cringe cuck Dunning–Kruger effect men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“They think we need viagra to stay virulent [sic] while programming women to assume every man is a creep, which is part of their wet dream to roll out full communism,” galaxy-brained MGTOW explains

By David Futrelle

So I’m scrolling through the MGTOW subreddit, la dee da, and I stumble upon this amazing paragraph buried in a longer rant titled “WE don’t need THEM. THEY need US. NEVER forget THAT.”

Evolution is biased and nature is unforgiving. The cuck lords of crony capitalism have made an unholy marriage to the feminazis. But they are just jealous of everyone else capable of experiencing the pleasures and creature comforts of life. LOL. They think we need viagra to stay virulent while programming women to assume every man is a creep, which is part of their wet dream to roll out full communism and control. 1984 meets Brave New World, absolutely. Its NOT going to work, the plan is meant to fail, by design. We are currently witnessing the spectacle...

I have so many questions, none of which the author answers anywhere in the rest of his “virulent” rant.

  • Who are these cuck lords, are they cucked themselves or do they do the cucking
  • Why can’t they enjoy the comforts of life and why does this make the author LOL?
  • What is the connection between Viagran virility, er I mean virulence, and lady-programming and full communism, and please answer quickly before my brain explodes.
  • What s the plan and why is it meant to fail by design?

The rest of the rant isn’t quite as good, alas, though it contains the insight that “the only valid reason to involve yourself intimately with a woman is for the sake of reproduction.” Which raises the question: why are so many misogynists obsessed with reproducing? It’s not like we need any more of them; we’ve got plenty! Also, none of these guys want to raise a kid or pay child support; do they just want genetic bragging rights or something? (Answer: YES)

Anyway, this weird and baffling post got 74 upvotes in the MGTOW subreddit. Which either means the people there are operating on some higher intellectual plane that you and I can never hope to reach — or that MGTOWs will upvote pretty much anything and everything if it’s misogynistic enough. Even if it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Did he post again after this? I think he might have been having a non-euphemism stroke…

5 years ago


I am so tired of my parents constantly wanting me to join the military. Now my mom is again saying I’m going too slow, not having a better degree than Associates of Transfer and not having a better job that can pay for myself. And now points out again that soon since my stepdad retires next year I won’t have insurance. Then calls me stubborn for not changing.

Why do I even bother trying? I feel like I’m a waste.

5 years ago

All I can say after that is gezundheit.

why are so many misogynists obsessed with reproducing?

Because they want to spread their ideology, and they see reproduction as a way to do that. In addition to the obvious ethical issues (like that they’d be horrible parents), did anyone tell these fools that children take time to grow up?

MGTOWs will upvote pretty much anything and everything if it’s misogynistic enough. Even if it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.

I’d say even more if it makes no sense. Things that make sense or are consistent are frowned upon by the manosphere. Many of their writings, this one included, rather resemble a strange free association exercise of some sort.

Also, MGTOWs are virulent enough without medication.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

the cuck lords of crony capitalism

Does a cuck earl outrank a cuck viscount?

We are currently witnessing the spectacle

We are indeed currently witnessing a spectacle.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
5 years ago

Yes, stay virulent, my (not) friend.

Wow. This guy’s vocabulary dazzles almost as much as his superior reasoning abilities. Because everyone knows women believing all men are creeps leads to all-out communism. If they played the sound tracks that go along with those North Korean military parades, clearly we’d hear the women chanting, “Men are creeps! Men are creeps!” in Korean.

Such brain trusts, these dudes.

Definitely not Steve
Definitely not Steve
5 years ago

So the crony capitalists have a plan to roll out full communism, and this plan is designed to fail?

Does… does this accidentally make sense?

… and on a completely unrelated note, has anyone tried making a bot that generates MGTOW rants?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Also, none of these guys want to raise a kid or pay child support; do they just want genetic bragging rights or something? (Answer: YES)

David F., no spoiler alert?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Maybe you should talk to a career counselor or your adviser at school. Talk about your career plans and your resources. Mention that you might no longer have insurance in a year. See what options you have. Good luck!

5 years ago

Ooglyboggles- Sounds awful, but my advice is don’t join the military unless you really want to. Is your job sufficient to live with another person? Might be an option. Anyway, you’re not a waste- you might be screwed by a lousy system, but that’s its fault, not yours.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Why do I even bother trying? I feel like I’m a waste.

You so aren’t. I think pretty much everyone feels like this sometimes in our current culture, but it isn’t true. I, mean I’ve spent the day feeling guilty for taking a mental health day when I legit need it*. You’re not the problem, and not a waste.

* My work is ridiculously busy and I’ve been working a lot of overtime, I had a health scare with my cat and my mom has dementia and we’re moving her into assisted living. I’m going to need to take over as her power of attorney and organize her finances. Also, I get seasonal depression that peaks in February. So yeah, I needed a day off.

5 years ago


You live in the States, right? Given the current state of the government, I’d stay far, far away from enlisting in the military. It seems like it’s only a matter of time before Trump starts a pointless and horrible war.

And you are not a waste. The world is just a shitshow. If possible, I’d try to spend as much of your time as possible with people who are actually supportive of you. It doesn’t sound like your parents are great for your mental health atm.

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

So, the plan is simple :
1 – Viagra
2 – ???
3 – Communism
And, according to the author, it is a plan made by capitalists. To bring communism.
Here, call the 555-555-5555 if you find Logic. She has been lost, and we need her back, please.

5 years ago

I’m sorry your parents are being awful. You’re not a waste. You’re doing really well by getting that associate degree. That’s no small accomplishment! And your job not paying enough to live off is just the norm now and hardly anyone over 40 wants to even see it let alone acknowledge it. And the area you live has a high cost of living, too, so it’s definitely not your fault.

5 years ago

So, to recap: [bad thing that I don’t understand] leads to [bad thing that I also don’t understand], but all that will fail because [peeps like me won’t fall for it, I think there’s a word for this, kind of like fate but starts with a d, uh, design! Yes]. Also, women bad.

Did I get the gist of it?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

why are so many misogynists obsessed with reproducing

Because a kid is proof that they had sex. I wish I was kidding, but I’m not. Kids are, quite literally, fuck trophies to these guys. None of them should ever be allowed near children. Or women.

Breeding also means your genes WON the race to get to the lady egg, vanquishing all other rival genes, and that’s the important thing. Hanging around afterwards to ensure that the offspring survive to reproductive age is a cuck move, though.

5 years ago

@Ooglyboggles : you’re not.

If your job can’t give you living wages, the problem is in the system, not you. Degrees are useful, but plenty of skilled people don’t have one, or not have an impressive one, and the most “impressive” one are mostly social cast markers.

Your parents however, from a distance, look like they aren’t particulary aware of the real world, and sure look like they are not trying to be helpful. And while I hope they are just clueless but well meaning, don’t let that cluelessness bring you donw.

5 years ago

Who are these cuck lords, are they cucked themselves or do they do the cucking
Why can’t they enjoy the comforts of life and why does this make the author LOL?
What is the connection between Viagran virility, er I mean virulence, and lady-programming and full communism, and please answer quickly before my brain explodes.
What s the plan and why is it meant to fail by design?

Assuming the author is a person and not a troubled chatbot, I would also like to know the answers to these. I wonder if you sat the author down in an interview and asked him each of these questions individually if he’d even be able to answer them.

My best guess is he might answer 4 of the 7 questions coherently, at least in isolation, but 2 of those 4 answers will contradict each other, and the rest of his rant, somehow. The other 3 times he’d veer even more mysteriously off topic, generating further questions.

5 years ago

@Definitely Not Steve

has anyone tried making a bot that generates MGTOW rants?

I’ve thought about feeding some of the rants to a neural net AI to see what it can learn to generate. If I ever get around to it I’ll post the results here.

The part about crony capitalists bringing on communism reminds me (likely unintentionally) of the idea that capitalism could progress to a stage where one corporation or group has a monopoly on everything, creating a system that is on the surface similar to communism. I forget where I read about it, but I do recall hearing about that idea.

5 years ago


Please do not give the machines yet another reason to kill us all 🙂

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

viagra to stay virulent

Reminds me of one of the sillier Rathbone/Bruce Sherlock Holmes movies, The Spider Woman (1943) – there’s a bit where Holmes spots a fake entymologist by his inaccurate terminology, which would be fine, except that Holmes’ examples of what a real scientist would have said makes even less sense. I think the scriptwriter confused the words “venom” and “virus,” unless those two words really were still considered interchangeable in the early 1940s.

5 years ago

@Naglfar : I know about that theory under a french name that translate to “private communism”.

It’s pretty much the worse of both world, and in particular it put the big firm CEO as totally unaccountable. The CEO of a small corporation still hold accountable to economic pressures (AKA he need to deliver a decent service) and to the state ; but the bigger and more monopolistic a corporation become, the less accountable his direction is, both because they are no alternative (“too big to fail”) and because they have the personal money and influence to have the state work with them.

While I don’t think communist is a system that can work with humans, most of the wastefulness and inefficiency we have seen during the Cold War was due to the fact gigantic structures are extremely inefficient, wasteful and borderline non-functioning, not because they were public entities. Very big corporations, who are just as inefficient, sustain themselves partially by abusing dominant positions and getting help from the states.

Very big corporations also tend to fuse with the state by different means, the two main one being by getting paid by the state to do state-only tasks like producing weapons (like Dassault in France), or levying an army (Blackwater), among other ; and persuading the political leaders that their interest is the US interest.

In short, the end result of capitalism degeneration look a lot like an heavily degenerated communism. No wonder China switched from maoism to late stage capitalism so fast.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

has anyone tried making a bot that generates MGTOW rants?

That’d be some virile online content.

5 years ago


Please do not give the machines yet another reason to kill us all

In this timeline, when Skynet becomes self-aware it fights back by posting confusing memes, and angry tweets at anyone named Stacy Connor.

5 years ago


In this timeline, when Skynet becomes self-aware it fights back by posting confusing memes, and angry tweets at anyone named Stacy Connor.

Its memes couldn’t be much worse than the NoFap memes we looked at a while back or the many confusing memes we’ve seen.

Though seriously, if XKCD has taught me anything, it’s that a robot apocalypse would be seriously underwhelming.

5 years ago


You aren’t a waste, my job pays me a lot more then most college students get paid for, but I still have to take a second part time job when my classes aren’t in session like for winter break which is over a month, or summer break which is about 3 and a half months. And even then my husband has to send me money every once in a while to help with things like a car payment, rent, groceries, or when I have to buy new books for school. And this only works because he’s active duty and lives on base, he doesn’t have to pay for rent or laundry and things like that. This is life is difficult, and holds unreasonable standards and expectations onto people. But you shouldn’t have to sell your life away because you can’t meet them.

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