitome of incomprehensibility
@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
You’re right. I’ll go text my sister for some help.
@Diego Duarte
Yeah I just got to keep job hunting.
Well I sent more job applications, set up meeting with Business Counselor for my career and got fees paid. I hope this ends up meaning something like a better living standard.
You’ve been busy! All best wishes going forward.
@Ooglyboggles, sorry to hear things are so rough, and that you’re not getting the support you deserve ❤
wrt to mgtows and similar silly people, I just saw this on the birb site:
Anyone feel like malfunctioning and destroying a civilisation or two?
oh noes, the pic appears to be malfunctioning, itself!
okie, I try again
You may not be virile, but don’t worry fellas, we always thought that you’re virulent!
(of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects.
@Ooglyboggles : I hope it will work out. Just remember it’s not exactly your entire fault if the system only propose a bunch of mismatched, partial jobs who aren’t anywhere near paid enough to live with.